The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 11, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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thirtieth year
Have you ever considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now -when you are earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saved
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier to save your money
and deposit it with
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
The dumping ground northeast
of city is discontinued and noth
ing further shall ibe dumped
therein or in the lane or streets
leading thereto The city has
arranged with George Inland for
a dumping ground on his land
southeast of oity but dumping
must be done only according to
sijgns poshed by Mr Leland and
not along the lane leading to the
dumping ground Any dumping
elsewhere of any refuse offad
garbage or any matter that is
likely to produce offense obstante
fcion or disease will be prosecut
ed All dead animals dogs ealts
fowls -etc must be buried
Citizens Gas Co
The McCook Gas Co lias been
reorganized and is mow styled
The Citizens Gas Co with prac
tically the same stockholders and
officers as -the old company
-which since January 1 1911 has
leen in charge of P Walsh aj
Oats and corn Updike Grata
and Coal Co S S Garvoy man
ager Phone 169
McConnell for drugs
McCONNELL Druggist
If you -expect to need a cream
separator this spring see the
Dairv Maid Mid U S at II V
Waite Cos
To have a big crop of fruit
you should spray your trees
Should have done it earlier but
ad will help a lot to do it now
Sea us about it
McCONNELL Druggist
The government is making in
quiries to prices of certain it
ems of building material -required
fcr its contemplated federal
building at jliis place The list
covers about 150 items of va
ricius kinds and local parties
have submitted figures for same
delivered here It iis1 expected
that -work will begin this sum
Classified Advertisements
216 West B st Splendid board
elegant rooms only 20 month
Close in 4 doors east of Palmer
hotel Itf
FQR RENT 160 acres eultivat
ed and 80 acres in pasture all
fenced Also for sale i horses
wagon and harness 3 section
steel harrow corn lister break
ing plow and other small artic
les See or write Maurice Grif
fin phone black 408 22 tfhv
FOR SALE Pure White Wy
andotte eggs 50c a setting Wal
nut 3852 7 tf
Houses for rent Try J E Eel
ley phone 6 3 room ftfrnislifed
cottage el 6a e in iTawn and shade
12 sw
Monday Afternoon Session
Tlie old council held a brief
sessioa on Monday afternoon at
which ordinances 214 215 216
were passed as published in
Monday s Tribune It will be
noted- that ordinance 214 repeals
the old occupation tax ordinance
relieving most businesses from
that tax This ordinance places at
occupation tax of 600 on saloons
and will -take 2400 out of the
school fund The old ordinances
made the saloon license 1000
and ithe occupation tax 200
The new ordinance divides the
1200 equally between -the city
and the school fund Only ten
lines of Jbusiness are taxed under
the present occupation ordinance
Billiard halls bowling alleys sa
loons electric companies gas
compapnies telephone companies
wholesale liquor dealers transpor
tat ion companies express com
panies and telegraph companies
Taxpayers Take Notice
We very respectfully icall your
attention to the fact ithat there
will appear cu the primary ballot
at ithe election to be held April
19th 1912 several prcpcsails for
amendments to the constitution
of the state of Nebraska
We wish particularly to calll
your attention to -the fourth
amendment which as -of unusuail
importance to the taxpayer as
at contemplates the reduction of
the election expense one half by
liolding elections but once in
two years
Such a change would cause the
elections to more nearly conform
to ithe tenure of the elective of
fices than ithe present plan as
nearly all officers are now el act
ed for two or more years
Respeetfulb yours
Referee Norberg Was Here
Referee Gus Norberg was up
from Iloldrege on Wednesday to
elcscTup thebankriiptcy proceed
ings in the case of E P Iluber
and met with the creditors pres
ent for ibhait purpose The stock
had been disposed of a few weeks
since- and this meeting was had
to close up the case finally
A Big Success
The Pvthian Sisters dance an
the armory Monday nightwas
one of the most successful danc
es of the season An unusually
large patronage was accorded
and a rare social occasion was
enjoyed Upon which the sister
hood is to be congratulated
Money to Loan
I have a little private money to
loan on farm mortgage Just
ait present I desire a choice farm
iloan of one thousand dollars in
Red Willow county 13 T2t
Blue Hill Nebraska
Domestic Science
Mrs C L Fahnestook desires
all membens of the Domestic Sci
ence faculty to send the recipes
tliiaiK they have iisejd in the dif
ferent classes to her an order that
we may get out a cook book
Cherry Trees
You ought to see the size and
quality of our cherry trees ait the
Greenhouse Phone red 214
seed for sale Updike Grain and
Coal Co S S Garvey manager
Phone 169
See Lehn fcr rail e Jtate Loan
Everything in drugs
Buy garden field and flower
seeds- from II P Waite Co
DeLaval cream separators now
ready for you at
We have our full line of wall
paper in stock at right prices
A McMLLLEN Druggist
The Maxwell line of wall pa
pers wall please you in both qual
ity and price
OVIcCbNNELL Druerirfst
Thursday Evening Edition
Mr Sandburg Is Looking Toward
the Counties West of Us Who
Seem to Be Interested j
For the present The Tribune
is advised Mr Sandburg the ir
rdgation promoter ds looking over
tire land south ot Wauneta as a
possible place to carry out Ms
contemplated irrigation project
It is -reported that farmers
along the upper stretch of the
proposed ditch are very desir
ous of securing this waiter and
ait piiesant -at least Mr Sand
burg and his engineers are look
ing over the prospect
There as undoubtedly water to
be impounded A reservoir pro
ject is quite practical The ques
tion is who is going to get the
water and utilize it
Have the farmers of Red Wil
low county decided they dont
want it
Commercial Club Meeting
The McCoek Commercial club
was in regular Tues
day night dspcising of regular
routine business paying bills etc
Rex E Scott William Sulli
van J E Moftind and Dr R R
Reed were added to the regular
club membership
Hon Robert L McCabe of
Ohio representing The National
Citizen League a bank reform
organization will address the
members of the MeCcoik Commer
cial olub some -time during the
week of April 23 29 on that
great topic which is being giv
en remarkably active publicity
by this league for some purpose
or other noit very well under
stood by many
A committee on trade exten
sion was appointed by tihe cliair
consisting of Messrs II C
Clapp A Galusha and J
2880 Warp Threads
in the breadth of a Queen qual
iityj percale And 2880 other
threads weft threads in one
yard of the same or if a yard of
Queen pereale 1e drawn into
ata original threads there are
found 5760 threads They cost
you 15e If tied together tliey
make a kite string 3 miles long
for 15c We show 45 pieces of
this splendid percale at 15c yd
So much material and labor can
not be had in any cither form for
15c Come anel see them The
Thompson D G Co Utmost
Married Monday
Bryan Harrison of Cornell
Hfttcheock county and Miss Ar
villa Jewell of Centerpoint Fron
tier icounty were married at the
Baptist parsonage on Monday af
ternoon D L MoBride ciBfieiait
At the Greenhouse
Walk over to the greenhouses
any time and sci our trees rose
bushes shrubs small fruit and
Seed oats and conn -for sale
Updike S S Garvey manager
Phone 169
Stetson Hats S369
in ten styles and colors at The
Thompson D G Co a saving of
81 cents f or you
All kinds of fruit and shade
tiyies for sale at the Greenhouse
Phioner red 214
Buy garden field and flower
seeds from n P Waite Co
Majestic ranges Batter than
ever Sold by
Right now is the best time to
see our wall papers
McCONNELL Druggist
Feeding the kibtie is said to
bo a popular form elf amusement
of some of our citizens
standing its financial difficul
I Tln RoOOlJUVnTl 1rtlTl Trail tniCL run
Now as a gooanime to fio loiut rniext Monday- afternoon with
vvLf 4 n w I 1 x Al 1 1 IT MW ITi rll t r 1 I- I
Quits jjaimiuiug ysij ie jj uicum i iirs j w pram ana uvirs jm
Climatic Mixed Paant and you Williams at the residence of -the
-will be sotisfiedwithresnlts latter The siibie ct of tha
AMclULLEN Druggist sion will be FOotaws Martha
State Experiment Station Locat
ed Near Culbertson
The last legislature appiopri
alted 15000 for the state experi
ment station many years ago lo
cated alt Culbertson As no ap
propriation lias ever before been
made for this purpose the sta
tion has never been formally lo
cated there
However in accordance with
the provision made by the last
legislature Chancellor Avery
Dean E A Burnett of the state
agricultural college and Regents
Coupland Lyford and Anderson
arrived in McCook Sunday night
on No 3 on their way up to Cul
bertson to perform tliis long ne
glected act Monday morning
these gentlemen took the branch
train for Culbertson and spent
the day looking over the land
in the neighborhood of that burg
The result of their1 visit we un
derstand was the selection of a
tract of land owned by W U
Ferguson of Lincoln near Cul
bertson part of which earn be ir
A gentleman by the name of
2yc has been selected to be the
superintendent of the station
which it is proposed to at once
develop and put into active op
eration providing such buildings
as are possible considering the
amount appropriated etc
We congratulate Culbertson up
on finally securing this desir
able state establishment
Norris Bill Finds Favor
Washington April 9 Spe
cial The judiciary committee
agreed today to report favorably
the Nornis bill to limit the width
of the Union Pacific night of
wary and Judge Nornis vas se
lected to draw the report Sctm
opposition to the passage of the
bjll has developed in the com
mittee out u majority- -voted
for it Mr Nornis said that he
would make a somewhat exliaus
tiive report dealing with ithe le
gal phases of the aueshion and
that as it would require ocane
study ot Avould be perhaps a week
or more before he could complete
it The fof Ll r5 reported will in
clude the amendment necessary tc
cover the otuation in Joorado
In th9 connection Mr Norris
yjitcd tbr t he did net intend to
go to Nebraska beifcre tho pri
mary He referred to requeue
he had bad from the foliate- that
ho go iShercijbut said he felt rim
pelleel to remain in Washington
because of the demands made up
on bs attention to public busi
The f olio wrig real estate filings
have been filed in thei county
clerks office since our last re
F D Burgees to F A Pen
nell wd to lots 5 andfi in
bleak 9 1 it McCook 10 00
McCook Gas Co to Citizens
iGara Co wd to Jot C 8th
McCook 5000 00
Richard Dunning to John
Dunning wd to w hf nw qr
5 e hf ne qr 6-3-27 1000 00
John Dunning to Clarence
E Ilctze wd to lots 2 3
and 4 6-3-27 4800 00
Jaiccib Wisbon to Charles
WrVshcn qcd ne qr ne qr
27-1-28 4800 CO
Minden Friday Night
Tbmcircw -evening at iM nden
the McCook and Mimdien high
3arccil dubatrmg te aimo wfll con
test for ith champicrjsbip cif S
W Neibnslia Thi5 finil
will d iidi2i fluiich team shall rep
resent S W iSTebraslca high
sbcis in tho state deibat Both
of the teannS hare won trvvice
McCosk bath times bj uncniimotrs
It is now unofficially stated
thatColonel Rocslt will spend
a day or two in Nebraska next
week The ardent admirers of
the colonel nope such will be
the case f eeling that a few days
spent in Nebraska will assure the
state to liim
Our hobby is good groceries
The Best of Everything A
trial order will convince you
D MAONER Phone 14
H W Keyes had business of the
law in the city yesterday
Miss Bessie Everist was a Hal
brook passenger Tuesday night
Miss Genevieve Trant of Cam
bridge visited McCook friends
over Sunday
Joseph LOpatrick of the biff
CJhase county ranch was in the
city Monday
C R Livingston went down
to Hastings Tuesday night on
10 and drove a new car back
Rev L E Lewis will fill the
Methodist pulpit appointments
an Trenton Sunday mornimg and
evening next
W II Ferguson of Lincoln
spent ia day or two ihere early
in tho week on business of his
large interests hereabouts
Jev and Mrs L E Lewis
have gone to Orleans having re
ceived word of the illness of
their granddaughter Rev and
Mrs Crams little girl
Mr and Mrs Thomas Tucker
formerly of our city are now liv
ing in Spriingdale Wash where
Mr Tucker has- purchased a
drug store and is doing nicely
Rev J W Morris supt of the
Iloldrege district stopped an the
city Wednesday and gave an- in
teresting address at the prayer
meeting hour at the Methodist
Mr and Mrs John- Bellamy
and daughter Minnie of Canrf
bridge came to the city Tuesday
night and visited over Wednes
day with lier father D L Mc
Bride and family
Rev C L Anderson of Tren
ton will preach at the Methodist
church on Sunday both morning
and evening Rev Anderson is
a pleasing speaker and you will
be helped by -hearing liim Come
and bring your7 friends
List of Bills Allowed
Won Eseher
McCook Electric Co
E C Underbill
MeCoiok Electrie Co
David Diamond
First National Bank
-1 50
55 00
3 00
3 05
75 00
II P Waite Co 11 32
Same 60
J E Kelley 5 75
Rocky Mountain Fuel Co 80 85
I A UnderhiM 50 00
A B Currie 61 20
Frank Cain 6 40
Western Union Tel Co 3 38
L Thorgrimson 37 50
Fired Faihrenbrueh 30
E L Hawkins 45 95
Webbaich St Lighting Co 154 00
Con Krieger 1 50
C W Barnes 91 90
P J Morrissev 5 00
L C Stall 1 25
II D Strunk 20 00
F M K Tramell 10 40
McCcnk Hardware Co 11 05
C B Q R R 127 58
Nick Snyder 14 00
Jake Matthews 4 8C
A E Marshall 18 60
C W Graves 1 00
Earl Baies fl 60
C M Matson 4 or
0 Grasmore 00
A N Shc pherel
White Line Transfer Co
James A Gcilobon
James Corey
Thomas 0 Rourlce
Rasky Mountain Fuel Go
Ed Fitzgerald
Frad Schlagel
3 35
15 05
41 65
1 20
1 75
80 85
55 00
65 00
R M Osborn 55 00
Wel sbaeh St Lighting Co 154 00
MiriCVifk Ccramereial Club 94 85
A M Wilson - 3 00
Fimer Kay 11 25
Eckstcdt 60 20
W B Whittaker 6 00
Frank Cain 28 60
W2otern Unron Tel Co 1 30
Land Bargains
Small farm close McCook also
160 acres eight miles McCook
115 acres in wheat for sale on
small cash payment down bal
ance long time low rate of inter
est tlie former a fine beet farm
or would exchange for McCook
propertv Apply to owner
Dont drug a headache with
heart depressing narcoties Cure
ifc quickly efficiently and hairm
iessly hy taking RexaH Headache
Wafers Price1 25c
McCONNELL Druggist
Our oil cook stoves give splen
did satisfaction Come in and
let us demonstrate them for you
Ye youths and maidens of
ye high school will indulge in
unseemely levity in present
ing the doings of ye godly folk
of Plymouth together with I
rprfnfn frivnlniic inA txmtAAlTr
songs and ye heathen and for
bidden dances
Saturday April 20
Mr Weybright Urges Action
McCook Neb April 10 1912
Editor Regarding the amount
of water in the Frenchman avail
able for storage purposes I am
in receipt of a letter from ther
first assistant secretary of the in
terior Washington D C which
was forwarded to me by Senator
Brown n which the seereitary
makes the fallowing statement
The most complete year oif
record extends from November
1st 1894 to October 31 1895 the
montlis of January and Febru
ary are missing Assuming that
the discharge for these months-
equaled the average monthly flon
for the remainder of the year
and asmiming further that the ir
nigatiioni season extends from Ap
ril to September inclusive there
is left available for storage the
October acre feet 6S2tt
November acre f eet 6265
December ire fecit 5960
January acre feet 6968
February acre feet 6968
March acre feet 6460
Total acre feet 39441
It wiil be noted that the gov
ernment records were taken dur
ing tvo of the dryest years last
ssaaon excepted on record and
cnly contemplates atoning water
six months Whereas in seasons
like the present ono there would
be at leas i a month or two to
add storage water and some sea
sons there would be 9 or 10
montlis in whech to store water
for the dry years
I wish only to add that nf the
people of Red Willow county ex
pect to ever utilize amy of the
water of the Frenchman raver
for irrigation they must get it
now If they do not act prompt
ly and energetically the oppor
tunity will nave passed from
them never to return as the wat
er wall foe used in other terri
tory that will be of no benetfut
to Red Wilicw county
To be sure if the pecple nore
prefer to go along in the same
rut and burn out year after
year that is their privilege
Yours truly
Childrens Headwear
Caps in serge in leather in
flannel Straw hats straw bonnets-
straw shades sun bonnets
mull hats duck tarns etc See
us before the money as parted
with The Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
Eggs for Hatching
Finest stock in this part of
state Barred Plymouth Rock
Bradley and Ringlet strains 4e
each 250 per 100 Phone ash
1351 Rural No 3 and 4
Seed oats anii seed corn The
Updike Grain and Coal Co S
S Garvey manager Phone 169
Rose Bushes
Call red 214 and inquire about
out rose ibushes and fancy orna
mental slirubs
Buy garden field and flower
seeds from H P Waite Co
The district conference of the
Holdrege district will fee lield at
Orleans Neb April 16 17 Bdsh
op Nuelsen will be present on
the 16th