ill 17 w 3Sr M3S5SaeS3s GET THE HABIT Young man it will pay you to got the habit We mean the saving habit Tho banking habit will help you If you are starting out in life with only your two hands to help you the dollar on deposit will be the best friend you will have on the side Start an account at the bank Dont check unless tho need is urgent Add to it rather than draw it out You will acquire a standing among the men who do things You will in time have a fund to do something with yourself Get tho habit Start now The opening of a bank account may bo the turning point in your career Come and start with us no matter how small Ask the successful man if this advice is good He knows See if he deesnt tell you the same thing THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK TERMS OF COURT For 1912 Fourteenth Judicial District of Nebraska Judge E B Perry has desig nated the following dates for court in this district for the en suing year Chase April 29 jury Nov 25 jury Dundy March IS jury May 23 equity Oct 28 jury Frontier April 1 jury June 3 equity Oct 14 jury Furnas Feb 19 jury May 13 equity Nov 11 jury Gosper Feb 13 jury May 27 equity Dee 9 jury Ilayes April 15 jury Oct 7 jury Hitchcock March 4 jury May 20 equity Sept 23 jury Perkins April 22 jury Dec 2 jury Red Willow Jan 29 jury May 6 equity Sept 9 jury i J 5 J J J C t4 C I Seed For Sale Red Spring Wheat Barfev and Corn UPDIKE GRAIN CO S S Garvey Manager Phone 169 A V V V V V V V V V V V V V V v V V V Esgs for Hatching from Midi Scoring Prize Winners Barred and White Rock Buff Brown and V Up Lejjhorns White 8 and Silver Laced Wvandottes Black Minorca- White and Buff Orping tons S C Rhode Island Reds Prices of egjrs 150 to 5 per setting according to variety and quality LEBANON POULTRY YARDS Lebanon Nebr L C STOLL CO Jewelers and Opticians Byes tested and fitted Fine repairing MeCook Neb JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating1 and Gas Fitting Estimates furnished free Base ment Postofficc Bldg Phone 33 JOHN E EELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co Of fice in Postoffice building Me Cook Nebraska A G BUMP Real Estate arid Insurance Office 305 2d st East PJiione black 252 jT jfcfca j Junior Normal Instructors State Superintendent Delzell has completed all arrangements fbr junior normal schools to be hold at Alliance Alma Broken Bciw Geneva McCook North Platte ONeill and Valentine from June 3 to July 2G lie has announced the following as the faieiiility at MeCook Superintend ent W T Dav McCcck Anna MoDomuiU MeCook W T Dav H McCook A F Gulliver Bloom field W R Hull Wood River Margaret Dnnlap MeCciok Clco MeCook C F White- Tivntion J C Mitchell Hast ings Remember The Tribunes phone is 19 We will appreciate an item any time DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main ave over Me Con noils drug store Phones Ofrieu 1G0 residence black 131 DE 3 JGuNN Dentist Office- ltecans 3 and 5 Walsh buldinjr McCook Phone 112 R H GATEWOOD Dentist Office Room 4 Masonic Tem ple MeCook Neb Phone 163 THE INTEBKI3SION Magazines and Dailies tre building Kansas City Post 5 cents Week G TP ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abstracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in of fice McCook Neb McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Horse Shoeing- Blacksmithing- Wc are agents for tbe Gel eb rat ed Ford Auto 21 0 1st st W Phone red 450 H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods of quality Main avenue McCook Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds Whooping cough diphtheria scarlet fever and con sumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds Fr the quick cHre of colds you will find nothing better than Chamberlains Cough Remedy It can always be depend ed upon and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by all dealers Why Not Have that Cellar Cemented Now - r We can give you a low figure on such work now be fore the heavy working season opens Call on or phone the manager He will be glad to come and figure with you MeCook Cement Stone Co Phone Red 196 H N Rosebush Manager SL Mm TO IUPRME yUMLll I Ob Eulbd Carelessness in Gathering and Packing Causes of Trouble ONE OUT OF EVERY FIVE IS BAD Out of every five eggs that are sold from the farm to the commission man in the city one is unfit for food This one egg is waste and makes a loss to the purchaser The commission men candle all the eggs they purchase and discard those that are bad Thus tho loss would naturally fall upon them The commission merchant however figures ahead on this loss so that after all the farmer is the Icser If Of every five eggs sold one is Spoilcdl foss To fie former as well qs the consumer the farmer receives 20 cents a dozen with tills loss figured in ho would re ceive 25 cents if it were not figured Ead eggs are caused in several ways Ono is carelessness in gathering Sometimes thore will he found a whole nest full that have hcen covered sev eral days These are not fit to go into the case for sale One of the most fruitful causes of trouble is the leaving in the flock of a lot of cock erels Except during the breeding season these should all he removed for when the eggs are fertilized they spoil much more quickly There is no need for the roosters in the flock and it is claimrd that tho hens do not lay qnitr so well It is certainly true that there is a difference in the qunl ity of the eggs There is a demand for eggs of cer tain quality especially in the cities Such places as soda fountains and i high class restaurants are willing to pay a better price if they can be sure of the product Tho way to get tho J otter price s to produce bettor esgs i nack them carefully and deal direct nrs of r iform size- and color much dps rod These can only be ob tained by having pure bred fowls Some refer the dark colored pggs while rfv yrcv white shelled In pncl in eges rrre should taken in keep tom away from nu tPirnatn surroundings It is thcriM that the egg shell is a prid which protects the egg i from al odors or flavors This is not i Rfores of the molds sometimes 11 fc ie rpirln mon tic noncfrriio tf Khell from a damn er and th nsido of the egg takes on j a mouldy flavor Flavors of fruit etaljT rotten potatoes etc are quirkly absorbed It is usually advised to pack eggs for s ccial market in cases which hold a dozen each These are convenient and can carry advertising matter for tho farm INDICATIONS OF SOIL FERTILITY What can a farmer know about his soil What is written there that he may read Nature is the greatest of all chemists and the analysis shown by the plant growth is as certain as that shown in the laboratory Many soils need humus None ex cept peat bogs have too much of it Humus makes the soil dark and flakv It makes it loose instead of j stick It increases the power of the soil to hold water Whatever is grow ing on a soil that is rich in humus grows rank and tall and leafy This is true of everything from pigweeds to corn and clover The reason for the leafincss and strong growth is the presence of nitrogen in the humus as well as some decaying action of the vegetable matter Humus is made of decayed vegetable matter Nitrogen makes dark green leaves and a healthy appearance in plants When there isnt enough nitrogen the plants are likely to show pale green or yellowish and the leaver will be thin and sparse instead of luxuriant A peculiar thing that some farmers have noticed is that the wheat plants will grow strong and vigorous and have evcrv aprirance of making a good crop bvt when they are threshed out there vV be a lack of grain Tho elements tst to form the grain or seed rr in the noil It thrt Ptp clrmsnts r re iq inf PhF horTr ty cler8nf ft 3 foinl in ti ih when tn otiMs J nd Vr indT3 Jiefore then 3rd fisi for frti r Ihosplior is Fn r53itnl vt o fo grain of wheat cts ot - Oe plant crows v 0rosv lvt fc form gTair it - tion that either rhn is lacking Every nnn la ni i nd rtudicd the s s Vt iut n is the most imo tt ent li ve io supr1v c dont lmv to buv that but can take it out of th ir Th legume pl nts such as clover cw peas alfalfa fov beans etc tvV i trogen out cf the iir and fi it intT tsi soil The following year it is rady to be made into plrnt srrowth Prob ably tho first thing to do on most Ne braska farms is to haul out the manure The next thing is to plant legumes Cowpeas will grow where some others trill not Cowpeas not only leave the joil in excellent condition and improve fts fertility but they make a most ex jellent forage crop for feed IT OVERLOOKS FLGE7 SOUND Hermit Castle a Unique Building Erected Many Years Ago by an Eccentric Englishman Port Towisend Wash On the summit of nigh hill back of Port Townsend -he states port of entry and overlooking the town stands a unique building much resembling a castle In the early days when there were no neighboring residences the structure often underwent searching scrutiny by eyes aboard ship peer ing through binoculars or field glass as it does to this day when some shap visioned tourist picks it out as something distinct from the ordinary type of building The castle as the structure is called by the people of the town was built many years ago in boom times by an eccentric Englishman who through his habits and eccentricities j was known as a hermit There are perhaps few building locations in the United States afford- I ing views as grand as the one whero r i he Hermit Castle this freak in architecture stand3 It elands nearly 300 feet above sea level immediately overlooking a beautiful iittle bay with numerous inlets vvA beyend great stretches cf Amcricri J fir fringed and greatest inland water way Pugct sound In the distaeea if- r iftrtti Vsrt T ill o et T i wl 2 After the old Englishmans 100 Reward 10C The reiiuers of his paper vill be pleapd to learn that there is at last out dr jaded dispiit tliit science has been able to euro in all its stages and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of elstimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by all druggist 75c Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation You can say goodbye to constipa tion with a deair conscience ef you usa Chamberlains1 Tablets Many have been permanntly cured by their use For sale by all dealers NOTICE OF SUIT Nannie Lowman Sarah W Lowmin Edward E Lo wnnan Celiu F Lovman and the- un known heiis and -the unknown devisees cf Louis Lowman de ceased defendants heroin wili take notice that Judson L Pack ard plaintiff lierein has filed Jiis petition in the District Court 01 Red Willow County Nebraska against the above named defend ants the objeet and prayer cf which are to quiet the title cX the plaintiff in tlic Southwest Quarter of section twenty nine Township Four North of Range Twenty nine in lied Willow ecun ty Nebrcfika and for a decree that the defendants Nanrio L onl hIrs cl he sal H3 the majestic Olympic range mhkv LOvnnan deceased and capped the year round and behind onjoin which old Sol sinks from sight amid ing and forever 3iarning saad do a wealth of color month in and out fen dan ts or any cf them from death claiming anv riht -to or right of ny wm tiiiari Wf jw Li jiilub sects wafch the section line be tween sieotions 12 and 13 all in Town 2 Range 30 West of the 6th P M has reported an favor of the location and vacation titer eof and all objections there to or claims for damages must be filed in tho County Clerks of fice on or before noon of the 13th day of May A D 1912 or said road will be established with out reference thereto Daied at MeCook this 11th day of March 1192 CIIAS K DUTGEEER County Clerk First publication March 11 Stsw NOTICE Joseph E Dodge and Arthur S Dodge will take notice that on the first day of December 1911 Lillian M Pitney plaintiff filed her motion and affidavit against the said Joseph E Dodge and Arthur S Dodge as heirs and real representatives of Sid ney Dodge deceased and against saLd Joseph E Dodge as Admin istrator of the estate of said Sid ney Dodge- deceased in the dist rict court of Red Willow county Nebraska in a certain cause here t of ore pending in said court wherein said Lillian M Pitney wp3 and is plaintiff and said Sidney Dodge was defendant Tlic objeet and prayer of said motion and afiuLTvit are that the judgment rendered in said carise in said court on tlwj 10th day of October 1899 in favor of said Lillian M Pitney and against szid Sidney Dodge for the sum of 51109 wrtih interest thereon from said date thereof at the rate of ten pea cent per annum be revived in favor of said Lillian M Pitney and against said Joseph E Dodge and Arthur S Dodge as the Iieiis ait law and rii aepresenta tives of sand Sidney Dodge now j the ear tit prssed to the UnieI possession of the said premises ing s1xid judgment in favor for use as a jiiiary reservation The building is of brick and is a ky yioymirj gorgo19 Grr Caryon of ths Arkansas Rive Ons cf the Mcst Spectacular in the West Denver Cclo The Grand Canyon of the Arkansas is one of the most spectacular gorges in the Reck mountains It is ten miles long and the railroad the Denver and Rio Grande by a marvel of engineering skill has made it a thoroughfare tG the west The narrowest part of the canyon is known as the Royal Gorge Th3 red granite and gneiss walls spark lng with mica tower aloft on eithei hand 2C27 feet the sky is a thread almost obliterated by the jagged rain parts and the stars may be seen at midday Atone point the hanging bridge th width is but ten yards and the road bed has been built out over the water The river boils madly through the engine sways now to the right novj to the left dragging the train the vista ahead momentarily blocked opens again a way is always found mm1 in Iti Grand Canyon of the Arkansas And ever there is the ruddy granite in walls and in huge broken masses and the green stream foaming against its boulders and glimpses of side canyons wooded and mysterious Bands of mountain sheep are seen almost daily on the high cliffs as tha trains climb the backbone of the continent Lights on Baby Carts St Paul Baby carriages in Minne sota must hereafter carry warning lights when used after dark two white lights in front and a red one at the rear Its all due to a mistake a kind o joker that somehow got in the new law just passed by the legis lature hut it goes according to an opinion rendered by Attorney General Simpson Childrens velocipedes wheelbar rows and kiddies express wagons are alsoincluded in the provisions of the law which really was intended only to help automobilists and motorcy clists by compelling horse drawn ve hicles to carry lights But the lan guage was clumsily put the other users of wheeled vehicles bowman fearali Vv Lawman and deceased and against said Jocapli Edward E Lawman are the sole E Dodge as Administrator of the or anv part thereof You tire required to answer said petition on or before Men day the loth day ot April 1912 Dated thir 4th day of March JUDSOX L PACKARD Bv C E Eldred Attornev for Plaintiff Mrst puhlication March 4 Stsw NOTICE OF SUIT Nannie M Browne Harry L Browne and Ilo Browne C V Sehrier and AV L Browne as ex ecutors of the estate of J L Browne deceased Boards cf the United Preshyterian Churches of North America a corporation Mary S Browne and the un known heirs and the unknown de visees of William Little deceas ed defendants herein will take notice that Minnie McNael plain tiff herein has filed her peftition in tlie District Court cf Red Wil low county Nehraska against the ahovie named defendants the oh jeet and prayer of which are to quiei the title of the plaintiff in the Southeast Quarter of Section Six Township One Range Thir ty west of the sixth principal meridian in Red Willow County Nebraska and for a decree that the defendants release- of record two certain mortgages recorded an l5ook II on page 2JU and Book 22 o n page 70 of the rec ords of mortgages of said coun ty and that in the- event they fail so to do within ten days the decree stand in lieu of such re leases You are renuired to answer said petition on or before Mon day the loth day of April 1912 Darted this 4th day of March 1912 MINNIE MeNIEL Plaintiff By C E Eldred her attorney First puhlication March 4 Stsw NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Susan C Ilileman and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a roaa commencing at a point at the northwest corner of section numbered thirteen and the southwest corner of section numbered twelve in town two north of range 30 west of the 6th P M where road number ed 440 intersects road 407 in Driftwood precinct Red Willow county Nebraska and running thence east on the section lino be itweem said sections 12 and 13 Town 2 North Range 30 West of the Gtli P M until the same coincides with said road number ed 440 and a proposal to vacate that part of road known as 440 as described below Commencing at a point on the section line between sections 11 and 12 where said roajd No 440 bears eastward shall be vacated to a point where said road inter- estate of said Sidney Dodge de ceased On the first day of De eemher 1911 a conditional order of revivor was duly made given and enUired in eaod action of said plaintiff and against the said Joseph E Dodge and Antih ur S Dodge as the heirs at law and real representatives cf said Sidney Dodge debased and a gain Fit said Joseph E Dodge as administrator of the estate of said Sidney Dodge deceased The said Arthur S Dodge is herehy notified to appear on Monday the first day of April 1912 and show cause why said judgment should not he revived against him and the said Joseph E Dodge as the heirs at law and real representatives of said Sidney Dodge deceased and against said Joseph E Dodge as administrator of said estate and if sufficient cause he not shown to the contrary said judgment sliall stand revived Lillian M Pitnev Plaintiff By C H Boyle and AY S lan her attorneys First puhlication Feh 25 Stsw NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF PHELPS GRAY COMPANY Notice is hereby given 1 That a corporation has Ibeen formed under the name of Phelps Gray Company 2 The principal place of tran sacting business is MeCook Red Wallow County Nebraska 3 The general nature of the busin ss to be transacted is the buying and selling of fruits pro duce and other merchandise at wholesaleand on commission and consignment the leasing and the erection and maintenance of such buildings and structures as may be necessary for the proper eon ducting of said business and to purchase and hold real estate for site 4 The amount of capital stock authorized by said corporation is 1000000 500000 of which is to be subscribed and fully paid up before the commencement of business and the balance to be issued subscribed and paid up as may be authorized and required by the Board of Directors 5 The existence of the said corporation commenced on the first day of February 1912 amd the time of termination is twenty years from said date 6 The highest amount of in debtedness to wliich the said cor poration shall at any time sub ject itself shall not be more than fifty per cent of its paid up cap ital stock 7 The affairs of the said cor poration are to be conducted by a President Vice president Sec retary Treasurer and Board of six Directors Dated tliis 24th day of Feb ruarv 1912 PHBLPS GRAT COMPANY By C E ELDRED president C B GRAY Secretary First publication Feb 26 Stsw -