4 I e i L i t f Yt nriTTarrrjrr 4 -- 1 a M y y I 5 - - IPTrv -v fir m j8zif Wj ifqgfrM Balfour No Longer a Leader in British Parliament Importance of His Position as National and Parliamentary Guide Held the Post of Premier for a Decade London It is difficult for an Amer ican to understand and appreciate the immense sensation produced in Ens land by the retirement of A J Bal four from the leadership of the oppo sition party in the house of commons and in the whole country The office of opposition party leader carries with it a recognition of authority that has no exact counterpart in the United States Mr Balfour in addition to having been the chosen floor leader combined with that responsible posi tion one of greater responsibility leadership of his part as a whole both outside as well as in Parliament a stewardship that came to him through having Laid the office of prime minister He had been the titular head of his party for 20 years in cfiica and out of iflice Additional rrestige was conferred upon 2Ir LIfours position as iarty and floor loader by the unquectioned certainty that should his political fol lowing regain ascendancy he would be the most powerful personage in the British empire possessing in that domain a combination of the author ity possessed m the United States by the president the cabinet the speak er of the house of representatives the majority leader on the floor and in lesser degree the functions of the vlo president as presiding officer of the senate This creat power augmented recent ly by the right given the commons to nullify the veto privilege of the lords would not depend en the sanction of any national convention it would come to Mr Balfour as his unquestion ed right solely by virtue of his office as leader of the opposition just as ho held the latter position because of his previous service as chief executive No question of a third term ever arises In England to complicate the course of political power Gladstone was premier five times Lord Salis bury held that high office three times Balfour was majority leader in the house of commons for ten consecutive years a longer period of continuous leadership of the house than that of ajiy minister since William Pitt The exercise of such great political power continuously throughout tho better part of a lifetime requires a strong intellect and great knowledge of men and affairs Mr Balfour was undoubtedly brilliant and started with the inestimable advantage of a thor ouugh apprenticeship in foreign af fairs under his famous uncle Lord Salisbury Mr Balfour Is politically the last of the great Cecils that wonderful fam ily which has always taken a promi nent place in the forefront of English political life from the time of Bur leigh Queen Elizabeths great minis ter consistently and continuously until the present day They belonged to the self constituted and practically un questioned ruling C2ste of the nation Their energies were not expended for the gratification of material desire3 they threw themselves willingly and into the service of their country partly because of their love of power but mainly from a high minded sense of duty as they saw it But their sway is over benevo lent as it may have been in many ways Radicalism and democracy have invaded the sanctum sanctorum of their dominance the house of lords is no longer the invulnerable stronghold of their class The leadership of the Unionist party in the commons has been given to a Scotch manufacturer born in Canada Eonar Law Use a Skull for Football Cleveland O Small boys played football with the crumbling skull from a human skeleton found under the sand in a lot on St Clair avenue while rumor spread through the neigh borhood that the find had disclosed a long hidden murder Judge Thomas K Dissette living across the street stilled the rumor by explaining that 65 years ago the lot was a township burying ground Birds Attack a Man Bloomfield N J Frank Bock was attacked by a flock of blackbirds in a vacant lot at Broad street and Bloom field avenue He sustained painful in juries cf tiis neck face and hands XV INDIANOLA Edna Phillips came in Theatre Monda DANBURY Mrs G B Morgan arrived home Friday ufter a few weks viicfit wjlili relatives in Red Oak Iowa Tioss Strain brother of Alex Strain arrived Tuesday from Iowa for a visit with iis brother J E Wingo and family have re moved on the Gar tin place north of town J The Temperance party held 1 their caucus Monday evening from 5 and nominated their trustees Franklin- the last of the week The Band to visit with her sister Esthr of concert the Indianohi j April zqi working to have a first Saturday in - - I ITTll TX 1 1 It- -v i Mr ana jirs wen ucian lrt uwing to ICie iac for Calffornia to via it relatavc3 this locality scone of IS and frl nds for an indefinite fame not thriving vtrv well George Ilcaglard -and wife shipped their gccds Tuesday to i 1 T 1 i C 1 nlrn iiilar i opaue iNt uiaiva and they left the following day Mrs Howard as slowly improv ing frcm her long illness Listen for the wedding b tills lit ii reported that Fred Duek Aonth and family of California will soon be back on heiir farm near Indianola The R A E C mat at the home of Maude Goben Wednes day afternoon To Correspondents The Tribune being regularly printed on Mondays and Thurs days would be pleased to have items mailed for both issues by our regular correspondents over the county Items from any source will be appreciated Tribune advertisers get results cf Try Tribune want ads feed CliCKik We Are 11 Do Yon y Marc tlrng roe ted to lira in the matter ot Edgar Iluber bankrupt n the Diistrict Court of the United far Itihe District of Neb- rastfia MeUaioK LJixscon i iwni sell at public sale- to the hiiliost and best bidder for cash on the 23rd day of March 1912 at No 206 Main Avenue rn the cniy k Nebraska th antire grocoricn queenswari and all cth r z t ot belonging EJ ILurr stosk itognib t CtA the furniture and fixtures belonging to tho bankirupt used in con nection with said business Sard stcck iniciccG the sum of about 500000 Sale subject to con firmaticn by the court Dated it his 11th day cf Maxell 1912 W B WIHTTAKER Trustee in Bankruptcy Published March 14th 1912 You judge a man not by what he prcirteics to do but by what he has love Vftat a the o ly true test Chair berlaias Cough ltcmctl judged by tiilz standard has no cupcrlo r io pie everjwhcre fipcal cf It in the highest terms of praise For eolc by all caalers Here to r Printing We Have a Large Assortment of Type Ready to Serve You WE PRINT What You Want The Way You Want It And When You Want It y jz 7 Tzrzzzr Tzr j - ur - ii iniiiiB hi iw ihii w w mm m - - - KJgtmmkmBMBmKsBBKlBBRBMBBmSe is J2 V a B T- -- m 1 - wiBkSBannba74niKV9BMHBPAlBHJllnllnMlflBB ri mmzmmffiffimmmMSmmSBmh - - - - - nVaEHJBDinHMHHnBlVBHkV - I Pade F and C Co Earl Wood L M Iliiggiins John Wood C II An gell I Tl E n c Jra Eekstedt Howell Mir shall - Mlen 1912 4 AS 2IKV sS 1 flf V3 J is- jxLAJirTl f i t W ijJjHBBH Andrew Kannusscn cd Cuibcili son the WaitSvius man was in this section last week day ER Ahsoietdefy Ptsr only Baking Powder made rao alum u like phosphate GRANT j BOX ELDER Still cold and snowy wsaiMicr Sti11 it siiowk and bloiws and hard on stock j Dr- C 1 North and wife Ohas A Wesch was attending ited at Geo Harrisons Sunday to busincss at IcCooh in Kuth Foutch came home from rict court Thursday and Friday AleLook rctlay to vasot aver bun Iva Johnson Itutli and Glenn Font till visited with Ediitih J II and C A Wesch haukd Talbot Lytle Sunday after alfalfa -hay from thv Beaver val ley Saturday J A Hoffman helped Henry Wiesch butcher last Saturday G J Pet ers1 called on Jacob Wesch on businessi Saturday IIrs Archie Beard of Tracr Kan called on Mrs Jacob Weseh SaJturday on her way to MeOoolc to get her husband Avho has been working for the railroad company and got layed off John Wesch went to Traer Kansas JMonday after a load cf coal and corn Several have lost cattle in this neighborhood on account of starvation We understand ihait Thayer E Raw land and wife of Monte Vis ta Colo are coming bamk to Red Willow county again Thay er says he cant stand nt ito -have it freeze in the summer Mack Hay ward left last week for Strong City Kan to ceive medical treatment aiui serv ices Mess Lillian Doyle as at home from Lincoln to visit with her parents a few days The children of Mr and Mrs Maxwell Wolfe have been sick but are better The little son of Mr and Mrs Ernest Lytle has been very sick -but is better In spite cf the weather the carrier on the star route has made his trip eveiry day Mrs Marilla Bolcra braved the sncAv Tuesday to transact -some of Mod business in McCook stcck c cl -- - wfj Nebraska Amendments The following proposed amend ments to the constitution by their titile Avill be printed on each party ballot for the pri mary election to be held April 19th 1912 and if a majority vote of 4Wjy -party is cast for either amendment it becomes a party measure and all straight votes cast by aid party at th general auction will be counted for the amendment It requires a major ity of all votes cast at general dleiotion to adopt an amendment No 1 Initiative and Referen dum tNio 2 Fixing term cif ciffjec amd salaries for members of the Legislature No 3 Board of Commissiicns of state institutions No 4 Providing for general ei3 etons once in two years No 5 Allowing eitVs of nc than 5000 iiihabitan4 mik their own charter vt SsRfesBBBCSlwSl w - jxstftr aRsacgitrtaafaH - -- - - - r 11 ii - r Copynigjhted Jnr Ellingson McCooks Superb Band in a Concert which will appeal to all lovers of music Tickets 50 cents reservations at McConnells Gallery 25 cents Municipal Matters The city council was in reg ular session on Monday evening Present Mayor Me Adams Coun eilmen Brown Miiddleiton and Stansberry Clerk Stoll Minutes of previous meetings were approved Finance committee approved following bills- which were allow ed and warrants ordered drawn for payment of same Ed Fitzgerald -55 00 L C Stoll 2 67 McCook Electric Co 89 75 R M Osborn 55 00 F in M Kommell P Waits Co 58 35 40 52 2 00 3 30 21 30 2 40 1 40 46 65 2 4 1 S L Co 154 rioticc of Sale of Bankrupt Stock jj jai 2 In the matter of Edgar Ilub r n d Stnink 8 bankrupt McCook Nebraska Firt National Bank 31 in purnnree ot an om ar cu Nebnas ka Telephone Co 9 00 10 40 00 50 55 25 25 35 Fred Bruns 2 I A Underbill 50 00 Xfck Snyder 17 00 C B Q P P 142 10 E C Underiiill 55 00 Olns Skalla 10 00 C F Dann 2 50 D Diamond 83 3 Fred Sehagcl Co 00 By motion ety treasurer was instructed to reserve 250 for co cupation tux for contra citing painters for this municipal year Finance committee reported they had becked the accounts of i Diamond water commission er and found them to be correct and recommended the release cif said D Diamond from his bond to tho city of MeCock On mo tion the bond was released A petition was presented and read asking that the question cf license or no license be submit ted to the- voters of McCook at the next city election It wasj signed by 55 legal residents Inj compliance with the provisions j of 75 oaid quesitDcn shall j be- oiibm ited in the manner pre- scribed by Law fcr the subnuij sion cf cthor j Bend cf J amcs A Gallehico asi waiter commisi ooner wara Peititicn of E 0 Se 0tt and oitihera asking far location of gs3 street light on 3rd streeit west was referred to light cammittee wliicli was also instructed 6o look after lights on 4th str eet east and near the greeni house Report of Auditor Chas Skalla J on records of P S Ileaiton police judge and C B Gray and W B Whittaker acting maigistratss placed on file City clerk was instructed it a get prices oni standardized meter testing set for the purpose of itesiting meters by city electrician Report of city treasurer was placed on file City clerk was instructed to issue notices of election to be held April 2 1912 Adjourned F M ZIMMELL Publisher Largest Circulation in Red WiilowCo Entered at postoffice McCook Ne braska as second class matter Pub lished semi weekly Call at D Magners store and get a can of Armours Prepared Soup J v J X J 2 X J 2 O C t THE Beatrice Creamer Co has opened a cream station at 212 W i st street and will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE every da in the week t t 1 CHAS DAVIS Manager I Drew Furniture and Carpet Co Furniture and Carpets China and Glassware West B St Phone black 273 Most for your money Osborn Burton DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South orBeGrofPs Phone No 13 Heating Plumbing MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tufas La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater iaF including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr 1 I DISINTERESTED TESTIMONY has sold more eybest Flour for the Superior Milling Co than any other selling force j A satisfied user never hesitates to recommend it she will pass the merits of Meybest to her neighbors and friends and fur nish any one unbiased opinion Get in touch with disinterested information on Mevbest Flour Superior Milling Company CARL MARSH Local Dealer OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE rade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description mSy nnlcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable Commnnlca tiotisstrlctlyconndentfaL HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest agency for securlnspatents Patents taken through Munn Co receive special notice without charge in the cimific jfttterican A handsomely Illustrated weekly T arcest cir culation of any sclentlQo Journal Terms 3 a year four months ft Sold by all newsdealers Branca Office 625 F SU Wasblncton D C