The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 28, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Have you ever considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now when you are earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saved
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier to save your money
and deposit it with
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C T OBrien Cash
M Loucrhran P F AIcKenna
Full of Years
Mrs Jacob Lechlitner of Cole
man precinct passed on to her
reward Wednesday morning at
about six oclock March 27th be
ing past SO years of age She is
survived by her aged husband
one son and two daughters- The
aged parents have been living
with tbedr son Joseph on the
farm Mrs C II Harman is the
daughter living here the other
daughter making her home in
Iowa With her husband Mrs
Lechlitner was one of the early
settlers in this part of Nebraska
and Red Willow county liaving
lived- in Colemant precinct for
many years
Funeral services wall 1e con
ducted at the home of the son
Joseph oin Friday morning at
eleven oclock Rev D L Mc
Bride -of ficiating and burial will
follow dn Zion Hill cemetery in
Ooleimara precinct
All your old buggy needs is a
fresh coat of paint
We have the paint
Doesnt cost much
Can do the job yourself
The paint spreads evenly
Dries quickly and with a
liant lustre that will make
proud of the job
See us about it the next time
you are in our store
iMcCONNELL Druggist
Eggs for Hatching
Finest stock in this part of
state Barred Plymouth Rock
Bradley and Ringlet strains 4c
each 250 per 100 Phone ash
1351 Rural No 3 and 4
Rompers Creepers Overalls
Bloomers Bloomer Dresses Dress
es and Overalls for boys and girls
in great variety at The Thomp
son D G C 25e to 100 Ut
most value for cash only
Work was commenced first of
the week cm the new tool house
on the rear of the municipal lots
south cf the Carnegie library
Cameras and photo supplies
Save money on Drugs Wall Pa
per Paints and Oils1 at
If you expect to need a cream
apmarator this soring see the
Dairy Maid arid U S at II
Waite Cos
In Three Acts -
Temple Theatre April 16
High School Students
Miss Thorndyke Director
Our system of compulsory edu
cation with its attendant juve
nile courts truant officers has
developed a condition in our edu
cational affairs that as difficult
to solve There are a large num
ber of pupils- who are compelled
to labor to support indigent and
dependent parents who cannot
attend Jthe day schools these pu
oils must be educated the prob
lem is how can it best be done
The night school for such pupils
is found to be crude and inade
quate For exemplification of
that contention the following is
New York Feb 17 The night
schools for children which have
been a feature of the educational
system in New York city for
many years are characterized as
a gigantic blunder in the thir
teenth annual report cf Dr Wil
liam II Maxwell superintendent
of education There are about
90000 pupils enrolled in these
schools iwhich Dr Maxwell
to abolish at once
He dechres he is convinced
that the attempt to give instruc
tions n the ordinary
branches in the evening to boys
and -girls from 14 to 16 years old
is worse than useless
These who are employed dur
ing the day need the evening for
exercise and recreation Only
those who are endowed with un
usual physical strength and un
usual mental energy can after a
hard days- work attend school
four evenings in a week and ben
efit thereby
These boys and girls must be
ofiurvatwl in thr usual ivav with
all of their right to play and oth
er rights reserved to them just
lia cqiniP flI ntlieJ TJUDllS Tlley
must not be forced to work days
and spend their evenings m tne
night school am educational swet
box is no than a labor
swet box
The state of Illinois law more
nearly meets the demand for re
lief than any way yet suggested
It is to say the least- legislation
in the right direcion The fol
lowing extract from a daily pa
pre will give you an insight into
the flaw and its application
The Illinois law pensioning
mothers with children instead of
taking them away breaking up
the home and sending the child
ren to public institutions is
put into effect in Chicago
rw tnnlmr with four children
Wats xrramted 21 month She had
supported thean for sen en years
but the burden was getting great
er than she eould bear She- had
to leave the younger ciMuren
ninnft nil fin ir the others being
forced to go to school -and the
rent bill was greater than she
could pay When she made ap
plication for help and was infor
med that from that time on she
would ibe paid 7 a week for sup
porting each of the three young
er cliildren until they could leave
school and goi to work her jcy
could be expressed im no other
way than in tears her sichs chok
ed her utterance of words The
largest pension so far granted
was -46 a month for the support
of a large family mostly small
children The law is optional but
many counties are adopting it
and dt is said- that many children
will be taken out of institutions
and new homes started
Pensioning the heads of large
families is not without precedent
Let our Jaw makers look into this
matter and provide some wise leg
relation in that direction
J S LoilEW
Window Shadrs 20c
Gocd cloth Holland on spring
rollers Others at 25c and 35c
Th6 Thompson D G Co Utmost
value for cash only
The friends of Mrs A P Ely
gave her ai baby shower Friday
afternoon Refreshments were
served and a good time generally
reported Kea Uioua jommercia
McConnell for drugs
Buy garden field and flower
seeds from n P Waite- Co
- 1 CA 1 1 Ci nX
Thursday Evening Edition
Enrollment of S W Nebraska Teachers Association Will
Reach Five Hundred
Destined To Be Most Inspiring Event of the Year Keen Interest and
Teachers and Citizens Alive to the Feast of
Good Things
The sessions of the Southwest
Nebraska Teachers Association
which convened in our city last
eventing are already proving of
the largest interest with onlvin
ereasring attendance and better
programs ahead
Already the enrollment has
reached over four hundred and
it is clearly indicated that the
bcital enrollment will exceed the
fiiv hundred mark as every trail
brings rraruite and adds to the
ink rest and enthusiasm so evi
dent giving premts cf a record
breaking convention
Opening Session
Lai t night in the First Metho
dist church aecu rred the formal
opening session of the convention
with a cordial welcome address
by State Senator John F Cordeal
and a response at some length
by President C F White of the
association concluding with a
most interesting and illuminating
address by Dr Winfceld Scott
Hall on the vital topic The Psy
chology of Youth and Its Rela
tion to Home and School
The doctor is a learned
author and speaker along psych
nlnrripnl lines and is especially
concerned about its application to
adolescent pupuls an tne puouc
schools Incidentally toe touch
ed upon the scarcely less absorb-
ang question or imoiugy uu
r rrnve liis hearers an ad
dress which held their very clos
est attention for almost two
A light and entertaining touch
was given the program by the
liigh school orchestras numbers
Wednesday afternoon the doc
rtjor addressed the school girls of
the city in the Methodist church
at 2 J30 on A Physicians aues
sage to His Daughter and at
3 30 in the atfternoon in the high
school auditorium the hoy pupils
am From Youth to Manhood
Both were valuable and instruc
tive to the pupils of both sexes
arid iwill prove helpful in their
future life-
Thursday Morning
Tliiia nifti niner at the high
school auditorium another ancaty
nrnrrrSMll Was EKiVeni
A lieemung
i AriicK Utfirfrjirrt Dunlan at th
Holdrege Singing by McCook
public school children and a
strong address by Deputy State
Sunt Robert I Elliott of Lincoln
on the subject of Educational
Progress This program opened
at prompt 9 oclock
This -morning at ten oclock
a ladies mass meeitng was heild
in the high school auditorium
Vice President Ruth Erfmam pre
siding with an address to the
ladies on Social Ethics by Dr
From 11 12 an exhibit of
McCook public school work was
made in the auditorium of u
classy nature
At the hour of ten oclock in
the Methodist church was held
the mens mass meeting Supt
Hussong of Franklin presiding
Supt Duncan of Bartley and
Supt Farnsworth of Ilaigler dis
cussed the question of Chang
ing scliool entrance from 5 to 6
years except where there is a
preparatory grade or kunciergar
Sunt Davis of McCook Supt
Furrow of Hayes county Supt
Short of Beaver City liscussea
Should School Boards be com
nnllofl bv law to remunerate the
teachers for time used in attend
ing reading circle
Simf TUnrn an of Bloomington
jimd Senator Cordeal handled
What aid should the state give
f nr ffifbin 0- a frriculture
Supt Anderson of Hitchcock
county Supt Fletcher of Arapa
hoe and Deputy State Supt El
lott discussed Should the nor
mal trainiiing appropriation be
Dr Hall concluded this meeting
with an address on Sexual Ily
giicme or the Young Man Prob
Thursday Afternoon
This afternoon a half dozen
sections and meetings are in pro
gress every minute being utiliz
ed with a varied line of subjects
arad interests using both high
school auditorium and Methodist
This Evening
There will be ssa entertain
ment hy the House Male Quar
tette ard a lecture by Chancellor
of Denver on The Pleas
nrfr inrio A raimprb vocal so- suitress of American
lo by Mrs C V Mcuaenaei oi uieMempie mc cmu
Lite in
Thursday Evening March 28 800 Oclock
Temple Theatre
Entertainment House Male Quartet
Lecture The Pleasantness of American Life Chancellor
Friday Morning General Session 900 O Clock
High School Auditorium
Muspe McCook High School Orchestra
Reading Pearl Marshall
Vocal Solo Minnie Vierscn
Address One Test of the Teachers Efficiency Prof Ohas
W Taylor Lincoln
Address The Teacher and Her Duties State Supt las E
Reading Prin Ella N Sfrp Trenton
Address The Art of Teaching Dr W A Clark IOa ny
Business Sesiion Appointment of Committees etc
Friday Afternoon General Session 130 OClock
Temple Theatre
Music Culberison High School Orchestra
ThrvOftmiMi School Svstem Chancellor Samuel
- T
Illustrated Lecture Farm Health and Sanitatron uv u
Friday Soction Meeting 330 O Clock
Rural and Grade Teachers section at High School
Supt Joy E Morgan Bloomington presiding
a Penmanship Course of Study by Grades Supt A
Gasli Wilsonville
b Difficulties and How to Meet Them E M Hussong
Franklin -
a Orthography as Emphasised in Primary Grades Elsie Oud
erkirk Hildreth
b As Emphasized in- Grammar Grades1 Co Supt Anna Mc
Donnell McCookr
Methods of Correcting Papers Co Supt Ruth Larson
a GrammarWhat to Teach Maude Hayes Stratton
uj Texts Prin E xi Hussman Lebanon
wniCKEins are proiiuiuie oi ait
now with a Cyphers 0r Old c As Related to Other Work Prin W K Harris Orafino
tv Tnmihntnr Snlfl bv TTrvw fn TUiilro rnorrimliv Natuial Lizzie Dausherty McCook
McCOOK HARDWARE CO Continued on page 2
Mr and Mrs F W Bosworth
will entertain the Thursday Even
the Whist club at the residence
of J G Stokes this evening
The Shakespeare club will
meet with Mrs R B Sheridan oi
next Tuesday afternoon April 2
Subject Our Schools
The Research club will meet
with Mrs Clarence J Stokes on
next -Monday afternoon Emer
sons Friendship will be the
Mrs A R Scott entertained
the Priscdlla club at the home of
Mrs J G Schobel Wednesday
afternoon A dainty luncheon
was served
In Federal Court
Two land eases were heard in
the IcCook federal court Wed
nesday namely the government
versus Levi Overman of Wauneta
and the government versus Ira
Lamb also of Wauneta Both
suits were for the cancellation of
homestead patents held by the
defendants on land in the former
McCook land district
A W Lane assistant TJ S dis
trict attorney of Omaha was at
torney for the government D
W Dickinson also of Omahat wai
the master in chancery before
whom the cases were heard Be
sides II B Durham of the inter
ior department at Washington
appeared for the government
Superintendent Will Be Here
Rev J A Leavitt D D of Om
aha Nebraska superintendent of
The Society- for the Friendless
will visit McCook next Sunday
March 81st in the interest of
that society and will speak at
the following churches
Baptist at 11 a m subject
The Family
Congregational 3 p mj ad
dress to parents
iM E at 8 p m subject
Christ the Crucified and the
Dr Leavitt is an able speak
er and his cause is a timely one
He should have a large hearing
Dead at 103
LudoviJao Cornaro an Italian
born in Venice in 1464 died at
103 A patron of the arts his
portrait by Tintoretto hangs in
the celebrated Pitti Art Gallery
Could he visit McCook this week
his quick and intelligent eye
would be drawn to the brilliant
display of ladies colored hose in
the windows of The Thompson D
G Co All colors and prices-
Wednesday Morning Program
At the assembly on Wednesday
morning Piano duet by Miss
Florence Rosebush and Miss Nina
Tcmlirson readings by Misr
Ruly Lineburg and Miss Gladys
Picklum concet solo by Ray Bay
Silk Petticoats 250
and up to 500 at The Thomps cm
D G Co Utmost value
Boys Khaki Overalls 19c
at The Thompson D GCo Ut
most value for cash only
Everything in drugs
Wants for rent for sale etc
5e a line in The Tribune
Kodaks and kodak supplies
MeCONNELL Druggist
Alfalfa seed 800 -per ibushel
Buy garden field and flower
seeds frcm II P Waite Co
Broken plate glass in the L C
Stoll Co jewelry store front
were replaced Wednesday
Special lew prices and easy
terms on American Hog Fence
DeLaval separators last longer
and get more cream thats why
they are best tobuy
McCook Hardware Co Agts
Standard Sewing Machines are
the highest quality but reason
able in price
New Steel Ceiling New Fron
Paper ana Paint
Mr Joseph Menard has let eon
tracts for a thorough renovation
overhauling and repair of his stor
room on Main avenue which will
be the future home of the Wilcox
store The details comprehend
a new and modern front a new
steel ceiling new shelving in
part new paper paintetc which
will make it one of the most at
tractive store rooms in the city
To heighten the cnew and clean
ly effect for a grocery store the
interior will be painted white
Mein Herr See Here
Wir immer yerkaufen
Mens Stetson hats 369 Mens
suits 500 to 2000 Boys suits
175 to 750 Mens and boys7
good blue overalls 44c Mens
shoes 190 to 300 Boys shoes
125 to 250 Mens and boys
high banded collar attached shirts
50e to 150 See us before the
money is spent The Thompson
D G Co Utmost value for cash
Wagt Eikenberry
The marriage of Mr Ralph T
Wagt and Miss Fay Alta Eiken
berry is announced The wed
ding ceremony occurred ini Den
ver March ISth 1912 They will
be at home in Walsenburg Lmo
radc after April 1st The bride
spent most of her life in Mc
Cook and many young friends
wall join us m wishing Her tne
largest happiness
our assortment of Liggetts Choc
olates Fenway Cream Nut Cen
ters and Bon Bons
We have always the latest and
best of these goods ordering of
ten to have them fresh
Hew Experience
Earl Ludwick imet the unusual
experience Tuesday of sticking
fast in the mud on K street be
tween Main and 1st street west
He had to get another team to
pull -his wagon out cf the mud
Ready-to-Wear Dresses
Srr our attractive line of La
dies white and colored serge
drosses also foulards linens
etc at from 950 dawn to 125
The Thompson D G uo ut
most value for cash only
Tartre Smvra RUffS 125
at The Thompson D G Co Ut
most value for cash only
McConnell for drugs
Buy garden field and flower
seeds from II P Waite Co
I will sell at Wilcox sale Fri
day the 29th one fresh Jersey
milch cow
Majestic Ranges are perfect
bakers and use leas fuel They
ana ireeommended by all who
have used them
McCook Hardware Co Agits
II Waite Co have now in
stock an unusually large supply
of garden saeds Call on them
when ready to make garden 3 2
Next Friday
and Saturday
While they last
I carnations
Per Dozen 35c
Get in on this
opportunity early
I McCook
I Greenhouse f