The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 04, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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S if i
iji j j j j j 2 i 2 2 J r i
I Seed For Sale
t Red Spring Wheat
Barley and Corn
S S Garvey Manager Phone 169
A Lively Subject Debated in Fact
by Live Boys
These who heard the debate
between the McCook and Trenton
high sehool boys Friday night
in -the McCook Mgili school audi
torium Avere well repaid for theii
presence and attention for it was
a lively affair from start to fin
ish While McCook won the de
cision Trenton may well feel
proud of her boys and their ef
fort Tbey gave a gccd aiceount
otf themselves1 Put up a game
fight and acceptexl defeat like
young gentlemen
The subject was in brief The
Open vs the Closed Shop Mc
Cook upheld the affirmative side
thru its debaters Maurice Ben
jamin Cecal McMillen and Har
old Schwab The boys had their
subject well in band and deliv
ered a brisk and well expressed
argument both direct and in re
The Trenton beys exhibited
less facility and power of expres
sion but had strong arguments
on their side of the question and
made a good impression on their
bearers Their debaters were
Marion Thornhill Joe Boyd Mc
KJinley Elansburg
Gldeicn Anderson was the- al
ternate for Trenton and Carroll
Eldred for McCook
The judges were Prof Geo
X Porter bead of the Englisli de
partment of Kearney state nor
mal school Prof J C Miitebell
principal of tlte Hastings high
school and Prof Dunlep princi
pal of the Iloldrege high school
Their decision was unanimous in
favor of McCook and the affirm
ative scde of the debate
Tlie high school orchestra op
ened the program of the evening
with several selections which
were well received
We congratulate the McCook
team and school upon this open
ing success and hope the win
ning gait may be maintained
Rev Anderson Methodist pas
tor at Trenton was chairman of
the evening introducing the
speakers with ease and cleverly
conducting the duties of the
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phone
black 271 4 tf
WANTED Pupils on the piam
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50c per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
Blue Front livery barn See M
O MeClure at Bullard Lumber
Co office
FOR SALE 9 room residence
modern 2 lots desirable loca
tion S09 2d E Phone black 267
FOR SALE 160 acres land
5 miles south miles east of
McCook Terms 1600 cash
Mary E Battershall owner
Okarche Okla 4tw
FOR SALE S W sec 35-7-31
Hayes Co Neb 20 per
acre one tMrd cash
for sale w y of w y2
Sec 13-1-31 Hitchcock Co Neb
8- per acre one third cash bal
ance 6 W J FRYER
24 Cooper Bldg Denver Col
I will pasture cows for 1 per
head and will call for and de
liver same for 50c No extra
charge for delivering additional
cows -to same party For infor
mation call up McCook Milling
Co Rhone 29
TkOirH 1Tl
pmti ik
Death of William Clyde
Perhaps no death that has oc
curred in our city came so much
as a surprise or caused more sad
ness than that ot WulLue Clyde
his demise occurring today short
ly after 11 oclock
The news of his death came
as a great shock to the peopla of
the citv It was only last week
that the young man was seen on
the streets1 and was able to be at
hcis work at tihe tin plate office
He was taken sick few days ago
with poisoning and it
was seieu 1mm the iirst mat ins
condition was serious
The young man is the son of
Mr and Mrs Sheridan Clyde
He was born in Nebraska and
at the time of his death was 19
years of age For a number of
years he had been employed as
office boy and recently he bad
been promoted to the position of
time keeper and had excellent
prospects of Avorking hiansalf up
in the office of the American
Sheet and Tin Plate company
William Clyde was one of the
best known vounjr man in the
citv He was admired and liked
by all for his good clean moral
character and pleasing manner
He was a devout member of the
St Joseph Catholic church and
In went to the parochial school
all hrs life until he went to
work at the tin plate He was
held in the highest -esteem by
his paster Rev B Bieigel and
by all who knew him
He was popular with all his
acquaintances and was recently
elected to the office of raecreitary
of the Ancient Order of Hiber
nians and this society will at
tend his funeral in a body
Services will be conducted ov
er the body at the St Joseph
ehureh -Saturday morning at nine
oclock with RevBiiegel in charge
and burial will be in the Caitiho
lle cemetery El wood Tnd Re
cord Feb 22
Fred Bruns Sells
W R Sickler formerly of
Burbridge Sickler but late of
Alliance has purchased the Fred
Bruns barber shop taking pos
session this morning Mr Bruns
we understand will in time move
to his irrigated farm in the San
Luis valley Colorado
Denver Property
6 room modern home 2 story
pressed brick fine location east
side for sale or will trade for
McCook property IS tf
524 Main Ave McCook
For refined rooan detonations
it is impossible to excel the cut
out borders and the fact that
all of our borders are cut out by
machinery which actually follows
the tracing of the designs adds
greatly to their value and gives
them the true hand painted ef
L W McCONNELL Druggist
For MackreL wbite Fish Salt
Salmon and Codfish come to
Magners Phone 14
Wedding Breakfast White Rock
and pure maple syrup at Mag
ners Phone 14
Get our rates on farm loans
For remedies guaranteed to
cure go to the Rexall Store
A McMillen prescription drug
McConnell fills prescriptions
FORI RENT Cash or share
crop S E Va 34-2-30 Driftwood
precinct See t W Colson at
once 4 tfw
FOR RENT Six room ccsttaige
good location nice lawn 4 tfw
L W McConnell Druggist
FOR RENT Steam heated
rooms 4 tfw Inquire of D W
McGonnelL Druggist
FOR SALT 4 room residence
ccirner lot and half fruit trees
and lawn Phone black 37
or call 601 E 6th st -
Monday Evening Edition
Large Attendance and Enthusiasm Mark the Irrigation
District Meeting Thursday
Which is Clearly and Fully Set Fourth By Speakers From Abroad and At
HomeDecide Upon NameSelect Temporary District Com
missioners and Many Sign the Petition
If there is anything in a -most
favorable get-a-way the Mc
Cook Irrigation District proposi
tion made a splendid beginning
last Thursday afternoon wihen
the first public meeting was held
in tihe court house to consider
this great project
Between 200 and 300 farmers
business men and citizens gener
ally were present at the opening
of the meeting indicating a fine
interest and concern in the mat
ter to be discussed
President Cordeal cf the Mc
Cook Commercial club called the
meeting together and stated its
purpose after which several
speakers were introduced
The principal speaker of the
afternoon was Mr C F Tew a
lawyer and irrigation district or
ganizer and promoter of Greeley
Colorado Mr Tew devoted his
time to an explanaiiiion and des
cription of the irrigation dist
rict plan proposed in the- case in
point He described the acts to
be done in organizing such dis
trict called attention to the
meiiite of the district plan how
the farmers under the ditch there
by controlled the property He
spoke of the steps necessary -Kb
this state such as the tarst sign
ing of a petition praying the
county commissioners to call an
election to determine Avhcither
or net the farmers wanted a dis
trict formed Then the calling of
the election by the county commissioners-
Later voting upon
the question1 cf issuing bonds
and the election of a board of
three district commissioners to
have charge of tihe property etc
These and other points were care
fully indicated by Mr Tew just
the how of the steps and their im
portance and meaning The gen
tleman was fair and reasonable
in his address and made a very
favorable impression upon Jim
hearers His address was not of
the characteristic promoting sort
in that it offered glowing pictur
es of prosperity without paying
the price He insisted that here
za a good thing in sight but like
all good things of real value and
mirit would ccsit a good figure
Mr Tew suggested that aenn
munities like people have
tunitirs and quoted the famous
itv when it is present exl as cp
portunity has an unfortunate
weakness for not knocking twice
at thceame door
Following Mr Tew was a talk
by Mr J E Kelley of cair city
He had dreamed dreams as the
speaker progressed and favored
seizing the opportunity now he
wnuld the petition being a
n downer within the district
Mr P Wiailsh president of lib
McCook National Bank favored
the project if the matter of writ
er supply and cither faaturen
were safe guarded
F M Kcmmell also spoke brief
ly in favor of tins splendid pro
ject only requiring tih exercise
of such business like assurance
and guarantees as so- large and
important undertaking demanded
Mr A C Giese the Great
Western Beet Sugar Co man
from Fort Morgan Coldrado ung
od the splendid importance of the
proposition rupon the meeting He
is a practical irrigatiionist and
had none but words of praise of
the matter nnder consideration
Mr Giieseis developing an ir
rigation plant of his own on the
Buck farm on Red WilAoav now
a gravity and pumping plant-
Mr John Sandburg described
the history of the progect cov
ering the preliminaries of the
past tlirea years He spake of
the surveys and water filings of
tlie ups and downs of the pro
ject wliieh Qias been largely pro
moted by him up to this time
After these talks tihe matter
of action was urged and seemed
to meet with instant approval
Mr Tew then read the petition
and signers were called foi In
a brief while most of the land
owners present had signed the
petition asking for the calling
of the election to vote upon the
proposition to organize an irri
gation district
iC II Harman and a few oitjli
ers present asked questions as to
tihe cost and time of construc
tion character of work cite
These questions were answered
so far as they could be at this
time by Mr Tew
The company backing the pro
position at this time offers to
carry the project through to suc
cess and to deliver the complet
ed reservoir ditch laterals bridg
era etc over to the district in
exoliange for bonds to amount of
3500 per acre on the lands with
in the district which can be wat
ered from the ditch
He also stated that if every
thing progressed regularly and
proposition could
be eampkited m time for use ot
water Iby next year
That the company will guaran
tee first class work in the reser
voir construction the ditch the
bridges laterals etc The pro
posed reservoir is to b Located
in tihe valley of itne FrenehimT
river at a point about nix milco
southeast cf Imperial in Chap2
county It lis to cover 1800 acre
of land will be 60 fect deep at
thn dam wibileh is to be 350 fot
wiidc at base and 20 feet at top
faced- with concrete and founda
tsonrd on solid rock with ade
quate spillway etc Reservoir
will hie fciuilt to hold 40000 acre
feet of water over and above
stealage and evaporation
The dntch will he GO miles in
length 45 feet wide Hit tcp and
16 feet wnde at bottom carrying
7 ot of water
The minting voted t -ill the
pnopcsd tVstriet The MciCcnk Tr
riuitpcn Diistriet
Macon C gihurtleff Enwfrd T
Perkins and William J
man wer3 selected to be tihe
Ingalls gem illustrating tihe nee- visional irrigation board of the
essity of grasping the proposed district as providrd bv
the laws olf Nebraska They will
prcsnt the petition to the
board of county eommfarnonsrs
and have the matter of publish
ing the notice of electron in
The people backing th prcposi
tiiin are Jicihn Sandburg John
Ober L DeiRcanor and Mrs
Anna DeT mcr all of Denver
frc m numerous1 srar c
ir the- i1
put through a number re Jn riyv
irriga iVn pojectr are- ffv orabl
as to the financial standing r
th jpoople in the compear and
sra to thrfr ability no engineers
and constructors of such works
The Nebraska state engineer
had prcmioed to be present but
was unable to fill Ms engage
ment on account of other press
ing He however cent
a imiepTige in which- hn otaiVd
that the- river could pnodwe th
water dqsi red beyond doubt and
tfi9tt all the plans and matter
had to be sanctioned by fern ae
to all important details
The requirements as to lagal pc
titioners are Musjt bs owner1 of
10 acres or holdo yeiar learae on
at least 40 acres under proposed
ditch Over 50 per cent of these
in the district -must sign in order
to secure calling of election to
form district
It is a favorable omen that
practically all the farmers under
Tthe proposed ditch as well ns
practically all of the business
meii of McCook are favorable to
the proposition at least so far as
they have been heard from or
have expressed themselves
It is the general opinion that
this is an opportunity that must
not be lightly passed That wliile
the cost Avidl be great the re
turns to the farmers and busi
ness men will be corresponding
ly great and sure
Those Who Have Signed
The following land owners have
already signed the petition and
others will sign as soon as the
petition can be presented fcr
their signatures
II C Giese George Coppel
H C Brown W J Fleisohman
P T Mooire Marion Plummer
CH Boyle C II Harman
X E Kelley E F Fliteraft
E D Pea loins Alfred Carter
G S Myers Enos Rishel
Wim Haanmelil Mcse Camioney
John Thomas P AValsh
David Deveny C F Lehn
D N Cobb Huber
A C Hippie W M Lewis
H G Hippie John O Miller
J A Modrell Ethel M Suess
Otto Pate J T Jones
Henry- Cashen Frank Cain
J M Brady Scott Bennett
C W Nelson W W McMillen
W W Rozell J M Somen ille
Peter VV B MeCladn
J C Ball Geo Traphagan
J F Helm M C Shuntleff
iSeth S Silver attorno and ab
stracter for the Red Willow Ab
stract Co has been employed to
draw a map of the propcsexl dis
trict on which is to be shown the
names postoffice addresses legal
deseraptions number of acres etc
of all the land owners which will
bo finished an- a few days
Entertains D A R
The Thirty seventh Star ohap j
t Eja13h1ters cf the
Revolution wse entcrtsrned at the
home of Mrs W R Starr by
Mrs Sarah E Christian on Fri
day afternoon The decorations
were red carnations sweet peas
and colors cf the flag The menu
consisted of maiearoni and ohiick
em oyster salad potato ebjps
cheese sandwiches brick ice
cream in national colors nuut an
gel food and cream cake aad oof
Poultry People Notice
We will deliver free of charge
from one to three sacks of straw
pg you wish along with your or
der for feed Please do not or
der straw until you order feod
so that we can take bcilh in one
deliverv 4 2w
Good Returns
can be had by using poultry
food and egg producer We
canny a full line of all the stand
ard foods
A MeMILLEN Druggist
Buy your wall paper now cf
McConnell and avoid the delay
of having to wait for a paper
hanger later Many of the new
est and meet novel patterns in
gilt whiVe blanks independent
and two thirds patterns with or
without the out out borders
W B Sickler bock pesirccron
Monday morning cf the barber
cilncp on lower Main -formerly op
erated by Fred Brans and ex
tends a welcome to lies friends
and former patrons 112 Main avc
The McCook Cooperative Hcs
pital assocratiion will complete its
formal organization this -evening
in the commercial club rooms
electing board of dinsotcrs etc
Diamonds Shoe Store is now
located at 114 East B st one
door east of DeGroffs Better
location Lower rent Better
shoes Lower prices
Everything in drugs McCon
Remember The Tribunes phone
is 19 We will appreciate an item
any time
Harry J Cox is here from
New York city on a visit to the
J F Cordeal was in Beaver
City Friday and Saturday- mi
business in diistriet court
V E Bowers of Denver is
visiting Qiis son D L at Wray
and wiE visit the children m
neighborhood later
J L White was over from Our
tte Friday for the plaintiffs in
the viaduct damage suits against
the city in county court
Gus Norberg is up from Hold
rege today on the Huber trustee
matter A trustee was agreed up
on by the creditors at this meet
Mrs W H Dungan came down
from Denver Fridav morainer on
some O E S work to be com
pleted in due time in an interest
ing manner
Miis3i Anna Jensen of Nebraska
City arrived an the city Satur
day morninjr and was the oiupst
of Mr and Mrs C D Ritrihio
over Sunday
Mrs A McConnell of Trenton
came down to the city Thursday
evening last and will be the
guest of her daughter Mrs Al
bert McMillen for a few weeks
I M Smith has gone to Ben
kelmani where he will open a
store moving lias goods from
Wray Colorado for that imrnose
and consolidating same with oth
er merchandise
Rev R T- Bayne was detained
at Farnam over Sunday by a
snow blockade on the HoldregeA
Gheyenne line and no preaching
services were held in the Congre
gational church on that account
A J Heinlein who has been
farming in the North Lcirp Ne
braska neighborhood has re
turned to McCook and will till
the James Brady farm north of
the city this season He has
moved onto the place in prepara
tion for the work of the year
Reigular meeting of the Clcr
of tihe Eastern Star next Fri
day evening
The Meilihcdist Ladies 7 And 00
eiety will meet witlh Mrs Jccrph
Lowley Thursday afternoon of
this week
The usual Dorcas kensington
will be held at the heme of Mrs
T B Campbell Thursday after
noon March 7 given by Mrs V
J Gathercole The committee an
nounces that it will be an auction
The members of this Friday
Bridge Wkir t ilub were gucDte of
Mrs R R Reed last week Mrs
W E McDiviiit -Mrs W Kel
leiy and Mrs A R Scott wen
specral guests The customary
luncheon was spread Mrs tJ R
MeCarl assisted Mrs- Reed
Mrs 0 M Knipple and Mrs
C R Kncwles cntertainexl about
two score lady friends en last
Thursday afternoon at bridge
whilst A two cicairse dinner was
served at 530 oclock Large
bouquets of carnations were in
lovely evidence in the different
apartments of the bome Mrs
H P Waite had the honor and
Mrs C E -Cone the consolation
The Thursday Wlvst club were
gu edB cf Mr and Mrs C D
Rrlitobie last week enjoying a
clever hospitality without niEas
ure The special guest list sim
braced Dr and Mrs R R Reed
Dr and Mrs R J Gunn Mr and
Mrs Frank Real Mr and Mts
H O Cliapp The usual seven
oolicclv dinner was handsomely
served the place cards in piipe
and shamrock tint and form re
minding of till a natal day of Er
ins patron saint Mrs R J
Gunn and Miss Edna -Waite were
thie assisting ladies
Episcopal Services on Wed
nesday evenings at 730 Ghoar
rehearsals at 8- Altar Guild will
meet with Miss Julia Barnes on
Thursday afternoon Next Sun
day Sunday school at 10 a m
ITsual services at 11 a m and 8
p m