V p GE T THE HABIT Young man it will pay you to got tho habit We mean the saving habit The banking habit will help you If you are starting out in life with only your two hands to hel you the dollar on deposit will b the host friend you will have on the side Start an account at the bank Dont check unless the need is urgent Add to ir rather than draw it out You will acquire a standing among the men who do things You will in time have a fund to do tomething with yourself Get the habit Start now The opening of a bank account may be the turning point in your career Come and start with us no matter how small Ask the successful man if this advice is good He knows See if he deesnt tell you the same thing TEE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Tfee McSoofe THtate ESTABLISHED 18S2 F lYt KIMMELL Editor and Publisher Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County SUBSCRIPTION 150 A YEAR Entered at postoffiee McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays TTTrTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTVTTTTTTV7TY7HYTTY7YT I Are For the Colonel l The rteultfe of polls frikvn in various parts of the country in dicate the marvelous popularity al Colonel Roosevelt ivitb tile people he in many instances re ceiving more votes than al th ret of til candidates ccmbinid on all the tickets The poll of Wisconsin Minne aatn Iwa North Dakota Scuitih Dakota and Montana taken by tlia St Paul Da patoh shows S223 for Tocsevelt 4856 for La FioHciite Eugne Debs ri cshLYji 1243 Brvan 1215 and Taft 791 Lon Cone E F Osborn City Committee After all that third term ex cuse is only a tradition Tis said that Washington favored it not but Jefferson did But at best it is more an excuse a prejudice than a -reason or an argument This is a day of world wide or ganization which spells protec tion or oppression according to tibe manner and measure of the administration and intrepretation of the purposes and aims of the organization No real friend of Colonel Uoosevelt need feel called upon to attack President Taft One or the other will he the Republican nominee and will need the party votes to elect Mm Out person alities Stick to politics and per formance Trespassing on railroad prop erty lias become a highiljy expen sive matter to lite and proper ty and is rightly receiving at tention at the hands of President Iarius Miller of the Burlington Tviho is seeking the aid of gov ernors -of the states ithnu which the Burlington operates iYear ending June 30th 1911 9957 per sons were killed on American rail roaKfe and 5284 were trespass as Of 70922 injured 5614 were trespassers - JFroin -1902 to 1911 51083 trespassersi met eath on American railways volt Hi- poll of the state ci Indi ana taken by the Indianapolis Star resulted as folloivs 1SS13 Taft 0702 Albeit J Beveridue 4426 J Frank Han ley 11 SS La Follette 333 and a Kainibu of scattering votes Colonel lloospvelt is given 84 903 in the poll taken by the City Star Champ Clark is next with 16707 Brvan 16596 La Folk tte 9641 Taft 9526 Wf cn SS61 and several scat ter ir votes mi Tcpc ka Kansas ccmur The pell of Philadelphia taker diste Iur grving the roriLt of by the diairman of the Keystone - pell taken by the Tbpeki partv sli cnvs 3916 for Roosevelt Capital whifch giws Racraevelt a ndlv33 iov Taft In cn ra 5119 La Follette 2704 Taft ccuntrfG in Pennsrvlvana wlrr 1 2570 and lem than one hundrrd polls have ben taken tJie saattering votes Champ Clark ment is shcvn to be overwhelm leads in the Drmoora tie rac e with inslv in favor of Colonel 153S Political Announcements I hereby announce my candid acy for Gounty Commissioner 2d district subject to decision of Republican j ri ma ry adv F A nODGKLY Republican City Caucus The Republican electors of itihe city of McCook are hereiby called to meet in caucus at the county court house on Monday March 11th 1912 at 830 p an for the purpose of placing in noaninatcon candidates for Mayor Oouneil men City Treasurer City Clerk City Engineer Members of the Board of Education and to tran sact such o1iher buusiness as may properly come before the moot ing Signed C B Gray II N Rosebush Iluh W Cole formerly a prac t rg attcrncy cf this city ira a candrdate for representative in the- jrenerai asambliy of the gtate of Illinois from the district in wltfch he lives on the Republican ticket Mr Cole is well known to all thtt people of McCook He ciani to this city in 1884 and practic ed his profession here for about 15 years it always took an active in terest in public affairs and was th first city attorney when Mc Cook became a city Tie was al ways enthusiastic for everything that went to make McCook a bet ter and larger city He had extensive farming in terests in this vicinity and was always intersted in better roads and better methods of cultivat ing tne soil He was alwavs the friend of the railroad boys and the common people and the railroad brotherhoods and organized labor in that state will have a friend if he is elected to the Illinois legislature His many friends in McCook wish him success Send 2 to the Lincoln Daily News and they will give you then Bargain Rate Daily Newsi Inde pendent Farmer a weekly and Poultry Topics a monthly all three papers romnow until April 1 1913 for the 2 You can have the papers mailed to separate addresses if you want Tliis will give you a live fearless daily pa per through the primaries the presidential election and next winters legislature You want a Lincoln daily and here is the biggest bargain ever offered This offer is not good after March 28 A five passenger tour ing automobile will be given to the person sending m tire largest list of subscribers at this cut price before March 28 Every tfel low is limited to his own county With a couple weeks work you can earn a whole years saiLary Get your friends to help you Send in- your own subscription to day and let us tell you all about it The1 seed corn specials cam paign os regarded as haying been a smcciess Over 300p0 persons attended rhe meetings held It is exroected that ike two al trains 4o he run neiteeikwill anereasei -the number to 50000 I3 ETYTyTTVTTV7YYTTTyvrTYTTVYrTVV7TrTYVTTTVYTTTYVYT7TTVa Occupation Taxes Paid In 1911 1 HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAiAAAAAAAAAiiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Siekler Burbridge 2 00 S D McClain M year D Prospe y year II J AVrasrleiy year C K Woochvorth Wan Sullivan Wan Sullivan CJias W Dewey Clias W Dewey J T Reiinsmith Edwards Bros y2 year 5 00 John Moms 5 00 L E SmoUi 10 00 I Tucker 5 00 L J Henderson 10 00 E II Tlrcmss 200 00 C F Dann 5 00 L O Adkins 5 00 Squire Deal Burner Co Xel Telephone Co Tiim Hannan Lnute pjianis S 75 McCook Mach I AVks 22 00 1 25 2 50 12 00 55 00 6 00 55 00 3 75 E S Owens- a 00 Joseph Kxeamer Bennett Franzmaai McCook Cement Stone Co C A DeLoy W F Whipple II E Durham Me Cock Hardware Co 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 1 00 25 00 Joseph Gcieni 5 00 Me P Barnetf 5 00 Citizens National Bank 50 00 Updike Grain Co 20 00 Osborn Rummer Co 15 00 Debate Rally The pupils of the Central build ing indulged in a debate rally Friday afternoon in wliiieh sev eral of ths children participated with enithnaiasm Folloiwdng is the program of the aftrenoon SelacitrJon II S Orchestra Piano duet Florence Rosebush Genevieve McAdams Reading How the Gospel Game to Jam Oaks Angie Field Vocal solo Velma Button Reading Mrs Wiggs The atre Party Olive Clark Selection Orchestra Rally songs and yells Pupils Speeches Debate Judges Decision on Wednesday The viaduct eases icame up for hearing in county court Friday morning last Judge Golfer has taken the matter under consider ation and will render a decision on Wednesday of this week Wants for rent for sale etc j 5c a line in The Tribune Commeircial Hotel 12 50 J D Hare 5 00 C R Livingston 22 00 Mrs J II Burns 5 00 J F Helm 5 00 McCook B S Assn 30 00 MeConnell PenneU 10 00 6 00 j McCook Gas Co 10 00 200 00 First Xa ticmal Bank 50 00 J II Mitchell 200 00 C II Boyle 5 00 Dan P Clause 200 OOjPJielps Commission Co 5 00 L W McCcmnell 12 00jB F Morehouse 5 00 C L MeKillip 200 00 j J E Kelley 7 50 Woolartl McManigal 200 OOjJ II Stephens 12 50 Joseph Lowlev 45 001 Carl Marsh 5 00 Joseph Lcwlev i 00 Fred Brims 5 00 A McMilkir 12 00 5 00 20 00 Samuel Iloa nback 10 00 C M Matson 10 00 E B Odell 7 50 Farmers Produce Co 2 50 Goo Thencpulos Vi yoar 3 75 Pahvec Lankas L yceu C C Brown C L Lehn 5 00 W E McDivitt 5 00 J E Xtflms - 5 00 C D Ritchie 5 00 5 00 Whittaker Gray 5 00 2 50 00 1 00 Mike Walsh 5 00 W Silvian Co 5 00 Mrs J P Xies 5 00 lenninss Ilimhes Co 10 00 O Grisinore 2 50 Joinings Hughes Co 1 00 C E Eldred 5 00 Middleton Rubv 1 00 J S McBrayer 5 00 R M O born 10 00E iM Easterday 5 00 F L Wolff 5 00 J E Mohmd 5 00 C B Q Railroad EI as Joseph JoRrph Lowlev IT P Sutton II P Sutton Co R W McBiaver R W McBrayer Knowland McCook Electric Co McCook Electric Co C L Fahnestock 50 00 i W II Fallick 7 CO 10 00 Geo Leland 7 00 10 OOiSeth S Silver 5 00 5 00 12 50 10 00 1 00 20 00 25 00 1 00 Fox en Tavlor 5 00 Fliteraft Clark 15 00 S Cordeal 10 00 D G Divine 22 00 C W Graves 5 00 5 00 1 Frank Burh ridge 4 00 i A R IR Reed 5 00 i Vnersen Jc 0born WW W E Hart 11 00 Hamilton Bros 15 00 M L Rkhe1 10 00 M A Ellington J 2 50 J A Golfer 5 00 D Diamond 5 00 F M Ivinnnell 12 50 1 Sam Diamond 10 00 L A Paris 7 50 McCook Steam Laundry 7 50 I E Liuhvrck 12 50 C M Duncan 5 00 A X IJncburg 2 50 C G Bcraworth II C Clapp 7 50 B A Griggs D Manner 7 50 Allies J Peck year II J Pratt 5 00 E M Day Rogers Mcdrell 10 00 Peter Micron Riieder Mitchell 7 50 W S Mai Ian J F Cordeal 5 A xprcss Co J R McCarl 5 00 Rl Easterday JaaiKS MwAdams 20 CO Wr m Union Tel Co L C Stoll 10 00 Standard UU Co J C Slcae 12 50 Rozell Sons 12 50 Barnett Lumber Co 25 00 II P Co 25 00 Jones Co 7 00 Bullard Lumber Co 25 00 Stansborry Lumber Co 30 00 C L DeKJroff Co 25 00 Thompson Dry Goods Co 15 00 Paul Anton 10 00 Perkins Co 12 50 W W McMillen 7 50 A J Markwad 2 50 McCook Milling Co 10 00 Coilson Co 5 00 Gahisha Son 12 50 Frank Cadn 10 00 Ed Iluber 25 00 Stewart Stirunk 10 00 Wihiiite Lime Transfer Co 15 00 Pads Furniture Co 12 50 R S Husband Bros 5 00 J A Wilcox Son 10 00 I M Smith M year 7 50 5 00 2 50 5 00 j 2 50 5 00 I 25 00 20 00 25 00 10 00 Harry Lepselnitz 5 00 Mrs A Drew 5 00 C L Price 2 50 W B Fearn 5 00 Darnell Mercantile Co 5 00 A G Bump 5 00 D F Shaw 5 00 Neb Gen B S Assn 10 00 Barney Ilofeir 7 00 Occidental B and L Assn 10 00 R II Gateiwocd 5 00 Home Insurance Co 4 00 Springfield F M In Go -1 00 Insurance Co of America 4 00 Rhenix Insurance Co 4 00 Aetna Insurance Co 4 00 Phoenix Insurance- Co 4 00 Niagara iFire Insurance Co 4 00 Continental Insurance Co 4 00 New Ilaimpshrre Ins Co 4 00 J M Vincient 5 00 J A Ilarman 2 00 Delaware Fire Ins Co 4 00 Fire- Ins Co 4 00 Colirmereiial Fire Ins Co 4 00 Scott Co 5 00 Pennsyl Fire Ins Co Polk Bros 12 50 St Paul F M Ins Co E O Vahuo 5 00 Rochester German Ins Co Security Insurance Co Phillip Dorbin y year 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 50 February 26th 1912 I hereby certify that the fore going list is a true and complete list of all the persons who paid OceirpaitiLon Tax to the city of Mc iOoiok for the year 1911 as shown by the books of the city treasurer CHAS SKALLA Another Heavy Snow The second deep snow of thiol wanter fell over tlias section of Nebraska Friday Saturday and Sunday in all perhaps S to 10 inches There wasi considerable wind in the beginning of the storm hence some drifting but fortunately not enough to ser iously interfere with railroad traf fie on the main line The Kan sas brandies did not tare so well and snowplows had to be sent Saturday morning to assist in opening up and keeping open the road Marriage Licenses Samuel Gregg 24 and Hazel Painter 18 both of Palisade Married by tlie county jiidge on Eobruary29th Hayes J McDole of Orleans 21 and Lottie Taylor 18 of Oxford Married iby the county judge March 2 G A Mier has filed for county- assessor on the Republican- ticket 000vC0vCvtvC000tCJttt2iC j - TTI B BIT THE I 1 Beatrice Creamerj Co I has opened a cream station at 212 W i st street and will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE every f day in the week 1 CHAS DAVIS Manager I I I O X O X J 5 v I MRS F H TRIMBLE Dress Maker and Ladies Tailor Phone black 90 503 E 3rd Drew Furniture and Carpet Co Furniture and Carpets China and Glassware West B St Phone black 271 Most for your money Osborn DRAY Burton LINE- All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited James I Lee 10 00 0ffice Hrst Door South oiDeGroffs M wMlotmi - inW in nn Phone No 13 Heating Plumbing li leton Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr DISINTERESTED TESTIMONY has sold more Meybest Flour for the Superior Milling Co than any other selling force A satisfied user never hesitates to recommend it she will pass the merits of Meybest to her neighbors and friends and fur nish any one unbiased opinion Get in touch with disinterested information on Meybest Flour uperior Milling Company CARL MARSH Local Dealer - OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE 9 lfCl JL4 Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable Communica tions BtrlctlyconHdontla HANDBOOK on Patents sent free Oldest agency for BecurtDp patents Patents taken through Mann k Co receive special notice without charge in the scientific JiiMican A handsomely lllnslrated weekly lJtrgC3t cir culation of any scicntlQo Journal Terms 3 a year fourtnonthsfi Sold by all newsdealers fVIUNN Co3BIBdwa New York Branch Office 625 P EU Washlncton D C Tribune advertisers get results A specialty of typewriter supplies at The Tribune Shop Papers of all weights sizes and qualities Ribbons for every machine carbon papers manuscript covers etc All kept In stock 5100 Reward S1CC The reiiGers of lliis paper will be pieced tc learn that there is at last one dreaded disease tlit sciunce has been able to euro in all its stages and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of elstimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by all druggist 75c Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation You can say gcodbye to constipa tion with a clear conscience cf you use Chamberlains Tablets Many have been permanntly cured by their use For safe by till dealers Try Tribune want ads LUMBER COAL THATS ALL but we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and com plete stocks in a 1 I grades iABNETT Lumber Co Phone 5 COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday i Fire and Wind I I Insurance I Written in First Class Companies C J RYAN White Line Transfer Company Elmer Hawkins Prop Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456 Mike Walsh DEALER Iff POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location itutacK street in P Whleh buldiog CVOOK x j s j BULLARD LUMBER Co II SELLS THE BEST iiier an liCiiil PHONE NO 1 X