The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 18, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 4

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    - i
Real Estate Filings
Tht following real estate filings
iaTt been made in the county
clerks office since our last re-
Jsa F Ballah to John R Nel
an wd se qr 2-3-27 S000 00
iHases King to I S Moore
wfl sw qr 24-4-27 5000 00
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
TEaain uncalled for at the pos
Abbott Mr Chester
JJisnett Mr Fred
Hill Peter
-Lawrence Mrs Rebbace
liawreniee Mrs Ohas
Salter Dr F II
Wurman C J
LON CONE Postmaster
iifrfi 2 t j i I t t j
Seed For Sale f
Red Spring Wheat
Barley and Corn
2 3S Garvey Manager
Phone 169
X J 2 J C I y K -I I JM5 5
Eggs for Hatching from High
Scoring Prize Winners
Barred and White Rock Buff
3rown and White Leghorns White
snd Sliver Laced Wyandot tes Black
ilinorcas White and Buff Orping
tons S C Rhode Island Reds
Prices of eggs 150 to 5 per
ietting according to variety and
Lebanon Nebr
Jewelers and
Ev vq loci d and fittied
sispHiviing McCook XeJ
Eeal Estate
and Insurance
Office 305 2d st East
hek 252
Plumbing Healnng
and Gas Filing
EstimaiU d free Base
xrrt Postoifice lihys Phone 33
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co 0-1-
2e in Postoffiee building Mc-
Sxk Nebraska
Bonded Abstracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in of
Sca McCook Neb
- - J i -
E - t
Young man it will pay you to get the habit We mean the
saving habit The banking habit will help yuu If you are
starting out in life with only your two hands to help you the
dollar on deposit will be the best friend you will have on the
side Start an account at the bank Dont check unless the
need is urgent Add to it rather than draw it out You will
acquire a standing among the men who do things You will
in time have a fund to do something with yourself Get the
habit Start now The opening of a bank account may bo
the turning point in your career Como and start with us no
matter how small Ask the successful man if this advice is
good He knows See if he deesnt tell you the same thing
The baby son of Mr and Mrs
August Caippel died last Tlmrs
day morning The body was tak
en to MicCook Sunklay morning
for burial in Calvary cemetery
of St Patricks church Baby
Gappel was four montlis and two
days old The parents have tlie
sympathy of many friends and
neighbors dn the death of their
little one
Suits by special order at same
price charged for ready mades
Clothes shrunk and spongsd by la
test and moat scientific method
Call and see samples before giving
your order for spring suit
Mrs J M Trammell
Main Ave Under Commercial Hotel
Remember The Tribunes phone
is 19 We ivill appreciate an item
any time
Registered Graduate
Office 2121 Main ave over
McConn ells drug store Phones
Office 160 residence black 131
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh
building MicCook Phone 112
rTh gatewood
Office Ro0111 4 Masonic Tem
ple McCook Neb Phone 163
and Dailies
Off all kinds Temple Thea
tre building
Kansas City Fost 5 cents Week
Machine Work Horse
Shoeing Blacksmithing
We are agents for the Celeb rat
ed Ford Ante 210 1st st W
Phone red 450
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods of
quality Main avenue McCook
Children are much more likely to
contract the contagious diseases wlie
they have colds Whooping cough
diphtheria scarlet fever and con
sumption are diseases that are often
contracted when the child has a cold
That is why all medical authorities
say beware of colds For the quick
care of colds you will find nothing
better than Chamberlains Cough
Remedy It can always be depend
ed upon and is pleasant and safe to
take For sale by all dealers
Why Not
Have that Cellar
Cemented Now
We can give you a low figure on suchAvork now be
fore the heavy working season opens
t i n t ii -
- an on or pnonetne manager rie wuik
be glad to come and figure with you
MlCook Cement Stone Go
hjfiltineReM 96 H N Rosebush Manager
IftlFere w
n were
ivsMfcToBfe The Warden His DepiftyVaiid i
ijtjliat Wadfledj
twinter wftthla vasme airtSxifigg
MB - - -
dentin imtryiemijceifcviyieasr
dn sprang he neediio wait un
til news came 6f tihe reappear
ance just aihead of tiny insects
He could as safely -follow tlie ad
vent in town and city streets of
these smart little tunic effect
dresses that first ventured out
doors away in iche southland and
are only awaiting the earliest
6812 Mi
real springtime warmth at every
point thence toward the north as
a signal far their coming forth
into the avenues and boulevards
Similar dresses are seen before
hand at the little afternoon af
fairs to which women go at tared
in soft satin taffeta or fine silk
and wool fabrics enriched with
lace and embroidery An uncom
monly ait tractive model saleeted
fram among the many pretty
styles is shown here in chamele
on taffeta and Venice lace It
his an onisinal little blouse iv
long shoulder style with the new
cuff sleeves while the skint is a
three piece model in tunic effect
witth an inverted box pleat at
each side of the back gore a de
vice that makes the skint practic
al for walking without marring
ite slender outline
Ycur Mcney Back for the Asking-
You Promise Nothing
We are so confident that Ave
can furnish reiliof for inlrligc sticn
and dyspepsia that we promise- o
supply bhe medicine free of all
cost to every one who uses vt ac
cording to directions who as not
prefectily smlrsfiied with the re-
sulits We exrct no promrses and
put no one under any ohkgaition
whatever Surely nothing could
be fairer We are located night
here where you live and cur reip
uliation should be sufficient as
surance of 4ihe genuineness cf our
We want every one who is
troubled with indigestion cr dys
pepsia in any form to come to
our store and buy a tbo x of Rex
all Dyspepsia Tablets Take itihecu
bonne and give them a reason
able trial accordsng to direc
tions If they dont please you
tell us and we will quickly re-
itiurn your money They have a
very mild but positive action up
on the organs with which they
come in contact apparently act
ing as a regulative tonic upon
itihe relaxed muscular coat of the
bowel thus overcoming weakness
anil aiding to restore tihei -bowels
to more vigorous and healthy act
ivity Three sizes 25c 50c and
100 Remember you can ob
tain Rexall Remedies only at our
store The Rexall Store L W
Slot Machine That Sells Papers
The interurban trolley oars
about Los Angeles are equipped
with a now device that does awaj
wiiith the news agent and eaves a
large amount in salaries It con
sists of a metal container which
holds a number of copiies cf each
of the moirping papers as well a s
one periodical These papers can
be secured by dropping pniee in
the slot and pressing -a lever As
the prices vary from one cent tc
five -a different slot is used for
each compartment The maeliine
rejects lightweight and worn
coins which run through the me
chanism -and are returned to the
depositor Popular Mechanics
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribhons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc 11 kept In
Guide Heilman Slain
i Late Thursday afterno
fu i
convicts in the state penitentiary
at Lincoln shot and dynamited
tiheir iway out to freedom Ward
en James Delahunty Deputy
Warden Henry Wagner and Ush
er E G Helilman were shot lio
deatih iby the -convicts and Thom
as J Doody keeper of the west
cell house severely wounded
After the shooting -the tliree
murderous convicts djnamited
one door secured the hys from
a turn key and made their escape
from the penitentiary and are
still at liberty
The mem who escaped are
Charles Taylor alias Shorty Gray
alias Murray alias Rofgers who
is a three -termed leader of a
gang of bank robbers and was
sentenced from Aurora to twenty
eight years imprisonment for
robbing a bank at Giltner John
Dowd recently sentenced from
Cass county to twenty years for
burglary with high explosives
having robbed a jewelry store
at Louisville Nell and Charles
Morley sentenced from Omaha to
fifteen years for highway rabberj
This makes the fourth murder
of prison officers within the past
few wieeks
Governor Aldrich is investigat
ing affairs at the penitentiary
amd the tragic sorrowful inci
dent will likely lead ito funda
mental changes at that
There was no general mutiny
and no other convicts escaped
Mrs Earl V Allen cf Indian
ola is ill at -the home of her moth
er Mrs B A Uines having had
an operation for appendicitis per
formed last Friday She is recov
erinig her usual health nicely
with no reason to ibelieve that
any complications will arisp
Minden Gazette
Saturday those people- -who
came to town with wagons
brought their scoops along to
scoop out dnifts A igocd many
men came on horseback Some
new drifts cf snow deep enough
to be umpassable
Mat lest a number
fall piigsi during the storm
Ed Sughroue lost 8 head
cattle and 4 head of horses
snow drafting over them
Mr Kf yrs was a McCook vis
itor Wednesday
Bemice Toogood Hope An
dersen Gecrgie Short Mrs Merl
Powell and Mrs Boldmani attend
ed the show in McCook Saturday
C E Ilc tze moved in to his
property in the north part of
town Monday
Frank Nkl Aisited with heme
folks over Sunday
Mrs Grant Clark went to Mc
Cook on Sunday evening to be
present at a surprise party given
Monday im honor of her mothers
birthday She will viait in Mc
Cook about a week
Word has been received from
Eckley Colorado that Jack Du
len a brother-in-law to Probas
co dropped dead of heart failure
Mrs Xeal Quick visited the
parents in McCook over Sunday
Methodist Pastor for Congress
At a conference of insurgent
Republicans held at Hastings on
Wednesday in which ten coun
ties of itihe Fifth congressional dis
tnict were represented the name
of Merrill B Carman pastor of
the Methodist church of this
city was brought out as a
candidate for the Republican
nomination to succeed George W
Nornis Mr Carman ivas endors
ed by ithe -gathering Because of
matters connected with his
church pastorate here which re
quires a few days to arrange Mr
Carman has not yet filed for the
nomination but it is understood
that his iliat is in the ring
and at is probable that he will
follow an illustrious example and
enter actively into the fray
Mr Carman has lived in Ne J
braska since 1SS4 has beem a
resident cf the Fifth dhifciocifc for
twenty four years and having
served as Methodist paster tin va
rious townra over the district he
posssEses a large acquaintance
He has always actively identified
hems elf with the anti saloon move
nient and two years ago -he con
ducted a speaking tour through
this county in favor joif county
option Minden Gazette
Guthrie Okla March 15 At
the cud of an all night session
the Republieaai State convention
of Oklahoma voted to send solid
delegation of ten mem instructed
for Thoedorc Roosevelt to the
Chicago convention
The reaSerlcPlIitsijaper will -tie
pleaded to learn that there is at las
one dreaded disease tlfat scitmce has
been able to cuV 3 in all its stages
and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of elstimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
You can say goodbye to constipa
tion with a clear conscience if you
use Chamberlains Tablets Many
have been permanntly cured by their
use For sale by all dealers
Nannie L Lowman Sarah W
Lowman Edward E Lowman
Oelia F Lowman and the un
known heirs and the unknown
dovisees of Louis Lowman de
ceased defendants herein will
take nctiee that Judson L Pack
ard plaintiff herein has filed his
petition in the District Court of
Red Willow County Nebraska
against the above named defend
ants the object and prayer of
which are to quiet the title of
the plaintiff in the Southwest
Quarter of section twenty nine
Township Four North of Range
Twenty nine in Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska and for a decree
that the defendants Nannie L
Lowman Sarah W Lowman and
Edward E Lowman are the sole
and oidy heirs of the said Louis
Lowman deceased and enjoin
ing and forever barring said de
fendants or any of them froan
claiming any right -to or right of
possession cf the said premises
or any part thereof
You are required to answer
said petition on or before Mon
day the 15th day of April 1912
Dated this 4th dav of March
Bv C E Eldred Attornev for
First public tion March 4 Stsw
Nannie M Browne Harry L
Browne and llo Browne C C
Sehrier and W L Browne as ex
ecutors of the estate of J L
Browne deceased Boards of the
United Presbyterian Churches of
North America a corporation
Mary S Browne and the un
known heirs and the unknown de
visoes of William Little deceas
ed defendants herein will take
notice that Minnie MeNiel plain
tiff herein -has filed her petition
in the District Court of Red Wil
low county Nebraska against the
above named defendants the ob
ject and prayer of which are to
quiet the title of the plaintiff in
the Southeast Quarter of Section
Six Township One Range Thir
ty west of the sixth principal
meridian in Red Willow County-
Nebraska and for a decree that
the defendants release- of record
two certain mortgages recorded
in Book 11 on page 290 and
Book 22 on page 70 of the rec
ords of mortgages of said coun
ty and that in the event they
fail so to do within ten days the
decree stand in lieu or sucn
You are required to answer
said petition on or before Mon
day the 15th day of April 1912
Dated tins 4th day ot March
By C E Eldred her attorney
First publication March 4 Stsw
To Susan C Hileman and to
all whom it may concern
The commissioner appointed to
locate a road commencing at a
point at the northwest corner of
section numbered tliirteen and
the southwest corner of section
numbered twelve in town two
north of range 30 west of the
6th P M where road number
ed 440 intersects road 407 in
Driftwood precinct Red Willow
county jNebrasKa and running
thence east on the section line be
tween said sections 12 and 13
Town 2 North Range 30 West
of the Gth P M until the same
coincides with said road number
ed 440 and a proposal to vacate
that part of road known as 440
as described below
Commencing at a point on th
section line between sections 11
and 12 where said road No 440
bears eastward shall be vacated
effSSetEonsl2audaaS iaKsin
Dawn 2 Range 30 West of the
6th vJL has reported an favor
of the location and vacation
thereof and all objections there
to or clatoms for damages must be
filed in- the iCoarnty Clerks of
fice on or before noon of the
13th day of -May A D 1912 or
said road will be established with
out reference thereto
Dated at McGoak this 11th day
of March 1192
County Clerk
First publication March 11 Stsw
Joseph E Dodge and Arthur
S Dodge will take notice that
on the first day of December
1911 Lillian M Pitney plaintiff
filed her motion and affidavit
against the said Joseph E Dodge
and Arthur S Dodge as heirs
and real representatives of Sid
ney Dodge deceased and against
sad Joseph E Dodge as Admin-
astrator of the estate of said Sid
ney Dodge deceased in the dist
rict court of Red Wallow county
Nebraska in a certain cause here
tofore pending in said court
wherein said Lillian M Pitney
was and is plaintiff and said
Sidney Dodge was defendant
The object and prayer of said
motion and affidavit are that
the judgment rendered in said
cause in said court on the 10th
day of October 1899 in favor of
said Lillian M Pitney and
against said Sidney Dodge for
the sum of 51109 with interest
thereon from said date thereof
at the rate of ten per cent per
annum be revived in favor of
said Lillian M Pitney and
against said Joseph E Dodge
and Arthur S Dodge as the
heirs at law and real representa
tives of said Sidney Dodge now
deceased and against said Joesph
E Dodge as Administrator of the
estate of said Sidney Dodge de-
ceased On the first day of De
cember 1911 a conditional order
of revivor was duly made given
and entered in said action reviv
ing said judgment in favor of
said plaintiff and against the
said Joseph E Dodge and Arth
ur S Dodge as the heirs at law
and real representatives of said
Sidney Dodge deceased and
against said Joseph E Dodge as
administrator of the estate of
said Sidney Dodge deceased
The said Arthur S Dodge is
hereby notified to appear on
Monday the first of ApriL
1912 and show cause why said
judgment should not be revived
against him and the said Joseph
E Dodge as the heirs at law
and real representatives of said
Sidney Dodge deceased and
against said Joseph E Dodge as
administrator of said estate and
if sufficient cause be not shown
to the contrary said judgment
sliall stand revived
Lillian M Pitney Plaintiff
By C H Boyle and W S
Ian her attorneys
First publication Feb 26 Stsw
Notice is hereby given
1 That a corporation hasibeen
formed under the name of
Phelps-Gray- Company
2 The -principal place of tran
sacting business is McGook Red
Willow County Nebraska
3 The general nature of the
busin ss to be transacted is the
buying and selling of fruits pro
duce and other merchandise at
wholesaleand on commission and
consignment the leasing and the
erection and maintenance of such
buildings and structures as may
be necessary for the proper con
ducting of said business and to
purchase and hold real estate for
4 The amount of capital stock
authorized by said corporation is
1000000 500000 of wMch is
to be subscribed and full- paid
up before the commencement of a
business and the balance to- be
issued subscribed and paid up as
may be authorized and required
by the Board of Directors
5 The existence of the said
corporation commenced on the
first day of February 1912 and
the time of termination as twenty
years from said date
6 The liighest amount of in- in
debtedness to which the said he
poration shall at any time sub-
ject utseaf sliall not be more than
filftv xer cent of its paid un can-
itail stock fi
The affairs of the said cor
poration arc to be conducted by
a President Vice president Sec
rettary Treasurer and Board oi
Dated this 24th day of Fcb Si S
ruary 1912 Y
By C E ELDRED president t I
U B GRAY Secretary
to a point where said road inter First publication Feb 26 Stsw S