f h i i i i J T THE BRUSH AUTOMOBILE mnB a i J m ii i nil Pleases everybody and the price of 35000 makes it every mans car Its not a question whether you can afford one but rather if you can afford to be without one Car Load Just Received McCook Hardware Co Agency For South West Nebraska wJojBCgsaaaajLi Why He Was Late What made you so late I niL t Smithson Woll that is no reason why you shoud ba an hour late gel ting heme 1 supper 1 know but 1 asked him -how lie was feelinig and he insisted on tellng me about his stomach trouble Did ycu tell him to take Chambcrlan s Tablets Sure that as what lie needs Sold by all dealers We have not only the largest but the best line of garden and flower seeds in town Marshs Phone 25 McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Horse Shoeing Blacksmithing We are agents for tlie Gelebrat cd Ford Auto 210 1st st W Phone red 450 L C STOLL CO Jewelers and Opticians Eyes tested and fitted repairing McCook Xeb T4uriarwts Pine JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Estimates furnished free Base ment Postoffice Bldg Phone 33 JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co Of fice in Postoffice building Mc Cook Nebraska A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 305 2d st East Phone black 252 C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abstracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in of fice McCook Xeb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and f Opticians Watch Repairing- DANBURY Clarence Young departed cm Monday for Lincoln where he will go to barber college lie was accompanied by Ilarley Woods Harley went for a visit with liis brother George Art Andre of Wilsonville canw Tuesday and worked on the 45 h p plow engine Word was received Tuesday that John Ruby of Eastwoot Xeb was very sick with pneu monia Miss Madeline -McDonald arriv ed home Thursday from Beavei City where she has beem visiting with fniends for a week W A Stone and Burr Gartin were McCook visitors Friday A good audience greeted tin band concert Saturday night am were well pleased with it Mr and Mrs Pierre MacFec visited the past week with rela tives at Beaver City Mis Minnie Ressler of Ilend ley returned home Tuesday af ter a few days visit with hei mother Mrs J E Dolph Mrs Ray Young and Miss Lem Thompson resigned the centra office Tuesday Lucy Yarnal and Amandai Lehn took theii places Mr Cartright of Lebanon Wa a visitor betweem trains Monday Wm Greenway of Lebanon wa a visitor between trains Thurs day GRANT John II Weseh returned from the east Saturday evening on Xo 5 Williaim and Henry Leitner were McCook visitors Friday Chas A Weseh went to Mc Cook Saturday returning home Sunday W Dike -called on Jacob Wescih Saturday afternoon Mike Crocker was a McCook visitor Friday Mr and Mrs A Petcirsi called at the Dutton home Friday Miss Grace Crocker was a pas senger to Indianola Friday night on Xo 14 to spend Easter with relatives Weseh Bros hauled two lead ctf oats from Traer Kansas last Tuesday -V For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain Jjfoicment Try it and see how Goods of quickly it gives relief Fcr sale quality Main avenue McGook by all dealers Let Us Figure On II IMP Your Cement Work Call on or phone the manager He will be glad to come and figuie with you McCook Cement Stone Co Phone Red 196 H N Rosebush Manager I COMPARES GIRLS AND BOYC Though Woman Has More Roundabout Way Her Conclusions Are Con ceded to Be About Right In the American Magazine Ida M Tarbell writing an Interesting ar ticle on women has the following to say about young women and young men In the first two or three years af te entering college a young woman Ll almost invariably appear superior to the men of her age more grown up more interested surer of herself reaJ ier Later you will find her on the whole less inclined to experiment with her gifts to feel her wings to maie unexpected dashes into life It begins to look as if he were the experimenter she the conservative And by the time she is a senior look out Tie chances arc she wHl have less inter est from now on with mans business and more with her own In any case she will rarely develop as rapidly in his field from this point as he is do ing He becomes assertive confident dominating the male taking a males place He discovers that his intellect ual processes are more scientific than hers therefore he concludes they are superior He flinds he can out argue her draw logical conclusions as she cannot He can do anything with her but convince her for she jumps the process lands on her conclusion and there she sits Things are so because they are so And the chances are she ig5 right in spite of the Irregular way sbe got there Something superior to reason enters into her operations an intuition of truth akin to inspiration In early ages women unusually en dowed with this quality of perception were honored as seers Today they are recognized as counselors of pro phetic wisdom If I had taken my ies advice How often one hears it BANK CLERKS POORLY PAID Men Who Actually Handle Currency In Large Sums Receive Small Remuneration In talking with a bank clerk ac quaintance not long ago the Office Window learned something or the In side of bank management The bank where our informant had been em ployed for many years it seems had passed through two or three consoli dations With each consolidation our friends position had been made less financially attractive while the amount of work that was required in his particular department was neces sarily much increased In this bank any change In the salaries of any one of the hundred or more clerks must be approved and recommended to the bank management by the chief clerk the tenure of whose office largely de pends upon his ability to keep down bank operating expenses In the old days the president of this bank received 12000 per annum To day the president draws 35000 a year and has two or three vice-presidents to aid him These vice-presidents have annual salaries ranging be tween G000 and 7000 As will be seen the emoluments of the banks officers have more than doubled with the increase in the banking business transacted by the institution while the clerks have been obliged to meet the increased cost of living on salaries that are the same as or less than they were some years ago This case Is perhaps fairly typical of modern banking methods One clerk with a wife and a yearly stipend of 750 not long ago had the mis fortune to require an operation for appendicitis The bill of the operat ing surgeon was for 150 And yet banking positions are eag erly sought after New York Evening Mail Horsemen Attention I have at your service The Imported Belgian Stallion Ul ric No 30936 state certificate No 1739 weight 1730 color bay The registered French Draft Stallion Disaugiers No 19586 state certificate No 5384 weight 2000 color black The Mammoth Jack Monarch state certificate No 5323 weight 900 Terms on the above 1250 to insure live colt Also the Trotting Stallion Collector France No 41065 state certificate No 5385 weight colt 1 130 color bay height 15 3 McConnell for drugs SEED CORN TESTS MADE Of Red Willow County Grown Corn With Marked Success A letter from William korn uf Lebanon gives an inter esting aaoaucit or the result of a test made at corn raised by him in Red Willow county by the United States government Mr IIiers2kcrn sent the gov ernment laboratory at Washing ton D C S00 kernels of 1 corn the purpose of securing a teat and tin i nn GERMINATION per eenVcSV My E Brawn the botanist in charge in his letter to Mr lliersekorn states- that the gov ernment had tested 17CS samples thus spring frcm 17 different stated and this sample sent by Mr Iliersekorn was rMie higher per cent germination sent frcm any state the tests tusiHo tw the several states running- frcm M4 per cent in Virginia cut of 113 samnlfa SPTif rlrm n n rrtt Q per cent iin 19 samples sent from North Dakota rom all over Nebraska 100 samples had focen S3nt -to the hub oratory and the- average per cent of germination of these samples was 731 which was among the lowest averages among any of the states only two states showing lower average and 14 states be ing larger than Nebraska The letter from Mr Brown calls attention to the fact of the seriousness of the corn proposi tion all over America and ad vises the germination test to be made of all seed corn Tliat single - ear germination tests should be made in all teases where ear corn is to be used for seed When it is nseessary to use shelled corn of Avhich single ear tests have ncit previously been made the corn should be careful ly mixed and a uniform sample tested for germinationi and the Legal Notice State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss To all persons interested in the estate of Jolm J Real de ceased Notice is hereby given that Sarah J niekling administra trix of the estate of John J Real deceased has filed im this court her final account and a report of hor administration of said es tate together with a petition for a final settlement a decree as signing the residue of said estate toTsuch as are entitled by law to the same and for a discharge aa such administratrix Said final account and petition have been set down- for hearing on the 4th day of May 1912 at one oclock p m at the ty curt rc rn ina UcJCOK uua county Witncng my hsrau anei sem in hands Terms 10 to insure liveinii thVi l th c v f April I -O-ii L W - COLLECTOR FRANCK 41065 France 2472 Alexander 1986 Mollv F Gl ds Deyo Barney Wilkes 3060 Gladys These horses and jack will make the season of 1912 at m barn formerly Wm Jeffries in McCook Nebr Accidents will be guarded against but I will not be responsible should any occur Parties disposing of mares or re moving from the county will be required to settle at once A share of your patronage is solici ted Loren Andrews Phone 72 Owner iyia WANK M COLFER Seal Conner Judge FVi pmbfcaJcn Ap dl5 b cr Application for License McCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that J have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCcok Nebraska a petition asking that a license and vin to sell malt spirituous ous liquors in the building situ ated on part of lots 13 14 and 15 block 21 113 West B sSreet in the Second waird of the City of McCook Nebraska be grant ed to me for the coming muni cipal year beginning May 1 1912 DAN P OLOUSE iN SIZE I 32x3 I 34x4 I 36x4 I 37x5 THE SUPERIORITY OF MICHELIN TIRES IS RECOGNIZED ALL OVER THE WORLD IN STOCK BY G R Livingston McCook Neb H 6816 6811 gfmjj trianmed with -braiding It has a side closing waist with the fashionable deep panel collar The sleeves are the popular set in kind in full length which anay be cart off for elbow length The skirt has the advantage of being six gored which is so well liked by all It may be designed with or without the panel at the back and front A fetching frock for a garden party or an informal evening af fair would be second figure in the illustration if it were design ed of soft sJlky flowered crepe de chine or of the lustrous mous seline de scie The quaint pleas ing collar which extends iully over the shoulders into a postilion at the baok may be fashioned of the dainty shadow laqe Thus bringing into notice two most note worthy and very styli9ii features of the day the lace and the postilion Our hobbv is good groceries The Best of EverytMng A trial or Vr v- convince you D MAXR Phone 14 Application ior License McCook Nebraska April 4 1012 -Notice s hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license tQ sell malt eprituous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 9 block 21 Original town in the Secern d weird of the City of McCook Nebraska be grant ed me for the coming -municipal year beginning May 1 1912 GEORGE W DWORAK ELIN TIRE PRICES UC6 EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 19th 1912 As last year MICHELIN was first As Usual to give tire users the benefit of reduced prices COMPARISONS SHOWING SAVING ENVELOPES FORMER PRICES NEW PRICES 2585 2450 3910 3575 5290 6610 4725 5875 INNER TUBES FORMER NEW PRICES PRICES 625 575 860 1220 1220 800 1100 1100 What Is New In Spring Attire Perhaps you have seen jhe smart hats that are boing mc del eld in combinations of silk and straw Has it occurred to you that whatever the price of theim mcight he in tlhe shops at is a very simple matter to make one at a really trifling cost Later da the season similar hats wall rate of planting regulated on the be made of linen or pique and basis of the germination tests they wall look decidedly stylish so there will be a sufficient mum- and cool with cotton or linen her of live kernels planted in suits or tailored dresses each hill to give a full stand One of the favorite dress mod- els for linen or the many neat R F D No 1 and attractive cotton suitings School in distract No 21 is the one fasliioned of bedford ed Thursday Miss Irene Oath- cord in the illusrattion and cart was the teacher and she gave the pupils and patrons a very satisfactory school during the term just passed School an district No 31 clos ed on Friday The school was taught during the term by Misa Pearl Ruggles who departed on Saturday might to joint her mcith er and sisters an- Los Angeles California A daughter was horn to Mr and Mrs G C Smith Thursday morning last George says ev erything as fine and dandy Morton VamNansdall ciE the Quick postoffice Frontier county visited his mother Mrs Eliza Buck at the f arm of Sam Hughes Thursday last returning to his home in our neighboring county on the following day They had a big dance at the home of Mr and Mrs Emil Ebert on the Sehuetz farm Saturday night RELIEVE YOUR STOMACH We Will Help You Do It Read Our Guarantee Dyspepsia may be completely eradicated if properly treated We sell a remedy we positively guarantee will completely relieve indigestion or dyspepsia cr the medicine used during the trial wall cose the user nothing This remedy has been named Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets Cer tainly no offer could he more fair and our offer should be proof positive that Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets are a dependable remedy Inasmuch as the medicine will cost you nothing if dt does not benefit you we urge you who are suffering with indigestion or dys pepsia to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets A 25 cent box contains enough medicine for fifteen days treatment For chronic cases we have two larger sizes 50 cents and 100 Remember you ean obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store The Rexall Store L W McConnell We have the Wedding Break fast syrup D Magner phone 14 INDIANOLA C B Hoag was in McCook Friday on business and to visit the iwife who is with her daugh ter Mrs C B Gray Mrs Neal Quick was in Mc Cook Friday to take an the O E S meeting and The Pil grims that evening For making fancy cake try Swans Down- Cake flour D Magner phone 14 DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 21214 Main ave over McConn ells drug store Phones Office 160 - residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh building McCook Phone 112 R H GATEWOOD Dentist Office Room 4 Masonic Tem ple McCook Neb Phone 163 THE INTERMISSION Magazines and Dailies Off all kinds Temple Thea tre building Kansas City Post 5 cents Week Eggs for Hatching from High Scoring Prize Winners Barred and White Eock Buff Brown and White Leghorns White and Sliver Laced Wyandottes Black Minorcas White and Buff Orping tons S C Rhode Island Reds Prices of eggsl50 to5per setting according to variety and quality LEBANON POULTRY YARDS Lebanon Nebr