AVOID HARSH DRUGS Many Cathartics Tend to Cause Injury to the Bowels If you are subject to constipa tion you should avolM strong drugs and cathartics They only rive temporary relief and iheur reaction is harmiiu ana sumeuw os more annoying than constipa tion They in no way effect a cure and thedr tendency is to weaken the already weak organs with which them come in contact w imTiitlv hftlipvc that we Lve the btai ccnspation treat ment ever devcst d Our faith in that we sell at on it is a strong the pcoYave guarantee that it shall not eos t the user a cent if ifc does not guroe entire satisfac tion and completely remeu y cu stipation This preparation is called Rexall Orderlies These are prompt scotihing and most in action They are made cf a reswnt eli Gicfaal dis covery Their pivneapal fe cdorkr3 tsrteless and col orless Ccmbrned with other weh known ingrcdicarts long establish ed for their usefulness in the trrtmrnt of constipation it fori a tablet which is eaten just life candy They may be -taken anv time either day or night without inconvenience whatever Thev do not grape purge nor cause nausea The act without ciWng any r or excessive looseness cf the bowels They are fm weak delicate persons and aged people as well as for the most hearty person They come in three size pack ages 12 tablets 10 cents 36 tab lets 25 cents 80 tablets 50 cents Remember you can obtain them only at our store The RexalJ Store L W McDonnell For a sprair you will find Cham berlains Liniment excellent It allays the pain removes the sore ness and soon restores the parts to a heaithy condition 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all dealers Do you know that more danger lurks in a common cold than dn any other of the minor ailments The safe way is to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy a thoroughly reliable preparation and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as possible This remedy is for sale by all dealers tiftll B gqgarwTawggwggp L PUBLIC SALE sell at public auction at will I to move away mvinff sold my farm and going the J southwest of Centerpomt commencing at 10 oclock a m on following described property Thursday February 29th head of cattle farm machinery 12 head of Jiorses 27 household goods feed and corn FREE LUNCH AT NOON - j u rn anmq over S10 a credit of 8 TermS Sumsof Siuana unuei notes 3U having approved secant at 10 per months will be given on Noarticlestoberemoveduntilsatisfactorlv settled for o per cent interest cent discount for cash HUBERT BEACH Owner V Franklin Clerk Col C M Matson Auct A Fair Offer She was strong minded and meant to have her rights at any cost and when she was hauled up before the justice of the peace for exceeding mo speed limit she demanded to be rep resented by counesl I just tell you one thing judge she said whacking the table with her right hand Id rather pay a law yer 25 than give this court iu ior a fine All right madam said the judge Im th only lawyer hereabouts and if yell just hand over that 25 Ill guar antee to appear before myself and get ye off Harpers Weekly Subtle Flattery Dibbles is what I would call a dip lomatic man In what particular Mrs Dibbles asked him to make nut n list of ten of the worlds great est women and whom do you think he put at the head of the list I cant imagine Mrs Dibbles Praise or Condemnation Author cheerfully Couldnt I take my call now Theyre shorn ing Author Manager doubtfully If you like Butilm not quite sure whether its author theyre shouting or aw ful Bystander A DIFFERENCE Ltv SB fef inM 1 JlffcM mJ Tltli The Preacher Why dont you put more stock in honesty The Millionaire Cant All my mon ey is tied up in railroad stocks Mystified A balky mule is bad enough When harnessed to a rig Eut the hardest thin on earth to drivo Is a bottle fed blind ms MnsnHTrfjfrjpngafLiBiflC5 LIKE STROKE OF LIGHTNING Wound Affects Veteran Soldier Tells How fects Fighter on the Field of Battle General Miles in his book Serving the Republic says that like every other soldier who nas seen muuu ac tive service he is often asked how it feels to be wounded He himself was wounded four times and twice almost fofniiv sn he is able to speak from experience He says One is often asked how it seems to be wounded m battle The flight of a bullet is quick er than thought and has passed through a flesh wound before one real izes that he has been struck I have seen bodies of men dead on the field of battle where the brain had been pierced and death had been instanta neous They would remain in every position of the manual of arms with an anxious look a frown or a smile on their cold and rigid faces My wounds received at Fair Oaks Fred ericksburg and Petersburg were flesh wounds and disabled me but a short down the line at Chancellorsvllle one of the enemy s bullets struck my metallic belt plate with great force This caused a slight deviation as it entered tne Doay xuo sickening deathly instant result was an ening sensation my sword dropped from my right hand my scaDDaru aau belt dropped to the loft I was com pletely paralyzed below the waist My horse seemed to realize what had oc curred he stopped turned and walk ed slowly back I holding to the pom mel of the saddle with my hands Wo soon reached a group of soldiers wno Itook me off and placing me in a blan ket carried me to the Chancellors ville House and pulled a dead man off a couch to make room for mc MOSE NOT HARD TO SATISFV As Far as Prisoner Was Concerned He Was Willing to Let the Matter Drop Bozeman Bulger a baseball writer savs that in his home town down in Southern Alabama a negro waa brought into court to answer a charge of murder Mosc Tuppcr said the judge con templating the prisoner over his spec tacles you are accused here cf one o Iho most scriois crimes known to our laws towit the taking of a human life Are yor properly represented bv counrel No suh said the darky cheer fully Well have you talked to any ona about your defenso since your ar ro5t T trlfi the sheriff about the in when he ccme to my cabin tc fetch me hah said the prisoner but tbas all And have you t5en no steps what ever to engage a lawyer No suh said Mose I aint gol no irbrsy to be wastin on lawyers Eey tell me lawyers is mighty cos tive If you have no funds insisted the judge it lies within the power cl the court to appoint an attorney to defend you without charge You neednt bo bothcrin yosef jedg answered Mose I THE RUGBY BICYCLE J 1 jtggsaasWiHt - rak Rugby class and Rugby quality is typified by the above machine In in design in finish m - general ex ot material it is in a class to itself There may be hi er priced bicycles but there are no better bicycles made than the Rugby illus trated above Come and see this machine Get our prices Base Ball Goods for spring we have you should be looking up your lots of good things to show you Ducks will be flying soon and we are ready to supply you with every thing in guns and ammunition We repair Guns and Revolvers McCook Hardware Co Well what do you propose to ca about this case demanded his honor Jedge said the negro ez fur ei Ise concerned you kin jes let de mat ter drap Saturday Evening Post Why He Was Not Guilty Little X says a writer in the Army and Navy Journal was one ol the most popular of our young officers in the army maneuvers at dur ing 1910 He had served in the cav alry and had brought with him the cavalry swagger wore his campaign hat turned up in front and rear and is said to have slept in his spurs Oui lieutenant colonel whose treatment o younger officers had made him most unpopular was then in command ol the regiment One day Little X passed the Col onels tent while the old man waa standing out in front looking for trou ble He spotted X and sent his order ly tnv him Mistflr X said the col onel as Johnny saluted and brought his heels together with the approved click Mister X you appear to have a touch cf the outre about you Why colonel said X you must be mis taken I havent had a drink since 1 came to camp Lavinn Something by for Future The general prosperity can only bo a reflection of the prosperity of the individual and no individual is really prosperous who is not laying asido VAmtiinr fnr thf future The man who makes 10000 per year and 3 A AAA X wnnwi 1ti Vf TYloi Spends fjuuuv la jjuuiui luuu - mi who makes 1000 and spends but 900 It may be hard to walk while your neighbor whisks by in an automobile but it is the man who has the cour age and character to live well vithin b ttipitik who accumulates enough capital to do things in the world Indianapolis Star His Life Work Is this an artist Yes that Is what he calls himself Is his studio beautiful It is Where did he get the money with which to buy beautiful things From a rich uncle who died Does the artist hold lovely after noon receptions Hedoes What is he painting A picture How long has he been painting the picture About seven years Will he ever finish it NO Poir MMM1MaMM - MJ1B7M WriTTfTK Tnspnli TC Dodee and Arthur iij1 S Dodge will take nooses wrat on the first day -of December 1911 Lillian M Pitney plaintiff filed her motion and atDOKuvui against the said Joseph E Dodge S Doflcfft as heirs ntifi rp n1 ronrosentatives of Sid ney Dodge deceased and against ESpd Joseph Uodge as Auram dstwaitoir cf the estate of sand Ski- j neiy Dodge deceased in the dist rict court cf RqO VValicav couiuv Nebraska in a certain cause here tofore pendnng in said court wherein said Lillian M Pitney was and is plaintiff and said Sidnev Dodge vns defendant The object and prayer or swu ntirm mirl affidavit are that the iudgment rendered in sacd eause in said coun on una j day of October 1899 in favor of said Lillian M Pitney and against said Sidney DCidge tor i e nf Anil 09 wiltih interest thereon from said date thereof at the rate cf ten pen- cent per annum be revived in favor ot said Lillian M Patney anu ot cnnVl Jnspnh k uoicige and Arthur S Dodge as the heirs ait law and reel of satd Sidney Dodge now deceased and against sand Joeap E Dcd e as Administrator of the estate- of said Sidney Dodge dc dr tho firat daiv of De- nmioi 1Q11 conditional order of revtivor was duly made given and entered in oaid action reviv ing said iudgment in favor of sand plaintiff and against the eiVl Jcirph E Dcdige and AnUx ur S Dcdgq as the heirs at law and real representatives of jsa Kl oirv nlcro dpcpinsed and KJ1AA J - - ugiairnat sard Josepli IJ uoae a o3 niiBitviitnr of the estate cf said Sidney Dodge deceased The said Arthur s uvtugv iw herebv ntnfied to appear on Londay the first day at Apni said 1912 and show cause wiy TTHTTHP TO LA1SD OW2TI TcTSusan C Jlileinan and to all whom it may concern The cimm sicner aippcnnieu to locate a read commencing at a pcC nt at tilu northeast corner or section numbered thirteen and the south west corner of seation numbered twelve in town itwo north -of range 00 west cif the 6th P where roati muuiwi i un rntirPfts road 407 in precinct lied Willow eonnity Nebraska and running thsnoe east on- the section line be tweem saiid saetions 12 and lo Town 2 North Range M vvesi of the 6th P M until the saane coincides with sadd read number ed 440 and a proposal to vacate that part of road known as 44U as described heioivv Ooanmencsng at a paint on the motion line between saetacins -11 and 12 where sand road ao bears eastward shall be vacated rciad inter to a paint where sadd line between sects wfith the seotion tween ssiotdons 12 and 13 all tfn m o TJno o SO West of the IVittll awdw 6th P L Iras reported an raivua of the location and vaveataan ii p oi nil rthiPifttions there to or claims for damage must be filp d in the County ULeric s before noon of the fdoe on or 29th day of April A JJ l sadd road will be established iwath out reference nTTrp County Olerk Dated at McCook this 24th day oif February 1912 First publication leu Eeal Estate Filings The following real estate filings iave been made in the county lurks office since our last re James W MeOlung to Grant vimintrTi Admin D to lots o and 4 block 6 Le- inn ti James W MeClung to Grant Crampton Admin D to For making fancy eake Swans Dawn Cake flour Magner phone 14 - - I - I I SEED FOR SALE Red Spring Wheat Barley and Corn Updike Grain Co S S GARVEY Manager Phone 169 Firct La Grippe Then Bronchitis That was the case with Jlrs W S Bailey McCreary Ky My wife was taken down with a severe attack ot la grippe which ran into bronchitis She coughed as though she had con sumption and could not sleep at night The first bottle of Foleys Honev and Tar Compound gave her so much relief that she continued us ing it until she was permanently cured A McMHlen An Epidemic of Coughing Is sweeping ver the town Old and young alike are affected and the strain is particularly hard on little chHdnen and on- elderly people Foleys Honey and Tar Compound is a quick and reliable cure for all colds Sold by A McMUlen Read The Tribune for the news A GSEAT DISCOVERY Certain Ingredients That Really Promote Hair Growth When Properly Combined i j hair of its natural nouitehnient ii Si4nent should not be revived and also creates a clean health condition of the scailp which pre arnaiinst him and the smd Joseph E E ctlge ai the licftrs at iav s nl rl rcijwesentiaitivcs of snul Sidney Dodge deceased and prfnst said HcRepn uaage a adminiistrarior of said estate and if sufficient eause be met shown to the contmry spvci juugm m shall stand revived Lillian M Pitney Plaintiff By C II Boyle and W S lan her attorneys First publication heb 20 ocsw JTJC prevents vents the development of new germs Pllrif arnin although not a col oring matter or dye is a well known ingredient for restoring the hair to is natural cuwi when VICTOR LADIES TAILORING CO Suits by special order at same price charged for leady mades Clothe- shrunk and sponged by la test and most scientific method Call and see samples before giving your order for spring suit Mrs J M Trammell Main Ave Under Commercial Hotel 123W by a disease of the scalp These ingredients in proper combination lvith alcohol added as a stimulant -and tor its weii defined nourisliing properfeper feet perhaps the moan ernecme remedy that is known for sealp and hair troubles We have a remedy which is chiefly composed of these ingred ients in combination with other extremely invaluable medicinal agents We guarantee ait to posi tively cure dandruff and to grow hair even though the sealp in Spots is bare ot iranr ir wiere is anv vitality left in the roots it will positively cure baldness or w will refund your money If the sealp has a glazed shiny t nn indication that baldness is permanent but in otu er instances we believe baldness lis eurable We want every one iruuoueu with scalp disease or loss of hair to trv Rexall 93 Hair Tome If it dees not cure dandruff and grow hair to the satisfaction of tio wall without ques tion or quibble return every cent I It We print tl tas Resorein is one of the most paid us for it bottle It has i oTfn nn ovprv fritivo o prm dpstrovers ever dis nnnwr Hv sfticnep and an con- ncction witii Beta Napthol wMch us hoitih genniisiuai ami auuisBpu a combination is formed Avhich lntnvi lin rrPTlll ivhlifll rob tllie effected a positive cure in M oif cases Avhere put to a practical test Rexall 93 Hair Tome is en tirely unlike and we think m every particular better tluin any- 4a Jc irn IrnrvAV of for jpose for which it is prescribed We urge you to try thus iq aitfion at our entire risk Certeon ly ve know of no batter guaran tee to give you Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in McOook only -- our store 1 ne the less of hadr has been caused Rexall Store L W ArPrtnnpIl CO east 20 ft lots b v 11 12 block 32 Inddna 6l uu ola Thnro Jo nn better medicine made for colds than Chamberlains Cough Remedy It acts on nautres plan relieves the lungs opens the secre tions aids expectoration and re stores the system to a healthy con dition For sale by all dealers try D Why Not Have that Cellar Cemented Now Ve can give vou a low figure on such hpnrt But two bottles of Doiey Kidney Pills cured me A McMUlen If you want THE NEWS read The Tribune MRS F H TRIMBLE Dress Maker and Ladies Tailor Phone black 90 503 E 3rd JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone C3 Estimates furnished freeBasemer Postoffice building DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over Ma Cornells drug store Phones Of fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms building McCook 3 and 5 Walrf work now be- ore the heavy working season opens Call on or phone the manager -He will be glad to come and figure with you McCook Cement Stone Co Phone Red 196 H N Rosebush Manager The Sound Sleep of Good Health Is not for those suffering from kid ney ailments and irregularities The prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills will dispel backache and rheumatism heal and strengthen sore and ailing Kid neys restore normal action and with it health and strength Mrs at v SDalsbury Sterling 111- says I suffered great pains in my back nnd iM rtnpvs could not sleep at night and could not raise my hands over R H GATEWOOD Dentist Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic temple McCook Neb JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter AttrPTit rfvf Tnneoln Land Co Of fice in Postoffice building Mc Cook Nebraska A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 305 2nd st Bast Phone black 252 THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in office McCook Nebraska McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Blacksmithlng Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrated Ford Auto 210 1st st W -- Phone red 450