The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 15, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Gome in and see our handsome
papers from the Maxwell line
Compare their lovely colors and
artistic designs with the cheap
er papers and you will want to
pay the difference Let us show
you the fine colored plates show
ing plans for dining rooms and
any room in your house It is
tthe cheapest way to improve a
room Handsome wall paper -will
do more than twice the same
monev spent in any other way
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Land Bargains
Small farm close McCook also
160 acres eight miiles McCook
115 acres in wheat for sale on
small cash payment down bal
ance long time low rate of inter
est the former a fine beet farm
or would exchange for McCook
property Apply to owner
Buried Sunday Morning
The infant child cf Mr and
Mrs iC Lawrence dded Satur
day mornjag and its little re
mains were buried in Rdverview
cemetery Sunday morning The
child di d within a f eiw hours of
its birth
Eggs for Hatching
Finest stock in this part of
state Barred Plymouth Rock
Bradley and Ringlet strains 4c
each 250 per 100 Phone ash
1351 Rural No 3 and 4
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing
Get our rates on farm loans
McConnell for drugs
There are comparatively few
Chautauqpas jin the extreme east
orin the extreme wrest The
Chautauqua as a- Middle West in
stitution It thrives best in agri
cultural regions and in fact is
seldom found elsewhere
Classified Advertisements
Barred Plymouth Rock 4c egg
275 a 100 Extra fane eggs
Mrs A O Rogers route 1 iMc
Cook Write
FOR SALE Girls bicycle
See Dorothy Williams 706 west
TO TRADE Cadillac 40 H P
5 passenger fully equipped Cost
2000 Run about a year In
first class conditionn Will trade
for house and lot of like valua
tion Address J E Dodge Mar
ion Neb 15
TO RENT 1 store building
fine opening for confectionery
and short order 1 3 rooim dwell
ing house located in Marion
Neb Address J E Dodge 15
WANTED Pupils on the pianc
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50e per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
I will pasture cows for 1 per
bead and wall call for and de
liver same for 50c No extra
charge for delivering additional
cows to same party For infor
mation call up McCook Milling
Co Phone 29
FOR RENT Half block with
bouse fruit and shade trees Suit
able for chickens and gardening
Call at 215 W B street B 25
WANTED A few more head
cows to pasture Season opens
April 15 Close in Plenty of
fresh water W G Jones Phone
red 306 See me at Graves 2nd
hand store 8jM 4t
FOR SALE New 8 troom mod
ern house with full basement
batli furnace etc One or two
lots Reasonable Phone black
FOR SALE Rhode Island Red
and White Wyandotte eggs 50c
a setting Mrs W N Rogers
R F D No 1
Houses for rent by J E Kel
ley phone 6 3 room furnished
cottage close in lawn and shade
12 sw
FOR SALE Household goods
including new kitchen range -402
E 2nd street Pbone red 463
15w 2t
Burgess residence
Chautauqua Attractions
Following is a panteal List of
the attractions f or tihis season
The Fraternity Glee Club
Ruth Bowers Company
Harmony Concert Company
The Venetian Troubadours
The Novelty Musicians
Sibyl Sammfe McDermid
The Royal Italian Guards Band
Byron Piatt
Hon Albert L Blair
James Francis O Donnell
Belle Kearney
Helen B Paulsen
Eugene Laurant Company
Jolin B Ratito
Lincoln McConnell
Everett Kemp
The Raweis
Wholesome Exercise i
Mayor Ilotsetter has estab
lished a rule to utilize transient
grinatdous were tilled out along
the gutters of Main avenue It
the prevailing dust storm It
ought te prove wholesome in
more than one particular and
will likely reduce the number of
sojourning pilgrims at this place
A local bachelor arjrues that
there ought to be an ordinance
requiring the girls to keep
their elbows clean and uncalious
ed if not pink and dimpled
df the short sleeve fad is 6d con
Beginning wcith today Fred E
Bortfeld will be in the eity for
about ten days Leave orders
for piano turning at II P Sut
tons store or at Miss Maude
Are going to Onelp Monfa
S Walker won that contest
Everything in drugs
A McMillen Prescription Drug
We have not only the largest
but the best line of garden and
flower seeds in town
Marshs Phone 25
The best lawn grass garden
and field seeds are dn stock at
MeCook Hardware Co also good
tested seed corn 200 per bushel
Cashier Pennell of the First
National Bank has purchased the
F D Burgess residence on 1st
street west now occupied by En
gineer and Mrs JV C Marshall
II P Waiite Co are agente
dm McCook tfpr Hughes Crescent
Coitage Paints Be sure to see
them before -buying material for
your spring painting
The Rock Creek Power and
Light Co of Dundy county re
cently went mto bankruptcy A
R Scottpf our city is- one of the
salpftfArl TMlA fOTTlinflTlV
furnishes light for Benkelman
Mrs Ilenry Best presided atf the
Mrs W II Dungan of Denver
i to be credited with a large
part dn the success of the un
At the conclusion of the spec-
oial week the chapter members ev
the ipi2nm now attired in cm ioyed lilie usual lisrlut refresh
blcimaficiwlctecifer thciir gcits to ments n the banquet moon with
the east tcjiher with tiheir j the alwaya enjoyed toasts pjid
giaince and are crowned accord- roasts Mr W II Dungan being
bltnnatic white offer their gifts t the genial and resourceful master
ing to their several gifts j The usual regular buolniass1
In the final maoch additional sion of the chapter preceded the
pilgrims are taken on and tho J presentation of The Pilgrims
five points of the star are the work
Citizens of McCook
I am nciw running for
ipnize in the Sub Agents Nation
jal Treasure Chest Contest which
is oemg neixL under rue auspices
of the Curtis Publisliing Co The
first prize is 50000 I am now
liolding down a good position
I need your support to help win
in this contest
This contest ends on the 27th
of lUhds mouth so if you will con
tract with me to deliver you The
Saturday Evening Post for even
two -weeks beginning- witih this
coming Thursdayl will appreci
ate your help Yours for business
Father DeLong Dead
Oliver P DeLomg passed aiway
this morning at 830 oclockfull
of years after a long season of
illness and helplessness He was
bums on the streets of the boron on February 8 1829 hence
city and the order went into el J was in his 84th year Services
fective operation Friday when will be held at the home of son
bunch of the gentry pere jBlancir DeLcmg tomorrow after
roan at 230 oclock under aus
pices of the G A R and bur
ial will follow in Longview cem
Notice of Delinquent Water Tax
This is1 to remind ycu that wate
taxes are delinquent since April
15 Please call and adjust same
Tours respect fully
Water ComnrirGionnr
Theres a difference tin wall
paper quality The Maxwell line
of wall papers as of the most
worthy quakty obtainable at the
MeCONNELL Druggist
There wire more than a thou
sand Chautauquas dn the United
States today all of them halving
grown up in less tlian forty years
Wedding Breakfast White Rock
and pure maple syrup at Mag
ners Phone 14
The peiVitieal senate pits in the
commercial club rocms dailv now
Come in and get our prices on
Garden Seeds before you buy If
you do you will buy from us M
l 3t Marshs Phone 25
II P Waiite Co are agents
in MoCook for Hughes Crescent
Coijtage Paints Be sure to see
them before buying material for
your spring painting
Kodak days are here Have
you the necessary films1 and other
supplies to start the spring
paigm Come in and we can sup
ply your wants an photo
MeCONNELL Druggist
Episcopal Services on Wed
nesday at730 p an choir at 8
Altar Guild on Thursday after
noon with Mrs Roberts west B
Street Sunday Holy Commun
ipn ait 8 00 a m Sunday school
at 0 11 and 8 as
Monday Evening Edition
Was The Pilgrims Presented
by 0 E S Friday Night
Eureka chapter No 86 0 E
S has a traditional record for
putting on- nice stunts cleverly
but that icf lasifc Friday evening
takes high rank among its ac
spciciial feature In sentiment
The Pilgrims reaches its- cli
max when Adah Ruth Esther
Martina and Electa come into
dramatic action and dcelamattiorj
evidence In this and this and
this forever
The pilgrims were Miss Geor
getta Boelzall Miss Lillian1 Moore
Miss Claare fPhursby Mass Helen
Schwab Miss Arlene Allen Miss
complishments in that line and Elsie Campbell Miss Grace Wil
was intensely enjoyed by an un jletts and to these were added
usually large attendance over j in the final march Moss Martha
a hundred being present Abel Miss Peairl Mitchell Mass
The Pilgrims is an Grace White Grab and Mrs C M
dix to the regular Star Matson Mies Lona Phelps was
tic provision and is replete with conductress
artistic and santdmental lines and The solo work in Ruth and
action Sevan black rcibed pil Nacmi was effectively render
grims open the performaniee in ed iby iMrs C S Quick Jr of
a processional carrying lughted
Papers escorted -by the assist
ant conductress They are seek
ers setting forth in ehanit and
dialogue and appropriate march
what they hepe to secure
After pledges are made and re
eeiivcd the black robes ire re
moved and like the magi of old
W C Wentz was in Lincoln
Mrs E J Kates will leave in
the morning for Lincoln
Mrs C E Cone arrived home
on 13 Saturday from a visit
Mrs J G Schobel was among
the Minden pilgrims Friday to
hear the debate
Rev L E Lewis1 wall leave for
district conference at Orleans to
morrow morning
J E Dodge was over from Mar
ion on business close of week
His adv in classified column
may interest you
C W Shurtleff came in frcm
the -west last night and is look
ing after busuness matters here
Father Gavin was a passenger
on 13 Friday morning on a
mission of the cloth to Trenton
Mrs Frey and daughter of
Trenton were shoppers in the
chy this morning returning west
on 13
Mrs Viola Ballew was up end
of week from Excelsior Springs
Missouri on some business mat
Miss Harriet Rankin departed
Saturday om 13 for California to
make an extended visit in that
Mr and Mrs F S Wilcox mov
ed in their new home the Frank
lin residence on North Main ave
nue Saturday
RevJSBayne of Kearney fill
ed the pulpit for his soni Rev R
T Bayne Sunday in the Congre
gational church
Dr J M Morris district su
perintendent went up to Ben
kelman on 13 Friday morning in
the line of duty
U G Etherton of Bartley the
deputy oil inspector was a city
pilgirdm Friday on Roskefeller
business for the state
W L Zint is down from Den
ver visiting his son Roy and fam
ily and attending to some mat
ters of business in Iris former
Mr Giese of the Great Western
Beet Sugar Co making his head
quarters at Fort Morgan Colorar
do came to this territory end of
Mrs G II Watkins wall depart
tomorrow for Bridgeport Nebras
ka where she will join her hus
band who is managing a bank in
that towm
J D Stevens and son Lee Abe
veterinarian went up to Benkel
man Friday morning on 13 on
business returning on No 14
Saturday night
Lewi Ludwiek was a passeng
er on lv3 Saturday morning fcir
Yuma Colorado on a visit to
relatives and to follow his work
of piano tuning
R W Devoe formerly olerk of
the dJstriic toourt was over from
Lebanon Saturday on business
and to meet friends of the years
spent in McCook
was in the city Friday between
trains on his way home frcm a
business trip to the famous Kil
patrick ranch ini Chase count
State Audiiotr S R Barton
spent part of Friday and Saitur
day in the city looking after his
fences for the congressional nom
ination oni the Republican ticket
Miss Lenor S Fitzgerald of
our city has been reelected prin
cipal of the Cambridge high
schcol for next term C F
White tof Trenton is the neiw Sm
perin tendent eiect
Mrs W B Mills Mrs F C
Rurntcis iand Miss Mabel Winters
went down to Camibrrdge Friday
evcmiirig an a short tnip Mrs
Mills tG play for a dance tluat
evening the other ladies to visit
Rev 0 Richert whe has been
assistant to Rev G Woekenfuss
left last week for Colorado
where he will continue in the
work of the German Evangelical
Lutheran church ministry at Fort
Mrs E M Sly departed Sun
day morning on 13 for the west
to be abs vit several jnonths Ford
Idaho will be her headquarters
most of thetme butshe will vis
it in California and the north
west as well while absent
Rev Andersonlf Trenton ex
changed pulpits with Rev Lewis
on Sunday mornnng andevandng
Christian Education was the
theme of both of Rev Andersons
earnest sermons especially appli
ed ta boosting the Wesley an uni
versityythe great church scliooi at
University Place Attendance was
small on account of the storm
rib tine
Severe Wind and Dust Storm Pre
vailed Saturday and Sunday
Minor Damages Sustained
A fierce wind and blinding
dust storm prevailed over this
section Saturday and Sunday to
the extreme discomfort of man
and beast and to some small daar
age G property The wind
reached at times a high velocity
and continued strong for many
hours while the dust darkened
the skies for hours At the height
of the storm traffic and transpor
tation were difficult and during
much cf both days very disagree
Crop conditions were damaged
somewhat by prolonged strength
of the wind
Plate glass and ordinary win
dow glass suffeired in no small
measure Plate glass in the Rish
el building and the Divine gar
age were cracked while several
windows in the high- school build-
Imijr ana elsewnere over town
were broken
Trecis in the city and private
The Doreas kensington this
week will be held at the home of
Mrs Z L Kay Thursday after
Next week Wednesday will be
the regular lodge meeting of Gol
den Rod State lodge No 282 All
are ured to be present as im
portant business will be transact
The Epworthians will hold a
social in the church Thursday
evening They wall give a tem
perance program and serve re
freshments with a fee of ten
cents charged
This afternoon from 330 to
530 Glen Clark entertained a
company of young friends in cel
ebrating his birthday Refresh
Mienits were served games played
remembrances given and general
ly happy time enjoyed by the
young fiosb and his guests
Mrs George Phillips
nrnnrtie fi7t tir lfrvrp fyf 110 LU Ule lDers tfOKlem KOCl
gale with damaging effect I f tat lcdS - 22 Wednesday
And when we think of the lather wuth few invited friends
housewife and the storekeeper aJllMlfcful kensangtcn Mrs
film Innn nnKro Ponic U- l KUlCy WCU a liandSOme
Roofs porehes etc sustained
some minor damages ove the cit
Electric light service was em
barrassed some Saturday even
ing by the fitful gale
To democratic voters of Red
Willow County
On Friday 19th primaries
will be held at the usual voting
places to enable the respective
political parties to select candi
dates for each party to be voted
for at the November general elec
The democratic party this year
has an opportunity never presen
ted to it before of serving the
country by electing its entire tick
et if it is careful to select good
men at this primary for the sev
eral offices to be filled both state
and national
The republican party is hope
lessly split up into warring fac
tions each eager to control the
spoils of office and the people are
looking to the democratic party
for relief and will surely support
the nominees of our party and
will give us victory if we nomi
nate democrats in whom the
people have confidence
It is not only foolish but is ab
solutely wrong for the electors of
one party to vote for candidates
of the other party at this primary
election and no democrat should
allow himself to be persuaded to
vote for republicans because some
friend asks him to do so or be
cause a candidate on the republi
can ticket is his neighbor to do
so would not only be reprehensi
ble but an act of disloyalty to his
party and its principles The
great democratic party is now en
gaged in a terrific struggle to lift
the burdens from a long suffering
people both in the state and na
tion To you democrats each
and every one of you we appeal
to attend the primaries on
next Friday and see to it that
winners are nominated on our
ticket Do not be mislead by
the enemies of reform and do
not let them cause you to lose
this golden opportunity for suc
cess by voting the republican tick
et and thus fail to aid your own
See to it that you put a cross
after the name of the democrat
whom you think will best serve
the people from president down
to the smallest precinct office by
doing so you will have done your
highest duty to your party and
To Correspondents
The Tribune being regularly
printed on Mondays and Thurs
days would be pleased to have
items mailed for both issues by
our regular -correspondents over
the county Items f rem any
source wall be appreciated I
- r
plate in the guessing game of the
afternoon It was Mteirary ard
flower day and several selections
were enjoyed by those present
Mrs Graver cf Palisade was art
out of towm guest Refreshmenits
added to the occasion at firvec
oclock in the afternoon
A large company of neighbor
ladies and friends rogoiced Mrs
Matella Gordons heart on last
Thursday afternoon giving her
a generous birthday surprise
The ladies to a total of about
tliirty invaded Mrs Gordonsr
home well provisioned for the oc
casion and a feast of good fhiEgs
and a social hour1 added to Mrs
Gordons pleasure and will serve
as a remembrance of the faot
that another milestone has been
rounded in her life
The Odds entertained the
Evens of the Thursday Evening
Whist club last Thursday even
ing in a notable manner Arte
eight oclock dinner was served
in three courses and clever style
and accessories at The Monte
Cristo Cafe Pink carnations ac
companied the place cards and
an enjoyable program of music
on violin and piano by Mr ttad
Mrs Albert F Buck were de
tails most pleasureable The
members of the club assembled
at the apartments of Dr and
Mrs W E MeDivitt where
they returned after dinner and
spent the remainder of the even
ing in playing whist Tlids af
fair closed the season of 1911 12
for the club
Minden School Wins in District
The Minden high school de
bating team defeated the McCook
team for the championship of the
southwestern district of the state
debating league in Mfnden Friday
night by a two to one decision
McCook had the affirmative of
the league closed shop question
Both teams were well prepared
and did particularly good work
in extemporaneous rebuttal
The members of the McCook
team were Maurice Benjamin
Cecil McMillen and Harold
Schwab The Minden school
was represented by Rae Waite
Loyd Hausen and Lawrence Ben
son Lawrence Benson was se
lected to represent his school and
the district in the state champion
ship debate to be held in Lincoln
The judges were Prof E B
Conant of the state university
Professor Watkins of the state
historical society and Prof J J
Graham of Hastings college
McCook put up a strong de
bate and was enthusiastically
supported by a lusty bunch of
Call at D Magners store ancT
get a can of Armours Prepared
r r
The company -as cleaning out
the flitch on east Railroadstreet
in anticipation of a flood