The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 28, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Saffjr ragfratre
r v
fr tH6TPJl TV rOmfTt
The Nebraska Press Association
will meet in Lincoln June 3 4
citXciis of McCook espee j
th business men will join
siyr and eity council in
cprtssion of appreciation
oi tl ecu cert
in the Tern
pli theatre last Weoncsuay eve
ning tin honor of the delegates
to tv League of Nebraska Muni
cipalities in in the citv
tint and the following day It
was one of th1 appreciated func
tiori of the convention and
with the luncheon at noon
of foHjwing day constituted
hospitable features of which Mc
Cook has no occasion to be ash am
A McMillen Prescription Drug
We have the Wedding Break
fast syrup D Magner phone 14
- Pinjup want ads
Vote for Williard A Prince
the Peoples Candidate for Con
gress Primaries April 19 1912
Republican Candidate for con
gress 5th Congressional Distract
primaries April 19th
Have been farmer school teach
jr deputy county treasurer
Grand Recorder A 0 U W
and State Auditor These public
positions should certainly quali
fy me- to know your needs I
would like your support and if
ected it will be the great am
bition of my Hfe to serve you
faithfully lionestly and wdl adv
iimIimlIjjiiiH -at -
V t tC
Tft Me0oo TH6mt
F M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
Withdraws His Name
I hereby give public notice of
tlie withdrawal of my name from
the Peoples Water Ticket as a
moaninee for the office of City
Clerk adv
McCook Xeb March 2G 1912 J
Political Announcements
I announce my candidacy for
tlie nomination for state repre
sentative on the Republican
jet subject to tlie primaries to
i be held April 19 1912 adr
I hereby announce myself as
i a candidate lor oxtice oi
J County Assessor Red Willow
Indiana witl gWWt 18 dele- county on the Democratic ticket
gates in tlie National Republican BubeJnJ P1 leetl0n cld
convention and Roosveelt 12 APr
Mcdill McCormiek eluirges the JOHN II WEbCH
Taft managers in Indiana as be-
ing guiltv of political larceny wthmS Heterodox Here
in iVor manner of securing del 1 Wdham J Bryan may be open
ylpj to discussion as to his political
j orthodoxy but in th higher
Sfram roller tactics marked the ream o1 spiritual values he can
opposition to -Roosevelt in both Pasily read his title clear
New Tork and Indiana In New That there is a God win
TVrrlr Inrovlf inenorfor iiTirl Sblllds back Of tlllS WOlld
pall watchers were thrown out
and other scandalous political
Second That the- bible is not
the work of man but comes from
nrasticss resorted to Taft claims Higher anspiration
all t Xw York delegates but
svn conceded to Roosevelt
Third That Christ was not a
mortal but the son of iGod and
thai Savior of the world
rM a
tuijiti 1vra uvuiivuijuj oiiii
nothing he declared
came that man might have
life more abundantly lie came
to enlarge our lives to add not
to subtract to multiply not to j
William J Bryan would have
made one of the greatest preach
ers of the century had he don
ned the cloth rather than the
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
will iiote jou prires Satisfaction
Money to Loan on Farms
Sec Rozell Sons at clothing
Sopnblican City Ticket
For Mayor
D F Hostettcr
For CK rk
Linus C Stoll
For Treasurer
L Thorgramson
For Engineer
N J Campbell
For Councilman 1st ward
A N Lineburg
For Councilman 2nd ward
Fred L Schwab
For Members Board Education
Albert Barnctt
C II Boyle
Peoples Water Ticket
For Mayor
James ilcAdams
For Clerk
Clifford Naden
For Treasurer
L Thorcinmson
For Engineer
C G Budig
For Councilman 1st ward
R A Green
For Councilman 2nd ward
F J Rolfe
For Members Board Education
Albert Barnctt
E T Perkins
Democratic City Ticket
For Mayor
James McAdams -
For Clerk
L C Stoll
For Treasurer
L Tiiorgrimson
For Engineer
C G Budig
For Members Board Education
C H Boyle
E D Perkins
For Councilman 1st ward
R A Green
Eor Councilman 2nd ward
F L Schwaib
Wedding Breakfast Wihiite Rock
and pure maple syrup ait Mag
ners Phone 14
For making fancv cake
Swans Dowa Cake flour
Magner phone 14
pupil every
sity man in
f McCook W C L U Column I
Backward Steps Which Are
not only necessary but obligator-
writes Ida Q Moulton in
the Record of Christian Work
calling attention to the fact that
Back of the saloon is the li
cense back of the license is the
law back of the lav is the legis
lature and back of the legisla
ture is the people She might
well have added that bade of the
people who elect the legislature
arc the learners the boys and
girls the young men and women
who are in the process of
every normal scliooi
college and
the nation
opportunity which presents itself
to ithet members of cuir
Peoples Branches of
making and
moulding tlie History or tlie na
tion in the nxt half century is
an unparrPelcd one Who can
tell what calamity may befoU
America if they fail cm their
duty who can measure the b r
eficent results to the land
the free
which are-
and to 11 nations
watching dt if they
ticin of promulgating truth
To never mere return
And lift the fallen brothers up
To save the cash they earn
Cain a Christian tried
And fighting for the right
Teach all his boys and girls
At cards by day or night
Say Can that be a
No matter what its size
Where Church Folks meeti ar
play at whist
To win a little prize
Is not a Chi ttiVin s duty plac n
To loyal hearts and true
r ill2 Laice itiUjau tiiey n ftana alcme
Not onlv talk but DO
YciungMay thi Gcd of Elijah s day
Kase up a loyal band
At times backward steps arc conscientiously meat their
garding the foe which menaces
our very existence as a nation
Christian Citizenship
What is Christian Citizenship
I really want to know
Must Ave follow a Godless throng
No matter where they go
Can a man of Christian worth
Vote for a public wrong
That fills the land with want and
x i 1 f ii -4 i J
Lexl by a Godless throng
izens either ignorant or intclli l
gent agencies in
the solution of
the spoch making problems of the
flow Tlio factors AVihifli irr tn
Are advocating what is wrong
Working with might and main
slrtovmmn tlio nlmrnotov nf rrnr SIMmM Christians not VOte as
fiitnir lefriRlatiires and the law- they pray
making of our country arc the An save their felloAv men
Send all saloons clear out the
young men and women in our col
leges and our places of business land
Whether the United States is ljo j WlHl GvrV lawlcirs den
be a sal oontes nation by the A ChrCstJans Icyd to hi Gcd
Fourth of Julv 1920 is to be And to lrs neighbor too
decided in
the citizens
a large measure by
who todav are being
trained and developed Congress
not go
with that Godless
Jjiist for a dime or
man Ilobson never epoke a truer Ever bancsh the vile saloon
Avord that when in a recent in
terview he said It is my ear
nest conviction almost amount
ing to a patriotic obsession
that we must rear a generation tc
accomplish this work 1 am giv
ing my utmost to this end- Five
thousand copies of my speech are
going out from Washington each
day and I expect to circulate 2
000000 copies before tihe year is
oiit T do not intend to rest un
til leather tlnis or some other pre
sentation of these recently-discovered
scientific truths have been
placed in the hands of every high
School ipupi
an i
fo ever Inttl fir the rght
Through all thi1 busy land
The Christians watchword ought
to be
lpi ran to all thats night
ihc i snlcrus have got to go
1 1 Ip with all my might
Ala uAlmiroU rlflwlfilC TO
JA vocu auLu piaiiscu uy txic jluuoi t
M comoetent and careful Das-
ii a i t j iflii
iY tsy uuuiis xiie vvLnt2 uver
l JL The only Baking Powder made J
0 from Royal Grape Cream of 3
S5 Tartar made from grapes vg
The Rural School Opportunity Go Supt Ruth Erfman Bloom
The Relation of the Teacher and the Pupil Supt R O Brown
School Board Session at the M E Church
Supt C L Anderson Oxford presiding
What a Community Expects of a Teacher R II Rankin
Cambridge Board of Education Hon Frank Moore Indianola
Boardi of Education
Relation of a Principal or Superintendent to His Board of
Education E F Young -Trenton Board of Education H E
Cuibertson McCook Board of Education
What a Teacher May Expect of a School Board and Commun
ity State Supt Delzell Mr A Bamett McCook
The Teacher as a Citizen a lin Business Life b in Social
LifeaSupt R D Cresap Edison b W G Springer Ox
The Teachers Relation to the Community Outside of School
Hours Supt Geo E Lee Cuibertson County Supt Mattiene
Bragg Alma
Business Meeting
Friday Evening Declamatory Contest
Temple Theatre 800 Oclock
100 Reward 100
The reaaers of Hits paper -will be
pleapd to learn that there is at last
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation- of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of elstimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
yNE Trouble you find
some ready made
clothes is that often they
dont keep their shape
clothes are made of all wool fab
rics thoroughly shrunk the tail
oring in them is highest grade
the insides are of best quality
Thats what gives shape keeping quality
and makes style that stays stylish
Home of Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes
Classified Advertisements
216 West B st Splendid board
elegant rooms only 20 month
Close in i doors east of Palmer
hotel Itf
Houses for rent by J E Kel
ley phone 6 i room brick bunga
low modern good location 3
room furnished cottage close in
lawn and shade 12 sw
FOR RENT 160 acres eultivat
ed and SO acres in pasture all
fenced Also for sale 1 horses
wagon and harness 3 seetion
steel harrow corn lister break
ing plaw and other small artic
les See or write Maurice Grif
fin phone blaek 40S 22 tfw
FOR SALE Pure White Wy
andotte eggs 50c a setting Wal
nut 3S52 7 tf
FOR SALE Rod breaking
plow set double buggy harness
set single buggy harness
harrow walking plow wagon
Frank Coleman East
iFOR SALE My Piano Player
Will take good piano in on trade
and balance at 10 per month
Phone or see E D Kenyon 28
FOR RENT Furnished rooms
close in Mrs Marv Yan Horn
308 1st W
bushel Also can and corn
1 mile west and 3 miles
south of McCook
Express Collections
This Aveek the Adams Express
Co put into operation a plan of
colfecteng express sliipments in
the business portion of the city
Collections will be made in the
morning at the same time deliv
eries are being made and again
in the afternoon at about five
oclock Urgent special calls will
also receive attention in between
these collections This is a facil
ity which will be appreciated by
our merchants especially by
those who do much shipping in
that manner
A New Proprietor
The meat market at foot of
Main avenue has been sold to J
F Schaffer late of Wymore by
John Lankas The aiaw
tor at once took possession and
is now m cliarge
The Last Best
and Bell Ringers
Temple Theatre SXSP
TTPJ7ET 7Cr Reservations at
lIHJLlwJ I Jt McConnelTs Store
This is the last of the entertainment course They are a
bunch of artists and will surely entertain you