f L eok ptep F M KIMMELL Publisher Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo Entered at postoffice McCook Ne braska as second class matter Pub lished semi weekly Governor Aldricli 1ms issued a proclamation declaring Sunday May 12th as Mothers Day Intolerance coercion and boy- cottumb never cliaraetarize a big brave cr generous people They are small and cowardly cluwacter istics j Representative Randell of Tex as held up this mirror in congress the other day While the pic ture is painful it is quite true to nature I make the assertion he de clared that nearly ever mem ber ol this house is in the employ of some interest or is subject to some influence and what holds true of the house is equally true of the senate I say this with the hope that I may hurt no ones feelings And it is not by an means all the fault of the repiesentatives or senators they are chosen and elected that way J Call at D Magners store and get a can of Armour s Prepared Soup McConnell fills prescriptions Political Announcements I hereby announce my candid acy for County Commissioner 2d district subject to decision of Republican primary adrv F AHODGKIN R B HOWELL Omahas Foremost Advocate of Munic ipal Ownership After nine years of endeavor Omaha nt last is to own its water plant with an income of about 750000 per an num All this time R B Howell has kvl in this fight for city ownership against the Omaha water monopoly and the Omaha Bee finally beating them in the last water bond election by the unprecedented vote of 12 to J An eK naval officer and Spanish war veteran Mr Howell is an uncompn mising lighter and has served his city and state in various official capacities His unvarying success in Omaha against Victor Rosewater editor of The Bee is causing much specula tion as to which of these two men will carry the state at the April primary both being candidates for Republican national committeeman from Nebraska t i Hamilton Bros Props Arc now prepared to make regular deliveries of ice to customers in the city Best of ice and reasonable prices Ph u hone 43 for Terms ice by D cuvcry or reason very Little Bit Added to What Youve Got fll tiyfrf McCook Hardware Companys Great Special Sale of Farm Implements Just at the time of year when you need them should in terest you more than anything else Below is a list of some of our great bargains but we have mrny others This will be a cash sale as we cannot afford to book these goods at such ldw prices i John Deere Tricycle Lister at 25 worth 43 1 John Deere two row lister cultivator at 25 worth 43 1 John Deere 14 inch Stag Gang Plow at 45 worth 55 3 John Deere 16 inch Sulky Plows at 25 worth 37 2 John Deere 14 inch Disc Gang Plows at 47 worth 56 2 Ohio 1416 Disc Harrows at 20 worth 30 1 Columbia 1416 Disc Harrow at 20 worth 32 1 Domo Cream Separator No 2 at 30 worth 35 1 harples Cream Separator No 2 35 worth 55 1 Blue Bell Cream Separator No 2 40 worth 60 26 inch stay American hog fence at 30c a rod worth 35 Aspinwall Potato Planter at 60 worth 95 also special low cash price on steel lever harrows Alfalfa seed at 8 a bushel Sale begins Now If you need any of these goods it will pay you big to get the cash and Take Advantage of This Sale We also have the best lines of chicken and yard fences ever shown McCook Hardware Co McCOOK NEB PHONE 31 A Clear cut Issue Democrats of Nebraska Mr Brvun cirrot support will bve an opportunity to decide itlu aspiei raised by Mr Hitchcock against Mr Bryan Mrllitaheock amfoumccp his FIRST OHQIOE for presidential noaniinaticm is JGiovernor Harmon of but lie wall support either Mr Wilson or Mr Clark iiif so instructed by the demoionaitic voters at tine pri maries Mir Bryam has stated as between Mr Wilson and Blr Clark he does not care to -express a preference regarding them both as progressive and that he will be glad to vote in the con vention for either if instructed to do so by the denuo erajts at the primairGes but that believiugc that Ma Ilamnon is a reaction ary whose nomination if secured at all will be assured by Wall street influcnceshe is not williroig to le ia party to his nomination Mr Bryan that if elected a delegate hi will -resign his commission and refuse to serve if Mr Harmon receives a plurality at the primaries If the questiczi of instructions were determined before the election of delegates and determined in favor uif Mr Harmon Mr Bryan would not be a candidate for dd cint1 but he- has no means of knowing urjlil the delegates are elcttd what the wishes of the Nebraska demrxrats winy be in regard to v candidate Mn HitCluacck ini an editorial criticizes the position taken by Mr Bryan has conclusion be ing summed up hi the following sentence If Mr Bryam is not willing to promise to abide by the instruct as of the dc miccraits of Nebraska he ought not be a candidate MrB ryans ans wer is that he believes in keep ing the spirit cf the law as well ai the letter -No man ought to a tikanpt to speak for the demce earry out the spirit as well as e ry cut the tipppirit as well as the lcitter cf their instructions If Mic democracy of Nebraska fa vor Mir Harmon it ought to be trtpr stinted by delegates who can Mr Ilanmon not c nily con ierifoi y hut with ithirorm am m l lie con vcntion on any con ditions or ivi ay circiniriancjji and ha wcuM fc 1rt fie vnp dtnee and respect cf the- iiriends Avith whom lie Jias labored fr ncirlv two decades li hehevrar ag he dovi that Mir Harmon ii a reactionary and the chcfisa oT tk predatory in t tresis of the ecmtry for tx democratic acm mticn if believing thrs lis wce willing to suirender he con vLticus fee the honor of being a delegate to the national Ths is Mr Bryans po sition and lie contends that he is ahaiwmg more respect to demce racy than Mr Hitchcock is Mr Hitchcock knows as well as Mr Bryan elocs that the democ racy of Nebraska is prcgressiv but he is not only willing but anxious to misrepresent the de mocracy of this state in1 the mat ter of tlLe presidential nomination He is endeavoring to prevent any cooperation hetween the two pro gressive candidates Mr Wilson and Mr Clark with a now to sc crjirung not a majority but a plurality for Mr Harmon and if he can do this he will go to Bal timore and ally himself with the plutocratic influences that are at tempting to force Mr Harmon up on ithe party The democracy of Nebraska can noj instruct Mr Hitchcock ms to a platform if Mr Hitchcock ds elected a delegate and can se cure the ekcica of men like him self he can hslp to write plat foirm which will assassinate our party an advance aud make it im possible for even a progressive to wu Net only that but if the peirson instructed for however progresave he may be can not be Biom aiatew Mr Hitchcock will be released from further instructions and can then use liis influence ais a delegate to foist upon the parity aniy reactionary who may be nominated with his1 aidyiegard kEs cf the wishes of the demo crats of Nebraska In other wards he asks to be permitted to mis represent the democracy of the state and to help surrender the party to interests who liave de feated the panty in three cam paigns hy opposing the democrati ticket and in ai fourth campaign defeated tha pairty still more dis astrously hy controlling the or ganization and the fight JM r Bryan invites demoorats of the state to decide hetween his position and the position taken by Mr Hitchcock Mir Bryan will if the democrats wisih it represent ithem as a delegate prO vided lie can carry out tlieca in structions in spirit as well asi an leitter -If lie can not do so mot being able to know in advance of liin ftlAPtnoTi hp will irpsiom bis commission and leave the eslSn sentation to others who can give voice to the partys wishes as expressed at the primaries Mr Hitchcock on the contrary has so little interest in the de mocracy of Nebraska and such a contempt for its wishes that in order to enjoy tine distinction of being a delegate he is wiling to betray them dnto the hands of the enemy If the demoieraits in struct for a progressive they are entitled to progressives to repre sent them If the -rule of the people means anything it means that those who speak for the peo ple should say what the people want said and do what the people wnnt done Mr Hitchcock does not diny the right of a repre sentative ia finy legislative body to resign rather than act against his conscience and judgment and he- would noi take the absurd po sition that hr does if he couid act upon this subject as an ab stract proposition Avithout bias or personal feolng The Commoner To Correspondents The Tribune being regularly printed on Mondays and Thurs days would be pleased to have items mailed for both issues by our regular correspondents over the county Items from any source will be appreciated The Knights Templar had their pictures tooken after services morning ini front of the Temple Charlie Woodworth do ing the snapping - J CJJJ -U DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen Vernice Franklin E E rT rrirmyraaagss Taffeta Fine Cashmere or Just Serge One of the interesting teristics of the charming dresses young girls are wearing is their adaptability Chameleon hke they are wholly changed accord- ing to chance conditions that is accordinjr to the use to which the design is put whether it is developed for dressy wear in dressy materials or for everyday service Certainly this is true of the dress shown here Fashion ed in taffeta or silk finish cash- mm w fifw lip 6809 B M mere it becomes a really hand some model that any girl will be proud to wear at the matinee or the afternoon functions of the younger set And again in a sturdy diagonal whipcord or serge it will be found the neat est of frocks for school or lor shopping It is one of these smart little dresses that close at the sidefront the collar rounded off jauntly in front is in deep oval style at the back the sleeves are of the most approved set in variety the skirt is five gored and the waist is turned back in single revers ef fect giving an appearance of be ing designed to buttonover and at the same time forming a poin ted section that effectively brings the smart little waist into har mony with the clever new skirt Vote for Williard A Prince the Peoples Candidate for- Con gress Primaries April 19 1912 adv p2king of the recall that bugbear ol the special interests til sooner the special privi lege fellows and predatory cor porations are called off from making federal judges the btter it will please the common peep1 With fiiftesa billions of corpor ation capital controlled by twenty-one muni doesnt it appeal to your sense of humor to hear complaints of big bmnne is being unduly oppressed Honest injim doesnt it McConnell for drugs V Franklin Pres R AGreen Cshr E R Eisenhart Asst CJshr The Citizens Mien- R A Gn en Eisenhart i Bank of McCook Nebraska UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Paifi Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 fft MV im A SILAS R BABTOX Repuhlican Candidate for con gress 5th Congressional District primaries April 19th Have heen farmer school teach er deputy county treasurer Grand Recorder A O U W and State Auditor These public positions should certainly quali fy me to know your needs I would like your support and if elected it will he the great am bition of my life to serve you faithfully honestly and welladv For Peoples Choice The following statement is ap pearing in the press of this neigh- J borhood and the Tribune on its own motion reprints it for the in 1 formation of its readers Cambridge Nebr March 31 1912 In reply to recent inquiries I wish to state Our last legisla ture provided for a presidential primary at which the voters of the different political parties may express their choice for presiden tial nominee of their party The only way for this law to become effective is for the delegate to vote for the choice of the people at such primary Whether the choice of the people of Nebraska on April 19th should be Senator LaFollette Colonel Roosevelt or President Taft I will if selected as a dele gate to the National Convention at Chicago next June vote for the choice as expressed by a ma jority of the Republican voters Very truly yours E B Perry Wedding Breakfas Wihiite Rock and pure maple syrup ait Mag ners Phone 14 Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case cf cattah that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J Cheney Co Toledo O Ve the undersigned have known P J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm WaldLng Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation Drew Furniture and Carpet Co Furniture and Carpets China and Glassware West B St Phone black 271 Most for your money Ih j cox I Dealer in I Real Estate I and Live Stock Room 4 McConnell Building McCOOK NEB I Z C I4 E F Osborn DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South orDeGroffs Phone No 13 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V v V vv V I THE I Beatrice Creamer Cf has opened a cream station at 212 V I st street and will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE every day in the week 1 CHAS DAVIS Manager Healing PlumbiDg MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr DISINTERESTED TESTIMONY has sold more Meybest Flour for the Superior Milling Co than any other selling force A satisfied user never hesitates to recommend it she will pass the merits of Meybest to her neighbors and friends and fur nish any one unbiased opinion Get in touch with disinterested information on Meybest Fiour Superior Milling Company CARL MARSH Local Dealer fi si r