7 ii r r GRANT A fine rain in this -neighborhood Saturday and Sunday Election day passed off quiet ly here Roosevelt was the favor ite D W Colson insurance man was in this section last Thurs day on business Ji A Hoffman and C A Wesch were MeCook business visitors on Saiburday Tho WicBsh brothers hauled out a load of corn and seed barley from near MeCook last Thursday E J Carfield was in MeCook on business last Saturday Jolm Rowland gave a dance last Saturday evening- Fred AYitite went to Cedar Bluffs Kansas Saturday nighlt The dance announced for Sat urday night over west of us was postponed on account of the weather Henry Weseh has moved onto tlus F NY AVeh raneli for the season J II and C A AVeseh are con tinuing to sow barley and oats n H Dr J i E 3ARTLEY II thorn A L - -- J I ran ii r mnn and rosirjnasrer Sam dark enjoyed a tiqp to Me Cook 1urday afternoon in the elector s auto Went up in an hour and tn minutis Bartiey was strongly represent ed before the meeting of frhe county commissioners in MeCook Tuesday aftrrnoen in the inter est of the contemplated steel hridg cvr the lit publican nivcr at this plae Lack of funds sm3 to b th onlv obstacle to the enterprv at thii time INDIANOLA J Porti u pilot made a flying visit to MeCcck Monday night Ami C Teel went up to Colo rado Tuesdav morning on train No VI W A Dolan -T W Dutcher and J E Ryan nieoi i ay a u o ra c i n Mrs Eugene S butcher visit cd her h uaband thv deputy coun ty clerk in McXcok this week Chas FJicmpson and Arch were in the county sit on lmsinc Tufday Mondav morning Alice Town- B-V-D knit Dolan took the Mrs SON girls m the afternoon in to Baiitley his bile Quite a delegation of Indian cia business men attended the meeting of the county commis sioners in MeCook Tuesday in the interest of the county fair ap propriation Pearl Vandervoort went io Me Cook Tuesday morning to visit fniends and relatives Mrs George Wadley and chil dren stepped off for a few days visit with Mrs Charlie Collings on her way to California where her mother lives Georgia Short visited friends in MeCook a few days last week Little Esther Clutes of Arapa hoe came up for a few days vis it with her grandmother Mrs Stothard The Sun Bonnet club met ait the home of Nina Jones Tuesday afternoon Mrs Burnett and lititle daugh ter of Lincoln spent a few day last week with her sister Mrs Johnson Leon Russell wife and baby n turncd to their home in Bartlcy Monday morning Teels are now nicely loeat id ni their new home and millin eiy store just north of the -printing office Mrs John Puekett visited with Mrs Rossen of Bart ley Tuesday Mrs Chas Pennington and hr daughter Mildred spent Sunday with the Town ley family II W Keyes had legal lm im in county court ait MeCook yes terday Mrs C B Iloag returned last evening from MeCook Her daughter Mrs C B Gray i im proving in health P F D No 1 -T M Phillips Tc eeivtd telegram on Tuesday announcing i the death of her brcither s wale at Hebron She departed on IG itl to McCock en j yesterday morning for that place to attend the funeral The members of the German EvanLutheran church met at the church Monday with plows and scrappers ana am some neeaea nrii rTi n cr jilimif plllivcl JITIM the ci 0 c v road m that vicinity School will close in the North ley Loni yuth Sue Duckworth Star district Friday If weather Stilly Wv in th iid Ruby permits they will have a pcnie soil stayul out of school and help dinner and a big social time and ed Mr Will Drlan clean and entertainment Miss Alice Thcm plant 1 wn and for pay Mr ar as the teacher I w i i i ror Unionsuits The lis ht weiarht lisles r MmmAmmm iWe Have A Complete n Soft Co aw Hats 1 tared Shirts Silks and Hosiery I L MS3BSS5SES3SSSB t 18 fySvCfry y N4 x BOX ELDER Evelyn Fern and Gladys Doyle -were school visitors last Friday aiternoon Mis J A Modrcll and Mrs D C Shaw visited Mrs L S Font eh one afternoon ast Aveek Mrs C II Mundy spent Friday evening lrs L S Fonteli Mrs C M Worth is entertain ing a lrierd from Denver Dr Worth and Mrs George Younger were called to Beverly last Monday to see Mr Younger who is very sick -with pneumonda There will be preaching at the church next Sunday morning Bpworth League Sundav even ing Subject The Man of the Hour Dorothy Doyle leader DANBURY The passenger train was four hours late Saturday Ilarve Springer was an Indi anola visitor Sundaj Dan Cashen of MeCook Awas aver a short time Sunday Mrs Joe Murphy is on the sick list The Wilsonville high school ca dets did not gave their play in the hall Saturday night as the train was late in getting here Lewis Tauber of Alabama a brother to Fred -of tlids place caiine Monday for a visit Bert Noe who has seme land in Colorado where he has been this winter is visiting his uncle J Fi Noe this weak Acreage Is Increased ti ii tliiat after the snow sun report says melted th 2 and strong winds tended to form a hard cruafc on the fields In illicit cm th fields- have bcii harrciw cd and tin crust broken And taking into ae ccunt dmage done aifter the snow do2 ppearcd the winter wh at crtp starts the season with a pricapocl cd 0 per cent cif ithe miisnmnii The acreage is put dewn as- being much larger than i in foiiiner y ears A nrnronl o1 - X-1- t j 1 JJCii lll 1 IWU LJl IUI5L l LCIV K - -- xw dieted that at rains occur and ecasonaible weather prevails the crop pratipcotsi bo up to 100 per cent Avifclwn the next year Omaha Bee The Tribune gives ALL the news twice a week for only 150 - i I I LEBANON Dr Campbell was a visitor on business in- the countys capital Tuesday D F Hupp was in MeCook on Tuesday having business in the countys capital of importance For making fancy cake try Swans Down Cake flour D Magner phone 14 REPORT OF THE CONDITION of thi Citizens National Bank of MeCook ClIAllTEK NCMBEK 913G at JIcCool in tlio State of Nolirasfca at the close of business April IS 1912 kesoueces Loans and discounts Overdrafts secured and unsecured U b Isonds to secure circulation U S Honds to secure postal savings Premiums on US Bonds lionils securities etc Hankim house furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Due from Natl 15ks not reserve agts Duefrom approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items Notes of other National banks Fractional paper currency nickels and cents Lawful money reserve in bank viz Specie ZiZi Legal tender notes 15 uo IJedemption fund with U S Treasur er 5 percent of circulation S227TCflSl 919 ji 50000 00 5X03 Ml 79 17 1219 1 1GO0O 00 S09r SO 55 CO S7ttlS feS 1232 00 33C0 00 57 2500 CO Total 3111175 2S liabilities Capital stock paid in S 50000 00 Surplus fund 25000 00 Undivided profits less expense and taxespaid 13 010 02 National bank notes outstanding 59000 00 Due to other national banks 85G 71 Due to state and privito banks and bankers 12002 05 Individual deposits subject to check 151523 02 Time certificates of deposit 91727 31 Cashiers checks outstanding 0017 00 Postal Savings Deposits 2112 47 Total 111175 25 State of Ncbrakn County of Ht d Willow I IJ A Oreon cashi T ofthn abovt uaniod bank ibi voar that the above i true to the best or my knowledge and belief K A Greex Cashier ConnixT Attit V Fkaxkmx A JIcMillev E I Eiskxiiakt Directors and sworn to before methi25th da nf April 1912 WmHA kcjin fiif Xntiiii Public My commis ion espires February 8th 1918 Smart Jo tiff ill stCiD - L lUt cf the Season woman who cannot keep with the ever ehanning jlaidaim Fasmon n model that bids well tc be rpcpular for ow eral seasons is indeed a point not to be overilacikicd 30 note this illustration The caniart rov ers have taken a strong hold on fashionable wemon for the very reason that it is original It is a different form of the bertha and has never before been worn therefore yau need not fear that E D PERKINS CO en Tan Calf Lace Oxfords Tan Calf Button Oxfords Gun Metal Button Oxfords Gun Metal Blucher Oxfords Patent Colt Lace and Button Oxfords and see our styles and models that are uptodate and that will give you satisfaction Best Stock 1L T es Perkins Co it lis a fleeting style Black satin the soft flexible texture not the stiff crackling kind of years ago is a material that never loses caste and when Mm 4 M V I Ml wU iihiSy ra 6732820 choosing your style select wisely I asm speaking to you who spend time and thought over the lean A gown of shimmering black satin may be woim far sea sons and yet look striking per haps you will have to add new lace to freshen it up but that is all Notice the puff of lace at the sleeve which adds a distinctive charm to this fetching gown and which is attached to the cuff divl not to any underwadst as might the imagined The V neic k which is the- smart cut of the cc3dr nvy be filled in with a chomix 1 tlcsh colored net v lace A little liEnd t1 rrvjriy around the V and cut woukl harmonize plctfs icly wth the other dominant fealtture The iiliirt six gored and was designed te aacentuate the ti jn 11 n xi it luiiiiiiiie 51 ULiUvMii ail Liitr iiuts tending tc give lengtli The 4- C J Liujiu isiLUiJit -is iniuuiiitrr xeu uuit ithat is- dciaidcidly advantageous to this distinctive mcdel wMch is witlninthe scope of any amateur dressmaker as it is not difficult to construct tfF pring and Summer Oxfords and Slippers STYLE HOI White Buck Pumps White Buck Button Oxfords Black Velvet Pumps Tan Calf Pumps Patent Colt Col Pumps Patent Colt Lace Oxfords Gun Metal Button Oxfords FIT QUALITY Children White Canvas Strap Slippers Black Velvet 3 Strap Slippers Tan Calf 3Strap Slippers Gun Aletal 3Strap Slippers Patent Colt Slippers in one two and three straps -- Best Goods McCOOK Neb B CHURCH NOTES Christian Science The morn ing subject for next Sunday is Probation After Death- Christian Sunday school at 10 a m preaching at 11 a ni and 8 p m H M Mitchell mir ister Divine Science Unity health meeting on Tuesday and Friday evenings New Thought Sunday school three oclock on Sunday afternoon 123 W D street Baptist Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p in Bible school at 10 Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A hearty welcome to all who wish to worship with us D L Ic Bride minister Catholic St Patricks Church 8 30 a m low mass and sermon 10 -30 a m high mass and ser mon 230 p m Sunday school 8 00 evening services Rev Wm Patton 0 M I pastor German Evan Lutheran East 6th street Morning service at 1030 evening service at 730 All German speaking people are cordially invited to attend Rev iG Wbckenf uss s y bmw shea Needs Now yrjK You caat afford to risk health wby nsinsr old rfftU iivwutuc u sa Vr7vhichchit s eft vvanti cauici acn aisecos or Av S rsi rusty leak - to wara Die lines vre carrr yy we nave just re j nj ccivea a new lot Coaie to and see these sauerio roods and get a souvenir free You can depend on anything you buy here McCOOK HDW CO sss which spoils flavors and wastes Yj food Replace ths old ware with 45 BOfSiiiJP 55 C 03 SL us Dpm vAIpjnk omfefe ona of tho rsan7 relia y VI r c