Wr 1 SS55acsBgTsgsTi J HTVTYTTri Jfcocsevelt In Pennsylvania the chances of Ool Roose elt getting a goodly portion of the delegates have in creased ten fold in the last four or five days Polls taken in Phil adelphia and in practically every county in state give Col Roose velt nearly three times as many -votes as polled by Taft Roose velt candidates for delegates are declaring -themselves almost daily and the sentiment expressed by the county papers shows- the for mer president to rule strong favorite The progressive Republicans in Colorado haAe gotten together formed sin organization which in- mittee of this organization onet several days ago -and indorsed Col declaring at tlie iime their belief an 3iis ability -to JtfpHan jA ESTABLISHED 1882 F M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County SUBSCRIPTION 150 A YEAR Entered at postoffiee McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays Political Announcements I hereby announce my candid acy for County Commissioner 2d district subject to decision of Republican primary adv F A IIODGKIN The Democratic editors of the Fifth district are for WoodroAV Wilson They have been guilty of more foolish conclusions The plan lof escorting intoxi cated men home to their families has its drawbacks Sometimes the wrivfcs and children are the suffer ers Quite occasionally tthis prop--or place for a drunk man lis the coaler An obscure long haired from Texas Dica hy patronymic lisi broken into fh ealum by solemnly declaring that Roosevelt Bryan and Berg or Av re a trinity of saeialistsand among the foremost enemies f fjr M government in America to dav If Ave had Dies cut here in Rod Willow county for 21 hauis en en the watchdog ft th county treasurer couldnt k p the board cf insanity fr inr cfullv sitting uron Irs ci Minnenpolis Mai eh 7 1 am r in the interest of the nom ination and election cf a man who can Avin for the Republican party Theodore Rocsev sM 1 am here for a man who stand for the principles for which th -American people stand Theo dore RciOseAclt In lilirs manner Gifford Pinchot AYiho Avas1 chief forester of the Unite States us he termed it tonight before some of our ever-polite friends called for my resignation from the service op ened the speaking campaign in Minnesota for the former presi dent at a banquet here tonight There are tAo -classes of peo ple in the United States today he declared the one believes that the people can rule The win the nomination and stating that national convention Avould h controlled by the progressive element A monster mass meeting held in St Paul several days ago showed tlie remarkable growth of Boosev eifc sentiment in Minnesota It is declared tliat former presi dents following in the state has grown largely smcc his Columbus speeich Many Roosevelt fclubs have he -v Always a gentleman La opposes the usie of mud in politics C A Ready of IIayes Center has filed for the Republican nom ination for the legislature in the TCtih district comiCsed of Hitch cock Hayes- Dundy and Chase counties t is it strange that the most ious assaults being made upon Colonel Roosevelt are from our friends the enemy The Dc nno era tie press will do well to siweep befere their own doors and save their ammunition They will not he eoriHiiei in ine maicing or the Republican nomination for president The Lincoln Star recently feat uril tihei latest sorority stunt frcm ihe slate university In tlrs particular sorority house the sweat but elarimgly unconvention al co ed make a practice of eat ing tbeir breakfast clad tin nighties bathrobes kimev nas or other inconsequential bit of convenient lingerie And -tin waiiter is asi unobs rving young male man TTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTr Col Believes in the People -4 hjlers thcrcf say You trust us h iriis Ave tiust von The er h il lev us the people cannot ml 4 TlK lr leaders say Yon trust us buif avc do -not trust ycu I am licit here to advocate discord but harmony a union of all peepl who IWr eve in the oninciiples rf pi nrenm r in M Rcvt valts -Columbus speech The AvhoLe new movement in the Republiican party is simply a method to get tlie Avill of the peo ple into effect This movement received uts impetus from Theo dora Roosevelt The initiative referendum and recall is simply a gun in the hands of Davy Crockett the people to bring down the biggest political coc those who do not serve the- peo ple from the tallest tree he can I Progress of Roosevelt Campaign - -4 9 AAAA AA A AAA A A A A A A AA A AAAA AA AAA AAA AAAAA AAA A A AAAA AAA A A AH Washington March 4 Spec- organized in North Carolina and ial DeATelopments in the field in Virginia and West Virginia of polities have come thick and sntiiment in favor of Col Roose faat i n the last Aveek and every velt is groAving rapidly Tn Mary diay liaB sIioaati a decided growth land the rank and file of Repub in tflie sentiment for the licans are for the Colonel and tion and election of Col from practically every southern tstate have come assurances that From every section assurances the people want Col Roosevelt liarvie beon sent to the Roosevelt I a nd Avill have him regardless of Juesadepiar ters in Washington re- j party off iliaitions iterating the strength of Colone In roads into the Taft strength have been made in the states in the New Englamd group and in New Jersey and New York rapid progress has been made by the Roosevelt followers Reports from the central group including Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan and Wisconsin are such as to cause the Roosevelt manag ers to feel doubly confident of winning the nomination for their candidate Especially in Indiana and Ohio lias the outcropping of Jtoosevelt sentnnent popular choice OCen mani mnnnrnTiPrv Ar7nnlliiTYi tnfi tested and the other states have g Qu wd to lot 11 shown in one way and another block 31 Indian ola 175 00 that tlie former president is tire Florence Watkins to V Roosevelt sentiment in the eludes thousands of votes soutlrwestern group of sitates has out the state The executive com grown to such proportions tliat j there seems small diance of manv delegates -being instructed for the President Several of itflie Avest erni states have been productiAre of news encoTiraging to the Roose velt managers lOutside of the letterst and tele grams tliat are daily pouring into the Washington headquantresen timenfc may be judged by the at titude of county newspapers from practically every state- in the union More than thneeKuartars of fliese papeirs are eitiher openly fighting or CbL Roosevelt or giv ing mild enoOugetaient t o his eajnpaagn - The renominationi of Governor jAldrich is ionei of the reasonable certainties of -the April iies And nothing but an unex pected Democraitic landslide- in November can defeait his reelec tion The governor has vugorousi ly endeavored to igive an admin istration in which all intanests are fairly and justly dealt with Avit bout favoritism or special priv ilege and business like and with reasonable regard for economy and conservation As politics go io far as Ave can read the time si he has -earned another term and tiit ds the disposition of the people to so reward him COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS McCaok Nebraska March 5th 1912 The board of county com missioners met pursuant to ad journment Present Edward Sughroue W N Rogers and J W Randal county com missioners Chas D Ritchie county attorney and Chas K Dutcher county clerk The minutes of the meetings held on the fcth 7th 8th and fth of February 1912 Avere read and corrected and approved Ait 2 oclock p m a per ad vertisement the bids for brddge work were opened and after due consideration it was mover by Randal and seonded by Rogers that all biels be rejected except those oi the Standard Bnldgo Company on wood bridges and that they lie giAeiii the contract for -all avooc bridges and Avc od material that Avill cost over 500 Roll call Sughroue yes Ran dal yes Rogers yes The Standard Bridge paiiA V lyiel for such Avork Ccm b oing as folIcAvs Wood bridges superstructure per linoal foot 100 Fir caps and in place- per thousand feet 3200 Fir lumber in place for repairs per thousand feet 3200 Red cedar piles in place per lineal foot 88 cents Placing old lumber per thou sand feet 1000 Fir lumber f o b any sfcatCon in county per thoii nnd fo t all fiizeG to 32 feet long 30 The following l erolurkmis av1 presented to the board by t chnirman Edward Sughroue Be at Resolved ly the bcaiI of county ommissiionere af the county of Reel Willow state of Nebraska that said board deems it necesi nry OAving to the large Giinount of pauper claiims to levy a tax for the purpose of creating a fund Avith Avhich to purchase land erect anel furnish huildings thereon suitable for a poor farm Said tax to be levied for the years 1912 1913 and 1914 only ami at the rate of one mill on each dollar of the assessed val uation of the taxable property of Red WiQlow county which is two cents on each 10000 of actual Aaluation and said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes Avhich said board is authorized to levy for county purposes Be it further resolved That an election be -called to be held tine 19th day of April A D 1912 betAveen ithe hours -of 12 m and 9 oclock ip m of said day at the voting places of the sever al voting precincts of said coun ty Avhere the general primary election for the year 1912 shall be holdeni Said election to be for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said coun tAr a proposition to vote a special tax Avhitth proposition and notice ef said election shall be given and published in the Avorels as follows Real Estate Pilings The folloAving real estate filings oave been made in the county clerks office since our last re port Nels J Johnson to B E Ridgway wd to part of lot 1 block 9 South Mc Cook 200 00 Franklin Avd to lat 10 blk 18 Hirst McCook 5500 00 George IT Watkins- to V Franklin Avd to part north of railroad of 25-3-30 1500 00 The Tribune doesi not practice the questionable habit of making purchases of merchants to com pel or coerce them into using its advertising columns1 or its job of fice in order to collect tlie debt We desire patronage on the hon orable frasis of meniit A man should quit dancing Avhen he begins to figure tlie mile age of such ai performance says thef Atchison Globe- Read The Tribune for the news ling good LOCAL AND PERSONAL J R McCarl had Business last Aveek ini district court at Alma Mrs Caroline Putman of Lin coln is a guest lof Mrs Loittiio Brewer D W Oolson Avent in to Oma ha Thursday night on a busi ness visit Miss Marion Thornton of Lin coln is the guest oi Mr and Mis R B Sheridan Miss Florence Rosebush Avas a guest of Bartley friends last Aveek anel until over Sunday Miss G raee McClelland of the Cambridge schools viisited the McCoak schools Thursday Last Mr and Mrs Herb LudloAv left Monday for a feAv days Arisit at McCcok and lioldrege Red Cloud Chief Mi S3 Elva Barber departed thi morning for her henna in York after n visit of a 1oav days Avith MeCciOik admirers and ifriends alcmry Smith and Jclh n Cook arriAeef f rom the Fairmont neigh borhood a few days since to lo cate upon Red Willow County farms Mr Jones from McCcok movem ent Deputy County Treasurer Eilzcr s farm one half mile Avet of toAvn last Aveek Ad A ertieer Job Mullen cam over from Me Cook Friday and will make liii hciai with hi daughter and fami ilv Mro Gto Sectt Oxford Standard John Sardl nr tlie diteh mm came tlown from Denver end of Aveek and is spending the Aveek here in tlie interest of the great enterprise Mr and Mrs Ray Lyon Avho recently returned from Colorado the Trenton Leader states Avill go onto the Lyon farm near there this season Mtd W II Dungan crme down from D nver Fiiday on 10 - fuiiilu the production c f Tlu Pilgrims soon to be put on un der O E S auspices Albert SiigAving of McCook is here thrs Aveek visiting hi parent- Mr and Mis C W SigATmg and agisting them in moving from north of toAvn to -the old Lew Blu t place Aveist of Vsrnon Wray Gazeitte Mr nd Mrs C II Meeker v- been spending a few m rV in California arrived on N u Fridav morning having had a most delightful visit on the coast but glael to be back in Mc Cook and Nebraska again RAILWAY WAGES AND RAILWAY EARNINGS There aw re substantial increas es in the Avages of railway em ployees during the -fiscal year of 1911 Reports- filed Avith the In terstate Commerce Commission show that the total compensation to the employees of railways ov er 500 miles long Avas 1005277 249 The total wage cost to the railways for the y eaa was greater by 418G822 than it Avould have been af the rates of pay in effect during 1910 and greater by 69 29767S than it would have been ait the rates -of pay in effect dur ing 1909 Natwathst ainding an increase of 2108 in the miles of raiUway op erated there AA ere feAver employ es on the payrolls June -30 1911 -than on June 30 1910 by 31037 yet the total compensation paid to employes in 1911 was great er than that paid during 1910 hy 19970216 This is greater than the increase in the gross earnings of the railways by 22595121 The net revenues of the railways Avliich are Avhat is left after pay ing -operating expenses fell off by 10988539 during this same period in AAhiich compensation in creased nearly fifty million dol lars These figures arc summarized from Bulletin No 2S of the Bur eau of Railway Economics aaiMcIi is based on official reports made iby the railways to the Interstate Commerce Commission and AAhieh exhibits in detail a camparison of -the aererresrate comuensation to different classes of the number of lemployejs of different classes and the relation to trail way traffic for the fiscal years 1909 1910 and 1911 The summary of revenueis and expenses of the steam railways over fifty miles- dn length for tlie month of December just issued by this Bureau sIioaais that for tire calendar year 1911 the total operating revenues were less thanj for the caLeaidar year 1910 by 27698580 and the net revenues less by 22286784 David Diamond is Convinced that tliere are drawbacks- to let ter writirg At the same tune he declares the municipal Avater plant a success and the trationox Mayor MeAaamsas SOCIAL AND LITERARY Mrs Albert McMillen entctr taineel oi company of lady friends Saturday afternoon at bridge Avhist six tables engaging in the games Mrs Albert Barn etit Avon the honois A tAvo course luneh eon Avas served Mrs Walter Stokes assisted The An Faits -enjoyed tine hos pitality of Mrs E II Doan afternoon A tAvo course luncheon Aas served Out of city guests Mrs Elizabeth Walker of Webster City IoAA a and Mrs Car oline Putman of Lincoln Assist ants were Miss Addie Doan Mrs Arthur Wood Mrs Leroy Kiev en The concluding regular session of the J O C club Avas held at the home of Mr and Mrs C II BoAle Thursday evening Avith a large company of members anel guePts present Mr and Mrs II P Waite C L Fahnestoek J G Sehobel A Galusha Sr O M Knipple A Galusha Jr II D Stewart II C Clapp C D Ritah ie J R McCarl W F Jones F M Kimmell W E MeDivitt F W BosAVorth II A Beale Mrs iG L Bunney Mrs A Barnett A serven oclock dinner AAas served Mrs Bovle Avas assisted by Mrs M A Northrup Mrs O M Ivnip pie Miss Oleo Rector and Miss Nina Tomlinson the latter pre siding at the piano Avitih pleading results Democratie City Caucus lhe Democratic electors ot the city of McCook are hereby called to meet in caucus- at the count a- court house Wednesdav March 13 1912 at 830 p m for tiie purpose of placing in noani nation candidates for Mayor City Clerk City Treasurer Cc ry Engi neer members of the board of Education Councilmen and to transact such other business as may properly come before tlu meeting C J Ryan S S Garvey Barney Ilofer F L Schwab City Committee D J Killen of Beatrice Aisiit ed Ihis B Ilofer lie hveen trains on his Avay horn from a Denver trip If you Avant THE NEWS read The Tribune INDIANOLA Mrs Neal Quick was a McCook visitor Wednesday The Sun Bonnet Club met at the home of Velma McWilliams Tuesday afternoon Charlie Dutcher from McCook Avas in Indianola Friday on busi ness Mrs Colegan traded her farm to Joseph Kavalic for his town property and will soon move to toAvn Elbie Hotze left for St Joe Wednesday on business Mr Quick is now located in his new store block east of hotel Ed Sughroue was a county seat visitor Friday Mable Dutcher of McCook visi ted friends and relatives in India nola on Sunday Quite a number of Lyle Will iams little friends helped him to celebrate his seventh birthday Saturday afternoon Mr and Mrs Henry Crabtree Jr took dinner with Mrs Shoe maker on Wednesday RED WDLLOW The Merry Ten Club had an enjoyable surprise on Mr and Mrs Frank McNeil on Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Harris of Indian a old time friends of Mrs Frank McNeil are visiting Avith them Buying and hauling seed corn is an active business at this time Mrs Will Meyers is now con valescent to the joy of her anx ious friends Stock seems to be greatly af fected by this last cold snoAV Mr and Mrs Roscoe Korns Avent from the party Thursday evening with Louis Longneckers and gtayed until the next day When moving his household to the neAv house on the Buck place Mf Isaacs had a runaway resulting in damage to furniture and Avagon RAILROAD NEWS NOTES 4 N Biggs returned home Friday Brake man B 0 Dickey is on duty cigain Heavy snoAvfall between Ak ron anel Wray SAvitehman L W Meyers is on the sick list Fireman Freel A Monks Ayas off eluty Saturday Tlie pay ear is seheeluled for next Thursday the 14tih Brakeman A II McCreath is off duty Avith a bad fcold Fireman L E Weaver was a passenger for DenArer Saturday Operator anel Mrs E A Van Caanp Avere Denver Abators on Sunday Brakeman C J Strauser has severed hi conneeition Avith the company Brakeman G C Childers is serving in the yards Avhile Mey ers lis off Mrs F II Trimble AA as a Denver passenger Sunday to be gone about a week -Mrs Robert Burns Aisited her sister Mrs A W Murphy of Ar apahoe end of week Engineer L E Ilanford laid off Saturday to indulge in some MajDKie preliminaries Brakeman anel Mrs R- C Warner cf Hastings wer e Mc Cook visitora Saiturelay The yard masters office is being enlarged to better the Avork of that office -Charles Joyces the com pain- agent at Inavale has returned t o Avork after n layoff of 15 elavs ill Engineer Will Archibald and Mrs II M Tyler came up from Orleans Saturday morning on train 13 Engineer John C Marshall laid off Sahwrdav to rediree ithe stock in- sijrht of ducks in this Aicinity Conductor and Mrs William llegenberger and the tAvins Aiisit ed Avith relatives in Hastings on Sunday Agent Kefctler is on the job again at Bart lev and Relief Agent Ellis is supplying a want elsewhere- II A Yaughan superintend ent of telegraph Avas cut from Lincoln Thursday on business at McCook headquarters Foreman R E Love Avail leaA tomorroAv morning for his home at Pendeir to be absent a week or ten days duck hunting J W SImv has resumed his duties as telegraph operator in the Hastings yarel office Mr Dodger returning to Lincoln end of Aveek Conductor Worth Humphries Aventi up to Denver tliis morning on No 9 to serve as a AAitness in one of the company s eases uoav up for trial Mrs M J SulliA an came up from McCook Tuesday afternoon to visit a couple of days with her friend Mrs Lynda Arnold and family of this place She is Brakeman Frank Sullivan s moth er Wray Rattler T B Campbell -and D F Ilostetter of McCook attended the funeral of late Geo in thi3 eity Wednesday af ternoon Both are pioneer rail road men in the employ of the Burlington and had knoAAin Mr Ilartsough for the past twenty years Mr Campbell is a train dispatcher at McCook division headquarters and Mr Hostetter is- agent at McCook Minden Ga zette Sth George II Hartsough dieel on Saturday afternoon at 5 oclock at liis home in this eity His ill ness dates back several years but it Avas only tAo montlis ago tliat he gave up iris Avork as station agent for the C B Q railroad at -this place and gradually the sinews of life and strength fail ed him Mr nartsough has serv ed the Burlington as station agent for twenty eight years and Avas one of the best known rail road men in their employ Hie Avas Minden s first station agent and remained here until death signed the final pay cheek an eloquent commentary on faithful perservering service tliat young er men may Avell emulate He is survived by his wife one daugh ter Mrs R J Slater of Bertrand and one son Geo H Hartsough Jr Minden Gazette Sth WAIT FIXES THE LIMIT FOR PRIMARY FIXINGS Lincoln Neb March 7 Secre tary of State Wait has1 dejeided he Avill accept- filings for the pri mary ballot wliich reach his of fice at anv time before 6 oclock Hearing of snow Tn drifts frnm March 19 The law specifies they 25 ft to 40 ft in the mountains Slu1e e tliirty days before near Rollins Colorado and 8 ft JfS 11 - as April 19 and he takes this to in that town makes our trouble- mea date of fe some ones seem like ant hills m afeh 19 t3le olo otf lie comparison business day im