IV m YOU RISK NO MONEY Our Reputation and Money Back of This Offer are We pay for all the medicine used during the trial df -our rem edy fails to complefteily relieve you of constipation e take all rask You are not obligated in aay way whatever if you accept our offer Could anything be more fair for vou Is there amy ORDINANCE NO 214 An ordinance to amend section one of ordinance numbered 179 oi the Remised and Compiled Ordi nances of the Oity of MeCook Nebraska passed and approved the 17th day of July 1908 and to repeal saiid original section one of said ordinances 19 and all or- Let Us Figure On Your Cement Work Call on or phone the manager He will be glad to come and figure with you MeCook Cement Stone Co Phone Red 196 H N Rosebusfi Manager gov eminent of the state of Nebraska or for any county or subdivision of the state of Nebraska or its officers as such or any business which ds interstate commerce 25 OC Section 2 Said original sec tion one of said ordinance num ber 179 as the same now ex- dhfances and parts of ordinances fete and any and all ordinances in conflict herewith Be it ordained by the Mayor and OouncdL of the City of Mc- rssson why you should hesitate tc Cook Nebraska put our claims to a practical test -Section 1 That section one of A most scientific commonnsensc ordinance 179 of the Revised and treatment is Rexall Orderlies which are eaten like candy Tthey are very pronounced gentle and pleasant an action amd par ticularly agreeable in every way TJiey do not cause diarrhoea nau sea flatuleneegriping or other in convenience Rexall Orderlies aire particularly good for children aginl and delicate person We urge you to- lay Rexall Or derlies at our risk Threie sizes 10c 25c and 50c Remember Compiled Ordinances of the City of MeOook Nebraska passed and approved he 17th day of July 190S be and it hereby is amend ed to read as follows Section 1 For the purpos of raiiEing revenue there is hereby levied a license tax in the amcunt provAdcl by this ordinance on each ud every cccupation or bus incs hereinafter mentioned car ried en cr conducted within the Citv of MeCook Red Willow you can get Rexall RcnKoaets injCOimty Nebraska and each and tbas community -only ait our store- every wrm co partnership The Rexall noil 1j tin trcn or corporation carrying en or iccril nc trig any cf ssn id oc Why He Was Late What made yen fo lali - iiut SinithiOii WjI Mit no reason why- cupations cr lusinesses within tin Citv of McCcck shall pay to the ti3 Hrer of sartd City of MeCcok annually on the second Monday in May in each veiar and in yen should be an hour late get c3n3 Cf saloons billiard hails and tanir home to supper 1 know but 1 asked him haw bowling alleys her ore vhe of a License after the pas ha was feeling and he unssted en sage anti approval cf this crdi teJiiinir me about his stomach trouble DM yen Chwnbrlan tll Inn 5 Tablets to take -Sure that s wht he needs Sokl by all dealers HARTLEY M Babbitt druggist had in Camlridge Thursday List John II Weseh Democratic candidate for county assessor spent Saturday zn -the interest of his expected nomination My little sen had a very severe cold I recenmended to try Ch rnbeilns Cough Remedy sind biic r a was finished itiiQ ps will as Lver writes Mrs 1L Silk- 29 Dcwling Street Syd ney Autraia Ths remedy h for bv all dealers We have not only the largest but the best line of garden arid flower seeds in town Marshs Phone 25 McOOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Horse Shoeing Blacksmithing We are agents for the Celebrat ed Ford Auto 210 1st st W Phcne red 450 Jo C STOLL CO Jewelers and Opticians Eyes tested and fitted repairing MeCook Neb Fine JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Estimates furnished free Base ment Postoffice Bldg Phone 33 JOHN E XELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co Of fice in Postoffice building Me Cook Nebraska A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance XDffiee 305 2d st black 252 E East Phone ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abstracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in of Sce MeCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods of quality Main avenue MeCook nance a license tax on such occu pation or business as follows Billiard hall for one table 15 00 Billiard hall for each addi tional table - 10 00 Bowling allev 25 00 Saloons GOO 00 Electric light company 25 00 Gai5 company 10 00 Telephone company 25 00 Wholesale dealer dn malt and spirituous liquors spirituous liquors - 20 0C Corporations engaged in the transportation of persons and goods by railroad from the City oif MeCook within the state of Nebraska to places within said state or within said state from places within said state to said city not including any business done to or from places without said stale or for any department agency or agent of the Unit ed States government or the State of Neibraska or for any county or subdivision of the otate of Nebraska or its of ficers as such or any busi ness which is interstate bus- amess 50 00 Express companies or agencies for express companies taking or receiving packages goods or property from any personi or persons in the City of Me Cook and -transmitting such packages goods or property thy lexpress from said city witiliim the state of Neibraska tq places witliin said state or receiving wiltliin said city packages goods and property transmitted by express with in said state from places with in said state to persons with in said state from places with in said state to persons with in said city not including any business done to or from plac es without said state or for any department agency or agent of the United States government to the state of Nebraska or for any county ior subdivision of the state of Nebraska or lists officers as such or any business which is interstate- commerce 50 00 Telegraph companies or agen cies for telegraph companies receiving messages in this city from persons in this city and transmitting the same by telegraph from this city with in ithis state to places and persons within this state and receiving within this city messages by telegraph trans miitted -within this abate f roan persons and places within 4bis state and delivering the same to persons within this city not including any buns done to or from plac es without said state or for fliiv dmnsirtimTit ktptipa nr I ae nt of Hie United States and parts of ordinances1 in con- f licit herewith are her uby i i Ul Section 3 This ordinance shall take offe jt and be in force from and afiter its passage approval and pub lOsation according to laiw Paesud and approved this Stli day of April 1912 JAMES McADAMS Mayoi Attest L C Stoll City Clerk City JSeal ORDINANCE NO 215 An ordinance to amend Sec tirji 6 of Ordinance number ed 140 of the Iteivised and Com piled Ordinances of the City of MeCook Nebraska passed and approved March 4th 190S and en titled An Ordinance to Pro vide for the Ixceni Regulatk r and Sale of Intox eating Malt Vinous Mixed Spirituous and Feirmented Liquors and to Pro vide a Penalty for the Violation Thereof Also to Provide for a Hearing before the Mayor and Ccinneil in Cass of Violation of Such Ordinance and for the Re vokingCancelling and Annulling cif Such License by the Mayor and Council if it Shall be Found ltp en Such Hearing That Saod Ordinance Has Been Violated Abo to Reipciil Ordinance No 72 and Ordinance No 8 of the Ordi nances of the City of MeCook to ropea said original section six of said ordinance -numbered 140 as the same now exists to repeal said ordinance No 72 to repeal said ordinance No 8 and to repeal any and all ordinances and pants of ordinances in con flict with tliis ordinance Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Me Cook Nebraska Section 1 That Section six of Ordinance numbered 140 of the Revised and Compiled Ordinanc es of the City of MeCook Ne braska passed and approved March 4th 1908 and entitled as set forth in the title of this ordi nance be and it hereby is amended to read as follows Seetion 6 Before said license sliall be granted the applicant shall pay to the treasurer of the City of MeCook the occupation tax prescribed by ordinance and shall also pay to said treasurer for the support of the school dis trict of the city of MeCook in Red Willow countyNebraska the sum of six hundred dollars which cccupation tax and sum of six hundred dollars shall be in full ifor the license for one year The applicant shall take the city treas urers receipts for said amounts in duplicate and file one copy of each receipt with1 the city clerk before the license sliall is sue and sthe city treasurer sliall credit to the account of the school district of the City of Me Cook all moneys now in his hands or which may come into his hands otherwise Itlian for said occupation tax from any license heretofore is sued and hereafter to be -issued for the sale of malt spirituous and vinous licpiors within the city of MeCook which money shall constitute a school fund and be fused for the sole arse and ben efit of said school district Section 2 Said original sectior six of saiud ordinance number 140 as the same now exists lOrdinance number 72 and ordinance num ber 8 of the ordinances of the cilty oif MeCook and any and all ordinances and parts of ordinanc es in conflict herewith aire here by repealed Section 2 Said original section take effect and be in force from and after its passage approval and publication according to laiw Passed and approved this 8th day of April 1912 JAMES McADAMS Mayor Attest L C STOLL City Clerk Seal Applicaticn for License McCeok Nebraska April 4 1912 Noiice s hereby given that I have fMed in the office of the City clerk cf MeCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 9 block 21 Original town n the Second ward of the City of MeCook Neibraska be grant ed me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1012 GEORGE W DWORAK For making fancy cake frry Swans Down Cake flour D Magner phone 14 V - Ramie Ratine nens Terry Cloth Dress Toweling Serg es Whipcords Voiles and all the new weave in Suitings Waistings and Dress Materials are found in the greatest variety at the lowest prices over our dress goods counter Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Application for License MeCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City Clerk of MeCook Nebraska a petitcon asking that a license to sell malt opirituous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 9 block 22 205 Main ave nue in the First ward of the City of MeCook Nebraska be granted me for the coming muni cipal year beginning May 1 1912 4 4 St CLAUDE L MeKILLIP Application for License MeCook Nebraksa April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the Oity Clerk of MeCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and ons liquors in the building situ ated on- lot 8 block 27 at No 103 Main avenue in the First 0 LBl GOODS MlLLINEKf LAMES FURNISHINGS MS COOK9 - NEBR I t3 gfosg23c333gscte52eg I tllff i fx The Now Summer Sljh Beck Two thousand ilIuslrrioii3 32 full page fashion pictures A pattern free vSih caoi book At the pattern counter Application for Permit MeCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I harve filed in the City Clerics of fice my bond and petition for a dnuggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vjnous liquors in the building on lot 7 Mock 21 in the Second ward of the City of MeCook from May 1 1912 to April 30 L TV McCONNELL Applicant Application for Permit MeOook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I haive filed in the Oity Clerks of fice my bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell maflt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 11 block 22 in the First ward of the City of MeOook from May 1 1912 to April 30 1913 ALBE BT McMILLEN Applicant Application for License MeCos k Nebraska April 4 1912 N otce is hroriby given that we have filed m the oftiee of the Coty Clerk of MeCcok Nebraska a petition asking that a licensa to sail malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 13 block 27 113 Main ave nue in the First ward of the City of MeCook Nebraska be grant ed to us for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1912 JAMES WOOLARD JOHN F McMANIGAL NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Susan C Hileman and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at a point at the northwest corner of section numbered thirteen and ktfmjcjwiv v rrasgagsaCTi MEdr r vv 1 1 r w8s75 Silk Silk Crepe Pongee Poplin Meteor Crepe De Chene Messalines Taffetas Foul a r d s and Chan gea b le Silks in every popular and desira ble color we show this sea son with handsome new trimmings And a Ladies Home Journal Pattern for every style of any garment in all sizes 10c to 15c each THE BEST KIND OP POULTRY Agricultural Department Gives the Farmers Valuable Pointers T lio general purpose of poul tiry suoli as the Plymouth Rocks Wyandotts Rhode Islamd Reds and Orpingtons aecoTdrng to a late bulletin of the United States Department Agriculture should be kept on the farm rather tham small gg breeds or small mon grel stock It should also be re in embeir that dark plumaged vairi ictiies do not as a rule look as well iwhen dressed as poultry of other colors Usually more interest is taken with a flock of fowls that are of the tsame breeld anid eolor and it is an established fact that sueh a flock produces a more uniform product which invariably secures to the owner higher priees than can be derived from the product of a momgrel flock As soon as the hatelidng season is over all male birds should be cmairketed they having no influ ence whatever on the num ber of eggs laid and eggs pro duced by flocks composed of fe ll ereafter J males only keep much better than eggs from hens that are allowed to run with males As soon as the cockerels weigh three-quarters- of a pound they should be penned for 10 or 12 days and fed all they will eat of corn chop or wet wash composed of two parts eorn meal one part bran and one part low grade flour If this mixture can be dam pened iwrith skim milk it will add much to its fattening and bleach ing qualities Birds that are fat tened should be fed in troughs rather than ini litter as exercise at this time is not conductive to irapid gains in weight The birds should bo kept as quiet as pos sible ward of the City of IcCook Ne braska be granted to me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1912 WILLIAM H BODEMANN Application for License MeCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City Clerk of MeCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license ito sell malt spirituous and vinous Mcmors in the building situated on lot 1 block 21 224 Main ave nue in the Second ward of the Oity of MeCook Nebraska be granted to me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1912 J IT MITCHELL Application for Permit MeCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the City Clerks of fice my bond and petition for a permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the brick building on lot 11 block 16 in the Second ward of the City of MeOook from May 1 1912 jto April 30 1913 4 4t C R WOODWORTH Applicant the southwest corner of section numbered twelve in town two north of range 30 west of the 6th P M where road number ed 440 intersects road 407 in Driftwood precinot Red Willow county Nebraska and running thence east on the section line be tween said sections 12 and 13 Town 2 North Range 30 West of the 6th P M until the same coincides with said road number ed 440 and a proposal to vacate that part of road known as 440- as described below Commencing at a point on the section- line between sections 11 and 12 where said road No 440 bears eastward sliall be -vacated to a point where said road inter sects with the seiction line be tween sections 12 and 13 all in Town 2 Range 30 West of the 6th P M lias reported in favor of the location and vacation thereof and all objections there to or claims for damages must be filed- in- the Oounty Clerks k fice on or before noon of tie 13th day of May A D 1912 or said road will be established with out reference thereto Dated at MeCook this 11th day of March 1192 CHAS K DUTGHER County Clerk First publication March 11 Stsw DE HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 2121A Main ave over McConn ells drug store Phones r Office 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh building MeOook Phone 112 R H GATEWOOD Dentist Office Room 4 Masonic Tem ple MeCook Neb Phone 163 THE DTTERMISSION Magazines and Dailies Off all kinds Temple Thea tre building Kansas City Post 5 cents Week Eggs for Hatching from High Scoring Prize Winners Barred and White Rock Buff Brown and White Leghorns White and Silver Laced Wyandottes Black Minorcas White and Buff Orping tons S C Rhode Island Reds Prices of eggs 150 to 5 per setting according to variety and quality LEBANON POULTRY YARDS Lebanon Nebr i S