M f 7 r Hi v 1 i H - 7 I SUMMER TRAVEL HINTS Pacific Coast Tours The 55 tour is available on special dates commencing June 1st 15 higher includes California Portland and Puget Sound There is no rail journey in the world as educational as the tour of the coast Yellowstone Park Inquire about the new Cody scenic way through the park complete tickets tncludind hotels and stages The out look from Sylvan Pass is one of the worlds magnificent views Are you interested in the persunally conducted camping tours Irom Cody A perfect Summer tour includes Scenic Colorado Salt Lake and Yellowstone Park the Rocky mountain circuit tour Scenic Colorado Resorts Here is a wonderful recreative and health restoring region It offers everything that Switzerland offers and at a very small expense Estes Park Colorado This grand park at the foot of Longs Peak is rapidly becoming Denvers recreation ground It is one of the most desirable vacation regions in Colorado Consult with us as to special rates available LjyjiTi rw 3H55 L W WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska We now handle the beat grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday Try Tribune want ads For MackreL wlrite Fish Salt Salmon and Codfish come to Magners Plume 14 LUMBEK and COAL THATS ALL but we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and com plete stocks in all grades BARNETT Lumber Co Phone 5 COAL I Fire and Wind I Insurance Written in First Class Companies C J RYAN C I4 2 J J 3 I t White Line Transfer Company F E WHITNEY Prop Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office G8 residence Black 232 Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location mt acre PTrfririk street ia P Waleh building x HUWK BULLARD LUMBER Ca Ll SELLS THE BEST men m PHONE NO 1 jSe8Bbto D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS NOTES A daughter was bonn to Mr and Mrs W Hasty Saturday morning Engineer C E Rcstratter went up to Denver Friday on Xo 9 for a few days visit C M Smith lias been fcirrucl from the Denver division acid is firing out of MCook Gits Budig Jr and Ray Gardner were Cambridge pil grims Sunday between trains Clinton F isk came down fron Wray Colorado last -week and is employed by the company En iin our James Kelso and family visited her people llixons at Wjunota la t wm k Night Caller John Sohmeer after two Avars steady service gets Floyd Cm rails job as coal Engneeir and Mrs Jacob Mat were up frcm Oxfoid Sat urday returning home en No 10 same evening Mrs T B Campbell dewn to Mndm tls aft to spe sd a IVw davs 1 i tW V - Avent with Agent f B Adam Gettmans mother left en train 10 Thursday eveciing en her way back to GVrmamy after a visit ior about a month FJoyd Berry Avent down to Wilcox Thursday mo lining re- turniug heme with tlu vdfe and children Friday morning on de layed Xo 3 The Burlington lias taken on six new section nun at Imperial and th 3 Line will be put in good condition- for spring and eumnier traffic Mrs William IIegnbea ger was the guest of Mr and Mrs Matt Mnhcn ey of Hastings end of week going to Omaha from there Thursday might Asst Supt Motive Power W M Johnson of Lincoln Avas at McCook headquarters Firiekiy in consultation Avith Master Mechan ic JJ E Culbertscn and looking oivar the local plant The wrecker went up to Ak ron Sunday en 77 to pick up an engine- the Wray BriiHih local engine having runi off the derail er onto the groundAvhcre -die Avas helpless The wrecker crew went up on 15 to began work this mcrn ing Mrs Wm Lewis went down to Omaha Saturday might to visit her lm band in a hospital in that city She returned home Sunelay night reporting him im proving 1ii t will remain a week or so longer in the hospital be fore returning home Geo TIcllister boiler maker at the B and M roundhouse met with a painful accident ca Wed nesday afternoon who at work cm the switch engine A vtcam plug blow cait and the bet water rushed out scalding ivjs left acini seAierely Red1 Cloud Argus An item that was overlooked by coir reporter was the marniage of Miss Clara Ailes of this city to E L Sullivan of McCook whiieh took place in Demc r March 14 The bride is a daughter of Mrs Louisa Ailes and the groom is a brakeman running on trains lo and 16 Red Cloud Argus The Burlington is installing a new steel coal chute at Tab la Rock one of the first of this pattern to be built in Nebraska Two chutes of similar pattern have been in use in Wyola and Upton Wyo anel one of similar design is to be built at Brush Colorado E S Hill storekeeper at Blattsmoiith spent Friday in the city on business matters and incidentally met and greeted many old friends of lis former residence here He reports oper ations on the river as gradually assuming normal conditions af ter an unprecedented high water and ice experience RAILROAD NEWS NOTES c G A Brooks Jr is the nevy ea Ipir - J Conductor C B Sentamee is on tihes sick list Mrs J W Line was a Denver passenger Thursday night Brakeman E L Sullivan was a Red Cloud visitor Sunday -Brake-man E E Smith was a Lincoln passenger Saturday Brakcanan C E Ediwairds transferred to Hastings Sunday -Brakeman C II Troassell han tuansf erred frcan lOrleanis to Mc Ooak Trainmaster J E Johnson is on the siiek list with touch of the grip Brakeman C M Neubatuea spent Sunday in Orleans with the home folks Conductor Xeal Bceler was off ditty end of the week spring lionise cleaning distributer Curran gees into the telegraph service Change became operative today Engine 1G62 is cuti of the back shops after lieing given a gecieral overhauling Fire mem W T Tanner and Don Waltc came back frim the Gaik iburg divisicm Saturday Mrs J E Johnson and Eelgai ai rived home Saturday might on Xo 5 frGm their Lincoln visit Mrs Pence was down from McCook yesterday fr 4 ry C Section 2 shall receive per year Section shall 1 receive The city HFJMTTiL mritfv Fireman H T Keaims went to Trenton Monday morning on business - Conductor and Mrs I A Converse were Hendley passeng ers Monday morning Fireman A A Griggis who has been on the sick list for a while registered in Sunday for work Louis Rouse is moving to Iloldrege where he has seeureel a job Avith the Burlington as bag gage mam Cambridge Clarion Application for License McCook Nebraska April 4 1912 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the Oity Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vin ous liejuois in the -building situ ated on part of lots 13 14 and 15 block 21 113 West B -street in the Second waxd the City of McCook Nebraska be grant ed to me for the coming muni cipal year beginning May 1 1912 DAN P CLOUSE lYou will look ai good while he fore you find a better medicime for -coughs and colds than Cham berlain Cough Remedy It not only gives relief it curies- Try it when ycu have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased visiting rela wiith the prompt cure which it tives Fridays Cambridge Clar j will ciffe ion i dealers For sale bv all F THE HAI ORDINANCE XO 21 G An ordinance fixing ithe sal iries of the officers of the Cltv of McCook Nebraska and to re peal ordinances 141 anel 193 of the ordinances of said oity and section 23 of ordinance 62 of the ordinances of said cifiy and to repeal any and all ordinances anel parts of ordinances in con flict with this ordinance Be it ordaineel iby the -Mayor and Council of the City of Mc Ccok Nebraska Se eition 1 The city clerk shall receive a salary of 20000 per year The city treasurer a salary of 15000 engineer 400 per day for actual serviices but not cxceceling 30000 per year Section 4 The of streets shall receive such com pensation for his services as may be fixed by the council not ex ceeding 300 per day for all time actually employed Section 5 The city attorney sliall receive a salary of 35000 per year Section G The chief of police shall receive ia sal any of 7S000 per year Section 7 The night police man sliall receive a salary of 66000 per year Section 8 The anayor shall re ceiAe a salary of 7500 per an num Section 9 Each -councilman shall receive a salary of 5000 per year Section 10 The above salaries sliall be paid monthly Section 11 All other officers and -employees of the city shall receive sucn compensation as the mayor and council may fix at the time of their appointment and employment Avhere not other Avise piwideel by ordinance Section 12 Ordinances numbea fed 141 and 193 of the ordinances of saiel city anel each of them and section numbered 23 of ordi nance numbered 62 of the oreli nances -of 1iid city and all ordi nances and parts of ordinances in conflict hereAAith are hereby repealed Section 13 This- ordinance shflll take effect and be in force from and of tea its passage ap proval and publication according 10 laAAr Passed and approved this 8th day of April 1912 JAMES McADAMS Mayor Attest L d Si OLL City Clerk Seal 3 IT Young ninn it will pay yon to get the habit We mean the saving habit The banking habit will help yuu If jou are starting out in life with only your two hands to help jou the dollar on deposit will be the best friend ou will have on the side Start an account at the bank Dont check unless the need is urgent Add to it rather than draw it out You will acquire a standing among the men who do things You will in time have a fund to do bomething with yourself Got the habit Start now The opening of a bank account ma be the turning point in jour career Come and start with us no matter how small Ask the successful man if this advice is good lie knows See if he deesnt tell you the same thing THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Dont be surprised if you -have an attack of rheumatism this spring Just rub the etfeetied parts freely Avith Chamberlains Liiranent anel it Aill soon elis fppear Solel by all dealeuis GRANT Frank Cain was out from Mc Cook Wednesday and bought the big Norman horse owned by Jacob Wesch Sons L A Fitch Avas over posting election notices in this section Thursday Leitner Brothers hauled out a load of seed barley from Duttons Friday Chas A Wesch Avas a Traer Kans caller Thursday John H Wesch Avas a passen ger on No 14 for Bartley Friday night John Kronberger the Traer Kans merchant Avas in the city of McCook on business Thursday and Friday We understand that a neAv farmers elevator is going to be built at Cedar Bluffs Kans This Avill be a matter of much in terest to the AAheat groAvers in this section Thomas Mumby i s soAving barley on the Foxen place this Aveek John A Hoffman was a passen ger to Indianola Friday night on business DANBURY The Band gave an open air concert on the street Saturday Art AndreAvs of Wilsonville Avas in tOAvn on business Satur day Clarence Young and Frank Yarnall Avere Kansas visitors Sun day The M E Sunday school young people held a party at the W H Harris home Saturday night and all seemed to have had a jolly time C D Newberry of Marion Avas a business visitor Monday There will be a play in the hall Friday night April 19th by the Wilsonville high school ca dets Mrs Minnie Zimmerman bought 20 acres of land north of town on the creek of W A Min niear She expects to move the house she bought of her sister Mrs Edith Ruby upon it Ira Roop had the misfortune to get his leg broken Monday in h dib a wagon wheel J TsTewman has moved into the J Lr Simns property north oftown -1 - The big 45 horse power engine that was sent here a few days ago will be used to work the streets just for a demonstration about the 15th of April Mr and Mrs S W Stilge bower were Marion visitors be tween trains Monday W C Shockley is still very poorly at this writing The post office has been receiv ing a good painting which great ly improves its looks RED WILLOW Spring work is under headway The Merry Ten Club met at Harry Allens on Wednesday evening Mrs Sexon was called to Illi nois last week by the illness of her little grandaughter After Sunday School Mr Waddell and family had dinner at Frank McNeils To an obscure onlooker the strained relations between some of the presidential aspiiantb i3 unseemly et every age from being too close observed is ill dis cerned by those who have not lived past it so it may be justifi able Mr Parrish the blind piano tuner was at Louis Longneckers on Thursdav Mrs Taylor spent Thursday af ternoon with Mrs Frank McNeil Mrs Frank McNeil called on Mrs Longnecker on Friday after noon INDIANOLA C H Hyatt came up from Hastings Friday and got busy looking up saloon matters for the ensuing year Loton Duckworth was in Mc Cook Saturday looking up his candidacy for representative on the Democratic county ticket J R Neel spent Saturday in McCook The local saloon question has been tangled up somewhat by the failure of the pool room priv ilege to carry It AEE MICROBES IN YOUR SCALP Has Been Proved That crobes Cause Baldness Mi- Professor Unna of Hamburg Germany amel Dr Sabcuirand the leading French dermatologist elis caverexl that a microbe causes baldness Their theory has time anel again been amply verified through research experiments ear vied on under the obseiwation of eminent scientists This microbe loelges in the sebum which is the natural hair oil anel av1i en per mitted to flourish it elestroys the hair follicles amel in time the pores entirely close anel the scalp gradually takes on a shiny ap pearance When tliis happens tlhere is no hope of hair being revived We have a remedy Avhich Avill Ave hemestry believe remove elanel ruff exterminate the microbe promote gooel circulation in scalp awcngmuaumBggBCT and arounel the liajr roots - ten and revitalize the hair roiois and overcome baldness- so ln g as there is any life left in fcli hair roots Wet back up this statement our own personal guarantee rthafc this remedy called Rexall Ilrir Tonic Avill be supplied feee of all cost to the user it it -foils to do as Ave state It Avill frequently -help to -restore gray anel fa tied hair to nts original color providing less color has been caused by cfe ease yet it is no -hair elye Siex ali 93 nair Tonic aeeompittKit es these results by aiding art -making every hair root follicle asnS pigment gland strong and acfitee anel by stimulating a natural ipis of coloring niirment thrcurriiftal the hair cells We exact no obligations- Ave simply ialsk yotr give Rexall 93 Jlair Tcbks thorough trial and if not tell us and Ave amiII reixaB the- money you paid ins for 5t Two sizes prie esi oO eenta vaaia 100 Remembctt you ean otttiac it in McCook cmly at our The Rexall Store L W nail STAEBED IN THE BACK- Hovv Many McCook Readers FfsvcS Had here Sudden Tvinges Have you ever had a crick the hack Dees your back ache heavy tlraggy throb Is it hard to straighten ofrnnniTinrO -an with a dcII up afirer Hard to arise from a chair or vwzn in bed Is the urine dark colored Passa es irregular When your kidneys need attentf Gca use a tested kidney remedy Use Doans Kidney Pills the rem edy that has cured thousands Convincing proof of merit in testimony Mrs Elizabeth Kummer 20 Z12 Fourth St UcCcok Xebr says 1 was subject to backaches and head aches and I knew that my were Aveak as the kidney secrecJos m were badly disordered Upon tateitis Doans Kidney Pills I found relief and continued use mzade my health much better I heanz33y recommend Doans Kidney Pills an 3 advisa their use in all cases of ifocl ney complaint For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster IUilburn Co Buffeiio New York sole ageents for the tkrwi ed States Remember the name Doans axnB take no other You can -say goodbye to with a clear conscience if yoo us3 Chamberlains Tablets AIehsf have been permanntly cured by tsielr use For sale by all dealers NOTICE OF SUIT William 0 Pate- Drusilla P ate -his Avite Fannie M Fcgle Matade Coome r anel John Hunter defendants avj11 take notice tit at Susacjia Zicafoei e plaintiff lias fileel her petition in the distract court of Reel WilloAv ccu nty 3I braska against you the object and prayer of Avhich ar be pro cure a elc eree quieting -the ptjaisn tiffs title to the uortlrwest 14 Secticin 5 ToAvnship 2 Range Reel Willow county XTelrcsk against any title interest claim or lien of any kind of said elt fenelantsi anel for eeiuitohle reieil You are required to an-SEW-ear said petition on or before 33fea day May 20th 1912 Susanna Zicafoose Plain tiT By C H Boyle he r attorney April 8 Sts Cream I Mae tf8ss2 gsp bs5Z2 of s ss fisFj fasBs5eE2 fss3 fsuz Gcaa For sixty years American liouse wives have foirad Dro Prices Cream Baking Powder a guarantee of light pure and wholesome food WJ ftaWaMW11