The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 14, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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On account of the
er conditions being
able the Apron Sale and
dinner announced by the
Catholic ladies for Saturday
March 16 has been
Dont Stampede
She Tribune makes no effort
to disparage Mr F C Kr otters
ability as an engineer or business
man on the contrary iliis effort
in coming to McCook to throw
a few chunks of iron into the ana
cliiniery of our proposed irriga
tion dicth project cncreases cur
regard for Jus business acumen
But -we do call attention to fact
tihat he is the owner of a water
power enterprise at Palisade
which would not be materially im
proved by rtihe proposed ditch be
sides he is interested in several
Qtftier ditches and enterprises
which might net be the better for
the proposed ditch These facts
may properly have somethdng
even muoh to do wiitilr 3ks disin
terested concern an our project
WQiat we want to state particu
larly at this time fa however
dont by any means let Mr Krot
ter and hte ilittle ihaimimer beep
you from seeing the main thing
Now is the rtibmej we ltake it for
the McCook irrigation ditch peo
ple to that they do not Lose
what water there is avail aibLe If
it shall be proven that there is
not available all tihat is now
claimed let us see to it and
to dt certainly tihat we get
what is available Dont stam
Price Current
Simpsons Prints 5e
Peerless Carpet Warp lb 2Gc
Meritas White Oil Clotui 15c
Best Apron Ginghams Gc
Am A 2 bu grain bags 22c
Mens Blue Bib Overalls 41c
Mens Stetson Hats 369
Boys Khaki Bib Overalls 19c
Childrens Rompers 25c to 50c
White Bed Spreads 79c to 375
Good Unbleached Muslin 5c
Peperell Grade Wide
Sheeting lTc
Leartherwear vd wid Taf
feta silk 89c
See us before the money is
spent The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value Spot cash
Classified Advertisements
216 West B st Splendid board
el egant rooms only 20 month
Close in 4 doors east of Palmer
hotel Itf
FOR SALE Set work harness
set double buggy harness set sin
gle buggy harness 3 section liar
row walking plow wagon Frank
Coleman- East McCook
Ilouses for rent by J E Kel
ley phone 6 4 rooan brick bunga
low modern good location 3
room furnished cottage close in
lawn and shade 12 sw
fire proof safe Inquire at The
Tribune office
FOR RENT 160 acres eultivat
ed and 80 acres in pasture all
fenced Also for sale 4 horses
wagon and harness 3 section
steel harrow com lisiter break
ing plow and other small artic
les See or write Maurice Grif
fin phone black 408 22 tfw
FOR SALE Set of single bug
gy harness and leather fly net
Inquire at this office
FOR SALE Pure White Wy
andotte eggs 50c a setting Wal
nut 3852 7 tf
Last In the Field
The unterrified Democracy
have ihad the last say in the
matter of placing in nomination
a eity ticket They met in city
caucus last evening in the
court liouse and made their com
plete nominations their ticket be
ing composed as comparison will
disclose of most of the nominees
cf the Peoples Water Ticket
the others being on the Republican-
Barney Hofer was chairman
of the caucus and Fred Schwah
The nominees are as follows
James McAdams mayor
L C Stoll clerk
L Thorgrimson treasurer
C G Budig engineer
O 11 Boyle member board of
E D Perkins member board cl
R A Green councilman 1st
F L Schwah councilman 2nd
A city organization was per
petuated with the selection cif
the following committee men Bar
ney Hofer R J Gatewoicd P
F McKenna and F M Golfer
Most Worthy Case
The endowment of Christian
colleges will doubtless appeal to
thinking men as both desirable
and absolutely essential A mod
ern college is a big plant with a
necessarily large expense bud
gelt and must be conducted ais
a busines proposition If such
instituiMon is doing credutabte
work it is assuredly worthy of
substantial support and there is
no other basis from wihce3i a
regular and sufficient income
can be derived for the denomi
national school- Last yearDoane
college at Crete eomplelted an en
dowment fund of nearly 300
000 This year the Nebraska
Wesleyan university of Unur
versity Place aska to have its
present endowment fund increas
ed from 100000 to half a mil
lion dollars With over sixty
thousand Methodists in Nebras
ka and many other friends of
Christian education who will
lend a helping hand this en
dowment campaign should be
crowned with success and such
result will be -highly creditable
to ihe entire stare
How About Eooms
The meeting of itihc teachers in
McCook March 27tlh 28th 29llh
will make a real demand upon
the hospitality of the citizens of
McCook it is expected that be
tween 400 and 500 teachers will
be here This means that ar
rangements must be made with
private citizens for rooming good
ly iportion of them as the public
places are not able to do so If
you will room a teacher or more
during all or part of this conven
tion report the fact to Supt
Davis at the liigh school office
or at his residence stating rates
expected and number you will
G Inghams
McCook Avelcomes the newcom
er as warmly as any community
This week brings the large fam
ily of G Inghams and it is ex
pected to find homes for them
in many of McCooks best fam
ilies These ginghams are on ex
hibition at The Thompson D G
CoTs where they may be inspect
ed and secured at GVc 10c and
loc per yd You are invited
On and after March 15 1912
we- will do a strictly cash busi
ness All laundry must be paid
for upon delivery
Pihome 140 C L Markwad
Phone 35 Hammond Long
Holdrege in Force
Word from Iloldnege brings
till a welcome news that the teach
ers of that city will attend the
S W Nebraska Teachers Assoc
iation meeting here March 27
28 29 an force
John Eksteidt liasnt had much
opportunity to exercise the Street
sprinkler tins winter but he
has worked over time on the
municipal snow plow on the side
Thursday Evening Edition
I Republican Ticket Caucus 1
Tihe Republican city caucus
called out a liberal attendance
Monday night in the court house
and a ticket was placed in the
field by acclamation in eaich in
Committeejeaan H N Rosebush
was made chairman of the meet
ing C W Barnes being secre
One of the first announce
ments was the committee on reso
lutions as follows Lon Cone C
L Fahnestock and C F Heber
The committee took a recess to
prepare its platform and the can
cus took up a collection to defray
the expense of cleaning the room
after the caucus
After the resumption of the ses
sion Mr David Diamond ex-water
commissioner was called upon
for the completion of the speech
unfinished before the Peoples
Water Ticket caucus Its deliv
ery was- tlie absorbing ieature or
the evening
The committee on resolutions
tlien made the following report
whiteih was adopted
We pledge our -candidates to
the maintenance of a municipal
government thait shall be morally
clean and aggressively diligent in
the enforcement of law and order
to the strictest economy in the tex
penditure of public moneys and
in the management the munic
ipal Water plant
We believe that the faeilities
of the fire department should be
improved and that their e sihoaild
be an extension of fire protection
to parts of the eity not now ad
equately eoA ered
We heartily endorse the prop
ciifjtion to establish a park at tihe
city water works and we believe
the city administration should co
operate with those cf our citizens
who have been furthering the pro
We believe that the telephone
rates now charged the ciustomcirs
of the Nebraska Telephone com
pany in the City of McCook are
excessive and that the eity au
tlhcinities should vigorously pros
ecute the inquiry pending before
the State Railway Commisiaion as
to -their reasonableness
We believe that the McCook
Electric Company should he re i
DeGroff Cos
Friday Saturday
There is always a tendency far
the haiir to fall cut about this
time of the year but you can
avoid the condition that causes
it by using
This is a modern scientific
preparation that keeps scalp
healthy eures dandruff and pro
motes the growth of the hair
L W MeCONNELL Druggist
Remember the Christian sale
See large advertisement an this
Tomorrow and- Saturday the
sprung openings in the dry goods
and millinery stores
See our assortment of wall pa
per before doing your work Our
prices are right 10c double roll
McMILLEN Druggist
quired to furnish day and night
We believe provision should be
made for better lighting of the
citys streets and alleys
We condemn the use of eity
patronage for the- purpose of fur
thering political interests and
pledge our candidates to a non
partisan business administration
Respectfully submitted
Lon Cone
C L Fahniestock
Obas F Heber
The question of nominations
then came up Some admirer of
Uncle Joe Stephens placed him
in nomination but Mr Stephens
wouldnt stand for it at all
The following candidates were
then placed in nomination
D F Hostetter for mayor
L C Stoll for city clerk
Louis Thorgrimson for city
Norman J Campbell for city
Members of the hoard of edu
cation Albert Barnett and Ghas
II Boyle
Councilman of First ward A
N Lineburg
Councilman of Second ward
Fred L Schwab
The city committeemen chosen
are as follows
First precinct 1st ward R J
Gunn Second precincit 1st ward
W O Russell First precinct
second ward C F Heber Second
precinct Second ward E b How
McConnell fills prescriptions
A MciMiilen Prescription Drug
Municipal league convention
next Wednesday and Thursday
We have the Wedding Break
fast syrup D Magner phone 14
Adolph Rieseheek of west of
the leifcy has beln granted a pen
sion of 15 a month
McMillens Cream Lotion will
- VI Og 11 -I 11 Will 0H j
In Consultation
Manager A R Scott was in
consultation Monday afternoon
with the citizens of McCook who
I could be present cm the day cur
rent matter whieh was tha sub
ject of a petition last week We
understand that a tentative or-
der has come from Denver
oag that the day current
gi be continued at least for the pres
Childrens Rompers
The neiw ones are new
Stvlt s more tasty than ever
fore batter materials better fit
Our line also includes Cover
alls Creepers and Bloom
ers Prices from 25c to 50c
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
value Spot Cash
Eyervthing in drugs
T he band concert Monday eve
For real art in wall papers see
McConnell s stock
All set now for the municipal
quadrille Turn loose the nunc
For making fancy cake try
Swans Down Cake flour D
Magner phone 14
It is Gtatcd that Nebraska will
break her record for amount of
snow fall The total is quoted as
now nearly 60 inches
You will be a satisfied custom
er if you use Climatic -Mixed
Paint made for this climate
A McMILLEN Druggist
W B Wliittakorand J C
Moore were in Hastings yester
day Attending the Woodman
gathering and peeping in on tihe
Progressive Republican gathering
Commercial Club Meeting
The regular session of the Mc
Cook Commercial club Tuesday
evening was quite well attended
The matter of the approaching
meeting of tlie teachers of S W
Nebraska was presented hy Supt
Davis reminding the club of the
former action of the club in guar
anteeing the sale of 150 tickets
at 75 cent seach A committee
of five members of the club was
appointed to take this matter in
charge at once
The committee on enrollment is
composed of
II C Clapp chairman A Ga
lusha F M Colfer L Suess L
W McConnell
Supt Davis also made a re
quest that the club assist in se
curing suitable decorations for
the convention days by the bus
iness men of the eity
And the matter of securing
rooms for the teachers during
their presence in the city March
27 28 29 was also urged It
is hoped that all citizens of Mc
Cook who can provide rooms for
teachers during the dates will at
once report same to Supt Davis
And it should be understood of
course that it is not expected
that these rooms shall be provid
ed free but only that the lowest
rates consistent with profit shall
be given Call up the superin
tendent of schools and
known what you can do for tliis
The feature of entertainment
was left in the hands of Superin
tendent Davis who was made
chairman of such committee with
instructions to draft in all assist
a nee he anight require to carry
out such plans as apet necessary
for earing for the large number
of teachers who are expected to
be present it is expected that be
tween 400 and 500 teiachers will
be here during all or part of the
tliree days 4
It was- the sense of the club
Hi at the express company should
be requested to extend to Me1
Cook sucih facilities as are enjoy
ed iby cfMier cities of its flvv
in iS matter of having exjre3
gathered up Ifrcm the
n for drispsiteh to out cf
town ports A G luslia and J
E Kelley AV ere chosen to assist
the secretary an making known
to the company this action of the
club The Tribune understands
that the company is now consid
ering talcing sueh action and m
considering figures submitted to
cover this additional delivery ex
The payment of two months
rent was authorized
A communication from the an
ti - panc bankers organization
was road but no aetion taken the
communication being laiid on fthe
One of the ontertaining feat
ures of the evening was the talk
by F C K rotter of iPaliisade on
the question of water supply in
the Frenchman river Mr Krot
ter as interested in irrigation
and in a water power eleetnre
plant as wall at Palisade and
aside from his general interest
in the matter is personally deep
ly interested in projects not en
tirely harmonious with proposed
McCook Irrigation ditch pro
ject However he is well post
ed on the question and his state
ments will no doubt receive mer
ited attention by those looking
into the matter of water supply
in th s Frenchman river
Wide Sheetings 17c
Peperell grade of Sheetings 2
yards Wide for lTJc yd at The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
ue Spot Cash
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing
McConnell for drugs
When dt is wall paper go to
MeConn ells
Let McConnell show you
new spring wall papers
Mrs Marie Bronson -entertained
the Kappa Kappa Gammas on
Tuesday evening Seven oclock
dinner was served at a large ta
ble decorated with handsome bou
quets of carnations Fancy work
and cards furnished the evening
Have you over considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now whenyou are earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saved
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier to save your money
and deposit itwith
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBkiex Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
W Dutton was a Lincoln visit-
make or early days of this week
Rev Thomas Kelly Catholic
pastor at Cambridge was a Mc
Cook visitor Tuesday
Mdes Florence Jacobs arrived
home Tuesday night droin her
visit in eastern Nebraska
C IT Jacobs took a trip to Cul
hertson Wednesday tto visit his
daughter Mrs F L Myers
Geo W Predmore came down
from Haigler Sunday night and
has ibeen spending the weak here
on business
F C Krotter of Palisade was
in the city Tuesday -evening in
the interest of the McCook Irri
gation ditch aber nit
Missera Anna and Emma Ma
on twin ss ters arrived on No
13 Tuesday -morning to v Lt for
r f w dayo with their cousin Mrs
W R Starr going on to
California which os the home of
one of the sisters
G II Wiatkins late vice presi
dent of the Citizens National
band departed on delayed No 1
Tuesday afternoon for the North
west to look up a location in the
banking business expecting to lo
cate some where in that section
in that business
AVilliard A Prince of Grand
Island spent Wednesday in the
city in the interest of his candi
dacy for the Republican nomina
tion for congressman in the
Fifth diistniot He went up the
Imperial branch this morning to
further lies acquaintance and
prospects in the district
Mis C II McBrlde gave a six
oclock dinner Tuesday evening
in iionor of Mr and Mrs Roy
Miller A three course dinner
was served after which music
and games completed an enjoy
able social event Other guests
of the evening were Mr and
Mrs Patrick Gould and Mr and
Mrs J F Miller and son Ken
The Priseillas undaunted b
the snow storm were guests oJf
Mrs C D Ritcliie yesterday af
ternoon Mrs Juliet Walker
Mrs B Y Domvart and Mrs A
McConnell were club guests A
two course lunelieon was served
the ladies being seated around a
large table Shamrocks and
small green flags were seasonable
decorations Mrs H P Waite as
The Shakespeare club will con
tinue the reading and studv of
Twelfth Night at the Qiome of
Mrs F S Wilcox next Tuesday
Mrs L S Viersen and Mrs A
C Wiehe entertained a company
of lady friends this af ternoon at
the home of -Mrs Viersen
Mr and Mrs Arthur Wood en-
J Tuesday evening