The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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tJ Royal has no substitute for zA
h snaking delicious homebaked foods kh
1 ililw m 1 i
H mWmw hA ft
tol g W - L
3 ff3A
k he only Baking Powder made
All overcome by the Latest and Greatest improvement Holler Bearings
in every wheel cylinder and important parb It is the seven sets of Rol
ler Bearings that make the Success pull a horse lighter than any other
spreader Call and see the Success Spreader and talk over a spreader
deal with us
McCook Hardware Co
McCook Nebraska
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar wn
The extia list on the train
nujns beard L unusually heavy
Brakenun J M Blanehard
ii no longer in the company ser
William Lewis is quite siclc
vvith a threatened attack of ap
Trainmaster Dungan of the
Orleans branch Avas at headquar
civ Wednesday
Roadmaster Phil Trout of
tilie Orleans branch was at head
quarters1 Wednesday
Mrs Avery wife of Brakeman
Avery joined liim here Tuesday
arriving on train 13
Storekeeper C W Britt re
turned on No 13 Wednesday
from a business trip over tlhe
Mr and Mrs Scott Odell left
on Xo 14 Tuesday night for Ar
kansas to operate their farm in
that state this summer
Dispatcher T B Campbell
will spend Sunday in Lincoln vis
iting the daughters and accom
panying Mrs Campbell home tlial
Bert Collins formerly of the
ticket office he re and now ov l
ity office at Denver was in the
visiting belwen trains 2
and 3 Wednesday
As a result of continued
light business the trainmens
hoard has been cut and tilie fol
lowing are off for tliiriy days
C H D Avery R G Talbot E
A Jensen A Elders G McKern
and G R Oadwallader
A brokeni wheel on train Xo
70 this morning put fourteen
cars in the- ditch about -one mile
west of Strattom Most of the
cars were of stock and it ds re
ported that quite a number
killed Prompt action by the
wrecker prevented any tie up of
the line
Mr and Mrs H A Jande
banr returned Wednesday morn
ing from visiting liis father at
N orcatnr and his sister alt Os
borne Kansas They will on
Saturday depart for their future
home in Stockton Calif -where
he is employed as operator and
assistant car distributer on the
Southern Pacific
Miss Josephine Johnson re
turned to her home in Lincoln
Wednesday morning on Xo 2
Mrs 1 L Rodstnom left on
Xo 14 Wednesday evening for
Hannibal Missouri to visit Avoth
a sister there
Fireman E A Strayer who
has been stoking out of Red
Cloud for some time is now run
ning cait of MtCook
Mr and Mrs A II Murray ar
rived from Blattsmouth Tuesday
night and are guests of her par
ents Mr and Mrs C GBudig
Mrs T B Campbell went to
Lincoln today to visit ilier daugh
ters Mrs E J Kates and Mrs T
F Humphries The latter has
been briefly visiting in Lincoln
before her removal to Missouri
where Mr Humphries will farm
this season near Stotts City
Washingtons Birthday
The banks and past office are
observing Washingtons Birth
day todrty and some specnal exer
cises mirk the day in thr public
schools of city So far as pas
sille the railroad company is al
so releasing its men from service
Otherwise the business of the cify
and its other activities are oper
ating as usual
Marriage Licenses
Harry D Wheeler 21 and
Pearl A Mitchell 2 both of
Jesse 0 Cullison 21 of An
tihony Kansas and Ruth Ann
Reeves 20 of Danbury Xebras
ka Married by Ccuntv Judge
F M Golfer Thursday Feb 22
Jesse 0 Cullison of
Kansas and Ruth Ann Reeves of
tliis place were married in Me
Cook Thursday bv County Judg
F M Golfer
The ladies of the Methodist
church served a splendid dinner
in the church basement tliis noon
ao is their annual custom and
were most liberally paitronized
They will serve supper this eve
ning for 25 cents
Some wild geese Monday mak
ing for the northland
Now is the time to buy a
Manure Spreader
Spread the Manure between now and the first of June and
you will see its value in bigger crops next fall
The Success Spreader makes manure cover three times as
much land as hand spreading thereibre makes the manure
three times as valuable It makes poor land rich and rich
land richer It saves half your time and labor yet it is a
laborer that works without pay Can you afford to be with
out one
F L Wolff returned Monday
night from attending court in
Beaver City
Mr and Mrs P J
of Cambridge visited
AAith Mc-
Cook friends Sunday
V Franklcn returned on train
9 tQris morning from his business
trip to Lincoln and Omaha
Mr Sickler fonnerly of Bur
biidge Sickler is doAvn from
Alliance on a visit Avith his aatIc
Mrs I A Green departed on
14 Monday for Illinois on a visit
to her parents in the Sucker
Mis Elsie Budig arrived hume
Tuesday night from Aliasing her
sister Mrs A 11 Murray in
John Green of the Bank of
Wauneta spent Sunday in Mc
Cook Avilli has ATife and parents
returning to Wauneta Monday
President V Franklin of the
Citizens National Bank Avent
down to Lincoln Sunday night
on business returning home on
Mr Weaver rejirescnting the
Outealt advertising service of
C hieago Avas in
di selling the
the city Tues
semice to lo al
Miss Maine Iluahes aviIio has
lit en A isiting her sister Mrs AY
C Euans departed on Monday
for her home in Lcs Angrilc
Mir L A Carson and child
ren avIio have been Aisiting her
mother Airs Middaugh at Alma
for a number of Aveek arrrivd
home last Aveek
Air and Airs Henry StcmbiHv
of Madison Wasco n in arnivcJ
in the city last night on train 12
and will vist their relative C
F P ade aud family for some tme
F L Wolff returned Sunday
from a Aveek in district court at
Ehvood and on Alonday Avent Tv
er to BeaAer City AAhere Judge
Dungan of Hayings is1 liolding
court for Judge Perry
Frank Real attended the big
meeting of Knights of Columbus
in Lincoln Sunday Avhen a class
of 80 Avas initiated a great ban
quet in the Lincoln hotel fdlow
ing Avith Bshop Tiihen deliver
ing an address on Kniightihoicd
AYalter MeCarty of Juniata
spent iuesdiy in t ne cuty enjoy
ing a brief renewal of McCook
friendships He gose from here
to GlenA cod in Adams county
AAhere he aatHI be employed in a
drug store under oAvncrship of
has present employe
Air and Airs George X Prin
gle departed on Saturday night
for the east on a Avedding trap
of a couple months coAering
points in Ohio Pennsyih ania and
XeAV York They A ioLted briefly
Avithi has another and family in
Benkelman before departing for
the east
G E Thompson Avas called to
DenAer Saturday on account of
the death and funeral of Iris cous
in Aliss Ann Hunt Services AAere
conducted by Dean Hart of St
Johns Episcopal Catihedral at 2
p m Sunday Miss Hunt was
ImoAvn here AAhere she visited on
several occasions
AleConnell for drugs
Invented Printing
and Since His Day
AW m W
1 of
done more for the
worlds advancement
than any other thing Our type
1 1 Let VU- Ho your Triming
Statue of the Celebrated German
Composer to Be Placed in a
Cleveland O Park
Cleeland O A notable addition to
the beauty of Edgewater Park at
Cleveland Avill be a s tatue of Richard
Wagner the celebrated Gcrmun com
poser whose music is of that endur
ing greatness which denotes the mas
The sculptor of this fine piece of
work is Herman N Matzene He has
gi en us a figure eight feet high rep-
Statue of Richard Wagner
resenting Wagner in a characteristic
attitude The pedestal of the statue
pteys an important rart in this case
fcr ov ing to the short and sturdy fig
ure of the great creator of the Xiebe
Iung drama careful study was required
to so proportion the finished Avork
that AVagners lack of height should
not seem exaggerated by comparison
with his Edgewater Park surround
ings Several models were made and
discarded before the simple design
and harmonious proportions of the
lihal statue were eolved The result
is Avorthy of praise and will afford
pleasure to thousands of the great
composers admirers
Vell Gives Abu dcncc cf Artesian
Vater for the Short Grace
Country cf Kansas
Topeka Kan At Richfieid ilorton
county this state are two artesian
wells The first of these of which
a picture accompanies this article is
592 feet deep and flows 230 gallons a
minute into two ditches one watering
a field of alfalfa and a young groe
of cottonwcod and maple trees and
the other irrigating the garden of E
M Dean who drilled the well
Another well drilled after the first
one is 595 feet doep and flows three
hundred gallone a minute with a pres
sure of 40 pounds It is believed that
Kansas Artesian Well
an underground lake or river of water
underlies all of south west Kansas at
a depth not yet penetrated by any of
the wells that have been put dpwn
The town of Hugoton in Stevenson
county has appropriated 10000 with
which to sink an experimental well
to a depth of two or three thousand
feet Others are prospecting in Mor
ton and Stanton counties
Granddaddy Flea Is Caught
Los Angeles Cal Mrs B Manning
the champion jack smelt catcher of
Long Beach captured the grandfather
ct all fleas 1r Long Beach by captur
ing a monster that weighed one pound
and three quarters and which meas
ures ten inches across with his legs
stretched out The flea is believed to
be many years old
Dies of Hen Roost Shot
Norristown Pa Hamilton Kile
ton cf a farmer sheriff of Montgom
ery county died in the hospital hero
from gunshot wounds inflicted by Al
vin Haines a Plymouth township far
mer Before his deatbKile admitted
that he was in the act of stealing
chickens from the farmers hen roost
when ho was Ehot
wiim uinar
mi jnx
loats 5 to 25
IMHIHI Jiy tlii mnnimijui
One of the reasons why you should
buy your spring suit or coat here is
because we sell you garments with
their style and beauty built right
into them
You know how quickly the av
erage ready made suit or coat
loses its fresh new appearance
Wooltex garments stay new
because the tailoring is better
than any custom work except the
best and it is quite as good as
nothing but pure wool and guar
anteed silks
As for style come in and -see
Buried This Morning
The remains of Peter Tarty
arriA itd from California this
morning accompanied by his Avif
Funeral sen ices Avere held in SI
Patricks church ths moirxiing
at ten oclock conducted by
Wim Part ten O 31 J alter
AVihich huiwil Avas made in Can
ary cemetery
Deceased atos for years a resi
dent of McOcok being yardmast
er here for several years and is
avcII known to a large circle of
friends especially in railroad cir
cles The AAiife and children have
the tenderest sympathy of many
relatives and friends in sor
roAv and bereavement AAhich canu
to them in a far distant- state
AAhither he and Avife had gone to
A iisit his Ed Far
For a feAV years since leaAing
the Burlington employ here de
ceased and family have made
their home over on St Francis
line of the Burlington
Deceased A as 75 years of age
November 11th 1911 He AA as
married to Mrs EdAA ards avIlo
survives him in 1893 Three chil
dren Avere born to them Martin
Frank and W P Yager
The folloAAing program was giv
en in the high sehool auditorium
this moraiing appropriate to
Wasluington s birth day
Selection Orchestra
Flag SaLtite and America by
the school
Columbia Gem of the Ocean7
Gettysburg Address by LoAver
American Flag Susie MeBride
Star Spangled Banner- by
Vocal duet Florence Rosebush
and GeneAdeve MeAdams
Vocal soh Cyril Viersan
Storm of Mission Ridge Ida
New South Albert Barnes
solo ViiAian Jones
Patriotism Mr Barnett
Vjocal solo Carroll Eldred
Selection Orchestra
Special exercises1 were given at
the- east ward school this after
noon in celebration of Washing
ton s birthday Misses McMillan
and LTaAvkans combined the enter
taiinment of their grades as dil
Misses Ilollister and Ilannan
Wheeler Mitchell
LTarry D Whealer of the City
restaurant and Miss Pearl A Mi
chell daughter of Mr and Mrs R
P Mitchell AArere married at th
Baptist parsonage on Wednesday
evening February 21st 1912 ReA
D L MeBride officiatinig They
jAvere accompanied by Frank
jAmann and Mass Elizabeth Mil-
ittTfTrfru i
Jpfra mil
If m
f MRU iv
111 1 1
The gn ater a our d rre
for elegance tastefulness and distmciiMi the
easier we can please you The are reasoille
Suits 1250 to 40
Christian Science The morn
ing1 subject for next Sundav is
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 am
and S p in 11 M Mitchell rah
Divine Science Unity liecTth
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
evenings Ncav Thought Sunday
school three oclock on SuE Fay
afternoon 123 W D street
Methodist Regular servicer as
follows Preaching at 11 a m
and S p m EpAvorth League ait
7 p m Sunday school at 1ft a
m Prayer meeting on Wednes
day evenings
Baptist Sermons at 11 a nx
and S p m Bible school at lG
Christian EndeaAOr at 7 p nt A
hearty Avelcome to all avIio yisiv
to Avorship Avith us D L Me
Bride minister
Catholic St Patricks Chreb
S30 a n Ioav mass and sersron
10 30 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday scbiaL
800 evening seiArices Rev Khj
Paon O M I pastor
German Evan Lutheran Sastr
6th street Morning serAke at
1030 j evening service at 130
All German speaking people are
cordially invited to attend Re
G Wockenfnss ReA O Riefert
Federal Court
Judge Munger Avill qpen s ses
sion of federal court in MeCbofc
on Monday March 4th Tho
docket is said to he light vzfi it
is- n txfc thonglit that the seBOiE
Avill continue OAer a day or lsfdh
The Lenten Season
The Lenten season began yes
terday with Astli Wednesday ancE
Avatt eoninne ftor forty days eiui
ing AATitJi Saturday April 6fiL
Our lfioljhA is good grccerks
The Best of Everything A
trial order Avill conAnnce yon
D MAGNER Phone 11
Call at D Magners store and
gefc a can of Armours Pregaxetl
Oshnrn k Burton
All fcuiN Hauling and Tnin
fer AVu k promptly attenrled fc
Yowr patronage solicited
Office rst Dror South or DeGrofPs
-- jtft