lXW NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX jnIo Madron to -the home of the ELECTION feeble minded at Beatrice was Notice is hereby given to the nlar cd placed on file qualified voters of the county oft Tho following claims wei Red Willow an the state of Neb- p resented considered audited raska tliat upon the order of ke Beard of County Commissioners of the county of Red Willow and state of Nebraska an election will be hold on tJie nineteenth day of April A D 1912 between tine hours cf 12 oclock 31 and 9 oclock P 31 of said day at ihe A ofeing places an the seveivil vot the primary election for the year ing precincts of said county wihc T the pi imary elecitiicn for tiie year 3912 tdiall be holden for tile puiposs of voting on the following1 preposition wiuieih as lier eby submitted to the quali fied ck CitiGTs of said county io wit Sh ill the county board of the fount y cf Red Willow in idie state of Nebraska lew a tax faith-yea 1912 VJVi and 1914 for the purpose of creating a urii with which to purdia knJ er M5t and furnish building suitable for a peer rum and to put into pxvtiin and dofray the sttu il cpi2 - cf iutl p vr farm d t x to be L J for the yars 1812 1015 and 1914 jnd al h rat ef one mill on taoi d JLsr oi iu d val uation cf Uie taxable property of K2li county which tax shall he in ariirfaion to all other taxes vMoh esd county bca d a authorized to levy for Said propcslt on as submiiitlcd on the billots fc be For a jjic mill tix for a poor farm f Against a or- mill lax for a farm Roll call Sughroue yes rrs Vv s Randal yea R cet was ordard unfcV 9 oclock a in March 6 1912 teCcak X hraka IarcJi 5t3i 1932 The board of county com missioners met pursuant to recess Present Edwaid SughroucW N Rogers and J W Randal county commissioners Chas D Ritchie oounty attorney and Chas K Dutcher county cleric Rcgii and Randal were cemmiite to view ihe bridge H7VCDZ thj Drift weed fthe Giithwir t cf Mcfcok They found lit aljle and reeom merlj th9it it he repaired at on ci Movl by Rogers and eaonii il L Ifandal thrt th plans for a bridge the Rn t pubrrr r ver fcnth r lliril ry hi ilcptrd One half ix- pexic fr uch csnsrucicn be pad by h tate Rcll tJ1 Sughroue vrp Rcig ts v -1 Randal yes wht crder d until nine i ekek 111 Maroh 7 1J12 YirV Nebraska ilarch 7ti 1912 TL loard of county Pt puisuant to re- fOrt fnC nf QllllAn Chas K Dutch cr county cleric The nf mutes f tl meetings of Ivlareh 5tih and Gth were read awl approved Gloved ly Rardal and acond 1 jd by Rngrsi ililiat the ruest of Anna Mi Donnell count v upenin tandent fcr permis sn to allow tSilner who fail tz mt k mg grades to take Ihc aubjeet 1 second tm on the 3Sme mum pua oed en fole Roll Saigh rcoie yc Rogeiv Randal yes sieved by Randal and by Ragera thnt ih ecutyty elec lc is hereby instruetnd jo plaise on a -separate ballot with pear farm prcpo Yon ths proposition cf vcting a bounty on wild animals at piiluiairy ektiion to be held on April 19 1912 as provided by a petition signed by the required number Of lagal voters of gaud e aunty- far Pr and ailoAvcd and uhe county clerk was instructed to draw wan rants for their laymcnt on the general fund levy f 1912 Anna McDonnell talair for Feb as Supi 100 00 L A Fcii salary for Eeb as sheriff 100 00 L M Uiggins salary for Feb as deputy sheriff 23 00 M Muthes salary for Feb as jaajtor 40 00 Olias K Dutcher salary for Feb as county clerk 137 50 Edward Sug hrme commis sioner service and mile age 44 00 AY N Rceer comimi cr serve and mileage 23 00 J W Rmdal t mmf service airl mileage 39 7o C5u3ij K Butch1 office ex penses for Februarv 12 79 Anna McDonnell office ex penses fcr February 20 70 A 15 Wocl freight cm fix tures for cffie of county incA April 2 1912 21 13 Elmer Kay effice sup- ifilccs 3 75 L il iccs for 27 00 Nob Tel Co rr nt on 7 phones for Feb 19 2o Ndb Tel Co rent on 7 4ro ries for March 19 25 Neb Tel -Co toll for tyasttocnev Januarv 1912 SO Nebraska Ilccqjfital fcr Insane baJanccron account 12 50 Mcjm carried EDWARD SUGnUOUE Chairman Attest Chas K Dutcher County Clerk 65 w v ro a t av ti Vofr rs in the Ncbraslra mari 3 Held APrn 19 1912 couatyKmmrnprs Chas D Ritchie county attorney and At - ten of the ballot wh jeh mill be sea need by you ini the vsiing hcoiili yen Avill find fvve prcyaxd nundmonts t X hrzskz constitution First cf ifJrso iprapcraIs is wlisit fs krown i5 Uk fntintve and Referendaim or Dincr Jr gislation bv tl2 pco He A fcr this iiirst pipr 1 on ytur ballcit h i vote to male Hi Direct Legislation Amend- bcir tlifi pciaeticie being custom jJJKnt a part cf your party 3 as y throughout the 1L 3- J1 XT 1 siaue iistu ivi hi inj iiiiiijif lilcuuii granted and tfiat Ahp rcju t - If a majority of 3-0111- party who vote for or against the pino ncsaJ at the April primaries vote For Jiheni all straight votas ns tiia circle at the tci of the ticlcei yist for your parrv ait the November election willbe counted en Ivor oif tli Direct Legislatiion Amendment On the other hand all strafght votes id tlte airele1 at lop of the ticket cast for yom party jn Ncvember will be count ed Agarnst the Direct tioji Anrciidment unleiss it is zdcspl cxl by your party- as part of saiid preposition whit h pe titsonjstielcei at the April primary must be on file on cr bfifcne the All tlic careless thoughtlo3H lGfcli lay of Marclu 1932 1 lazy and indifferent voters at the Roll all Xavrfmili or eTeftiinTi ai1i ervnreiss r Let ti intelligent alert i dinen Ox ery political par n Nebraska go to the priman i Apiul i a and vote for 1 dot Legislation and Peoples gov nment in our state thus ir propose amendment iio tlieconsttution ing to the people the Jit of drect j X uion through tihe tive and rererouclum J 1 he Nebraska Direct Lagisla lion Leaigiii Jo Ira M IoclceU president A FAIR OFFEE Tour Money Bzcli If Youre He Satisfied W pay for all the medroln used during the tiial if our ivrr eily finis tt ccinphtely ndio rau uif contapatcon We tak II tie i k You are noit oibVi gated to Uiii in any way whatever if ycri ascipt our offer Thats a mighity bread vstatement but w o nnn nvciy word cf it Could anything be more faiir to you A audit i ish nlific aninn iiV treatment e Rex 11 Oraerlr hicli are e3tn like candy Tii pcitivi prnoipb h a cr nt nxen tifie dVieovery thVi is odorlcn cclcrle1 and -very nouncYl yt gentle and pknt in actiion and iparticuhrl agrc aiblr in v ciy Avay Tby do not cans diaa rhoea nauen fiLit lence griping cr any ineonvcin ienee whaitver Rexall Orderlies ar2 particularly good for children a gicd and delicate persona If vcu puiffr from chronic or w 11 Jley ers viewing road habitual constipation or the as Jo 44b 4 1 fciiate -or drprndoat 1NK1 1 iip piy cu criace jirJicr 5 So Eoward Saghrcio supplies for ccsiirt 5 20 Vf li WMttikc - porfation cf CI ires ments we urge ycai to try Rexall at our risk Rnmnan bcr ym can gt them in Mc1Oc1l cnlv ait mir nlore 12 nbl el 10 cents- 36 tablets 25 cents 80 tab kite 50 cents Sold only flt our man pauper to Denver 6 95storeTi1 Store L W Ciccj Cramer ripaiiiinj bridg warrant drawn en Com Dist Xo 2 00 Tlio following claims were disal leaved Wester Coainiy Xeb care cif jiaiTp cr Win Roper O Jf Chilon tix refund eiafining interest on poll ax refund i bv the cjly cf STcCcnk KLcip Bartktit ciess of ficM ncies vrhxh McConnell Primery Election Notes TCl tcn Vj 1- held on Apuil 19 1912 Palfe open st 8 oclcnk a 111 in 7o Wihfrx rcirMatif n zn Jquirnd and c1 nt 900 3 cln k 111 ill fir 11 tlllLl liv 11 c r at 1200 c clock neon and c1 ait 900 oclock p ni ial1 firjt d v for rci Ttia iunn lti fliTif lnillnt c nill were returned 4o 00 Jwvhie fr ch pirtv yr crm mcimt pro nWtT fCI cvnaVn CrM hd for c m 219 n CO pr bal1of jtv Jito applro3ton cf E in Al oanclvjat be voted fr utm to c Hhomnic the jail ws morp than 0Le ecrnlv mr t IMh aipncml Vin rnimn n wr wl 1v ft- Movnd by Randil bv vircrv of Svute c4lieiw Avit h crs i the board adjourn th ccuntv cr eihr c FX jfeT are -pay Me lie the county I tr rcurr of Ihe ecunt wherein rJt andndate roCidcs foPcw For U S senators 50 state of jiicers and rcjprTscilatrvcs rn c gnm 10 for members rf the Hgiislature 500 A receipt sliorv ing tine P33mcnt cf the fo iim1 ha attaeihed to the fIinir March 19th 1912 the Ia t day for Til ing for the aibove primary What Mao You Strao Do ft Z L e Some statistician figures that S230 Uft 3 V bchtn Lisllh Fanners MakeAnetiurSlspT ward Ate m Voofioii PURE SEED GROWERS QI6AHZ Among the many inspiring meeting aeld at the University iarm tins t a new organization has icccived t attention of oir yrogiessive firmeis nnicly the Nebraska Pure Grain and Seed Growers association The object of this association is to promote agricnltuie by growing larger and better crops The members pledge themselves to maintain a high Etandard of pure seed production Xot only will all seed planted origin1 from a pure uiriety but every car a fpccia seed plot of not less than one aci e of the uiftoi cit grains will be con ducted on eacli farm from which al foreign grains will be removed s this msrner pure seed production will be iisured Effort will be made oa the pit of the members to not oni nipove tie quality of their grains bat also the yielding power through breeding methods From time to time the department of experimental agionomy of theexper inicat station has developed superior strains of the different cereals and he3 turned them over to the farmers of the state Eut there has never been any way of keeping in close touch with the groweis and the seed could not be kept pure for any length of time All such improved seed will now be turned over to this association as soon rs it has bec n fully proved to be su perior and the members agree to keep it pure Tn fact a skilled inspector is appointed by the head of the experi mental egionomy department who will plan to visit and inspect the fields of the nicir Lers each year and report on the iutit of their grain Repre scntative samples of each mans grain will also be sent to the secre tarys offico for inspection Purity soundness and sermination tests will be maJe of all such grain A provision is made that grains which readiy wind fertilize as corn nust be grown far enough from each other to im ire freedom from crossrr The uptrioritv of such improved cereals may be illustrated by the act ual ircrr ased yield which farmers oat n the state obtained this last year from sevar l strains of pure bred Tur key red winter wheat It has long been known that the Turkey Red type if winter wheat is superior to all other winter wheat in this state both in Scld and quality Curing the last ti lears the average yield of wheat in Nebrabka has been five b3hels higher than th i avcraue yield of wheat dur ing any of the three previous ten year neriods This has been due chiefly to the introduction of Turkey Red winter wheat and the use of th press drill Knowing the superiority of Turkey Red wheat the experiment station un dertook to still greater increase its yieldine power by breeding and in 1902 this improvement was com menced For nine years certain pure strains of this variety have been work ed with in the wheat nursery and tested out in field plats Finally after five years testing in field plats sever al strains had proved their superiority over the original wheat These were increased and sent to farmers scatter ed over nineteen counties who by careful testing compared the yield of the new wheat with their own seed in yielding power An average of the reports froji all these farmers shows he pedigreed wheat to have yielded five bushels more per acre on an av erage than the growers own seed Numerous inquiries come to the ex periment station for pure seed of all the grainr but as the supply is very limited only a very small per cent of the orders can bo filled This new pure seed growers association will in crease this supply and furnish a source for such seed For all surplus seed which passes the critical examination of the unbiased inspector certificates bearing the approval and guarantee of the association will be issued AH seed sold under this guarantee will fcear an official tag signed by the in spector The officers of this essociation aie as follows W D Stelk Phillips president W H Ehlers Roca vice president T A Kiesselbach of the department of experimental agrono my secretary and treasurer This association will hold an annual 000003 every year is being diverted meetim next year during organized from the local merchants of this agriculture week T i i - - T t trv to the mail owlor nnncnrn In tUn ers yes itanuai yrs ncJinucn on tne wrrect - - it is difScult to write the value of On motion by Randal 02 card- tsan Amendment will be courtcd ca C1 1C q ensilage in terms of money for the cd R fgers itihs ncinrnatiion of rgaivnsfc it 3nce a majordty of all j IIo5V much of that MOXU1IEXTAL reason that many of its properties the following naimsd persons for fCfri votiing at the election is re- MOUND OF MONEY gees out of this which have an actual obvious value precinct asieocrs were aipprored quirad to- carry any aiiiandment comn unity cannot be so measured For instance T mj m o - rrr while an analysis will show probably a P Tqndl Wallfiw for Shirly vMre irom 1fi7n tn - - v 7 j Every praoinct jJJOG a U prcipcscd amendment to T F Gockley Danbury pre- NejfjraEikas constitution except cinct nccounted in by the legislature Albert Wedis Grant precinct w 1887 were beaten at tills polls Joseph nougnon East VaTley Mcrst cd iie amendments were praoinct beaten by the careless and I E Neel Box Elder precinct eut Tdters who did not vets at C A Eisner asalotant assess- a3 rn the proposition jVEany nad cir for city of iMdCocik wvcmviielming majority of TJie -bond of Ohas Weintz road ti voters who expressed an opin overseer for Bondvilla preaincl ion on their ballots Bqad dastriot jtfo 13 was Tiiore arc forces in Nebraska de ust3o o poputlar government The order frcm Count- Judge 5y n the careless and indififer Eramlc Golfer eommititdng lie TJiey are in the1 minoratiy TJiey feeble minded child of tfrs ent itrfer to perpetuate their pony dollar spent nelps to mnri fnrfl nits than mnnv ntlinr SVvELL THE HEAP in the city thai food ensilage has succulency giving has no use for us except to get our it much of the properties of grass GOOD MONEY Every dollar mailed away helps to STRANGLE ENTERPRISE AND SCUTTLE PROSPERITY right here at home This mesas that the stock will eat more of it and assimilate it more readily Still one cannot express that value in figures It takes far less stor age space than hay or other feeds pound for pound of nutrient quality a When you strangle your neighbor saving in storage space and the cost of you strangle yourself buildings and their maintenance j Timothy hay is a very tory roughage for sheep according to Our hobby is good groceries the experience of many breeders Cow- Thie Best of Everything A pea hay alfalfa clover and small trial order will convince you amounts of corn stover are suitable D MAG NER PJlolne 14 Thev should have all of it thev will eat TfiT 3 V Harpers Ferry One of iie Coun trys interesting Tl VVili Quaint Picturesque and Almcct Foreign Village in the Sncncn doah Valley Has Promi nent Place in History - Harpers Ferry Va Among the many interesting towns in the Unit ed States none is more quaint pic turesque and almost foreign than Harpers Ferry Everywhere the new screams at the old while the old retaliates with silence conscious that its appeal to the imagination is pre ponderant Through the business por tion of the little town rans Susque hanna street extending from the sta tion to the river from which it takes its name and uniting with the road which extends for many rciles down uie vaney ine iirst impression gained of the town is from this street and if one is looking for the modern City Beautiful disappoint ment will surely result for this an cient street has tales to tell and me mories to cherish It is history which claims atten tion even before the station is out o sight Hardly ten steps distant is the monument erected on the spot where John Brown took refuge in the old engine house There too are the tablets which tell all about it though the Fort itself after visiting the Worlds fair at Chicago and rusticat ing for a few years at Kate Fields summer home on the Susquahanna hn now found a permanent abid ing place on the grounds of Storer college A stones throw from the station a structure whose horizontal slabs wrinkled Avith age spill over the sidewalk and women babies dogs rnd dirt fighting for supremacy on he stone doorsteps tell with the jquence of action of the decadence rougtt by the passing years It was in the early part of the last cen Jury that its hosritable doors firct oj cnel to the tired wayfarer its vde verandas echoed to the tread c z y palant en I lady fair mail en the rcrry cealed and mt Y SvgJ v Se325BI fl r l -- n h V WBt p iiX riwifrrWT M ui iiiP 1 f 1 1 1 1 Scsne in Harpers Ferry without envelopes or stamps passed throu h its rcrtals and when in 1S12 the army of England invaded the land the hostelry pcrved as head quarters for a panic stricken coun tryside Yc this is not the oldest spot Farther down the street looms a cot tage whose shining coat of whitewash belies its aneient timbers Part logs and partly of rough hewn boards the small house once served as a village inn before its older looking competi tor had dreamed of entering the field It was here that Washington and seme cf his cfllcers were several times entertained It is now the home cf Uncle Joe It was earlier still that the town received its name When Robert Harper a native cf Oxford England came to the place in 1747 there was already a man in possession a squat ter named Stevens who lived at The Hole in Shenandoah street Harper in love with the beauty of the location bought out Stevens set tled in his house and established the ferry frcm which the town takes its name In 1775 or thereabouts he erected the old brick house on High street in which he lived till his death in 1782 and which half buried in ivy still stands a fitting monu ment to the good judgment of the old pioneer Ten years later when the govern ment needed a site for an arsenal Washington chose Harpers Ferry In those days water power was even more important than it is at pres ent and in this particular the loca tion was unrivaled The place could be easily fortified and it was near enough to the new capital at Wash ington to be quickly reached Though the rocky bed of the Potomac and its swift current precluded naviga tion a canal was feasible and wa3 soon under construction The canal is still in good condition and for many years has been owned and used by the Chesapeake and Ohio com pany in transporting coal from Cum berland to Georgetown The Shenandoah Daughter of the Stars which unites with the Poto mac at Harpers Ferry is no less swift and rocky than its companion stream and like that lordly river its waters have been long used for industrial purposes Mill races were constructed at an early day and ruins of a rifle factory a flour mill etc remains a subject of question aEd comment FOR SALE SEED BARLEY 125 a bushel Also can- and corn I 1 mile west and 3 miles south of McCook 7Uw Spring- Afternoon Frocks We are going to have ifche low liest little afternoon dresses this spring cif crepe cliannqtiso or de soiie dresses as dainty and graceful and charm ing as ever delighted the tor spirit cf a clever designer Yet the preitty frocks arc not at all complicated in their construc tion They are well cut but very simple In some of the newest we find bordered fabrics or border effect embroidery lending the charm peculiar to the quaint little that provide enough straight edges to display border des igns The- dress illustrated here is an especially good example of this type It has a peasant J JT V k ar v4 svAv ml M f i rM I 1 if f I 1 j 1 f t 1 llwM flh hill i l mW 1 1 6651 6411 sj ffl C539 14294 14435 waist with bordered edges meet ing rin a point over the yokeand there are bordered cuffs but it it in the pointed tunic cf the three gored skirt tliat the border is shown at the best advantage Flouncing too are pretty for this model TJie soft coloring cf tan caeh cmire is partly responsible for the effectiveness of yoke dress with its smart panel at front and bade and its stylish three gored skirt The yoke by the way is very dainty modeled as it is hare in white- satin delicately em broidered in white and a eleax green but flowered white silk with a touch of green would lie almost as good CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science The morn ing subject for next Sunday is Christian Sunday school at 10 a m preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m H M Mitchell mil ister Divine Science Unity health meeting on Tuesday and Friday evenings New Thought Sunday school three oclock on Sunday afternoon 123 W D street Methodist Regular services as follows Preaching at 11 a m and S p m Epworth League at 7 p m Sunday school ait 10 a m Prayer meeting on Wednes day evenings Baptist Sermons at 11 a m and S p m Bible school at 10 Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A hearty welcome to all who wish to worship with us D L Mc Bride minister Catholic St Patricks Church 8 30 a m low mass and sermon 1030 a m high mass and ser mon 230 p m Sunday school 800 evening services Rev Wm Pattan O I I pastor German Evan Lutheran East 6th street Morning sen ice at 1030 evening service ait 730 Ail German speaking people are corcuany invited to attend Rev G Wbckenfuss Rev 0 Richert A specialty of typewriter supplies at The Tribune Shop Papers of all weights sizes and qualities Ribbons for every machine carbon papers manuscript covers etc All kept in stock V