The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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Although it surely is conven
ient to use one piece designs
with Avaiist and skirt expressly in
tended for each other there is
far more originality and distinct
iveness in models that comhine
separate designs in effective
Almost any woman -wall find it
a pleasant interesting task to
choose harmonizing models and
it is by no means a xliificult task
18 ff II J
w Cv ft III Jlsi c9J
In th cotnime illustrated here
far instance the selection cf a
suitable skirt was a very simple
nttr oree the blouse had been
oheson Sine it h a tiaiilored
Mouse one cf the peiplum or
Rusan effect 111 c dels now in
vogue it requires a skiit of neat
smooth felt and geed lines in
short a tailored skirt This five
gored design vrzs ehesen as satis
fying every Kcprircment and be
ing cLotn ftly sly Irish
Serge vrlvcittcn eorduioy or
the lighter spring uiiMaigs cf mix
d cr weave wciuld be
uiobk maUrrI fcr this costume
wYih the dip coiar mart sringle
rcveir cuffs and belt fashioned
cf material contrasting in tone or
color Later an the same ideas
Easper Babrett to Jacob
AVieber wd pt se qr se
qr 30-3-29 300 00
Solon E Ilarey tvo Nellie
Alartin wd lot 4 block
16 1st McCook 3000 00
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
remain uncalled for at the post
llanos Mr Guy L
Krugnran Neumeiur
Alourer Mr A J
Nilacin C E 1
Nelson Mr Fred 3
Shields Mrs T X
AVelch Mr Dan
Zimmerman Miss Alice
Oudaback -Mr Jim
Coffey Mr Dick
Pattern Artie T Boxelder
Renken Mr AV B
Riiee Miss Alollie
Shaffer Miss Maud
Thcinhans Mr II F
AVhalen Win
Wihitsell E J
Sella cht AIns Caroline care
Kuse Gus
LON CONE Postmaster
Real Estate Filings
following real estate filings
lh n made in county
s offici sinri our last re
j rt
JoicF Co da to Edward
J rurav wd to bA V 111
bo - 29 2nd AleCook 1250 00
AnV -I Collins to Elisabeth
Kfhurn avcI to I at 4 in
Meek 23 2nd McCook 10o0 00
Albct D Norman to Fred
So g qcj to av 111 sav qr
and r sav qr hav qr mv
ir kav qr 10-2-27 1 00
Mary B KncAvland to Kobt
C Cole Avd let blk
2 McCcok 2700 00
Tillie M Milr to John S
Miller wd lei 3 blk 8
4th Add tc Mctk 1 00
Fred Sorg to A D Norman
agrt for deed av hf sav qr
and se qr siav qr mv qr mv
qr 10-2-26 1000 00
Henry Vogel -to Kasper Bab
rett av pt se qr se qr
30-3-29 300 00
iicighborrrd AVi nt rvci
py Corner last
Stallions for Sale or Trade
I will seill or trade either or
both of my stallions DeGorda
a thoroughbred imported Perch
eron and Jerry a seven eighths
Perch aron For further informa
tion write or call on Jos Bnrnke
Campbell Neb
To Correspondents
The Tribune being regularly
I printed on Mondays and Thurs
days would be pleased to have
items mailed for both issues by
our regular correspondents over
the ecunty Items from any
source will be appreciated
Thomas Mumby visited over in
Kansas Sunday
Director Albrecht did some
work on the sclrcol building in
district 51 Thursday last
Mrs Roy Albrecht visited her
sinter Mrs Harry Marshall in
AleCook a few days last Aveek
Miss Dora Greenwav was a
passenger Friday afternoon for
will be adapted in modeling linen Lebanon to visit a few days with
dresses tilie Heme rollcs
A number of people from this
Rev Delle Decker
AVord has been received from
FredAVesch at Tualitin Oregon
that he A ill be here in the near
future t straighten out matters
lledabaugh -was on the
sick list a few days last AA cek
Aiith sore- throat
Agent Darnell and AAife Arere
over Sunday Aisitors Aith their
parents at Minden
Little Marcellus Dodge aatis un-
der the doctors care Aviith tonail
itis close of last week i
Word was received here from
E E Hayes of Pueblo Colorado
and that they are AAell
Clyde AVeyemth took a ride
on the I O O F goat at rhear
meeting Saturday night
Misses Myrtle Sines and Lelia
Snraillberger vasuited the school atia
Cedar Bluffs last Thursday
Grandpa Gcckley did some car
penter Avork at the school house
Saturday and Monday eArening
AV F Miller and family from
north of Danbury AA ere in town
Saturday guests of AV H Eifert
AV K Red fern took out a load
of new furniture one day last
Aveek for his new house Ressie
must be thinking of going tc
Arthur II Edgren and bride of
Lincoln arrived Monday for a
short A isit at the parental Pow
ell home Mrs Edgren Avas for
merly Miss Effie PoavcII
J A Rozell and family
prl frrmi Arnnitinntli Til on
MiondaAr and are iruests of E E Ml
High and family Arthur expects
to farm near Imperial this year
About forty of the older Alair
onites surprised J E Dodge en
Tuesday evening February 1 3 till
it being his 46th birthday Gam
es and iiruisrc indulged in
to pass the evening and at a late
hour Avere served AAith a fin 2 lap
snppcir after AAhieh the guest1
dcipartcd A isbing J E many
more birthdays
of business concerning Irs ranch teenth biiiMulay
in Red AVilloAv county
Airs L D NeAvberry visited
rejlaitivcs at Danbury Friday
Air Jones a stock buyer from
Hendley Avas in tOAvn ibetAveen
trains one day last Aveek
Airs Lem Daniels cf Gage Ok
lahoma visited Airs Ellen Plumb
Fred Graham of Danbury Avas
a busineEs visitor in tcAvn one
day last week
Professor Alorris of Danbury
Avas in tAvn between trains one
day last Aveek
Allies ITenna Rocp from north
of Danbury aais in Ioavu Friday
betAveen trains
Jiim Nceling is very ill at fihis
Pearl Aandeiwcort nsited Nel
lie Frye last Sunday
Oiwille Seelden entertained a
few of the boys Sunday
Airs Sedden and Charlie vis
itd at Ivan Korbs last Sunday
Air and Airs John Dutchr
visited at AVm Neelings Sundav
Again- Alcthei Earth has put or
a mantle of Avhite Tuesday
AIns Amy Bailey and dttle
Ruby have returned from their
vr lit at Omaha Avith relatives
The man A frie nds cf Airs Lucy
Frve met at her heme ast Sat
urday to hcilp her celebrate her
The young people gne Edgar
Frye a suprise on the night
of the 16th in honor of his
Harry AVfing Avas doAvn to
Holdrege this Aveek
AValt Helm arrived Glome on
No 13 Saturday morning
The senior class are conspicuous
wiltih their neAr class rings
Airs AVm Allen has been quite
sick but is better at present
The s ul corn special is sched
uled tto be at Tndianola
morning February 28 at
830 oclock
It is stated that James Ponti
us has sold or traded his Indiian
ola real estate to a gentleman
From Colorado
J R Neel arrived heme AVed
n sdav night Aia AlcOook from
Having perfected a new electric Photo Printing Machine
whereby I can print approximately 400 Postal Photos to the
hour I desire to give it a practical business test in order to
determine both its capacity as well as its factor in reduction
of cost in the finished photographs
Hence the 95c Per Dozen Postals
I want you all to come I want the limit of my electric printer crowded to its fullest
capacity for a period of 15 day averages My attempt will be to deliver eery photo the
second day following your sittings
While I primai ily make these 95c per dozen- postals FOR
SPEED it is not at the SACRIFICE OF QUALITY Every
postal is guaranteed to be the regular standard quality postal photo
The Ellingson Studio
Telephone Black 428
Commercial Hotel Bldg
sp a
Thursday morning
Airs Frank Teel spemt
chiy Aith her sister Aire
AVialton on the Quick ranch
Pearl Allen began kcJiioioI
district No 85 Alonday The
t T aart mr xsruTv vu mn a ji
mer teacher haAiing resigned
Airs Cadsman and Airs Allen
sister and another of Charles Al
len have been Aiisiting here this
The B AI Avaiter tank is be-
injr fixed this Aveek The top
Avas taken off and lowered sev
eral feet and other repairs A as
done on lit
R II Thomas and Gocirge
Ylounger are remodeling the
AEeClung blacksmith shop to be
used by C S Quick for a feed
and grocery store
Tuesday evening the relatives
and neighbors of Air and Alas
Joe Behnko gathered at their
home to help them celebrate thenrj
tAventv fifth Aveddmff annivers
Of Our Final Clean Up Sale of
special for Friday and Saturday
31 pairs Ladies Tan Button
Shoes worth 400 and 450J
39 pairs Ladies Patent Colt Lace and
Button Shoes worth 350 and 400
guests Avith a beautiful A alentine
1 souvenir of the oesaslon
R F D No 1
Jolin Trocster took lids son to
j Omaha Alonday for an
tiion for relief of a kudnev
gersoll Avere AleCook A 3it0rs on ue
Saturday I jaeob AVwlther owner of the
mts u ri iMinmcic ana moyci cjoreii pLaee is preparing to en
Short AA ent up to AIcCgoIc on No
5 Friday evening
Airs George Sheppard Avas a
large the house on the place one
of the of Hatfield
passenger to AleCook on No 13 The AAihet is making its
ipearance some that failed to
Thurs- ooime up last fall is new easily
Dave seen tin distinct rcavs in the
Air and Airs
A O Rogers cel
ebrated their Avedding anniver
sary Tuesday the Rogers fami
lies Air Anderson and family
assisting them in observing the
In o ivW nmlnn to Program of the teachers
tion furnished by members of the S to be held in the Lebanon
liars club A e can say that John bcuboqi Duaamg uarcu nci
CJtminlr lino lunnrlprl in n P Hl
wi x- - 0
tion he not Avishing to acquiesce
in certain lines as drawn
February 14th aibout fifty or
the friends and neughbors waUi
their baskets of eatables Avent to
the home of Air amd Airs George
Iloagland to give1 them a farewell
surprise TJie evening aatss spemu
ous life m their neAV wome m
Sheridan county
Airs HarlotAV W Keynes enter
tained the kensington club Saint
Vialentdne day Avoidi honor to the
AKss Dora GreenAvay Avas over
from Grant precinct closing days
of last Aveek A isitmg her parents
R P Oiimming A ill moAe to El
AAOiod Nebaaska aud engage in
the confectionery and restaurant
business A larch 1st
Last AA eek an O E S chapter
AAiais organized in Lebanon Airs
R B OamphelL is worthy matron
Airs D F SehAA ab associate mat
ron Air I E Austin Aviorthy
Song Quairtette
Pflper Prof Gash
Discussion Air Alarldn
Solo Henry Austin
Talk on Agriculture Re
Discussion Alyra Poole
Song Quartette
Reading and Phonic Drill
in conversation and games Sup- Lwttle FfAlss AIiss Licst
per AAias served about 12 oclock
Ail left AVTSlnng Mr ana iurs
Hoiagland a happy and prosper
at 2
Discussion Alyrtie Doud
Reading AIiss Daffer
AVrifeing Prcf Husmann
General discussion
The Parent and the School Ida
Discussion Air Sclrwab
Duet Alinnie Jolly and Alildred
old Saint ithe house and table Campbell
Special prices on Boys Misses and Childrens Shoes
Friday and Saturday
Sale Closes Saturday Night
T- IPT H 8
Phone 18 ED Perkins Co McCook Neb
Acting Iks son Ira near tlie
county capital
The Sunhonnet eluh met A ith
Alahel Lord Tuesday afternoon
Work has again been reneAV
cd on the Teel millinery building
Air and Airs Neal Quick spent
Sunday Avith relatives in- AleCook
O J Iladlcy is in from the
ranch on a Aisfit lo has bratiier
AIiss Rcbeitson and ALiss In-
buing decorated in cupids aiul
1 warts the same idea being ear
llcd out in- the menu After the
arifiAal and distribution of the
Iiy si mauLAI aster Alarsdon Keryres
acting as postmaster presenting
There Avas a fine rain SundaA
night and Alonday
AIiss Edith Alorey Aisited Airs
Alarilla Bolles last Sunday
ReAr Fouteli Aill begin speeial
meetings at this place nexa Sun
day evening
AIiss Alargaret Doylej
AAith tilie Aliases Jennie and Daisy
Younger last Alonday evening
Orin AVolson and grandfather
A AV Campbell viisited relatiA es
at Osbcirn latter part of last
Subject for EpAvorth League
Sunday evening Alessages at
Bethel The Courage of Truth
Annas 7 10 13 Acts 5 28 32
leader Aill be AIiss Green
Glen Alodrell tliought it avouM
be impossible to get up a surprise
on him so his friends thought
they Avould try it and a crowd
Avent to his home on Aalentine
CAening and G len AAas in bed
Noav Glen has changed his mind
sotmeAAihat A Aery pleasant and
enjoyahle eA ening has been- re
ported by those present
Read The Tribune for the neAvs
has sold more
Meybest Flour
for the Superior Milling Co
than any other selling force
A satisfied user never hesitates
to recommend it she will pass
the merits of Meybest to her
neighbors and friends and fur
nish any one unbiased opinion
Get in touch Avith disinterested
information on Meybest Flour
Superior Milling
CARL MARSH Local Dealer