The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 18, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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Fjnrrinpnr Olvvh Seott is ha
Absolutely Pmst
The onlv Baking Powder made
frmHya rapeFeam fTartar
Jesse Predmore came in from
Ilaigler on 14 last night
There wasi an1 extra No 3 on
Tuesday ought ot ten ears
Conductors W T AVilcott
and J J LaugiMin1 are toff a trip
preparing for garden truck and
sass this week
Brakeman M W Rodstrom
and A Elders returned this mom
T7n 5rio 107K vn 77 mnvp ino on fl from Omaha ThfiV
up the ghost at Oxford yesterday j have beeni laying off for past tern
Engine No 1758 -was brought days
down from Akron Tuesday for Mr Ivaavi ot the Avater serv
Conductor Msk has changed
ice is suffering with a mashed
hand received the other day
from the Iloldrege local to a car i while repairing a steam pump at
in the pool
this place
rYYijlvisfri n T Rnmnv -mm 11 T R Africa nf hlnplrsfnitili
likely succeed to the Holdnege lo- force is giving his heme en 2nd
cal vice Conductor IMsk I street wes ta thorough
A work train was sent over ing and adding to its size and
4 li C EVo nnie lino trwlniv ncmvpmvpnop
w uV i -I-- x v ww --
a weeks work on that branch
J F Douglas of the repair
track cs acting head carpenter
during the absence of OF J Rolfe
in the east
Clarence Stokes and Lloyd
Jennings checked the way car
equipment yesterday the regular
quarterly cheeking
Fireanan1 Ilenry J Hoffman
who was seriously injured by the
madl crane at Otis six months
ago returned to work Tuesday
Len Shirley has gone down
to Argentine Kansas to work far
the Santa Fe and complete his ap
prenticeship in the shops of that
Supt Flvnn and an other haive
moved into the Dungan residence
ora 2nd street east just vacated
by Mr and Mrs F S Wilcox
who now occupy their uew home
on North Main avenue
Engineer L S will
have one of the cosiest prettiest
homes ini the city when his
present improvements are com
pleted a handsome porch en
larged reception hailJ new hard
wood floors etc
Engineer Roy Ililer went
down to Lincoln on 10 Tues
day nighty on a chart visit to
relatives r claiming to McCook
last night He has been running
a switch engine in the Denver
in or his residence on 2nd street yards for some tame
xc psit -moved off oniba another lot I Engineer and Mrs M II
and wall build liiin a niew mod- Hammond who have been spend
- - ni
- c
ern residence on that corner
John Knobbs has gone back
to the truck farm south cf the
cijty He has been in town all
winter for the convenience cf
the children going to school
Engineer and Mrs F TV Bos
worth will occupy their Main ave
nue borne toward the close of the
month In the meantime some dn
terior improvements will be com
ing some time in San Diego Cal
ifornia came down from Denver
Tuesday evening om train 10and
have been visiting Engineer ond
Mrs 1 L Rodstrom
Conductor J F Utter and
Brakemen Sheets and iWbiods
took special No 3 west Tuesday
night The ten ears were all tour
iste for California from the way
back east Conductor Brooks
brought the train in McGook
about how to beautify the home this spring and
how to add to its comfort and convenience how to
make it more cosy and attractive We can help you
Let Us Consider
An Axminster best grade 9x12 at 2250
Second Grade Axminster 9x12 at 2000
Others Charge You 2500
Body Brussels best grade 9x12 at - 2500
Wiltons and Tapestries all sizes and grades
Complete Line Bath Rugs C EA
24x48 guaranteed Colors k Js
And Library Tables
Early English fumed and polished all woods
styles and sizes
Charming Colonial Beds
Attractive line of latest patterns And best grade
mattresses in felts and hairs to accompany
Everything in Housefurnishings
We are the Leaders in Low Prices
One of the Best Stocks in the City
Come Once and he Fully Convinced
West B Phone Black 2ri
IbH IS 111 Cjl Ml B 8
H I lihrVrl
n bpj anil spbbh
S 0 ii lA HhH
He Is the Leader in Your Cause
Not His Own
Against the Bosses and Their Ma
chine For the Genuine Bule of the
People For Human Rights and An
Equal Chance for Every Man
Whera Are You
He Is the leader in your cause not
Jhis own
He stands for the rule of the people
Do you
He stands for his seven years rec
ord rs president against every crooked
interest and every crooked political
boss Do you
He stands for rigidly enforcing tho
pin e food IawBhe -enacted not for
driving out of office those who like
Dr Wiley would enforce them Do
He stands for driving out of public
life those who have ruled and legis
lated and decided as if in some way
they had a first mortgage on the
United States while the rights of the
people are merely an unsecured debt
Do you
He stands for party organization
but against the worn out political con
vention in which the voice of the par
ty boss is the only voice heard Do
He stands for virile human
ful laws for bettering the condition of
men women and children and safe
guarding their interests against every
other interest Do you
He stands for laws that protect tho
workingmans health and that com
pensate him for injuries Do you
He stands for an equal chance for
every mans voice in the party and In
the government Do you
He stands for a return of the glori
ous days of victory and achievements
for the Republican party the return
of Republican governors senators
congressmen and local officers swept
from power since 190S Do you
Who but Theodore Roosevelt can re
gain the magnilicent Republican ma-
jorities throughout the land during
his seven years at Washington now
turned to minority in almost every
Who but Theodore Roosevelt can
thrill the Republican party with hope
of success with strong purpose to do
the things the want with de
termination that the evils of
ilege and selfish interests shall bo
swept out of public office
Your active support is vital to the
cause of honesty in politics
Roosevelts friends in this contest
are volunteers they have no machined
Every man is on duty because he
wants the Republican party to win
and to have a candidate with courage
and conscience one who inspires and
commands the faith of the people
Will you stand with Roosevelt
List of Most Important Achievements
During His Term as Nations
Chief Executive
In the three years that have elapsed
since Roosevelt became a private citi
zen the memory of his administration
has naturally become somewhat
blurred It may be worth while to
give a brief summary of the import-
ant achievements of his seven years
as President The first three years it
must be borne In mind were devoted
javowedly to carrying out the McKin
Jey policies with the McKinley cab
inet Most of the events cited In the
chronicle that follows were compress
ed within the four years that follow
ed the overwhelming indorsement ot
Roosevelt at the polls in 1904
General Industrial Policies
Settlement of anthracite ooaj strik
of 1902 by presidential intervention
National employers liability act
Safety appliance act
Pure food and drug act
Federal meat inspection and pack
ing house inspection act
Organization of department of com
merce and labor
Abolishing of rebating and estab
lishing of control of railroads by in
terstate commerce commission
National Defense
Navy madf adequate
Militia co ordinated with regular
Law Enforcement
Northern Securities prosecution
which ended movement to center con
trol of railroads and industries in the
hands of a few men through the de
vice of the holding corporation
Beginning of prosecution of Stand
ard Oil company and tobacco trust
with the object of preventing tho
monopolistic evils of great corpora
Numerous prosecutions for rebat
ing for thefts of public domain and
for grafting in the postoffice depart
Conservation of Natural Resources
The whole conservation policy de
Forest reserves extended
Reclame of arid lands i ovired
Vetoes o measures to give away
vater powc rights
Panama Canal
Intermim ble negotiations broken
off Colomb a notified it could no long
er obstruct a great world improve
ment and canal construction begun
Work so efficiently organized under
war department that it will be fin
ished ahead of time
Insular Dependencies
Civil government established in the
Intervention in Cuba with order re
Finances of Santo Domingo reor
Foreign Relations
Treaty of Portsmouth negotiated
under President Roosevelts invita j
Jtany arbitration treaties negoti
Secretary Root sent on a tour of
South America resulting in greatly
improving relations with South Amer
ican republics
Canadian fisheries dispute sent to
The Hague tribunal
Battle ship fleet sent around the
world increasing American prestige
and insuring better protection for
American citizens abroad
Consular service reorganized under
Ihe merit system
Conference of Governors
More efficient relations between
states promoted by conference of
governors called by President Roose
Gospel of the Square Deal
The genwal spirit of the administra
tion so emphasized the need of attack-
Ing every form of special privilege
that the work of public spirited men
in city and state governments every
where was made easier
This summary shows why the ven
erable Senator Cullom of Illinois
wrote out of the fullness of experience
In his book on Fifty Years of Public
Service Mr Roosevelt accomplish
ed more- in his term than any of his
predecessors more laws were enact-
ed laws of more general benefit to
the people But above all his admin-
istration enforced all laws on the
statute books as they had never beenj
enforced before Colonel
Roosevelt has proven over and over
again In every position he has ever
occupied from police commissioner of
New York to the presidency itself
that he is a marvelous man a man off
great resources great Intellect great
energy and courage and a man of thei
highest degree of integrity He will
go down in the history of this coun
try a the most remarkable man of
his day Kansas City Star
Standard Oil Magnates Interview II-
lumines Presidents Claim
to be a Progressive
In a recent speech at Philadelphia
President Taft declared himself to bel
a Progressive Colonel Roosevelt in
commenting upon that speech has
pointed out that there are no better
judges of what is a real Progressive
than the men who are now supporting1
Mr Taft for renomination
Four years ago said Colonel
Roosevelt the Progressives support i
ed Mr Taft for President and he was
opposed by such representatives of--special
privileges as Mr Penrose of
Pennsylvania Mr Aldrich of Rhode--Island
and Mr Gallinger of New
Hampshire as Messrs Lorimer Can-
non and McKinley of Illinois and he
was opposed by practically all the
men of the stamp of Messrs Guggen
heim and Evans of Colorado and
Mr Patrick Calhoun of San Fran
cisco These men were not
sives then and they do not pretend to
be Progressives now But unlike the
President they know who is a Pro
gressive and who is not Their judg
ment in the matter is good After
three and a half years of association
with and knowledge of the President
these and their fellows are now the
Presidents chief supporters and they
and the men who feel and act as they
do in business and in politics give
him the great bulk of his strength
The President says he is a Progres
sive These men know him well and
have studied his actions for three
years and they regard him as being
precisely the kind of Progressive
whom they approve
This gives special point to an inter
view given by John D Rockefeller at
his offices at 2C Broadway New York
on October SO 190S just a few days
before the election at which Mr Taft
was chosen to the Presidency
Mr Rockefeller declared that he in
tended to support Mr Taft because
as he said I find the balance of fit
ness and temperament entirely on his
side The election of Mr Taft will
I believe make for law and order and
stability of business He is not a man
I judge to adventure with rash ex
periments or to Impede a return to
prosperity by advocating measures
subversive of industrial progress
It cannot be said that the present
administration President Roosevelts
has in any way favored the special in
terests to which my life has been de
Mr Rockefeller had not been at the
offices of the Standard Oil Company
for several years when he gave out
this interview but he regarded his
declaration for Mr Taft as of such
importance that he went to trie office
for the special purpose of giving the
interview No one has ever accused
Mr Rockefeller of being a Progressive
Wnenever 1 hear a man talking
about a third presidential term as a
menace to American institutions
says the Alfalfa Sage- I ask him con
fldentally what is his real objection
to Roosevelt
- WJ
j oifafc
fi w
We Key The Quality Up and The Price Down
Switchman E A Salvage is on
the sick list
Conductor F P Neubauer is
off tLufey with grip
Conductor Tom Xash return
ed on No 14 last night
Mrs J F Booth went up to
Denver this morning on lo
Brakemam X Lay ton was a
Denver pilgrim Wednesday
Storekeepper C W Britt re
tuwied hoane this morning on 13
Conductor Georg Willetts
was oiff duty a trip on biisinc S
tluis week
Clerk M F Stonor
went up to Denver on 13 this
Mrs G Mclvern and sister
were passengers on 13 Wednes
day morning for Denver era a
Our hobbv is good groceries
The Best of Everything A
trial order will convince you
D MAGNER Phone 14
McConnell for drugs
After the Userers
The Rock Island railroad offic
ials ihave taken -cognizance of the
so called loan shark evil and the
ldgal department of the road has
been given instruqrions to use
every effort to protect
Cif the company The efforts cif
the legal department for the time
being are to be confined to -the
geniral office employes Later it
is to be extended to other branch
es of the service until the manr
agement hopes the loan shark on
the Rock Island lines will he a
tiling of the past IT U Muclge
president of the Rock Island has
addressed a circular letter to fcm
ployes calling their attention to
the recourse tliey may nave
against usurious interest
Th Eire has been considerable
agitation in and out of tlic press
in the last fsw weeks in regard
to loan sharks and their victim
Mr Mudge s letter reads Th
mnajreiment of the Roiek Island
is desirous cf helping any of its
worthy who en aiscou i
of indiscretion or misfortunes an
in the clutches of money leucbr 5
or so caUtcd loan sharks If th re
he amy such I n general offices
they ar3 invited tio take aicLvacit
fllge without cOiSt to them
of the services of our leigal de
partment in the proper adjust
ment of their claims
If a high reputation is earn
ed through the style quality of
fabrics and tailoring used in
making good clothes then
that reputation is more than
earned by the clothes we sell
Try on some of our suits
They have that certain dignity
distinction style and you will
quickly appreciate the pleasing
comfortable fit Yes you will
find other clothes well cut
smart good fitting with char
acter in every line and stitch
clothes that will give you good
service and satisfaction But
they will cost you more
Clothcraft AH Wool Clothes
1000 to 2000
Hirsh Wickwire Clothes
2000 to 3000
Gordon Hats Model Shirts Eagle Caps and
Mentor Union Suits
L DeGroff Co
Admission of being in ihe
hands of sharks will not
prejudice tin position of any
such employes and will not be
held against them -in their record
On the- contrary they are cordi
ally invited to make of the fit
cilities offered
Program Announcement
The eighth annual meeting of
the Nebraska Association cf Com
mercial clubs will be- held at Has
tings on Tuesday and Wednesday
Mav 7th and 8th With over fcwo
hundred and fifty commercial
clubs in the state and with the
Chamber of Commerce of Hast
ings determining to make this
meeting one to be long remember
ed het outlook is that thirs will
be a great session of the business
men of Nebraska
Tuesday evening session will be
given over to an illustrated ster
eopticon lecture on city parks and
park improvement by E 11 Bar
bour of the- University of Nebras
ka and member of the Lincoln
Park commission Prof Barbour
will bring a message of the great
est worth concerning the devel
opment of parks in cities and
towns in Nebraska and hi illus
trated lecture will he a great feat
lire of tlie annual meeting
Wednesday afternoon cession
will be devoted to a Round Table
dcussion cf g ocd roads oik of
the live issues of every town in
the state Secretary Whitten of
tho Lincoln Commercial elub will
tell the towns and cities how to
protect themselves from the fake
schemes of solicitors and adver
tisers which take much from the
community and give nothing in
At the evening session of Wed
nesday the Hastings Chamber of
Commerce -will tender tue asso
ciation a complimentary dinner
and hanquet Those who will
speak at this banquet will bz
Charles A Alden Financial see-
it- r tho T7nivnrriv X 0111-
aha and hie rubj2et well be
1 TnMiVitT 5itt1 Patriotism
J llL A lw T - --
ernor jJiesiar Aiiureini
speak upon the topic of State
and Interstate Railroad Rates
Hon Robert W Bcnynge form
er congressman form Colorado
and member cf the National Mon
itary Commssiion will discuss
iPmonov lFform And Right
ReverendT Henry Tihen Bishop
of Lincoln will speak upon Bus
iness Ethics
a K