f y V Stj ITOWifci I Si I I l jE fit Pa m Conserve Your Energy Transact Business by Telephone Most progressive business and professional men have taken the Bell Telephone into their confidence and have made it an active all in their daily work fcftsrftTnt5 Cttr irT - About ixty crew men handle The ten4 ivA i juipmeni used in the tvrr cr nits cf the Redpath Jlorner Chautauquas These men Hire select 1 from the colleges ane Tiniversiti of the seven states through which the Chautauquas operate There were more than two hun written applications For th - - sixty positions this year McCOOK MACHINERY ND IRON WORKS Machine Work Horse Shoeing Blacksmithing We are aaents for tlie Celebrat id Ford Auto 210 1st st W PJione r d 4o0 X C STOLL CO Jewelers and Opticians Eyes tested anel fitted repairing McCook Xeb Fine -JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co Of fice in Postoffice buileliaig Mc--Cook Nebraska -A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 305 2d st East black 252 Phone C E ELDEED Lavvyer Bonded Abstracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer anel notary in of fice McCook Xeb S P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing ioods of quality Main avenue McCook I The Bell Telephone brings together business men from distant cities It is the mod ern way of traveling There is no delay and the is negligible Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere For expense Eg Telephone Convenience Far Exceeds its Cost 0ff Nebraska Telephone Co ninVrT il aibftWf yV ffsy SOUTH McCOOK J BOX ELDER Sm OV nner has movid to MiiS Lillian Doyle came up the heme t i If sisK r 31 re nom Lincoln last Tuesday and umce Da nil we t 4th street 1 Wlil Meud il month with her par- Mav Chariot and Harrv Iluetfs ellts AvIiC11 she Wl11 enter a hospit al at Omaha to complete her lirUt oar aa e down with the scarlet fever training as a nurse Citv BriutilYl please sell ori Dr- Worth went to Beverly on destroy a building known as the jllmmlav to S e Mr- Younger Methodic chinch of South Me I rhc blisses Jennie and Daisy Cook It a d raee to Our lomLr spent Wednesday night Maker AVim 1 earl uampoeii Mr hvil who hscs becn in ColoiaeJc lor hi- health has re turned llCi Why nt South MeCcok re ceive sevi - i that road work P E Smith ha installtd a gas oline enirlne on hi place for pumping water Why not a water main in South BlcCook for its taxpayers La Dovle spent Wednesday night with Lucy Sexson Rev Fcuteh returned Wednes day from 1he eastern part of the state where he attended district conferene aend visiteerfrineds Orla Dolles took the eighth grade examination last Thuivsday and Friday in McCook rheumatism you will finel nothing better than Chamberlain Lkrnunt Try it and see how quickly it gives relief For sale by all dealers Dr J 0 Bruce lias purchased a Standard Brush Runabout of Mefook Hardware Co which he intends to use in his business The end of last week the Mc Cook Laundry installed a new gasoline engine a six horse pow er machine Chautauqua week is the busiest time and the most eventful week of the year Horsemen Attention I have at your service The Imported Belgian Stallion Ul ric No 30936 state certificate No 1739 weight 1730 color bay The registered French Draft Stallion Bran Ladd No 9537 state certificate No weight 1800 color grey The Mammoth Tack Monarch state certificate No 5323 weight 900 Terms on the above 1250 to insure live colt Also the Trotting Stallion Collector France No 41065 state certificate No 5385 weight 1 1 30 color bay height 15 3 hands Terms 10 to insure live colt These horses and jack will make the season of 19 12 at nry barn formerly Wm Jeffries in McCook Nebr Accidents will be guarded against but I will not be responsible should any occur Parties disposing of mares or re moving from the county will be required to settle at once A share of your patronage is solici ted Loren Andrews Owner Phone 72 Let Us Figure On Your Cement Work Call on or phone the manager He will be glad to come and figure with you McCook Phone Red 196 Cement Stone Co H N Rosebush Manager NO CAUSE TO DOUBT A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee We guarantee immediate and positive relief to all sufferrers from constipation In every case where our remedy fails to do this we will return the money paid 11s for it Thats a frank statement of facts and we want yon to substantiate them a our risk Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like candy are particularly prompt and agreeable in action may be taken at any tune day or night do not cause diarrhoea nausea griping excessive loose ness or other undesirable eifeets They have a very milel but posi tive action upon the organs with which they come dn contact apparently- acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel thus over-coming weakness and aiding to re store the bowels to more vigor ous and healthy activity Rexall Orderlies are unsurpas sable and ideal for the use of children olel folks anel delicate persons We cannot too highly rc eommenel them to all sufferers from any form of constipation and its alndaut evils wliy we back our faith m m with our lvmise cf money ln k if tln y do not entire sji -I action siz0 12 l ibb Is 10 cents 36 tablets 25 cents- and 0 tablet 50 cent Remember you cn obtain Rexall Remedies n Met 00k enly at cm store Tlie iVMiii Pore L W Eggs for Hatching Finest stock in this part of state Barred Plymouth Rock Bradley and Ringlet strains 4c each 250 per 100 Phone ash 1351 Rural No 3 and 4 MRS J W BURTLESS Remember The Tribunes phon is 19 We will appreciate an item any time lfP The monogram on ihe radiator stands foralljou can ask in a moior car On February first the Chalmers Motor Company of Detroit had shipped G7 per cent of its entire output of 1912 cars Nearly all of these cars have now been delivered to buyers Chalmers deal ers have only a few in their show rooms and none in storage This is another Chalmers year Our business is 42 per cent ahead of our biggest previous year Our factory has been running full force day and night all season Wo have run full force in most departments all night as well as all day all through the winter the so called slow season of the automobile business Yet we have not been able to catch up with orders or get a stock of cars ahead for the spring rush In New York city the most critical market and the most competitive in the world wfiore all the cars of all nations are shown the Chalmers leads all com petitors in its price class this year as it has every year since 1908 Our New York dealer ha3 already delivered more cars than he hadjrsold up to April first last year lie has eighty retail orders on his books for spring deliv ery and is taking more every day He recently sent us on one day fifty four orders for immediate shipments More than a million dollars worth of Chalmers cars will bo sold in New York this year In other places Chicago Newark Portland San Francisco New Orleans Columbia S C Dallas Los Angeles and many others the record shows that Chalmers cars have this year outsold all competitors in their price classes in some instances all rivals in all classes There has been keen rivalry all year between Chicago San Francisco and Los Angeles for the honor of leading in Chalmers sales outside New York city Once Chicago led then San Francisco then Los Angeles DANBURY Mrs Jennie Townsend moved into her town property Tuesday Her household gooels were brought across from OberlinIvan sas Burr Ileniton and Miss Yaire Godown were married at Mc Cook on Wednesday by County Jndge iP M Coif er Mrs C W Rogers anel elaugh ter Marguerite were Danburv vis itors Wednesday Cards were sent here to a few relatives of Walter VanVleet an nouncing the marriage of himself to Miss Alice Delong of Norman Oklahoma Earl Decker anel Miss Ilattie Playford were married Wednes day at Oberlin Kansas The young ladies held a linen shower for Mrs Vaire Ilenton on Fniday at Miss Lemon Thomp son s place Prof Frandsen will talk here Saturday May 4th on the Dairy depantment of Experiment sta tion IT JLo J n f sones visitor Saturday and Sunday Mr anel Mrs Roy Partridge of Minelen were visitors here Tues day Harvey Anderson arrived al home Thursday from Kanass City and other eastern paints Ilariey AVoous was in Kansas City for a visit the past weeik The Kansas fish and game car went up Thursday on the passen ger distributing fish from Cedar Blufrs 10 St Francis in the eBav er Why He Was Late What made you so late I met Smithson Well that is no reason why you should be an ihour late get ting home -to supper I know but Ioskefdhim how ho was feeling and lie dnsisted on telLing me about his stomach trouble Did you tell liim rto take Chamberlain s Tablets Sure that ds what die needs Ira Ilorton was an Indianola Sold by all dealers People who have studied home sanitation know that the Plumbing is the most impor tant factor in home kilili When we do your work you make sure that your plumbing will be done right Shop at 408 Main ve Shop Phone 28 Res phone Red 366 N Our Plumbing Saves Worry Perhaps you think that if you dont get a Chalmers you will get some other car But even here you encounter the same difficulty For if there is any other car that offers you as good a buy as a Chalmers the same sales conditions hold true concerning it as hold about the Chalmers cars Besidos if youve made up your mind you want a Chalmers why you want it thats all and you will be disappointed if you dont get it Several other companies are doing a record breaking business this season as we are And if you have made up your mind to have any one of these few leading cars a Chalmers or soma other -then we say place your order Just as soon as you can Co ditions are changing in the automobile business The stronger concerns those building the best value cars are doing more and more of the total volume of business and will continue to do so The best goods and best organizations will always win in the end Five ears from now and it will be much easier than at present to choose an automobile the ones that offer high dollar for dollar value now are the only ones that will be on tl e market then The increassd sale of Ch ilmors cars this year is proof to us that our policies have been right We have built good cars It hasnt been a question first of how many but how good Not a question of how much profit we could make in a year or two but of how we could build a foundation for a business to last many years If you want to buy a car any time this spring order it now Spring is com ing quickly Some of these days soon the sun will shine the air will be warm and enticing You will want to be out and on your way in your new car Therefore order now It takes time for orders to be sent to the factory for On February Sth shipments to be made for freight trains to make their journeys we received orders from Frisco for 43 cars for immediate shipment which again Give yourself a fair chance to have the car you want when you want it put them ahead But the orders are growing close Whether or not you order right now wont make any difference in our total Now why do we print these facts here Simply because wo want buyers to volume of business We can make only so many cars and make them right and realize the actual situation in tho automobile trade and cspacially the actual wo shall not push our production past that point situation regarding Chalmers cars ment later on Thus we may help you avoid a disappoint- A lot of people have made up their minds to buy cars to buy Chalmers cars Yet they delay placing their orders for no other reason apparently than the very human one of putting off today what we think can be left until tomor row What is the result Simply that the cars which should have been shipped to your dealer for you and your friends are shipped elsowherc to some other dealer whose customers were more foresighted In the ond of course this will mean that many people in certain localities who want Chalmers cars wont be able to get them r w These cars will be sold so far as the factory is concerned That is absolute ly certain because we hae only 33 par cent of our output yet to ship So be lieve us what we say that if you want a Chalmers car you should see your deal er and order now Chalmers 30 five passenger touring car four passenger torpedo 81o00 three passenger drive coupe 62000 Chalmers Thirty Six five passenger touring car four passenger torpedo 81SC0 two passenger torpedo roadster 81000 Berlin limousine 3239 Cab Side limousine 3000 Chalmers Forty seven passengea touring car four passenger torpedo 2750 Chalmers Six seven passenger touring car four passenger torpedo 3230 halmers Motor Company Detroit Mich les an Acces NEBR About three hundred persons are employ eel by the Redpath IEorner chautauquas in various ea pacifies in the busy summer months HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Plumbing and ITeating Plans drawn and specifications pre pared Estimates furnished free Basement P 0 Bldg Phone 33 DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 21214 Main ave over MeConn ells drug store Phones Office 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Office Rooms 3 anel 5 Walsh building McCook Phone 112 R H GATEWOOD Dentist Office Room 4 pie MeCookfcTeb Masonic Tem Phone 163 THE TNTERMISSION Magazines and Dailies Off all kinds tre building Kansas City Post Temple Thea 5 cents Week Eggs for Hatching from High j Scoring Prize Winners Barred and White Eock Buff Brown and White Leghorns White and Sliver Laced Wyandottes Black Minorcas White and Buff Orping tons S C Rhode Island Eeds Prices of eggs 150 to 5 per setting according to variety and quality LEBANON POULTRY YARDS Lebanon Nebr SR3SCiaErjSSRBE35T