BANBUEY ISrs C W Rogers arrived Sasaa from the sanitarium in Sknsas City cr eatly improved in sfcslth -ed Tauber died -at his home tsaslof town Thursday morning 3slin Greearway came up from 3dunou Thuisday ior a visit JSss Marie Miller came home ISuarsday from Ft Collins called here by the death zilicr broth Fred Tan vJec Tie county -eighth grade ex asfoations were held here Thnrs ay and Friday A annnber rcm ASdade distracts attended IE M Woods is on the sick girt ihisi hveek 3ts Albert Dolph and baiby de Ceried Thursday for Stromsburg T33L where Albert is working JL V Olmstead was an Cedar JUsifc between trains Tuesday Ifass Strain departed Monday 35riMs home in Iowa after a few visit with relatives flfcx Miles and family formerly sssf3ns place will soon move frcn SEFornia to their new home in IsXknska in- Kimball county just ross the lhi from Wyoming flfe fl ir nes rest postoffice will ssVilin Bluffs Wyo S v v v t v t 5 t I iSeed For Sale 4 e ay Red Spring Wheat Barley and Corn UPDIKE GRAIN CO S S Garvey Manager Phone 169 X ggs for Hatching from High Scoring Prize Winners Barrod and While Rock BuiF Brovn and Leghorn While jind Slwr Laced Black llinorca Whit- and liuff 50ns b U Ktiorie island Keds Prices of eggs SI -50 to 5 per setting according to variety and quality LEBANON POULTRY YARDS I it A -if i - ft Vil 31 CTF8SBS3 Lebanon Nebr i C STOLL CO Jewelers and Opticians Eyes tested anj fitted 2Ei3iiniiig McCook Neb Fine JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heajjng and Gas Fitting Es ei furnished free Base sent Ptetofiice BIdg Phone 3 E KELLEY Attom y at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co Of fice in Postoffice building Mc Saak Nebraska JL G BUM Heal Estate and Insurance Offuee 305 2d st East Phone 3ck252 E ELDEED Lawyer Bonded Abstracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in of iliee McCook Neb l3L P SUTTONc6 Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods of spality Main avenue McCook Remember The Tribunes plione 2 29 We will appreciate an item jgay time I C A HEDGES President J R NEEL Vice President L E SOUTHWICK President FRANK FOWELL Vice President Thompson Sons REAL ESTATE Bargains in Farm Ranch and City Property Other property solicited if you can price it worth the money for Quick Sale BOX ELDEE Tlu snow h melting iast and the WcIcav is out of its banks and reaches from bluff to bluff Daisy and Jennie Younger spent Sunday wth Pearl Campbell Pctt Mcdrell Iras movd out th0 S C Kicg farm Sckool closed in diatr iet 41 last Tuesday They haid a dinner Mrs D C Shaw Avas the teach er The stcrm was too much for our Star carrier last Thursday and Friday ibut now he is brav ing the high waters We were misinformed of the visit of Miss Lillian Doyle She was expected but failed ito come Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases whe they have colds Whooping cough diphtheria scarlet fever and con sumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds For the quick care of colds you will find nothing better than Chamberlains Cough Remedy It can always be depend ed upon and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by all dealers THE INTERMISSION Magazines and Dailies Off all kinds Temple Thea tre building Kansas City Post 5 cents Week Why Not Have that Cellar Cemented Now - We can give you a low figure on such work now be fore the heavy working season opens Call on or phone the manager be glad to come and figure with you McCook Cement Stone Co Phone Red 196 HN Rosebush Manager sssr W A REYNOLDS Cashier J B HILLERS Asst Cash Farmers and Merchants State Bank INDIANOLA A GOOD BANK liND Walter llehn had business in the county capital Saturday John Ncel was among the Mc- Cook visitors Fatawday Laura Colling went to IMcCock Friday to visit her aunt 31rs Wil son Mrs Neiwland returned Thurs NEBRASKA STATE B A N AMO K Our Shelves Are Loaded With New and Snappy Dry Goods White House and Buster Brown Shoes ESTABLISHED 1880 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAXAAAAAAAiAiAAAAAAAAiAAAAAiAAAAAAa day from Superior accompanied j by her son-an-law Gorge Hen derson Mrs Baxter left Saturday for Omaha to doctor with a specialist tlrere W II Allen received word from his son Frank in- AYyonuing of the death of his youngest dsmgnter by pneumonia Miss Willis and Alice Town Ley went up on the freight Fri day afternoon for a visit with friends in MeOook Charlie Garmichael went esist to learn the barber trade- but taken sick with threat trouble and found it necessary to go to a hospital in Omaha for treat ment Mrs George Shepherd was in McCook Friday Miss friend of Lincoln spent Saturday and Sunday with her Clark Jonas and Velma liaims were county seat visitors Saturday Achsah Duteher closed a scrr months term of school in Pl j ant View last Monday The people on Coon treble were almost droAvned ont last Wedn day when the ereek came up Th 3 water nvas hold back by ice until it became so high it broke over thus making the lowland a regu lar lake Peopl a southwest of town fiiro maikinig their way to tQAvn by meians of the1 east bridge as Wednesdays hiigh water carried aiway part oil the soutlnvesfe bridge Mrs C B Iloaig whoi hara been visitfng her daiugMer Mrs iC B Gray in McCook for some time returned hcane Saturday last- H W Keyeis transacted busi ness in the coaraty capita Fri day Harry Wing was called to Harvard Sunday evening by the deaith of Ms aunt Mrs Kate Rob erston Mrs Xial Quick visited with home fclkte in McCock Sunday and Monday Mr and Mrs Albert Wright moved into the Allen property hitter part cf the wedk Miies Farrell liozelle Wolfe antl Mrs Sells were in McCcok Mon day Dave Walton has moved from the Quick ranch to the and Ilotze house in the north part of tOAvn Jim SaAvyer and danghtei Mies Luhi Aiio have been Aisiting A ith Mrs Anna SaA Aer and children have returned to their home at Ilaigler Xeb The Sun Bonnet dub met at the home of Lulu MeNiel Tues day afternoon The- afternoon Avas spent in embroidery Avork and refreshments consisting of cocoa sandwiches cake and fruit salad Ave re served Will Karp left Sunday night to join Iris father in Colorado Mr and Mrs Probasco accom panied by Mi s Jack Dulin re- turned home Monday wening Mrs Batton left for Ottawui Kansas to A isit 3ier son Charles AAdio is in college there The K A C ontortaaned their mothers at the home of Mary and Maggie Rezter Wednesday after noon Jennie- TCozell came home from Hastings Friday evening to visit Avith fnirrd and relatives DE HEEBEET J PEATT Eegisterod Graduate Dentist Office 2121 iain ave over McConnclls drug store Phones Office 160 residence black 131 DE E J GUNN Dentist- Office Booms 8 and 5 Walsh building McCook Phone 112 E H GATEWOOD Dentist Office Room 4 Masonic Tem ple McCook Neb Phone 163 A INDIANOLA NEBRASKA We would be pleased to have you call at this band and open an account with us We offer you all the facilities and advantages gained by our 32 years of banking business in this community If you cannot call on us you can open an account by mailing us a check or draft and we will furnish you with a check and pass book 4 per cent Paid on Time Deposits Deposits protected by the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska WM A DOLAN Cashier C S QUICK Jr Asst Cashier fcs MVTTYTYTVTYTTrTYrrYTTVTTVWYWTVTTTTTYVVVYrTrvwyVVVVU -4 - - - K IJS JCLfL Dealer in Agricultural Implements Harness Ford Automobiles the best car on earth for the price Heating and Plumbing Windmills Gasoline Engines Standard Sewing Machines We have just secured the agency for the Tipp Whip Cos line of whips everyone of which is fully guaranteed against breakage even to the 50 cent whips INDIANOLA MAHION Mud Mud Mud Gueeii Ave am11 have our share of it fiom all appearances Mrs J W IlaAens and son her husband and sc n at the parental Havens heme wt A of town Sundav afternoon JcUin J Jolly and W L Eby of Leba ncn Avere business visitors- in toAAn one day last Aveek C M Dodge Avas a business Aris itor at Wilsonville a feAV days last Aveek Mrs S J Stilgebouer Aas un dar the doctors care the past Aveek Mr and Mrs J E Dodge ar riAed home first of the Aveelc from a Aveeks sojourn at Lincoln Clyde Weyenoth Avas Tinder the doctors care first of the Aveek A severe blizard sAvept tTiis part of the state last Thursday piling the snow in huge drifts It be ing especially liard on stock on account of the scarcity of feed security BARTLEY E E Smith Co Indianola Nebraska Everything in MILLINERY very latest and up totheminute AH the LATEST NOVELTIES in Stock In our variety store we have anything you want iu 5c 10c and 25c goods Our line of Ladies Misses Mens and Boys MADE TO ORDER SUITS ARE THE TALK OF THE COUNTRY Puckett UptoDate Merchandise INDIANOLA NEBRASKA WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE DONT FORGET No One Undersells Us A B C Brand of Canned Goods Golden Sun Coffee Just Received New Line of Garden Seeds We Allow No One to Undersell Us Quality Considered But the past fern days the s noAV is disappearing Aerj fast A train Avent up the line Mon day the first one since the bliz zard T F Gockley aatis appointed deputy assessor for Danbury pre cinct by the county commission ers at their last meeting Mr and Mrs Chas Greibe re turned to their home at Benedict after a ten days Aiisit AAiith -Mrs Grobes brother H E Keith and family F M Yeater and G E Havens Avere county seat business visit ors Tuesday McCOOK MACHINERY AND EEtON WOEKS Machine Work Horse Shoeing- Blacksmithing- We are agents for the Celebra ed Ford Auto 210 1st st W Phone red 450 Public Sale I will sell the folloAving listed property at my ranch 1 mile south east of McCook commencing at 10 oclock a m on FRIDAY MARCH 29 1912 26 Head of Horses 26 from 1 yr old to heary brood mares Avith colts at side 25 Head of Brood Sows 25 all to farroAv in April 125 Full Blood Shropeshire Ewes 125 mostly with lambs at side 25 Head of Calves 25 coming yearlings soon All stuff will be sold in lots to suit purchasers Farm Implements i lumber Avagon double top box nearly new i pronged alfalfa disc i alfalfa Avheel barroAV seeder FREE LUNCH AT NOON Term ft Sums under 10 cash S months time at 8 per bo cent on sums over io on notes with approved No property to be removed until satisfactorily settled for F Se Wiieox Owner COL C M MATSON Auct P WALSH Clerk 7 e v 1 J