The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 07, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Ts JVtcSOofc THime
flections often as well
P M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
Political Announcements
I announce my candidacy for
the nomination ior state repre
sentative on the Republican tick
et subject to the primaries to
be held April 19 1912 adv
countv on the Democratic ticket
subject to primarv election held
April Utih 1912 adv
joiin ii wesch
Much of the lack of popularity
of iColonel Roosevelt Aviitlh the
politicians is amply made good
by his strong popularity with the
people who do the voting
Governor Aldrich has filed for
renomination and wiill doubtless
time it is bemuse tlie Ohio con
stitutional convention has adopt
ed a clause declaring that uine
jurors may hereafter render a
v erdiet in civil cases They as
sert that this is only another in
dication of the tremendous liolel
radicalism has secured upon the
minds of the people wherein
they no longer regard the
constitution as a sacred thing
Yet there isnt anjr igood reason
at all why it is necessary that a
verdict be a unanimous one
There are instances where the
small minorit1 compels the giving
of a righteous verdict but the
main wbo is wronged by tiho judg
ment of tlie jury lias two chances
of securing redress from the
trial court and from the appellate
coturt There are more instances
where corruption in the interest
of jury d5ixing corporations Ims
prevailed When all that was
necessary to secure a hung jury
was to get a purchased juror in
box tlie trick was easy
Uimcoin iews
Are Hi Elder Statesmen
the discard
un of Mis question
McCook General Hospital
Located in the House one block west
of the Court House
Will be open to receive patients after Janu
ary 1 8 191 2 A Hospital devoted to McCook
and southwest Nebraska Skilled attendants
in charge
D J REID Surgeon Proprietor
t V
Political tousers carry bones
with the same facility and natur
alness that thev bring them
North Platte will vote on the
question of license or no liceiis
I hereby announce myself as ilt CQmhl Jt
a candidate for the office ofittnn ilnr im
County Assessor Red Willow tliat pmp0SenskiBg for slmi
I At the 3psal election held
in that city Monday dt Avas
eidjd to buy the North Platite
water works for the city The
city had already voted 100000
in bonds for tint purpose
There is more joy in a pi intlng
lofifiice over one sinner that ply j
Rcisonable and fair opposition un advance and cusses the jdiitoi
is not objectionable undesir Jon every possible occasion tlnn
able or damaging to any fair pro j there is over ninety and nine who
jeet Hut it is essential that we borrow the paper and sing cts
are fair and reasonable and just praise without contributing one
to ourselves and to the project cut to keep it out of the poor
in hand Let the irrigation pro 1 house Ex
ject win or lose on its merits
but let us see to it that both
sides are fairly considered with
out prejudice and with all the in
formUion and intelligence we
can command
It would be only fair to Presi
dent Tait to iy that much
oi xlit daie I an ilias beun and i
being within i1 el and that anneh am
deserved criticism has been he-
slOAved Nevertheless he wily
The friends and admirers of lacks the confidence of many of
Colont 1 Roosevelt can console the rank and file of Nebraska
themselves for tlie hot fight Republicans And by this same
ready being waged upon him in token it is our observation itihat
his eanerxlacy for the presidency t j confidence is enjoyed in
that cf all prominent large measure by Colonel Rnofe
h is th one perhsps wiho likes velt whom The Tribune mcdvistly
n bully good fight better trn regards as the wisest safest aid
any thr But it might be just most courageous progressive of
is well if the politicians would pre3dental stature in tlie land
give the people a chance to sat- ted iv Hence our hat is in the
tie this matter at the primaries i ring with the colonels until the
It would save -everybody a lot of ad
S ratfr I A Varyr is men
tioneel by ithe Sterling Sun as a
suitable candidate for lieutenant
governor on the Republican tick-
be the choice of tlie Republicans et A word direct from him an-
of Nebraska for erovernor He
has made good eluring his first
term and deserves and will m
doubt receive a second lie has
not in any instance of importance
fallen below the high expectar
tions of Iris friends for that of
fice A clean economic business
like decent fair and fearless ad
ministration has been given by
Governor Aldrich nis renomi
nation should be conceded
The standpat newspapers of
eajat are having another fit This
nouncing such an ambition would
induce the Tribune to say what
it thanks of Juim For instance
that he is a clean ihigh minded
conscientious citizen that he is
a true blue Republican wiho has
great faith in the party and wbc
devotes his political efforts to
insuring tthe party to keep step
to the music of progress in civil
government Ir Varner who
had long and creditable career in
the newspaper business would be
ih ailed by the press generally aq
a strong anel worthy candidate
Fremont Tribune
So far no other applicants on
the Republican ticket have filed
for tilie office iof county attorn
ey but Mr C D Ritchie the pres
ent incumbent whose conduct of
the office has been very satisfac
tory and efficient so far during
ing Ihis first term making him a
strong candidate no doubt for
the Republican nomination a fac
which is strengthened by the
further fact and ordinary rule of
giving officers who liave given
a gooa account or tnemseives a
renomination and reelection It
would no doubt be highly grati
fying to Mr Ritchie to be able
to land tlie renomination an the
Aprii primary witihout opposition
but whether this sliall be the case
or not he has conducted himself
in sudh a manner during his first
term as to -be able wLt3i the
strong support given him before
to make a winning race for tli3
renomination under any circum
tt3zrxzzMJcrijrrBxrzjrrxjr A
Two gatherings cf importance
are elated for McCook during this
month to which Ave would direct
attention 3 being of more than
pussing interest The first is the
d on annual convention March 2C
inel 21 Lrigue cf Nebraska Mu
nieipajtV AVe A Nebraska di
viiou ef which a complete pro
gram wM be- fennel elsewhere in
thrpi Tlis will the first
gathering f thi s character eAer
hld in tli -Ay r indeed n
tliis potion cf fjiatp Arfdei f r r i
this fact however -us the pre
grim hews there will be aeldrc
ei j papers unel of real
fire problem Paving and sewer
laying will be set forth by a prac
tical engineer Expenditure of
public money will receive atten
tion and dicsusBion The work
of the league will be set forth
by the state secretary McCook
gentlemen will fill three import
ant numbers on the program
Mayor McAdams will welcome
delegates ex Mayor Barnett will
Republican Candidate for con
gress 5th Congressional District
primaries April 19bh
Have been farmer school teach
er deputy countv treasurer
j v
Grand Recorder
caiuejiis is called for nest Monday
eveSing Both are called to meet
in flip rfrmtif vnnm tail omirf
I Body Blow to Speculation I
Omaha grain and railroad men
are all at sea as to what effect
the reieent decision of the United
States supreme court relative to
grain elevation charges will have
upon this and other markets
However they all agree that it
is a body blow to speculating in
futures and will lv ult in grain
selling for what it is worth
The supreme court holds thati
a flier April lo elevation charg
es cannot be paiel by the railroad
if the grain remains in storage
longer than ten days
For a long time lailrcnds haul
ing grain have allowed eleva
tion cf three fourths of a cent
per 100 pounds or a rcund 3 per
car at terminal markets This
went toward paying tlie ccst of
handling the grain This charge
or rebaije was paid at any time
within a vear providing the
as it was termed
Grain dealers throughout the
country districts in all of the
western states filed complaints
anel the icae went to the United
States supreme court that tri
bunal handing elown a decision
that does not touch the equity of
the charge of thrce fcurtlis of a
cent per 100 pounds but holds
that ten days is a long -enough
time for the grain to be held in
elevators cleaned blended and
then sent on to the consuming
mills or to foreign countries
The grain men have asked for
a rehearing but there are many
of till em wiho do not believe their
appeal has any merit They ad
mit that there is no logical rea
son why grain bought ttoday
shoulel be held for ten months or
a year anel yet receive the eleva
tion allowance especially when
grain amoved cut of the elevator country dealers are not granted
within itihat time Still tit appli the isame privileges
ed to only the leading grain mark
e tz wall as Omaha Chisago Kan
ii3 City Minneapolis and St Lou
is Permitting the grain to re
main in ctonage for a whole yar
if desired permitted speculation
at any period during tint nne
The speculator rcga reliefs of the
actual market conditions could
buy or -ell future for the grain
wjs in storage at any time and
could be shipped out on a days
notice1 th owner thjn lveoiving
his rebate or elevation charge
Dealers say that reducing tlh
time when grain nny rum in in
elevators at the great market
will have a tendency to cut off
most of speculation and the cre
ating of and maintaining of coi
ners and they afao say that if
the rehearing is denied it will
result in grain being elealt in on
its merits
The contention is- that the de
cision affects all markets alike
anel that no one will have any
advantage c er another Bee
I Two Approaching Gatherings
digjusB the CcmneicCil Club ane
City Officials and Councilman
Stansberry will speak on Need
ed Laws Second Class dlties and
The second gathering comes
near cleiiing days cf the month
anel a full program of si me will
appeal in these columns s oon
We refer to the convention of
the S AY Nebraska Teachers As
sociiation This convention will
cVri - bring within our city
rat more strangers than 1ms an
crriventon ever licld in this city
This matter will be urged more
nt erest on tonics cf genuine con in detail later and is only
cern touching upon problems of j eel to here ainel now in passing on
wtliicih McCcok haw a part suelC aceount cf its being of large mo
as municipal oAraerslni of water ment and in the hope of engag
plants electric light plants etc ing the interest and attention it
Public health anel quarantine law merits
will be discussed by a member of The Tribune hopes and expects
the state board of health anel the to- see Mc Ccpk vise fully to the
state fire warden will present tHie
dignity of the occasions
Miss Lolla Burton and Arthur
V Perry both of Cambridge
were united in marriage at one
oclock yesterday Tuesday af
ternoon by Rev W A Tyler at
the Congregational church Mr
Perry is a well knovn lumbermar
with headquarters at Cambridge
Hastings Daily Tribune
Republican City Caucus
The Republican electors of itihe
city -of McCook are hereby Milled
to meet in caucus at the county
court house on Monday March
11th 1912 at SrSO p m for the
purpose of placing in nomination
candidates for Mayor Council
men City Treasurer City Clerk
City Engineer Members ef the
Board of Education anel to tran
sact such other buusiness as may
properly come before the meet
ing Signed
C B Gray
II N Rosebusli
Lon Cone
E F Osborn
City Committee
Peoples Water Ticket Caucus
The electors of the Oity -of Mc
Cook affiliated with the Peoples
Waiter Ticket are hereby called
to meet -in caucus at the ccxuntiy
count house on- Saturday March
9th 1912 at 830 p m for the
purpose 01 placing in
and State Auditor These public ti nn nanclHAt for
positions should certainly quali 1 oilmen City Treasurer Citv
fy me to know your needs I
Avould like your support and if
elected it will be the great am
bition ef my life to serve you
faithfully honestly and well--adv
First inthe Field
Tlie call a caucus Satur
day evening next by the com
mittee Aril place tlie JOity Wjaiter
Ticket Arst in the field wisbh its
nemines and Avail doubtless op
en orphan interesting municipal
caimpjfiign The Republican city
Clerk City Engineer Police
Judge Members of the Board of
Education and to transact such
other busmss as may properly
come before the meeting Signed
G E Thompson
TV A Middletou
n C Brown
duty Committee
Demt forget to see our Avail
paper a large niumber iof spring
styles now in and more on the
Remember The Tribunes phone
is 19 We will appreciate an item
any time
saaccsra rginsemaMmBaramrapnMaTPg wowgajjm
TAKING good care
of youthats our
business in clothes
not merely trying to sell you
something and get your money
but to see that you get luhat you
want what fits and looks well
the right clothes for you
Hart Schaffner
make them we sell them
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner Marx clothes
District Democrats Meet
A meeting of Democrats from
over this senatorial district was
held in the office of Sheriff Fiteh
Tuesday to consider tlie matter
cif placing in the primary fiellel a
candidate for state senator in
this district Wliile Tlie Trib
une was not invited into the sesi
sion it understands that the
choice of those present or at
least of a large number of them
was Representative Taylor of
Culbertson who we are further
advised is taking the matter un
der eonsicieiation altho averse
to making this race when he
considers bis chances better for
landing the position of represen
tative in the tlistrid to the west
of us which he now represents
in Hie loAver house
Another subject of Red Willow
county interest in particular was
tlie matter of a candidate for rep
resentative which was discussed
The brethren seem to be sonne
wihait at sea as to a candidate to
be filed
Other matters were considered
but this was the absorbing sub
The state university and our
several Normal schools are fully
equipped and maintained from
tilie state treasury but all other
schools of liigher learning in
Nebraska as elseAvhere must
need be supported by direct gifts
from the people To provide
against uncertainty of amount
and time of payment of voluntar
contributions it is conceded by
all Avho haAe given the matter
consideration that interest bear
ing endowment is necessary to
the proper suppor tof all denomi
national colleges Therefore all
friends of Christian education
Avhether Methodists -or not should
be deeply interested in the pres
ent endoAvment campaign of tlie
Nebraska Wesleyan University
The trustees of this Avonthy insti
tution are lajppealing ftio
toans to anerease tlie present en
dowment fund of 100000 to
500000 From so great a state
tliis as net an unreasonable sum
ito ask land f or so great a school
as ohe Wesleyan has grown to be
a ihalf million dollar endowment
is not a dollar too large
Call at D Magnerls store and
get a can- of Armours Prepared
Sam Walker of Culbertson Avas
in the city Monda on business
G W Burt of Indianola spent
Tuesday in the city looking into
affairs political
Mrs J W Green and re
turned to their home in Wauneta
Monday morning
Nick Uerling of Indianoila was
a member of the Democratic eoun
cil in the bity Tuesday
George Coppel of Perry pre
cinct has moved up into the Os
bern Frontier county neighbor
Mr and Mrs Ray Lyon came
in from Victor Colorado Monday
evening and are guests of her
parents Mr and Mrs George El
Mr Carl W Bates of De
Groffs clothing department is
1 expected home Sunday from his
vacation and business trip of a
Aveek or ten days in the east
Mr and Mrs James Hatfield
have been spending some time in
St Augustine Florida together
Avith Engineer and Mrs Fred
Wlestland They are all expect
ed bonne in the not distant fu
Mrs H A Beale returned on
Wednesday morning from Excel
sior Springs Mo Avhere she ac
companied Mrs Flynn as a guest
during the recent A isifc of Supt
Flynn and mother to that health
Bliss Elva Barber of York Ne
braska arrived in thet city this
morning and is a guest of tlie
Misses Waiite Miss Barber has
been in California during the
Avinter and is en route east to her
home Miss Barber Avill be re
membered Aith pleasure as a -Or
icfail anusic teacher in our city a
few seasons since
You Judge a man not by what the
promises to tIo but by what lie has
done- That is the only true test
Chamberlains Cough Remedy judged
by this standard has no superior Peo
pie everywhere speak of it ia the
ihighest terms of praise For sale
by all dealers
Many sufferers from rheumatism
ihave ibeen surprised and delighted
Avith the prompt -relief afforded by
applying Chamberlains Liniment Not
one case of rheumatism in ten re
quires any internal treatment what
ever This liniment is for sale by
aS dealers