II 1 1 h r h 7 fs V i m l IU 1 7 ir 31 Fire and Wind Insurance 1113 111 all IA s C J RYAN Written in First Class UJUJpillUti JmJ jnjjt 44 j fj4 j j 222 t2 I J I 2 3 White Line Transfer Company F E WHITNEY Prop Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence Black 232 Mike Walsh SEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location tut acrcze TnCnrAr street in P Waleh bnldlxig L IvUUK BULLARD LUMBER Co SELLS THE BEST Life aid Coal PHONE NO 1 njJ3ESi I I IMW MORE TRAVEL HINTS The Big Horn Mountains The hotels and ranches around Sheri dan in these beautiful pine clad mountains are attracting a large summer patronage It will pay you to inquire about them The Black Hills Hot Springs South Dakota is one of the finest health restoring regions in the west It is beautifully located in the Southern Black Hills Thermopolis Hot Springs Wyoming In the Owl Creek Moun tains iS million gallons of hot water 130 degrees flow daily Famous throughout the west for its wonderful cures of rheumatism Eastern Vacation Tours Attractive special rate tours will be an nounced and leaflets containing details will be mailed to ticket agents It will be to your advantage to consult agent that he may tell you about these rates to various eastern localities Consult with us as to special rates available to these resorts L W WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska Try Tribune want ads For MaekreL white Fish Salt Salmon and Codfish come to 3Iagners Phone 14 UMBER and COAL THATS ALL but we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and com plete stocks in all grades BARNETT Lumber Co Phone 5 COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday 44444l4l4 D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS NOTES BoUer No 1 of the steami plant is receiving a set of new flues Piilot brass and other repairs are being placed on the 143 this week Auditor Gavin was a pas senger on 13 Friday inarming for points on the west end Bert Wyncoop came over from Beaver City last weak to se cure a job en the Burlington Mrs diaries Davies accom panied Train Auditor Davdes on his trip tio Denver Friday on 13 Engineers Fred W Bcsworth and Walter Stokes went up to Denver Thursdav night list on No 3 Engineer J E Saciborn went tip to the farm in Dundy coun ty Saturday morning on 13 on a short business stay The pay car performed its function Sunday increasing the bank accounts of the railroad men and their joy beside Agent George Scott was down from Brush Saturday even ing to ccnsult Jo Mokko about the result in Pennsylvania Engineer John C W Bauer of the St Joe division was a pas senger on No 13 Saturday on his way to Idaho on a vfisit Agent and Mrs G S Scott of Brush Colorado came down on No 10 Friday eenivng on a short Arisit to McCook friends Mrs John Bragg of Iloldrege who has been a guest of her sistei Mrs Henry Elders of our city returned home on 10 Friday eve ning The high wind of Saturday and Sunday tied up freight traf fic Saturdays 77 did not reach McCook until this morning at S30 A Eimall portion of the round house roof was damaged by the wind of Saturday and a gang of carpenters as now at work replac ing the same Agcmt T B Campbell came up from linden Saturday night and visited the folks here until 10 Sunday night when he return ed to his station The company is suffering from a recrudence of the bum pest almost every train bring ing tin or taking out a bunch of these untieketed tickeltess loaf ers Dispatcher and Mrs Leroy Kiev en enjoyed the ecstasy of hearing Tetrazinni warble iru Den ver Wednesday night last re turning home on 10 on Thursday evening Fireman C M Smith went down to Minden Sunday after the wife Thecir goods have ar rived from Denver and they have gome to housekeeping here where hie was recently transferred The round house has toza white washed and a gang cf men now at work painting the interior The machine shop has also been white washed and painted and is now undergoing a spring clean ing up process The strong wind of Saturday afternoon amd the weight of Rus sian thistles rolled against fence atlomg the right of way west of here in places tore the wire loose from the posts and blew the wire out of the right of way in other instances fairly heut the fence down to Hie ground The Pullman oompany has completed plans for the adoption of emergency packages for first aid to the injured which will be installed in all cars of the com pany during the next few weeks The first aid packages consist of a small box containing a supply of sterilized lint bandages anel pins intended to answer the pur pose of a primary dressing and to remain in place only unjtil the person injured may be able to receive the eare of a surgeon Winter Wheat Needs Rolling Tho wheat experts are calling attention to- the tendency of the wheat fields to crack and expose the roots of grain to the drying wind Unless a rain should come immediately rolling is recommended Harrowing will serve but rolling ira better Press bulletin No 30 of the Nebraska Experiment Station says Rolling winter wheat in the spring has not faileel in any of the four years to give an increased yield the average in crease being 51 bushels per acre The rolling was given early in the sprang soon after frost was out and about the time growth started Harrowing after rolling was not as good as rolling alone probably due to loosening up plants agaoni after Jthe roller had pressed them firmly into the soil Early spring rolling of winter grain pressing the earth as iit does1 firmly about the plamt roots produces gooel results When frost comes out in the spring it is very apt ito leave the soil filled with small cracks or cheeks especially around the plants If these checks are examined closely dit will be seen that a large number of roots are thus exposed and if the weather continues dry they are killed or at least injur ed We have taken up plants in the spring where Oialf of the roots were injured in tlnls manner If ithe soil is net wet at the time of rolling and it should never be rolled when wet rolling aids in no small de gree to form a surface muleh It eloes this rather than com pact the surface G R Oadwalader went up to AVray CMcmday A new piilot has been given the 1952 tks week R IS Talbot went down to Oxford Sunday night E J Whetler general car in speotor -is in the city today C J Wood was a Liinden vis itor Monday on tender mission En gun 1340 from Dcraiver is in the local shop for general ire pairs C HI Tressell has been trans ferred -to McCook from Republi can Mrs E L Sullivani was up from Red Cloud Sunday on n visit Mrs T E Lurdbcirry was a passenger for Superior Sunday anight E C Child eis went Tip to Denver Sunday night on- legal business Brakeman W O Norman has returned to work after a layoff of 30 days Brakeman J R Nelms was transferred Monday to the Ob erlin brainch Tramk McClure of the master mechanics office was a Deinsver visittor Sunday Engine 2811 ant SI from Denver iis in the shop here for general repanrs The 17th fruit special from the coast went thru McCook to day for the east Conductor and Mrs F F Neubauer returned om Saturday from a viisit in Missouri W C Pope has token a lay off of 90 days and gone to Broken Bow to put in i crop Mr and Mrs O D Chilton left for Missouri Monday on 14 called by serious illness of his father Jacob Schlagel day hostler as taking a layoff and Fireman Li JW Snow is hcstling in his place days Foreman Gr Wing Kearns of the round house lias goma to Ko kcimo Jndiana on a visit Sam Pickard is acting foreman during hi3 absence Conductor Neal Beeler has word from iGhf caigo cf ifche serious allncsa of a mlatuve amd is pre paring to leave for that city in a day or hvo Trainmaster and Mrs John son arrived home thi imorn6ng froim sn ending ia few days in Tin coin they went down to the cap ital city on Thursday last W C Allison Aveimt up to Denver en 13 today to take the position of round house foreman while Foreman Klciin indulges in a layoff Fireman J E Kelso will be the night hostler during Allisons absence from MdOook W Vl Dolezal private secre tary to Supt Flynn ha been proanoted to a similar position on General Supt Allens car vice Don BagnelL promoted to assist anit loading rnspeietor Mr Dole zal leaves this evening for Lincoln jfco begata his new liutaes KX 0X210X32 ZaSZZZSGEXZ GET THE HABIT Young man it will pay aou to get tbc habit We mean the saving habit The banking habit will help j mi If ou are starting out in life with only 3 our two hands to help ou he dollar on deposit will be the best friend you will have on the side Start an account at the bank Dont check unless the need is urgent Add to it rather than draw it out You will acquire a standing among the men who do things You will in time have a fund to do tomething with jours elf let the habit Start now The opening of a bank account may be the turning point in jour career Come and start with us no matter how small Ask the successful man if this advice is good He knows See if he deesnt tell you the same thing THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK V II W Wyinan cs now run ning on the AVray Brusih local Brakcanan O J Scott went up to Dcmiver on 15 Sunday night Conductor J F Utter had the pay car Hastings Denver on Sunday A EMers and X W Rcd strom wenti down to Omaha Fri day on 10 M E Moody from Blue Iliill convalescing from scarlet fever wasim town Sunday Conductor J II Barker of Oberlin line spent Sunday in Denver with the faanily FOR AGED PEOPLE Old Folks Should Be Careful in Their Selection of Regu lative Medicine We have a safe dependable and altogether ideal remedy that ds particularly adapted to the re epuireiments of aged peiople anel persons of weak constitutions who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorders We are so ceirtain that it will relieve these complaints and give abso lute satisfaction in every partic ular that Ave offer it with our personal guarantee that is shall cost the user nothing lif it faiUs to substantiate our claims This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like candy are particularly prompt and agreeable in action may be token at any time day or night do not cause diarrhoea nausea griping excessive loose nessor other undesirable effects They have a very milel but posi tive action- upon the organs wit which they come in contact ap parently acting as a regulative tonie upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel thus overcom ing weakness and aiding to re store the bowels to more vigor ous and healthy activity Three sizes 10c 25c and 50c Sold only at our store The Rexall Store L W McConnell Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case nf cattaih that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J Cheney Co Toledo O We the undersigned have known P J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe ihim perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by Ms firm Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation You can say goodbye to constipa tion with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlains Tablets Many have been permanntly cured by their use or sale by all dealers Reduced Prices ON Spring Millinery FIFTY Dcauuwi am XA Trimmed j Hats at 25 Per cent Discount mmmw kw 1 VfefSs ffiSVfltt x7 v x wr AW i VAYv -tm LNDIANOLA A bah jirl was born to Rev Mitchell and wife Monday Mr and Mrs Frank Rawson of Hartley spent Sunday with I John Puckett and family Mis Leon Russell and baby visited with her folks in Bartley last week Ralph Barber wife and baby left for their claim near Otis Colorado Wednesday morninir Ernest Jensen sprained his ankle while playing at school one da la- 1 week j Acy Wolfe returned to Crete Monday morning I Mr Morrow of Denver has moved on tne Weloorn place southwest of town Mrs Will Short of McCook spent Easter Sunday with the Short children in Indianola Chester McCafferty and wife left Wednesday for their home at Eckley Colorado Walter Helms sale of April 8 went off fine everything bringing good prices The Sunbonnet Club met with Lucy Thomas Tuesday After noon Stella McCool visited with Flora Simons in Edison Sundav Dont be surprised if you have an attack of rheumatism this spring Just rub the effected parts freely with Chamberlain s Iinianent and it will soon dis appear Sold by all dealers 7FT7i tliWVTt K REDUCE PRICES on all Bats Make Your Selection Today Co L DeGroff Co TO AILING WOMENU A Little Sound Advice Will Help Many a Sufferer in McCook No woman can be healthy and well df the kidneys are sick Poisons that pass off in the secretions when the kidneys are well are retained in the body when the kidneys are sick Kid neys and bladder become inflamed and swollen and worse troubles quickly follow This is often the true cause of bearing down pains hune necss backaches etc Uric poisonin also causes headaches dizzy spells languor nervousness and rheumatic pain When suffering so try Bonns Kid ney Palls a remedy that has cured thousands of such cases You wall get better as the kidneys get better and health will return when the kid neys are well Let a McCook woman tell you about Doans Kidney Pills Mrs H A Rough 212 E Fifth St McCook Nebs says I have seen what Doans Kidney Pills will do 3a cases 01 kidney complaint and feel justified in recommending them A member of my family took this remedy when suffering from bac ache and soon received entire relief For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co BuffaJo New York sole ageents for the Unit ed States Remember the name Doans and take no other iYou will look a good while lie fore you find a better medieme for coughs and colds than Cham berlains Cough Remedy rtmat only gives relief it cures Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect For sale by -all dealers And Saturday was official clean up- day in Culbertscin SS S WK MBfiiiS SS j5SSS555SSiSlSS5S5SCSSS I Home Baking I Better every way 1 1 than the ready made foods Dr Prices Baking Powder I ApureCream of Tartar JSiSi5SSSSiSi5S3 T 1 SS nHK IN I Isis5SSS3SS3SSSSS rowaer I Made rcm Grapes