The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 02, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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A Supposition
If the chance of investing
a few hundred dollars with
the certainty of realizing a
handsome profit were to be
offered to you today would
you be in a position to ac
cept it
At the rate you are saving your
money now will you ever be able
to accept the offer If not had
nt you better realize that NOW
is the time to make a start toward
accumulating something We
are pleased to offer you our facil
ities toward that end
P Walsh President
C F Lehs V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Shriners From the North
A special train of eleven cars
bearing Shriners for the Los Aug
eles gathering passed thru Mc
Gook Tuesday night about nine
oclock bound for the coast The
special was made up cl Shriners
from Saint Paul and Minneapo
lis Minn and Winnipeg Canada
and a gay bunch were they The
train remained here several minu
tes for change cf engine and of
craw and Shriners made good
use of the opportunity to get out
of itlie cars and stretch themselv
es The Kanuek contingent car
ries a hagpipe and drum band of
adozen -or more with them and
they enlivened and inspirited the
occasion with a lively march up
and down platform for several
minutesmany Shriners joining in
the parade Quit a number of
the members of Seso tris shrine
living here went tfco the train and
enjoyed meeting the brethren
from the Xorth
Indian Suits 65c
Fringed jacket and leggins
feathered war bonnet made cf
buck colored washable khaki triir
med with indelible red fringe
Dont make the boy tease get
him one first The Thompson
D G Co Utmost value
For Sale
Residence property at 60 1 3d
street west at a bargain Lawn
21 fruit trees newly painted
built 2 vears Phcne black 213
All kinds of fruit and shade
trees for safe at the Greenhouse
Phone red 214
Seed corn The Updike Grain
arid Coal Co S S Garvey man
ager Phone 169
MeMillen Prescription Drug
Buy garden field and flower
seeds from II P Waite Co
The Dorcas societies of the
Congregational church will serve
supper at the Morris building on
Saturday May 4th
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Frunished rooms
401 E 2nd street 25 4ts
FOR SALE Horse harness
and wagon Call Polk Bros 118
West B t Phone 48
lfJOO lb work horse Gentle and
not afraid of autos or train Me
Cook Bottling Works
FOR SALE Rhode Island
Red and White Wyandotte ejggs
50e a setting Mrs W N Rog
ers R F P No L T 2ts
Houses for rent hy J E JSiel
ley phone 6 3 room furnished
cottaige close in lawn and shade
12 sw
FkR SALE High grade din
ing table and chairs Mrs Alvin
B Scott Walsh block 29sAV 2ts
and knew
ficd with
on the wall
paper Avhich is sure to pi
cur portfolio cf color ch
Seed corn for sale Updike S
Garvey manager Phone 169
Baccalaureate Sermon
The baccalaureate sermon will
be preached in the Methodist
church Sunday evening May 12
by Rev L E Lewis
Not a Good Practice
It is not a good practice to use
the public read when you seour
your ilaws etc Make use
of some land not used for roads
Contrary to Law
To threw dead animals chick
ens etc on the public roads and
highways is contrary to law It
is not conducive to health and
is besides offensive Dont do it
Bury them
To Correspondents
The Tribune beinpr resrularly
printed on Mondays and Thurs
days would be pleased to have
items mailed for both issues by
our regular correspondents over
the county Items from any
source wall be appreciated
Visited Bartley Brethren
Messrs R J Gunn A N Line
burir C D Ritchie Ilenrv Best
Ed Phelps E F Osborn and F
L Wolff of MeCook lodge visiited
the Bartley Masonic brethren
last night when a third decree
was exemplified and refresh
ments afterwards enjoyed by the
lodge and visiting brethren who
returned home on a late train
same najrht
Before you buy your wall pa
per be sure to inspect our stock
that you will be1
tlie paper after it is
We have
i stock of
ase and
mcs wil
give you many new ideas lor ciec
orateng any of your rooms We
can perforate your borders as
you like many of which add a
charm to the room Especially
appropriate for the bed room dii
inir room living -room or parlor
Lw McCONNELL Druggist
Automobile Tourists
Two automobiles loaded with
eight tourists pulled in from Den
ver Monday remaining hew over
night The party had been spend
ing the winter in California and
were en route home to Michigan
Their cars had been shipped
frcm California to Denver and
they were making the rest of the
trip by cars L C Walker and
ladies occupied a 45 h p
Oldsmcbile and M II Poa
ell and ladies a 48 h p Lozier
They drove on east Tuesday
morning Each car had a colored
Death of Mrs George Dack
After an acute illness of a few
days Mrs George Dack passed
away Tuesday of this week at
the farm southwest of this city
known as the John W Jones
Nellie Swartz was born Aug
ust 3 1S92 Died April 30 1912
Was married to George Dack en
October 7 190S She is survived
by her husband and two small
Services were conducted at the
farm home Wednesday afternoon
by Rev L E Lewis many r3jgh
bors and friends attending in
sympathy and cstnaiuifttr which
the remains were brought to Mc
Cook and interment made in Riv
erview cemetery
The young husband and tlli3 rel
atives have very tender sympathy
in their lossLand sorrow
Don t fail to got prase on our
Avail papers It will pay you
Al McMTLLEN Druggist
Ribbons for amy typewriters
all the colors different widths
F M Kimmell
ARE MADE CLEAN of the fin
est leaf the soil produces
Buy garden jfield and flower
seeds from H P Waite Co
CTGARS All dealers of course
F L Wolff went to Lincoln to
day on legal business
Thursday Evening Edition
Mothers Day May 12th
To the people of McCook
Sunday May 12th has been
set apart by the people of this
country as Mothers Day every
person to wear on that day a
flower in honor of his mother
and I have Jbeen requested to
ask for general compliance with
the suggestion
Therefore in pursuance of this
request and as mayor of the city
I hereby recommend that by gen
eral consent SundayMay 121912
be set apart as Mothers Day and
on that day every man woman
and boy in the city and every vis
iton within ciur gates wear a flow
er in honor of his mother
I suggest that the day be made
a special occasion for sending
flowers to the invalids in McCook
homes to the siek in hospitals
and to the orphans in public and
denominational institutions
It is eminently fitting that in
this as in other worthy move
ments MeCook take -the lead
A Capital Sntence
This is -a gem of English de
scription dug ciut cf an English
newspaper by Richard V Oulo
han the chief foivign correspond
ent cf the New York Sun
Just as the sun rose to flood
England with glorious life giving
light giving cheer to thousands
of workers who rose in the cold
gray dawn James Ilaekett forty
two a laborer for the murder of
his wife Jane Ilaekett
i barmad at the Rosv and
on the twentv seventh of
last month under particularly dis
tressmg circumstance to wit
in which the unfortunate woman
was strangled by her drunken
husband paid the extreme penal
ty for bis erimenamely death
For the best kept and most ar
tistically arranged lawn and ter
race during this season com
mencing on June 1st and ending
October 1st The amount will be
divided in seven prizes First
Vio Jml 1U5 and five prizes of
5 each Parlies desiring to en
ter the contest will please notify
I L Rcdstrom by postal card on
or before June 1st Only private
individuals and properties are
included in this competition
Chairman Park Board
Musnt Kick Our Hat
its the Stetson hat the best of
all hats the hat that other mak
ers aspire to approach but none
pretends to make as good We
sell them for 369 saving you at
least 81 cents The Thompson D
G Co Utmost Value
Cherry Trees
i You ought to see the size and
quality of our cherry trees at the
Greenhouse Phone red 214
Corn Updike Grain and Coal
Co S S Garvey manager
Phone 169
R D Rodgers went up to tli3
arm near Wray Tuesday
The Burlington crop report
the McCook division at SS
cent condition
Colonel Joe Teeters is up from
Lincoln for the Aveek He will
leave SundajT for Milfiord Avher
he Avill assume charge as com
mandant Monday
If you once use the Lincoln Cli
matic Mixed Paint you Avill nrot
try any other Made1 especially
for this climate
A MeMILLEN Druggist
For Real Estate Loans
Large or Small
Call on C F Lehn
Best by test For sale 6nly at
5- i - r
Teachers Examination
A teachers examination will be
held in McCook Friday and Sat
urday May 17th and ISth
seed for sale Updike Grain and
Coal Co S S Garvey manager
Phone 169
At the Greenhouse
Walk over to the greenhouses
any time and see our trees rose
bushes shrubs small fruit and
Large Smyrna Rugs 125
Also Brussels Bugs 200 and
velvet rugs from 150 to 300
See ns before the money is paid
out The Thompson D G Co Ut
most value
Defeated Stratton
In the game of baseball yester
tween the McCook and Stratton
Ingh school teams McCook had
the long end of the debate The
score was 12 to o Thus was the
postponed game of last week
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards -will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
will quote you prices Satisfaction
Abstract Republican Votes
In this issue The Tribune is
able to give a complete abstract
of the Republican votes cast in
the primary election of April 19
The abstract of the Democratic
and scattering votes wilL be
en in Mondays Tribune
D L Wolfe Drags
C R Livingston made an auto
drive to Cambridge on Tuesday
morning and reports the best
mile of road on the drive as be
ing just west cf Bartley where
D L Wolfe had dragged the
road for a mile along his farm
Mr Wolfe thought that more
farmers would drag the roads if
the county commissioners would
The Sherwin Williams Paint Is
a True Preservative
The moment undu moisture in
vadca weed brick or stone di
tcireoraticn sets in Your house
your barn and your fences all
nod protection a good firm
coating ithat will keip out damp
ness a rd its attendant evils Yen
cant really protect an indoor or
outdoor surface with thin weak
paint an3r more than you can
protect them with a layer cf
wet paiper You eentainly cant
expect attractiveness frcm paint
that has a dirty Avashed out ap
peaittnci after it is drv Remove
all doubt by using S W Paiint
McCONNELL Druggist
Washington April 80 The
Barnhart bill to compel all newspapers-
magazines and periodicals
to print the name of their man
aging editors owners and all
Sitock holders Avas attached to fthc
post off ice apprcpriaticm bill in
tlio house tcdiy It Avaa amend
ed -to make thh obligatory on
newspapers one day of each Aveek
The amendment Avas agreed to by
a vote of 72 to 32 Another r
quircment cf the bVl 53 tlntt
paid editorial matter must
markrcl ps an advertVi
McConnell for drugs
Chas F Lchn has sold his two
brick store rooms en Main aAenu
lots 9 and 10 block 22 fo P
Walsh Consideration 15000
And the residence property on
Main avenue ait corner of F
street to Mrs A L Knowland
for 3000
McConnell fills prescriptions
Come to the Cfounty Fair Satur
day evening Admission 10c
Kodaks and kodak supplies
McCONNELL Druggist
Buy garden field and floAver
seeds from II P Waite Co
Numerous attractions at the
County Fair in the Morris build
ing Saturday May 4th
Annual Convocation
The 23rd Annual Convocation
of the Episcopal Church of the
Missionary District of Kearney
wilt begin next Tuesday at North
Platte with a celebration of Holy
Communion at 10 a m in the
Church of Our Saviour The
proceedings will caver four days
Discussions wall take place on va
rious important tonics such as
Materialism and Infidelity
Materialism and Infidelity
SSm - -- -
Uie Missionary Spirit
Church in Alaska The Church
in West Africa Dakota China
Colored Work The Duty of
Priests Toward Labor Problems
t r rA
fct Andrew s Brotherhood
Several delegates will attend
from St Albans church this citv
The Rev Mr Goldsmith will of
ficiate at the Womens United
Auxiliary Communion on Thurs
day morning at 730 A large
company of clergy and laymen
and women will be present and a
number important speakers will
take part in the proceedings both
local and from a distance
Only One Saloon Open
Since 8 oclock Tuesday night
but one saloon in MeCook has
been in operation that of D P
Clouse of West B strecit As a
result of the remonstrances filed
against the other five and the
appeal taken from the decision of
uic city council m raivor oi is
suing the licenses prayed for the
five saloons have closed and Avill
probably remain closed until the
matter is adjudicated in district
court Avhich opens its May sessior
in McCook next Monday morn
ing the 6th instant
Besides the Clouse oasis Iigav
ever there are enough places
known to the Avise Avhere liquid
refreshments may be secured anc
consequently it is not apprehend
ed that there Avill be any rc jal suf
fering during the brief dry hi
at us
Fire Dept Meeting
The mayor and fire committee
met last night Avith the
hera of the fire deinartmeJit nmlioo t
- iui nun
matters connected Avith the avv
fare and efficiency of it he depart
ment Aveiu e d iacu3Sd Avith har
monious interest and result aiv
S R Smith came ivp from Indi
anola last night on business of
the law
John J Strunk of Indianola vis
ited this oasis Wednesday on
L R Hileman of DenA er Avas
a passenger on 13 Tuesday for
the Avest
Mr Shaw aa Iio has been em
ployed in Percy Bell s shon left
The on Tuesday for Omaha to AAork
Dr Murphy of Arapahoe Avas a
city visitor going home
on 14 ne is a brother of 3Irs
Robert Burns
Gordon Hartman Avas operated
upon in an Omaha hospital yes
terday by Dr B B Davis and
his condition is reported as favor
J E Xelms departed Tuesday
evening on No 10 for Baders
Illinois being called there by the
death of a brother Avhose funeral
occurred on May 2nd
Encs Rishel Avent down to Be
atrice Monday night on 14 on
real estate business He form
erly resided m Gage county
Avhere he GAvns farm property
Miss Edna Waite substituted
for Mrs Mae Douglass during tin
absence of the latter in Oklahoma
where she Avas summoned by the
illness of her mother
Mrs J S Bayne arrived today
from Ivearnev and will he tlm
guest of her son Rev R T
Bayne for sev eral daysgivang her
reminiscences of Lincoln in the
Congregational clmrcli on Sun
day evening
George Pringle of Parks Ne
braska Avas a guest of the V
Franklin family Tuesday return
ing home on Wednesday The
Pninglc s are erecting a fine res
idence on their ranch nar Parks
Mr had an eye on a ncrw
automobile Avbile here too
Mr and Mrs Sylvester Cordeal
departed on Wednesday night foi
Lcs AngelesCalifornia on a visit
cf some length going A ith -the
Shriner special of that eAening
They Avill visit their son Ernest
md expeet to be accompanied at
e of the trine Mr
ard Mrs James Whitcifcrd
ci ii i iTri in ifVttMiii ----- rn ft t v
hmhu vi i bu me c outr reriinonai u orcas so
The new ciluimical ngira is x ietv meets with Mrs C D
pcetd here about Wednesday j Rite hie this afternoon in reeu
next and a representative of thelar session
manulaeturcr aviII also be present
and avi11 gie a duncnratnation of
til machin The meeting last
evening is described by a mem
ber of the dapartiuient as luming
been ona of the best held in a
long Avhile Avith a liA ely and in
telligent interest an the better
ment -of the department
Jon s Murder Trial
Mrs J II Korf and Mrs E
A Phillippi entertained- the Bap
tist ladies this afternoon at tlic
hcime cf Mrs J II Korf in the
usual sociable manner
The Entre Nous club Avas enter
taiined at the heme cf -Mrs F C
Runncs Tuesday afternoon Mrs
Deere and Mrs Ilouse asfiistinir
C D Ritchie Avas in Imncrial the hostess in th e affair Dain
last of the Aveek at district
court He reports the Jones mur
der trial is again before the
count hut the matter being nc
under consideration by Judge
Perry on a motion to dismiss the
iiiit Jones Av as once competed
cf manslaughter but the supreme
count reversed and returned the
case for a ucav trial in district
court The case noAV imolves
the question of the number of
turner a man can be tried for an
Jacket Suits a Third Off
All our fine jacket suits offered
ncAV for two thirds their regular
price This gets you a splendid
all avooI suit Avith silk lining for
667 Yen are invited The
Thompson D G Co Utmost
A alue
Sose Bushes
Call red 2M and inquire about
out rose hushes and fancy orna
mental shrubs
CIGARS All dealers
Buy Avail paper and paint of
McCONNELL Druggist
We are making Aery special
prices for tha next ten days on
our better grade patterns of Avail
A MeMTLLEN Druggist
When inr Hastings visit RIGGS
hoyw good clean healthy cigars
are made You are always wel
ty refreshments Avere served and
fancy Avork occupied the after
Nellie BosAvorth has special rea
son to remember the fact of her
tAvelfth birthday Avhich occurred
on TiiCidiy of this Avoek A jol
ly and happy company of girl
friends helped her to celebrate
event in the afternoon There
Avas music and games and refresh
ments and all the good things
Avhich contribute to pleasure un
der such circumstances
Congregational Morninsr sub
jeet The Peace of the Swdrd
At the service Mrs Julia
Taft Bayne of Kearney will
speak on her Presonal Reminis
cences of Lincoln Mrs Bayne
AA as a little girl in Washington
during Lincolns adminostratioi
and Avas an intimate playmate of
the Lincoln children She is a
Avriter of poetry and historical
articles for the best magazines
On Wednesdaj afternoon from
3 30 to 6 Rosie Ilegenberger en
tertained tAverve of her little
friends at a birthday party The
afternoon AA as spent in playing
games after which a two course
luncheon Avas served She recedA
ed a pretty assortment of gifts
and the little neonle departed
Avishing hex many happy returns
of the day Those present Avene
Haibel Anton Mary Boyle Fran
ces Iwmnels Mayme Mundy Eu
genia and Gertrude Grasmore
Violet Deere Tram Eickard Nel
lie Boswonth Martha Rodgers
and Lena Fallick