jiiii nminwirTiiirTni - grrfmimqrjmUJLJXni lM t i i hi II i II i II i i 11 i wjfjgL T Mc3oft Trtfeim ESTABLISHED 1SS2 F M KIMMELL Editor and publisher Published in Red Willow County Largest Circulated Newspaper SUBSCRIPTION 150 A YEAR Entered at postoff ice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays Votefor Isaiah DEvans Kenesaw Nebraska Candidate for the Republican Nomination For State Auditor At the Primary April 19th 1912 It mav be- of some interest to York court of appeals declaring ivasworkers to know that as a such a law unconstitutional that member of the last legislature he caused Roosevelt fco say rf0d tw hills that labor Avas These foclisli and iniquitous ecrallv interested in The Act daccsions have almost always providing protection for persons been rendered at the expense of in construction and repair of the weak they have alioSt al buildins bridges and viaducts ways been the means of putting the Act to provide fire escapes a step to the effort to remove and fire protection with penalties burdens from wage wkcrs to se for violation the Act requiring cure to men who tod better and sanitation in factories work- safer conditions of labor and shon3 and mercantile esaiblftsh life meite and requiring machinery If elected State Auditor he to be Drotected by guards and promises fiafptv flTuliancees etc the Act rfniTiViTin a letter of discharge The appalling loss of life has deeply stirred the civilized world with horror and sympathy And an irresistible protest is gc ing up against the speed madness and the use of the northern route in whiter from all over the world Political Announcements I announce my candidacy for ie nomination for state repre sentative on the Republican tick et subject to the primaries to beheld April 19 1912 ady W A REYNOLDS I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of qonnty Assessor Red Willow county on the Democratic ticket gttbjeet to primary election held April lfttth 1912 rdv JOHN H WESOH Get youT share can help you The Tribune To enforce the law without feai cr favor from corporations and contract 1 To guard the state against un ors on termination of service anc just and unlawful raids on the tlie printing bill endorsed by the treasury tibor le islative committee To administer the Insurance lie introduced on his own init laws to the interest of the policy iative a Workmans Compensate holders IrilL bring assisted by your com- No person or special interest mlttee in its preparation When shall hare a Pull this bill failed to pass at the j - - trSedD the resolution under Y Q Q fcVHIlS which the governor appointed a commission to prepare a mans Commission bill to be pre- sented to the next legislature oi which commssion h is a mem ber It vras the decision cf n For State Auditor SINKING OF THE TITANTIC OUR TEDDY IN NEBRASKA Was Mcst Horrifying Disaster of Spoke to Large Crowd at Hast- History en the Sea The sinking of the steam ship Titantic Monday night about a tfimmsuiil miles off the coast of ings Yesterday Colonel Roosevelt addressed a large crowd of enthusiastic friends and Nebraskans at Hast- L xrrCQTT whllf OT1 Newfoundland after a collision jr v - with an iceberg constitutes the greatest marine disaster of his tory The greatest steamer afloat was making record breaking time when she struck a mammoth ice berg in practically mid ocean at night sinking in about three hours in two miles of water witt perhaps 2000 passengers about 800 women and children being saved The passenger list contained many famous and wealthy Ameri cans The monetary loss runs high in the millions his flying trip tnru n eDiuHKit tii thusing the boys as of yore and adding to his host of admirers and supporters in the Antelope state His address was brief but to the point for the- square deal belief in the people opposition to political bosses for honesty in uolitics for nopular rule etc and as usual he met with a rous ing response and a most sympa thetic hearing He looks like he could come back with full vigor and help the people restore themselves in the manaement of their government Vote for him tomorrow Teddy In Illinois Washington D C April 12 1912 Special The com TlPt fiirnres of the vote at the presidential primaries ini Illinois oil April 9th throAV an illuminat ing light on what that great re publican state may be expected to do at the election next No- Tim itnl Republican vote Avas Roosevelt 256S Taft 122978 La Follette 40908 Total 416562 The -total Democratic vote was Clark 211809 Wilson 77781 Total 289590 This ds a Republican majority of 126972 Ifc shews what may be expected from Lincolns state in Norember provided the Repub lieans are satisfied witii tneu candidate for president A comparison of some of these rotes demonstrates beyond ques tion Avhali Avould be the result an LOCAL AND PERSONAL J D Barker went up to Den ver last nisrlit on a visit Eetv and Mrs Lewis arrived home this morning frcan Orleans Lewis Ludwiek returned last might from his1 trip of a few days in Colorado W L Zint departed daA far his heme in Denver on No 1 Mrs L A Paris was a passen ger Tuesday evening for Hast ings on a Ansiit Tlie Domestic Science club of the high school will meet with Mrs II II Berry tomorrow af ternoon Mrs G L Burney went down to Harvard last evening on- 10 on a viisit to heir sister luts a II Thomas Mrs Ona Rush returned to Stratton Tuesday morning aftev a brief visit to luer sister Mrs W A Cassell Mrs G W Snider of Ogallala arrived in city Tuesday night and is the guest of her brother C A Fusher James Robinson Orville Wood Webster Dowler and W A Stone autoed over from Danbury Tues flnv on business Mess Georgia Short was a pas senaer on 13 Tuesday from In- diianolaL uo visit Mr and MrsJ Wiilll Short of East McCook Limps Steinmann avIio is en gaged in the restaurant business in Hastings spent part of the Avec k in the city his former home for ia feAV years W A Reynolds came up from Indianola Tuesday night and ac companied the Norris boosters in their automobile tour of the county Wednesday lie will be Red WilloAV county next repre seratiative in the legislature Mrs TJiphard Knox avIio has been guest of her parent Mr and Mrs Ed Fitzgerald for sev eral Aveeks departed on Ifi Tues day for her liome in Livings ton9 Montana Mr Knox pre- TJunvW A flUldaV1 r T TJ1I I Willi iivra uuiif Rbhard ICinox lie expects to be absat iiicatli or two and nn i a flip ivshv or fjUe lift an u Avhile absent i Mr and Mrs F J llol fe aau daughter Miss Izora departed en No10 hist evening for the east to he absent about two Aveeks on buaVv and pleasure They will iro to Chicago Avhere he will tran sact business connected Ayith lv fi orrW ciAm disvcce Af terwards they will go to St Paul Minn Avlure a son- is located Thence home SOCIABILiTYATJTO RUN Denver Chamber of Commerce Ar ranging for One Word just reeedred from that Uir itinfliiiiftofj that the Denver Chamber of Commerce is arrang ing plans for a sociability auto mobile run from Denver to Chi vay Their course AviLl bring them thru McCook where tney will remain all night requiring supper lodging and breakfast here There will be forty cars in the company and eighty peo ple at least in the party Ar rangements will be made by the McCook Commercial elul to o reet and entertain liliese people o in viwlih ravai stvle Tentative 4 iew suggestions hare already nccn sent to Denver and these Avill be perfected as soon as ttJhc deitmit0 plans of the Denrer people are knoAvn Political Announcements I hereby announce my candid acy for County Commissioner 2d district subject to decision of Republican primary adr F AnODGKIN Illinois in case Taft and Clark should be opposing candidates onU would bo the result in case Rooserelt and Clark should be the contestants The situation as between Taft and Clark is presented graphical ly in the following table 211809 Taft 122978 Clarks majority 88831 Tliat -is fif Taft is tlie nominee the Republican party Avill lose Il linois but Arith Roosevelt as the nominee the Republicans will win as shawn by tlup following table Rooserelt 252626 Clark 211809 Roosevelts majority 40817 The Tribune gives ALL the neAVs twice a Aveek for only 150 Try Tribune Avant ads PRIMAIC TOMORROW The Nebraska Primary Election will open at noon tomorrow and close at 9 oclcek hi the evening Let every voter ecnie out and ex press his choice and preference The nature of the ballot requires jrreat care on the part of the rot- er to the end that he may vote for those whose candidacy he seeks to further so voters will do well to secure simple ballots and deter mine for whom they will rote be fore entering the roting booths This will be found to be import ant advice Failure to observe it may result in failure on your part to vote for the men of your tilioice bean your oanob closely Picnic at McCook The picnic committee of the railroad mens associaltion met last might and talked over the matter of the 1912 picnic A par tial organization was effected with Gus Wiehe as chairman and George Liehtenberger as secretary It was the concensus of open on that the 1912 picnic be held here at McCook likely in bhn water works uark The com mittee will hold another meeting next Wednesday eventing and- it is desired that there shall be a large attendance of railroad men present at tliisi gathering when it is expected to complete the organization of committees- etc Lesral Notice State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss To all persons interested in tiho of Tolm J Real de ceased Notice is hereby given that Sarah J Hickling administra trix of the estate of John J Real deceased has filed in this court her final account and a report of her administration of said es tate together Avith a petition for rl t flmfvnf n flnfrfP AA lr rk XJXUL uiiiiuu 5U iiight and avui ionn iier au M hv law to Ed Pitzgerold ictt on id on Jd t j a oharge as Tuesday for Livingston Men- - f J a ii l niirrirnr n rs oi - -- Snd Pinal aaccunt and pc titiion have been set down- for liaring on the 4th day of May 1912 at ttirnit a u - rVify k n m at tne eoun at La Junta iuomdU u - springs McCook mi aiil T uhlIUUU atfeetrr fm n swprp sfomaoh Wifiifrra mv hand and seal of said court ths 13th day of April 1012 FRANK M COLFER Seal County Judge First publication April 156 fl Notice of Dissolution cf Partner ship Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between M L Jennings and II a TTnfrhes under the name of Jennings Hughes Company has this day been dissolved by mu tual consent All debts owing to said firm have been sold and assigned to the firm of Hughes Company avIio Avill continue the business of the old firm said Hughes Com pany haAring assumed all the ob ligatins of the dissolved firm Dated at McCook Nebraska this first day of April 1912 n G HUGHES M L JENNINGS NOTICE OF SUIT William O Pate Drusilla Pate his wife Fannie M Fogle Maude Coomeir and John Hunter uoomei defendants will take notice that Susanna Zicafoose plaintiff lias filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county Ne braska asrainst you the object and prayer of which are to procure the plaintiffs cure a decree quieting tiffs title ito the northwest A Section 5 Township 2 Range 30 Red Willow county Nebraska against any title interest claim or lien of any kind of said de fendants and for equitable relief You are required to answer said petition on or before Mon day May 20th 1912 Susanna Zicafoose Planntatt By C n Boyle her attorney April 8 Sts Application for License McCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed dn the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vin ous liquors in the building situ ated on pant of lots 13 14 and 15 block 21 113 West B street n tw ftwnnd Avaid of the City of McCook Nebraska be grant ed to me for the conning muni cipal -year beginning May 1 1912 DAN P PLOUSJ4 Application for License McCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice ds hereby giAen tliat I have filed dn the office of the City clerk of McCook Nebraska 1JL1B JKLLJlg JT i jir wm r f i I r tJSSiM T1 - T - WMSeHMMi oaueuixHiiai THEY HAVE ARRIVED A large consignment of the justly celebrated CARHARTT BRAND of trusted Mens Work ing Clothes Made in an honorable way for hon orable men HANSEN GLOVES SIGNAL SHIRTS A GALUSHA SON Home of Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and A inous liquors in the building situated on lot 9 block 21 Original town in the Second Avaird ot tne it of McCook Nebraska be grant ed me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1912 GEORGE W DWORAK Application for License McCook Nebralcsa April 4 1912 Notice ds hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City Clorlc of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license tn 11 malt spirituous and vin ous liquors in the building situ ated on lot S block 27 at No 103 Main avenue in the First ward of the City of McCook Ne braska be granted to me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1912 4 3t WILLIAM II BODEMANN Application for License McCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Nntiiee is hereby ffiven that I have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska n TfvHtTOTi askiner that a license ito sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building suuaneu on lot 1 block 21 224 Main ave nue in the Second ward of the City of McCook Nebraska be granted to me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 J H MITCHELL Application for License McCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given tnat x have filed in the office of the Oity Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous 11 1 il IZ r n nrl liquors am tne onuau on lotf 9 block 22 205 Main ave nue in tlie First Avard of the City of McCook Nebraska be granted me for the coming muni cipal year beginning May 1 1912 4r4i3t CLAUDE L MeKELLTP Application for License McCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given- thait we iinnr filpfl in the office of- the City Clerk of McCook Nebraiska a petition askong tliat a licence tr crtll Tnnlt snirituous and vinous liquors dn the building situated on- lot 13 block ZY U 6 lMaxn ave nue in the First ward of tilies Cdlty of McCook Nebraska be grant- rflrrTrtiwswp ed to us for the coming munieipa rear beginning May 1 1912 JAMES WOOLARD JOHN F McMANIGAL Application for Permit McCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the City Clerks of fice my bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the brick building on lot llbloek 16 in the Second ward of the City of McCook from May 1 1912 to April 30 C R WOODWORTH Applicant Application for Permit Mc Cook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the City Clerks of fice my bond and petition for a druggist s permit to sell malt spirituous and Ainous liquors in the building on lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the City of McCook from May 1 1912 to ApriL 30 L W MeCONNELL Applicant Application for Permit McCook Nebraska April 4 1912 NTatiinp is berebv siveai that I have filed in the City Clerks of fice my bond and petition tor a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous- liquors in the building on lot 11 block 4 in the First Avard of the City of McCook from May 1 1912 to April 30 ALBERT McMlliLiiN Applicant JUST ARRIVED mm IsHsl A Complete stock of G E Edison Mazda Drawn wire lamps the father of them all We also do any kind of Electrical Work from re pairing a door bell to installing power plants Let us figure your requirements R W McBRAYER Electrical Contractor Phone Black 433 f y i