The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 18, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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FIL SIMMELL Editor ana publisher
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
subscription 150 a year
Entered at postoffiee MeCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
1 Colonel Rooseyelt a Comer
Devolopmtnts of rhe past -week
itave been very encouraging for
Colonel Roosevelt s candidacy for
fch e j rjskleii cy
In tyie recent Kansas City pri
mary the Colonel received 5565
votes to 390 for Presid ent Taft
A solid delegation from Okla
homa was chosen for Col Roose
New Mexico elected eight del-
3igates to ithe Chicago convention
sentiment strongly in favor of
the president This1 poll gave
Colonel Roosevelt more than 600
votes above the number received
by Mr Taifit
The Roosevelt committee of
Illinois recently completed a poll
of precinct committeemen in 12
of -the 15 Illinois congressional
districts outside of Chicago
which shows that Roosevelt is
favored nearly ten to ont against
Taift Im Champaign and Livings
on Saturday and while they are ton counties the homes respect-
unanstructed it is stated itliat to lively of Congressmen McKinley
a man tliey will vote for the nom i and Frank L Sm itll National
ination of Col Roosevelt j and State Chairmen of the Taft
At a moatinc of Republicans in Campaign Committees the poll
Greensboro N C eighty per cent shows a substantial majority of
of tiliose present expressed a pref
erence for Col Roosevelt for thojing Col Roosevelt
presidency and dispatches from
Minnesota advise Itliat Col Roose
velt will got a solid delegation
from thai state
No moro significant evidence
osf iu popular will in the matter
of sehtting a candidate for the
has come to light than
the pjH taken 7 by the Brooklyn
Eagle a conservative newspaper
an community considered strong
ly coaijrvaitiivei and claimed by
ifche Taft managers to contain
ih J COX
Dealer in
and Ljive Stock I
Room 4 McConnell Building -
the precinct committeemen
Upon Ids return from a teni
days trap through Iowa Missouri
Illinois Indiana Ohio Washing
ton Nenv York New Jersey and
Pennsylvania and Massachusetts
Gov Stubbs of Kansas gave out
a statement in -which he declared
the outlock in all cf thess stair-
to he favorable to the nomination
cf Col Roosevelt Gov Stubbs
staited that in every locality he
found a preponderance of Roose
velt sentiment
Political Announcements To the Republican VotFrs
I wish ito state that because of
I hereby announce mv candid- tit- lateness in putting in spring
acy for County Commissioner 2d grai on the ranch of which I
district subject to decision of am manager and
R epubliean primarv adv lv entered into a contract fcr
F A IIODGKIN stract work for the proposed Me-
Cook Irrigation district I am
River men are now figuring on
what is going to happen when
the snow and ice go out
One would naturally conclude
tlvat politics is the science
black guardism rather than the
science of govern m en fc
A bone a rag and a hank of
hair and thebone is about all
that survives with a remnant of
the creators trademark
Reading the newspapers of
-America for the past few days
would dncline one to the blcf
that he was reading the neiws of
darkest Africa
Tiring of the ceaseless warfare
of the interests Dr Harvey W
Wiley tihe governments chief
chemist and the enemy of food
adulterers has resigned after al
most 30 years service
Yictor Rosawater of the
lia Bee is being again favored
by fate Temporarily he is the
-chairman of the Republican Na
tional commiiitee succeeding ex
Goveraor John Fremont Hill of
Maine lately deceased
Kauris City March 14 Rep
resentatives of all the lodges of
the Modern Woodmen of America-
in Kansas decided to secede
from the parent organization and
form an independent order at a
meeting in Kansas City Kan to
day The recent increase in in
surance rates by the parent body
was the cause
An executive committee com
posed of one old member from
each congressional district will
formulate tlie plans for the new
organ ization
The Rockefeller faanily is said
to be richer tlian
they were when the supreme
court ordered the companys dis
solution March 7ith
unable to make a personal cam
paign for the representative nom
ination at the primary therefore
last Friday I withdrew
1 Avirfi to furMier thank my
p friends for their many aids of
Kindness an mv nenair
Representative I D Evans of
Adams county who has filed for
Republican candidate for state
auditor is being highly endorsed
by press and people all over the
state Mr Evans was one of the
most constructive and prominent
members of the last legislautre
and achieved state distinction for
being Hhe father of the direct pri
mary law as well as successful
champion and supported a num
ber of the most important meas
ures placed on the staltute books
He was one af tim ablest leaders
in the legislative body and rank
ad among the most courageous
members in defense of the good
laws in behalf of the peoples in
terests If a Republican is to be
elected to tliis important state1 of
fice the Republican is first last
and a31 the itiime for Mr Evans
Mr Evans is one of the strong
est champions of progressive iprin
ciiples in Nebraska Hastings Re
Vote for Wdlliard A Prince
the Peoples Candidate for Con
gress Primaries April 19 1912
The oldest highway in America
is to be repaired Jit nvas built in
7L530 from the old city of Pana
ma to a point -on t2ie Ghagres
raver ana was oraginaiiy paved
with field fetone -
Tribune advertisers get results
bovernmcni nuuin mojicnu
t rZIl IL1
iinitPriitatesraovernment enciBpra
and on the other with those of the
Penns while the intermediate milea
were marked by smaller stones 1G
inches square and 18 inches high
bearing a large letter M on one side
and P on the other The line is 280
miles long
Fathers Joy Unabated
Guthrie Okla At sixty four yeara
of age W W Elam a farmer living
living east of Blandhard Okla Is tho
father of his twenty fourth child
which made Its appearance at his
Homo a few ddys ago The mother
of the child is Elams third wife Of
his twenty four children eighteen are
living Elam has spent his entire life
on the farm This places Elam at the
head of his class- in Oklahoma
Stones Used to Mark Mason and
Dixons Line Were Brought
From England
Pittsburg Pa The name Mason
and Dixons Line has been popu
larly applied to the whole divisory fine
between free and slave soil but prop
erly it belongs only to the south
boundary of Pennsylvania surveyed by
ft f ft VCf ft
Marks a Boundary Line
Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon
17C3 67
For over 100 years this line was a
bone of contention and England
finally sent Mason and Dixon to the
colonies to make an official survey
which was to be final
At the end of every fifth mile of this
line a stone brought from England
was placed engraved on one side with
the coat of arms of Lord Baltimore
j2Qannoit be over carefnl fcC
fijve perfmequal SSseleetion of medieiife fo
br the ancient JKomto engineeraCf5 children ri i i
road building a recent examplfe of
which may he found in the Yellow
stone National park where the govern
ment is spending millions of dollars
in highway and other improvements
The illustration shows a road whidh
on concrete piers hangs to the side
of the Golden Gate canyon as it
Concrete Yellowstone Road
twists and twines its way in to the
park It is a triumph of engineerins
Tho government has entire control
cf the park All new roads opened
and the repairs and maintenance 61
old roads and trails are entirely de
pendent upon congressional
ations The roads are now in very fine
condition a great deal of work and ex
pense having recently been put upon
them and steel and concrete bridges
have almost entirely replaced wood
en ones Prominent among the im
provements is the construction of thj
fine lava arch entrance at Gardiner
at a cost of S10O00 the new concrete
viaduct at Golden Gate costing 10
G00 to replace the old timber trestle
and the erection of a very fine con
crete and steel bridge of artistic de
sign across the Yellowstone river and
rapids just above the upper fall of the
Yqllowstone at the Grand canyon at
tho expense of 20000
Fort Yellowstone the military post
fn the park st Mammoth liot
Springs Here also are the head
quarters cf tho United States engineer
in charge oi the park improvements
and the Urid Stales commissioner
Mammoth Hoc ivi 5 Is thus the co
ital of the park in recoct years t t
place has been grcatljr improved A
rearrangement of roads newbuildnr
concrete sidewalks a new waterwoma
and an irrigation system and a con
sequent carpeting of grass on the old
white plaza in front of the hotel and
officers quarters has metamorphosed
the locality Mammoth Hot Springs h
the largest and most important place
in the park Here all authority cen
ters it is the heart from which puls
ate the currents of life which perme
ate the park
rf J - j m
yi oJiiary uatuariics ana fins
ffitiUaHarsa Physic Cause-
Itegsfessing Complaints A1 Sf
Only the very trentlest
bowel medicine should ever be giv
nh except in emergency cases
drdiriary pills catliarties and pur
gaitaves are apt tolib more harni
than good They may cause grip
ing nausea and other distressing
after effects that are frequently
health destroying
We personally recommend and
guarantee Rexall Orderlies as
the safest and most dependable
remedy which ive know for constipation-
and associate bowel disr
orders We liavc sueh1 absolute
faith in the virtues of this rem
edy that we sell it on our guar
antee of money back in every
instance where it faiils to give
entire satisfaction and Ave urge
all in need of such medieine to
try it at our risk
Revall Orderlies are eaten just
like candy are particularly
prompt and agreeable in action
may be taken at any time day or
might do mot cause- diiairnhoea
nausea griping excessive loose
ness or other undesirable effects
frhiy have a very mild but pos
itive action upon the organ with
which they come in contact ap
parently acting as a regulative
tonic upon the relaxed muscular
coat of the bowel thus over-coming
weakness anld aiding to re
store the bowels to more vigorous
and healthy activity
Rexall Orderlies commonly com
pletely relieve constipation ex
cept of course when of a surgical
character They -also tend to
overcome the necessity of con
stantly inking laxatives to keep
th bowels in normal condition
Three sizes af packages 10 cents
25 courts and 50 cents Resin tim
ber you can obtain Kexail Rem
edies in McGook onlv at our
state The Rexall Store L W
At 450 Saturday train 189
was derailed about two miles
east of Lebanon bv
wheel Line blocked for six hours
requirimg a crew cif men from
t straigihtem things up
Xo 1 last Friday was brought
into M -Cook with a freight crew
u drtrge not having any passen
ger crew at Hastings They left
Hastings Friday at 1130 a m
and arrived in MeGook at 930
a m Saturday morning spend
ing most of the time getting dug
out of Know drifts
If you want THE NEWS read
The Tribune
V Franklin Pres
3d Spring Wheat -
Barley and Corn
Updike Grain Co
S S GARVEY Manager
Phone 169
Brakeman E Hyde has been
tuansferred to Hastings
Main line traiims are running
now practically om schedule
W S Boston heater fireman
is off duty with a burned foot
Engineer Tom dishing has
changed back again to a Denver
All locals in both direetioni
were annulled 14th to 16th lasti
Nina Tomlinson was a
Lincoln passenger Mondaymorn
ing on- No 2
Brakeman G F Phillips bass
been transferred from Holdrege
to MeCook
Suipt E Flynnn has been
blockaded on the St Francis line
since last Tuesday
Conductor Neal Beeler went
down to Lincoln on legal busiincs
Mcnday om No 2
R B Bums J D George
II Yates and A B Haley Averc
Denver pilgrims Sunday
George -Gates came up frcm
Republican on No 13 Monday
morning for a brief visit
The snow plow went off the
track at Hyde this afternoon
delaying trains 1 and 10 some
Third It I train thru was
piloted Ilastings MeCook by Con
ductor Wm IIegenbergcr
by Conductor ErvCn
Conductor L A iGarver and
Brakemen Magnuson and iGossett
of the Denver division brought
No 16 down Saturday no Me
Cook men there to take the turn
The snov plow finished up
on the Beverly branch Sun
might at 11 oclock and train 175
went out tihi morning after hav
ing been annulled the 14th loth
and 16th
Trainmaster J E Johnson
has been snowbound on the St
Francis branch a week today
During one period of three days
the snow plow enly advanced
four males
Conductor Joe Ilegcmberger
with train 12 left MeCook Thurs
day morniing on time and pulled
into Hastings next day at noon
after being stuck in the klrif ts on
Mascot hill for 16 hours
R AGreen Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of MeCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
Vernice Franklin
I the undersigned will sell at public auction without reserve on my ranch t
miles south west of McOook commencing at 10 a m on
18 Head of Horses 18
These mares are all bred to the Shire Horse owned by Wm Little 1 sorrel
mare 9 yrs old 1 bay mare 11 yrs old 1 sorrel mare 4 yrs old 1 span black
mares 4 yrs old 1 sorrel gelding 4 yrs old 1 bay gelding 4 yrs old 1 span
buckskin geldings is and U yrs old 1 span bay geldings 6 yrs old 1 black geld
ing 3 yrs old 1 span black and brown geldings 2 yrs old 3 horse colts coming
1 yr old 1 saddle pony
5 Head of Cattle 55 Head of Duroc Jersey
Stock Hogs Farm Machinery Etc
Tppft ie Sums of S10 and under cash On sums over 10 a credit of 8
I CI iilo months will be given on notes having approved security at 10 per
cent interest No articles to bo removed until satisfactorily settled for
FEpMQffiSLL Publisher
Largest Cy ciijatipii in Red WUlpwCo
Entered at postoffiee MeCook Ne
braska as second class matter Pub
lished semi weekly
Call at D Magners store and
get a can of Armours Prepared
I J I v C J t t t t I t t
I Beatrice Creamer Co
has opened a cream station
at 212 W ist street and
will pay the HIGHEST
day in the week
1 CHAS DAVIS Manager I
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St PJione black 273
Most for your money
Osborn Burton
AH kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South orDeGroffs
Phone No 13
Heating Plumbing
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182 - MeCook Neor
has sold more
Meybest Flour
for the Superior Milling Co
than any other selling force
A satisfied user never hesitates
to recommend it she will pass
the merits of Meybest to her
neighbors and friends and fur
nish any one unbiased opinion
Get in touch with disinterested
information on Meybest Flour
Superior Milling
CARL MARSH Local Dealer
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain oar opinion rree whether an
invention is probably patentable Communlcn
lions strictly conndentlol HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for secarinepatents
Patents taken throuia Mnnn Co recelre
special notice without charge in the
Scientific American
A handsomely Illustrated weekly I arsest cir
culation of any sclentiac Journal Terms 43 a
year four months fl Sold by all newsdealers
MUNN Co3Broadwayfjew York
Branca Offlce 635 V 8 U Washington D C