17 n l v 5fr3sr2ssrrr3355553 Tix vy Tft Mc5oofe THutte ESTABLISHED 1882 Ft M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County SUBSCRIPTION 150 A YEAR Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays KTVVVV7TVTVVyVTTVTTTTTTYTT7TTTTTTTTTYUTTTfTTT7VTTTTB I THE ETERNAL QUESTION BAiAAAAAAAAAAlAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAiAAAAAAAAAAAiAB Minneapolis Minn March 30 Col Theodore Roosevelt speaking here Inst night said in part as follows In the fight in -which we are now engaged the line up is clear We stand for the- plain people against the basses We stand for the representatives of the many again t special privilege WeM meaning mem with at their Iwad the president of the Unikd States himself have eon tinunlSy bec in insist ng -upon the tshos Iccmings of niLe of the people have- announced that iuhy arc against the decision of vital -questions by the people because of the distrust -the impulsive ac SILAS It BARTON Republican Candidate for con gress 5th Congressional District primaries April 19th Have been farmer school teach cr deputy county treasurer Grand Recorder A 0 U AV and State Auditor These public positions should certainly quali fy me to know your needs I would like your support and if elected It will be the great am bition of my life to serve you faithfully honestly and well ad v I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Assessor Red Willow county on the Democratic ticket subject to primary election held April 19tlh 1912 adv JOHN H WESOH Just like Milwaukee cf thneand will continue to strug gle Change the names so that U i i tirry will appjy to the men ana i events of our own time and this sentence describes the present oon test as accurately as ify described the contest in which Lincolin was thus engaged If Lincoln was right in this sp eh that I have quoted then President Taft and all who follow and support him are wrong in up holding the doctrine that it is un safe to trust the people1 and that a part cf he people should rub the rest The privilege Avhieh once took form as the divine right of lien of the people although ic kings which in Lincolns day the particular case referred to took form as the divame right oi this impulsive actiicn would have the slave -owner now takes form to be spivad over a period of two as the divine right of the great years which as c ertainly Iangi special inlte rests enough to permit -impulse to be ccnie steady purpose mid have invested tiliat Abraham Lincoln wia wrong vii en he- said that this In tiie corniest t odav Ave are Discipline in the People Our opponents are those who disbelieve an- tha right of the aW h - gcvcrrnrt cf for PpaltV e i1 VS and by tli people and that in- wrongdoing to- the helpless as of at ad it ought tc w hc nil nl of the- people by a part of liic pec wtfgiVd in the balance against the fetich oil adheienrce to for mulas of a dead legalism warning against the same forces DIl whatever form the con- tint eppesed Linecfn We- -v test may take at the moment the Slrvlr x for prec -- the vu- fualar illy the raami copies which L inccini Strove As Lincoln saxl it is the same In rn f 3i v Sn daba t rin pe in whatever shape it wth Dough- fifty four ye develops ago spoke a follows It is fundamentally a fight The Sternal Sirng gle 1m we a- thrii s who strive to get That is the real issue That juCce through doing justice and iv the uj Lhat will ontinue in siriv to coeure die rights cf thb c aclry when these peer tan very mni a nd -very woman gres of Bwgl s ivd through -till a- gcnjn of the adf shall be silent It is tlu people and flico who in Ltr t trnal struggle btwein eraln we rdo sok to- the two right and wrong- people -in Their own cnteirests and throughout the wcrld They are to lire mid gain profit in- pold two principles that have stood ties or in -finance by the fruit face -to fat from the beginning of the labor of oiihers To Correspondents The Tribune being regularly printed on Mondays and Thurs days would be pleased to have items mailed for both issues by our regular correspondents over the county Items from any source wall be appreciated Try Tribune want ads Political Announcements I announce my candidacy for the nomination for state repre sentative on the Republican tick et subject to the primaries to be held April 19 1912 adv W A REYNOLDS WWW WiMMIk Tmi slJSlli Vote for Wdlliard A Prince the Peoples Candidate for Con gress Primax ies April 19 1912 adv ROYAL AKING POWDER Absolutely Pur only Baking Powder made Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM NO LIME PHOSPHATE FLATDWELLER IN SUBURBS He Found That He Had Forgotten How to Skate And Something Else Too I wouldnt have thought said a former flat dweller that one could ever forget how to skate but I have discovered that he can Last spring after twenty years in a city flat we moved to a house in the suburb near which there is a pond that gives good skating in winter When I was a boy I used to be good on skates and the other day I went out to this pond I hadnt skated for more than twenty years but I had no idea but that I could put on a pair of skates and just glide right off with the rest of them Do you know what actually happened I got a pair of skates and stood up on them but that was about all I could stand up but not much more and surely I was surprised I made a few efforts and I did get a little distance but only by great effort and my feet were apt to spread out and my ankles to turn and I was all the time in danger o falling down So I was very glad to get those skates off and to acknowl edge that I had forgotten how to skate But that was nothing to anoth er thing I had forgotten namely the use of the snow shovel There was a time when I could shovel snow with the best of them but during these twenty years up in the flat I had never touched a shovel the janitor attended to all that But here in our own suburban home when snow fell the shovelling was up to me the walk from the front door to the sidewalk the stretch of sidewalk it self and the walk around to the kitch en door And when I tackled this job for the first time well I was surprised in deed to find how much Id forgotten about snow shovelling But there was nobody but me to do it and it had to be done I may never again learn to skate but Ive had to learn anew how to shovel snow CHURCHMAN PARTY TO FRAUD i At Leact Eccfesisctic Thought So 1 When Tdd Emerald Was Only an Imitation Bishop Johnson cf South Dakota tells this story of himself I was dining rvQ jiisht beside a man cf whem I had never heard be fore I soon discovered that he was quick wilted rl Inrr I was alco to discover that j j wclry expert I was wearing an eircuJd ring wlucii I prize very highly for its history aa well as for its bany Will you let ire see your ring he asked I gladly passed the trinket to him he examined it critically and then re turned it saying It is the best imitation emerald I ever saw I was startled I told him that it was genuine and had been used in England by churchmen for 200 years and that it had always been consid ered a flawless gem Nevertheless he replied it is an imitation emerald Some time later I met an expert in gems in New York showed him the ring and asked his opinion of it The man looked at it and told mo that it was an imitation I have reproached myself for hav ing told you he remarked Im glad you did tell me I replied Else I might have transmitted a lie to posterity Ycu surely would have been in good company in doing that said he and the incident was at an end The World Today Decline of Repentance Repentunce once so universally practiced at this season of the year as well as on birthdays and some times on Sundays is rapidly becom ing one of the obsolete virtues Even novelists seem to have grown tired of the wabbling heroine the lady who plunged into exotic sins one day and betook herself metaphorically to a nunnery the next only to join tho army cf backsliders with greater zest than ever as soon as her fit of peni tence was over Despite copybook maxims warning the unwary of the futility of indulging in lamentation over spilt milk repentance has flour ished exceedingly and women espe cially have hitherto always manifest ed a strong bias in that direction Repentance needs leisure and that may be why it is gradually going out of fashion People have no time to look backwards and moreover they are now realizing the futility of doing so Like Omar Khayyam they under stand that no one can rub out what the moving Finger has written and that tears are powerless to undo what has once been done Exchange Much Named Isle The Parisians who are extremely fond of changing place names with in their jurisdiction have never equal ed the record established in this re spect in the case of the Island of Reunion which has changed its name four times in a little over half a cen tury and with little or no reason for doing so In 1793 it was Uourbon as it had been for a century and a half but the convention then changed it to Re union 4 Under the empire It became Isle Bonaparte at the restoration it revert ed to Bourbon and finally in 1848 It became Reunion once more and so far has retained that name i - i M - wTTimfr y idftfo XsfffiYY wm v J i Sf A f Sjtfsr - s SILAS R BARTON Progressive Republican Candidate for Congress Fifth Congressional District PRIMARIES FRI AFRIL 19 1912 Polls Open From Neon Until 9 p m I know the wants of the people for have learned by experience I have been Farmer School Teach er Deputy County Treasurer Grand Recorder A O U W and State Auditor How They Voted Vhere They Knew Me Beat Vote in Hamilton County where I resided from 1S72 to 1901 Election of 1908 Office Candidate Majority Lieut Gov Hopewell Rep 26 Sec State Junkin Rep 3S Auditor Barton Rep 318 Treasurer Brian Rep 6S Election 1910 Office Candidate Majority Lieut Gov Hopewell Rep 2G1 Srw State Wait Rep 390 Auditor Barton Rep 982 Treasurer George Rep 320 Vote in Hall County where I have resided since 1901 Election of 1908 Office Candidate Majority ilJent Gov Garrett Dem 54 I Sec State Junkin Rep 13 Auditor Barton Rep 552 Treasurer Brian Ren 170 Election 1010 Office Candidate Majority Lieut Gov Hopewell Rep GS r F0vvait Rep 106 Barton Rep 777 Ti dourer George Rep 116 Carried Lancaster County in 100S 4S2 Carried Lancaster County in 1910 3474 Fifth Oongressfonal District 190S o0rrts - Barton 1121 1D10 Morris 4004 Barton 4032 Vour Support Will Be Appreciated City Ticket Elected Vir Mayor D P Jlostettcr For Clerk Linus C Stoll For Treasurer L Thorirrimson For Engineer X J Campbell For Councilman 1st ward A X Lineburg For Councilman 2nd ward Fred L Schwab For Members Board Education Albert Barnett E T Perkins Our hobby is good groceries The Best of Everything A trial order will convince you D MAGNER Phone 14 Which Is Democracy Since Senator Hitchcock is claiming tiie honor of being elec ted a on the ground thait he ds a betfter demo crat thau Mr Bryan it is only fair that their records be compar ed In the winter of 1899 1900 Mr Hitchcock tried to secure from Governor Poynter an np poimtnient as United States sen ator in spite of -the fact that the democrats and populists in the legislature had supported Sena tor Allen for re election The rule of thei people was not in Mr Hitchcocks thoughts when his am bition stood in the way Mr Bry ans indorsement of Senator Al len aroused Mr Hitchcocks wrath which after a temporary outburst wasi suppressed so long as an appearance of friendship was advantageous to him Im 1904 Mr Bryanj opposed Judge Parkers noniinajfcion and was supported by a unanimous vote in the state convention In spirte of this Mr Hitchcock tiirjew whatever influence he had in favor of Judge Parker the rule of the people did not weigh with him then At this time Senator i v OUR Easter Preparations will not be complete without new things to wear Will 3 II P v Copyriht Hart Schsfiher Kir rsrjTJBuj jgmivui i jy 7ttiuj3 co ioperatiion between vhe progr sive democrats ot Nebraska m the hope of securing uot a major ity but merely plurality for Gov ernor Harmon While he is shoui ing for the rule of the people lie is openly working to defeat the will of the people The voters can decide whether Mr Hitchcock has boeu is mow on is likely to be mere- loyal to demceratiic principles than Mr Bryan And a word as to Mr Hutchcceks charge that it is un damcerc dc for Mr Bryan to re sign if he cs elected a delegate Mr Bryan can not know before the delegates are elected what in structions may be mi veil He must therefore choose whether Ill wiJ fdrst refuse to run run reserving the night to re sign or third run and consent to obev whatever instructions a plurality may give even though the instructions may compel Mm not only to do what he believes to be disastrous1 to fclic party hut may cojnpel him toi help a minor ity of the democrats of Nebras ka ito defeat the will oif a major ity for if Mr Wilson and Mr Clark divide the progressive vote equally Mr Harmon may secure the instructions without polling more than thirty five per cent of the democratic vote polled Which is the more democratic for Mr Bryan to announce in- ad vance that he will resign and al low Mr Harmon s interests to he protected bv those who can do it conscientioiisly or for Mr Hitchcock to seek to help a Har mon minority override a progres sive majority Mr Bryan is following the course he has followed for twenty years with the approval of tlie de moeracv of the state In 1894 soon after Mr Bryan became ed itor of the World Herald Mr Hitchcock the -proprietor of the namer sold two columns to the republican committee to be used to onnose the Gubernatorial can didate whom the paper was sup porting Mr Bryan announced to Mr Hitchcock his purpose to re sign if the contract nvas not can celled Mr Hitchcock did not deny the right of resignation then tout cancelled the contract hut was af terwards compelled bj the court to carry it out In 1893 a democratic state conven tion indorsed the unconditional repeal of the Sherman act Hart Schaffner Marx clothes are not the only good things we- have here theyre the best clothes we can find But we can supply the kind of shirts ycu want we can put the right hat on your head the right shoes on your feet we can outfit any man completely from head to foot And the qualities are right Suits from 1 000 to 3500 A GALUSHA Home of Hart Schaffner WLarx Clothes huj uniuniiim1 ji iTmmi mlLfA LJ I ILiiichsock is seeking to prevent j Mr Bryan a congressman then refused to accept dt the settled as policy of luis paity lie made a fight against it and was next year nominated for the United States senate without opposition and has beem nominated for the presidency three times since In 1900 after being instructed for by nearly every state ini the union he refused to promise to run unless the platfonn Avas one which he could honestly defend His course dn reserving the right to refuse to run was dndorsed iby his nomination at that time and by ti subsequent nomination Mr Bryan is taking exactly the same position he has taken1 heretofore lie recognizes and will protect uhe rierht of the TeTle to have 1 J eccnd what they want but he reserves the riglLt ly resigning no recuse to be the peoples spokesman when he can1 not without viola tion of his conscience and judg ment say what the people want said especially when under the law ta minority may by uniting override a divided majority The Commoner R F D No 1 Everybody is busy in the fields putting in spring wheat and cats Miss Sadie Broomfield as miss ing school this week on account of a gathering da her head Emil Ebert and Miss Ella Seheutz stole a march on their friends and were married on la5t Thursdav All wash them well Classified Advertisements BOARDERS WANTED At 216 West B st Splendid board elegant rooms only 20 month Close in 4 doors east of Palmer hotel Itf FOR RENT 160 acres cultivat ed and 80 acres in pasture all fenced Also for sale 4 horses wagon and harness 3 section steel harrow corn lister break ing plow and other small artic les See or write Maurdee Grif fin phone black 40S 22tfw FOR SALE Pure White Wy andotte eggs 50c a setting Wal nut 3852 7 tf Houses for rent by J E Eel- lev nhone 6 4 room brick bunsra w j ir - -- j losw modern good location 3 eroioni fmrnushed cottacre close in- and lawn and shade 12 sw r V rC r j u