i if m T aft Tfts JVtcSooft THune ESTABLISHED 1882 P M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County SUBSCRIPTION 150 A YEAR Entered at postoffiee MeCook Nebraska as second class matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays Political Announcements I announce my candidacy for the nomination for state repre sentative on the Republican tick et subject to the primaries to ie held April 19 1912 adv W A REYNOLDS I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Oounty Assessor Red Willow ounty on the Democratic ticket subject to primary election held April 19th 1912 adv JOHN n WESCH And Champ some too Chmp Clark by 140000 Clark is gomg carried Illinois The colonel lias quite recover ed foam that N D jolt I thank you II L Xye has been appointed foreman of the Culbertson Dem onstration Farm A A A 11 II Rankin republican can didate for presidential elector in the- Fifth district has been a resident of Furnas county fcr twenty eight years is a succeia fnl business man and stock raiser lie cb a loj al progressive and s pledged to vcite for the peoples choice A A A Get your share The Tribune earn help you W WBL 4 iTyP - - MmmSm Parties and the Referendum Have you considered the ani portance to your parity and iLfcs candidates of adopting Amend ment No 1 the Initiative and Referendum as a paity measure at the coming primaries This measure carried in Cali fornia Colorado and Arkansas th a last states to vote upon it by nearly four to one The aver age in- all states voting on tt is nearly three to one It Is appar ently still more popular in Ne braska Will not such si measure couuitang as part of the party ticket and having straight par ty votes counted for it strength en the party just as a popular candidate strengthens it Suppose your1 party voters should negiect to endorse this amendment at the primaries Then Straight party votes would be counted asrainsltr it at the elec tion Your party would have its I campaign to make handicapped by its opposition itio a measure three fourths of the people want To suppport the Initiative and Referendum as most of them would do members of the par ty would have to scratch their party ticket They would have to warn others not to vote a straight ticket Would that be plcbsanifc Would it mot be dis astrous to party success A little effort on your part will insure your party against such a mishap See that your pa ty as3oeiaites vote for Amendment No 1 at thi 1 primaries That will put the pary right t and save itj a serious in this years1 campaign I Vote for Wdlliard A Prince the Peoples Candidate for Con gress Primaries April 19 1912 adv Nebraska Amendments ments to the constitution by theio titie will be printed on each party ballot for the Imary election to hi held April linn mm i c vi - Xbl AH1A ellll 11 cl JllUiJ UllI VUIU of any party is cast for either amendment it becomesi a party measure and all straight votes cast by saiid party at the general election will be counted for the amendment It requires a major ity of all Arotes cast ait general election to adopt an amendment No 1 Initiative and Referen dum No 2 Fixing term of office and salaries for members of the Legislature No 3 Board of Commissions of state institutions No 4 Providing for general R L Keester of Alma Nebraska Republican Candidate for Con gress at primaries I favor among other things pw BJ mniwuiuJjMiMHi ---2--e--- 1 nj 5 - a X XZWtol - - -- v rt ist Reduction of tariff 2nd Free lumber manufac tured iron and steel products and sugar 3rd Abolishment of the court of commerce giving the same powers to the inter state com merce commission 4th Stricter anti trust laws 5th State laws should be en joined only by state or United States supreme courts 6th House pension bill 7th Government ownership of railroads telegraph telephone and express companies 8th The Peace treaty 9th Government to build and maintain public highways ioth Amendment of inter state law so as to prohibit ship ment of intoxicating liquors into dry territory iith Conservation of all our natural resources 1 2th United States prohibit ing the manufacture and sale as a beverage of intoxicating liqu ors in the United States I call upon all Republicans and all citizens who favor these principles to attend the primary election and vote the republican ticket and support me in thi campaign Respectfully yours R L KEESTER elections once in two years No I Allowing cities of more than 5000 inhabitants to make their own charter While favoring President Taft the New York delegation is not instructed for the president This may be significant New York and Pennsylvania are notorious traders in the national conven tion Justice Hughes stock soem to be looming up some A Read The Tribune for the news Wants for rent for sale etc 5c a line in The Tribune HHaOMWaHBVBlBaaHaHHaVHHraHIBMHRHIDHHMHHHlMMHHanHMMiHHanMMai Extra Values Extra Style Extra Quality At Extra Special Prices J i3 Is i fin I l fl All Tailored Suits Reduced From 15 to 25 per cent This sale coming right at the height of the suit season affords an unusual opportunity of securing a high class Tailored Suit at at tractive reductions Call and select your color size and style while the assortment is complete A New Shipment of Hats We have received a large shipment of hats shapes and braids as well as a good assortment of swell fancy ribbons and Nobby New Sailors in our millinery department making our stock again complete after the Easter rush wdry goods Millinery Ladies RRrasHmesjr W MSGOOKNEBR SILAS R BARTON Progressive Republican Candidate for Congress Fifth Congressional District PRIMARIES FRI APRIL 19 1912 Polls Open From Neon Until 9 p m I know the wants of the people for have learned by experience I have been Farmer School Teach er Deputy County Treasurer Grand Recorder A O U W and State uditor How They Voted Where They Knew Me Best Vote in Hamilton County where I resided from 1872 to 1901 Election cf 1908 Qffice Candidate Majority lifeut Gov Hopewell Rep 26 Bee State Junkin Rep 38 Auditor Barton Rep 318 Treasurer Brian Rep 68 Election 1910 Office Candidate Majority Lieut Gov Hopewell Rep 1 Sv State Wait Rep 399 Auditor Barton Rep 982 rreasureftTGeorge Rep 320 Vote in Hall County where I have resided since 1901 Election of 1908 Office Candulate Majority Lieut Gov Garrett Dem 54 Sec State Junkin Rep 13 Auditor Barton Rsp 552 Treasurer Biian Rep 170 Election 1910 Office Candidate Majority Lieut Gov Hopewell Rep GS V oc State Wait Rep 106 tVjdiic - Barton Rep 777 Treasurer George Rep 116 Carried Lancaster County in 1908 482 Carried Lancaster County in 1910 3474 Fifth Congressfonal District 190S Norris 22 Barton 1 121 1910 Norris 4004 Barton 4032 Your Support Will Be Appreciated ROOSEVELT WINS IN ILLINOIS The political surprise oif Qic week ds rthe result of the Illinois primary election Tuesday in which Roosevelt carried the state by aver a hundred thousand ma jority revised figures place the total at 115000 This is a stiinig dng rebuke to Lorimerismi in Il linois and places Colonel Roose velt on the map for the prceijden tial iLominiatnon in unmistiakahle tennis Congressmen McKinley and Cannon were renominated as was also Governor Deneen If MoKiniey and Cannon go to nar tional ccnvenitio they will have to- favor Roosevelt as hoitli their dastnicts overwhelmingly voted for the colonel Lawrence Y Sherman was tthe choice for United Staites senator and Cullom will undoubtedly be retired Base ball goods IMcCOOK HARDWARE CO Remember The Tribunes phone is 19 We will appreciate an item any time NOTICE OF SUIT William O Pate Drusilla Pate Iris wife Eannie M Fogle Maude Coomer aind John Ilunter Coomer defendants will take notice that Susanna Zieafoose plaiintiff has filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county Ne braska against you the object and prayer of which are toi procure- a decree quieting the plain tiffs title ito the northwest Section 5 Township 2 Range 30 Red Willow county Nebraska against any title interest claim or lien of any kind of said de fendants and for equitable relief You are required ta answer said petition on- or before Mon day May 20th 1912 Susamna Zicaf oose Plaintiff By C IT Boyle her attorney April 8 8ts on lot 1 bloek 21 224 Main ave nue im the Second ward or the sOity of MeCook Nebraska be granted to one for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1912 J H MITCHELL Application for Permit McOook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the Oity Clerks of fice my bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the brick building ou lot llblock 16 in tire Second ward of the City of McOook from ttfay 1 1912 to April 30 C R WOOBWORTH Applicant k vLsHhI TnB BW jBi BB ffB 1MB BUB fij MoH m9 Mm BIMHa tyutjBff 3iw bmB Mmb wbl B 3PBI Ewfe EkWI jji t gy harts j i THEY A R R HAVE IV ED A large consignment of the justly celebrated CARHARTT BRAND of trusted Mens Work ing Clothes Made in an honorable way for hon orable men HANSEN GLOVES SIGNAL SHIRTS A GALUSHA SON Home of Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes Application for Permit MeCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I iiave filed in the City Clerks of fice my bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the City of MeCook from May 1 1912 to April 30 1913 L W McCONNELL Applicant Application for Permit McOook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the Oity Clerks of fice my bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 11 block 22 in the First ward of the City of MeCook from May 1 1912 to April 30 1913 ALBERT McMILLEN Applicant Application for License MeCook Nebraksa April 4 1912 Notice as hereby given that I ihajve filed in the office of the City Clerk of MeCook Nebraska a petitions asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vin ous liquors in the building situ ated on- lot 8 iblook 27 at No 103 Main avenue in the First ward of the -City of McOook Ne braska be granted to me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1912 WILLIAM H BODEaiANN Application for License McOook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the Oity Clerk of MeCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license ito sell analt spirituous and vinous liquors an the building situated Application for License MeCok Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that we have filed in the offiee of the Oity Cleric of MeCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 13 block 27 113 Main ave nue ini the First ward of the Oity of MeCook Nebraska he grant ed to us for the coming munieipa year beginning May 1 1912 4 3t JAMES WOOLARD JOHN F McMANIGAL Application for License MeCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the Oity Cleric of MeCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 9 iblock 22 205 Main ave nue in the First ward of the City of MeCook Nebraska be granted me for the coming muni cipal year beginning May 1 1912 4 443t OLAUDE L MeKILLIP Application for License MeCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice -is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the Oity Clerk of MeCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous surd iiin ous liquoirs in the building situ ated on part of lots 13 14 and 15 block 21 113 West B street in the Second ward of the City of MeCook Nebraska -be grant ed to me for the coming muni cipal year beginning May 1 1912 DAN P CLOUSEL Application for License McOook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice as hereby given that I have filed in the ioffice of ithe Oity clerk of MeCook iNeibraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building situated ion lot 9 block 21 Original town in the Second iward of the City of MeCook Nebraska be grant ed me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1912 iG EORGE W DWORAK The Tribune gives ALL the news twice a week for only 150 The Tribune want aids ibning the business 5 cents per line v 1 r i