The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 11, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 4

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Nuptials at Beverly ley Nebraska
- T
v n i xs sm imsn
A DOUBLE WEDDING Smith Bartley Robert Sluira
ILayts Center Gertrude Sander
Thz Ecdgkin Mettc and Sanders- Beatrice Mrs Etta llrrw r Bart
On- cf the prettiest ct koine
weddings took place at 6 p in
March 6th at the heme cf Mr
111 T i llnft
Mrs Ghas Sanders Bgatrgag i ncojn -we
Tvtrs Max Steurmer Lincoln Mfe J
Ruth Hinckley Juniata Miss Remember The Tribunes phont
Laona MeKnight Bartley Floyd r is 19 We will appreciate an item
aid Ehna JJodgkin Bartley Mao any time
The coming of spring means the brightening of the world so we prepared for things beautiful and nothing
exceeds the beauty of our display this season Every article we show appeals to the eye has its individual
character as well as its usefulness
If a 3KK v
o i - i I i
fLPK -X A o
crVVry Mx v V ----- -
immlm A V
Our Showing of Spring Suits Gowns Wraps and Waists
includes all the new styles of the moment made in a variety of materials for your special selections
New York Suits of class and distinction Nobby Coats of most popular materials Dressy Skirts with the
high waist effect Beautiful Dresses in serge satin and silk Dainty Waists in white and all colors
We cannot too strongly emphasize the superiority of selection in womens wearing apparel on display in
our ReadytoWear Department this season Dont miss seeing our line before buying
There will be Appropriate Decorations Attentive and Pleasing Assist
ants Special Music Both Afternoons and Evenings You are Invited
ki r
jiwi11 mLmYtoE3FiSl
- J tvi
Red Willow Countv Nebraska
against the above named defend
ants the object and prayer c
AvhieJi are to epiiet the title of
the plaintiff in the Southwest
Quarter of section twenty nine
Township Four North of Range
Twenty nine in Red Willow cwun
A prof usion of flowers- sweat treata ever offered in the Avestern Edward L Lowinan are the owe
friends at Beatrice Nb aifcr ana may lie aotoanea uy notlulLU UUy ul aar m uiare
JiEay 1st addressing Fredrick Shepherd 1 1
nf p nrmnh rn wo Ohairmani BancniRt Committee at JUDSON L PACKARD
j -
T n a4
mi aniuicu jtiiiLur Lieiy nut
Fdrst publicatdon Marcli 4 Stsw
T S Roqp and daughter Her- Sehrier and W L Browne as ex
nia attended the funeral cl eeutors of the estate of J L
Grandma Howell at Oulhertson Browne- deceased Boards of the
hist Thursday Mis also United Presbyterian Churches of
visited Mr and Mrs Lewis Cam North America a corporation-
Banquet Announcement in MeCcoik Mary S Browne and the un-
The Br van- hidav lumqiut A- Stone ha rciurnd lo known hears and the unknown do
rv 11 iiiTiiiniK in iinnni - Vo clock ror runner irramaiw mi ui uiunc uew
a- i -
above nanied defendants the ob
ject and prayer of which are to
quiet the title of the plaintiff in
the Southeast Quarter of Section
Six Township One Range Thir
ty west of the sixth principal
meridian in Red Wallow County
Nebraska and for a decree that
the defendants release of record
two certain mortgages recorded
in Boiok 11 on page 290 and
Book 22 on page 70 of the ree
orels of mortgages of sand coun
ty anel that in the event they
fail so to do within ten days tihe
decree stand in lieu icif such re
You are required to answer
sadel petition on or before Mon
day the 15th day of April 1912
Dated this 4th day of March
By C E Eldred her attorney
First publication March 4 8tsw
To Susan C Ilileman and to
ail whom it maj concern
The commissioner appointed to
locate a road commencing at a
point at the northwest corner of
ty Nebraska and for a decree f1 n c ffC n ana
w i ip xt t the soutwcct corner ci section
I M I rz i I I I I IIII fIIIIII TI II Ill It i
of the yreat est and most complete Lowman SaraJi W Lowman and
numbered twelve in town two
north of range 30 west of the
btli P A wham rrvul nmn W
ma oniy neira oitne Bawl Lows
and carnations abounded emintry
peas d Q intersects road 407 i
Tlio fnift iwiiiM nimr ili nntiTn A Trosrrcssive eenrer
renoa Will wmau utcssisen ana Driftwocd precinct Red Avn
evening to ctjov ths program cr ht JleLd on til afternoon of mg and forever harnng sacd
fortheinas well as miii March 19 and at this conference lendants or any of them from
by SGss Ilinekliey a musician cf measures will be taken for the claiming any right to or right of
Gome note further organization of Nebraska possession of -the sadd premises
The young couples relieved democrats or any part thereof
many -useful and oraam ntal pres Everyone 4S invited to attend au arc required to ansver
rue JLJiwan uirtiiiaay oanqusn a putitiuu un ur uejore
Tliey ill be at home to al1 Tickets for this dinner wiill he day the 15th day of April 1912
thenefe east on the section line be
twecin said sections 12 and 13
Town 2 Nonth Kange 30 West
of the Gth P M until the same
coincides with said road number
ed 440 anel a proposal to vacate
that part of road known as 440
as described helow
Commencing at a point on the
fes m AAA
Browne and Ho Browne C CjTown 2 Range 30 West of the
being impwnMrd hy ie treatment ed detodants herein will take
the first n c f ibe we dding braka s disioguialurd cifen ha
jnaroh i m 1 b
v Ir A D ahviys been a large affair The already received wf i u miue uao
Brown the jcur men Robert indications are liCAvever thnt the
T ll 1 TI 1 1 T- r 114 ii -Ml l J 1
Lli i 111T1 U lll llia X11UU 11C1 JILlllHUIl
Call at D Maimers store and mi tJie Disitwct Court oi Red
tii Ilcav ricjjvin ivurns J - J mis year wan ue mie T
get a can of Armours Prepared Tow county Nebraska Against flic
ilette and V Sanders- men biaiftst and Jivciicut in hry
in attend inei Jclwcd by four Will2m J Bryans birthday is
Lcjna McKnight 19th The dancer and cel
Norma IuM - in jaK blue and tbration of Olhis -event wall be un
Ruth Hinckhy and Gertrude J der the auspices cif the Ijincoln
Sanders an pink eutered a b driver j Bryan Club The dinner Avill be
of battonberg lacv iind pink in Lincolns large audiitior
nations and two largvi wedding iwm on the evening cf Iarc h 11
bells to wait the coming of tlu Ihe tca t lit will cumprise a
recurs and brides Myrl large number of Americas d
Inns and Adela Valda Adolpli JtmgiKsilied men
Saiideic and Dena Gertrude Thei OLie Janws now a mrmber of
grcrois in conventional black the Congress from Kentucky will be
brMLas in Lcivns of pntinJoiK ot -the sneakers lJicmas K
Srimmcd in rhinestones and mara
beat boiiitifully draped veiils and
beaidng huge bcuqueii3 caieh rf
h er favorite flowers lias Adela
white carnations and Miss Dena
white lily narcci Jual ais they
lssd taken their place under the
bdlh twa little girls Lillian
onsnn pale blue and Vidlette Cun
irDT hani in pink brought in leach
an iiBTnrnse carmt on hfOlding in
its heart the emblem cf unending
affection whieh the greenns plac
ode on theiir brides finger at the
proper moment as Rtzx Trcck
morton pronounced the sacred
After the ceremony all repair
ed to the large dining rcc cn on
the second floor decorated in
gren and white and partook of a
diX ccrarcB dinner
Gore known to fame as Oklaho
mas blind senator R F Petti
grtw former United Staitcs sena
tor from South Dakota George
Fred Williams cf Massaeihusetts
Robert L Henry Bab flie
Texas congressman who has be
coane faimous for hisi relentless
war upon the money trust p Ir
Frederick Townisend JMairrin men
her of one of the wealthy Jamaloes
cif New York has assured the Lir
ccln Bryan club that he will be
prc svnt amd peak to the tcast
The Idle Rich
Ir Bryan will be ths last
Seakeir Others yet to be an
nounced will be on hand and the
promise is that those ivho attend
th5 Brvan Birthday Dinner on
March lJ 1912 will be giiven one
Wants for rent for sale etc
5e a line in The Tribune
Many sufferers from rheumatism
have been surprised anl delighted
with the prompt relief afforded by
i applying Chamberlains Liniment Not
one case of rheumaticm Lri ten re
quires any internal treatment what
ever This liniment is for sale by
all ilpilors
Nannie L Lowman Sarah W
Lowman Edward E Lowman
Oelia F Lo win arc and the un
known heirs and the unknown
devisees cf Louis Lowman ele
ceased defendants henain will
take notice that Judson L Pack
ard plaintiff herein has filed his
petition in the District Court of
Oth P M has reported in favor
oi the location and vaeataonl
thereof and all abjections there
to or claims for damages must be
filed in the County Clerks of
fice on or before noon of the
13th day of May A D 1912 or
said road will be established with
out reference tliereto
Dated at McCoak this 11th day
of March 1192
County Clerk
First publication March 11 Stsw
Joseph E Dodge and Arthur
S Dodge will take notice that
on the first day of December
1911 Lillian M Pitney plaintiff
filed her motion anel affidaivit
against the said Joseph E Dodge
and Arthur S Dodge as heirs
and real representatives of Sid
ney Dcelge deceased and against
sad Joseph E Dodge as Admin
istrator of the estate of said Sid
ney Dodge deceased in the dist
rict court of Red Wallow county
Nebraska in a certain cause here
tofore peneling in saiel court
wherein said Lillian M Pitney
was and as plaintiff and siaid
Sidney Dodge was defendant
The object and prayer of saikl
motion and affidavit are that
the judgment rendered in said
eanse in said court on the 10th
day of October 1899 an favor of
said Lillian M Pitney and
against said Sidney Dodge for
the sum of 51109 with interest
thereon from saiel date thereof
at the rate of ten pea cent per
annum be revived in favor of
said Lillian M Pitney and
against said Joseph E Dodge
and Arthur S Dodge as the
heirs ait law and real representa
tives of saw Sidney Dodge now
deceased and against said Joeaph
E Dodge as Administrator of the
county Nebraska anel running estate cf said Sidney Derdge de-
ceased On the first daiv of De
comber 1911 a conditional order
of revivor was daily made given
and enteireel in saiel action reviv
ing said judgment in favor of
said plaintiff and against the
saiel Joseph E Dodge and Arth
ur S Dcdger as -the heirs at law
and real representatives of said
section line between sections 11 Sidney Dodge eleeeased and
and 12 where said road No 440
bears eastward shall be vacated
to a point where said road inter-
NOTIOE OF SUIT sects with the seiction line he-
Nannie M Browne Harry L tween sections 12 and 13 all in
against said Joseph E Dodge as
administrator of the estate cf
said Sidney Dodge deceased
The said Arthur S Dodge is
hereby notified fo appear on
and 16
Our Line of Miilinery
was never more interesting than this season The beautiful colors the exquisite designs the fine repro
duction of flowers the exclusive patterns SUPERB ORIGINAL CREATIONS perfect copies of exquisite
imported and domestic hats Select tailored hats including Gage Fisk and Keith patterns are prominent
features in this opening display
A Beautiful Display of
Dress Silks Suitings Plain
and Bordered Satins Laces
Embroideries and Trimmings
Monday the first day of April
1912 and show cause why said
judgment should not be revived
against lwni and the said Joseph
E Dodge as the heirs at law
and uaal representatives of said
Sidney Dodge deceased and
aaonst sadd Joseph E Dodge as
administrator of said estate and
if sufficient cause be mot shown
to the contrary said judgment
shall stand revived
Lillian M Pitnev Plaintiff
By C n Boyle and V7 S
lan her attorneys
First publication Feb 26 Stsw
Notice is hereby given
1 That a corporation has been
formed under the name of
Phelps Gray Company
2 The principal place tof tran
sacting business is McCook Red
Willi lrw Tli1o
3 The general nature of the
busin ss to be transacted is the
buying and selling of fruity pro
duce and other merolianclise at
wholesaleand on commission and
consignment the leasing and the
erection and maintenance of such
buildings and structures as may
be necessary for the proper con
ducting cf saiel business and to
purchase and hold real estate for
4 The amount of capital stock
authorized by said corporation is
1000000 500000 of which is
to be subscribed and fully paid
up before the commencement of
business and the balance to be
issued subseribeel and paiel up as
may be authorized anel required
by the Board of Directors
5 The existence of the saiel
corporation commenced on the
first day of February 1912 and
the time of termination bs twenty
years from said date
6 The highest amount of in
debtedness to which the said cor
poration shall ait any time sub
ject itself shall not be more than
fifty per cent of its paid up cap
ital stock
7 The affairs of the saiel cor
poration are to be conducted 3bv
a President Vice president Sec
retary Treasurer and Board of
six Directors
Dated this 24th day of Feb
ruary 1912
By C E BliDRED president
C B GRAY Secretary
First publication Feb 26 Stsw