The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Tfte Meoof THttit
F M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher
Remember The Tribunes phone
is 19 We will appreciate an item
any time
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
ANNOUNCEMENTS The situation is clearing some-
lAvhat Ximv York City merchants
I announce mv candidacy for are moving for the restoration
- - J h f - 1- -4 - mm k T J 1 1 Kl N4 iHt
the nomination
for state and rehabilitation of the couit
le Republic tick- of honor which was in vogu
sentative on the
et subject to the primaries to there dor over a century befon
be held April 19 1112 its vacation and dissolution not
W A REYNOLDS muiy years since A little mon
of that rare article could be util
I herebv announce myself as ized outeide New York city too
- i n 1 P
a candidate tor tne ouice oi
County Assessor lied Willow
county on the Democratic ticket
Judge Enirland cf Lincoln gets
into print with a scmn charge
tint Colonel Rocevf It is a trick
st r New wlio will vouch for the
Delinquent March 1st
Ross Hammond collector of in-
subject to primary election held ternal revenues has issued a
April 19th 1912 warning to Nebraska corpora
JOHN II WESCII turns en regard to filing tJieii
The governors are for Teddy
Taft will likely git the delegates
but it is oi first importance wlic
will get the votes
Dishonest advertising is just as
reprehensible as dishonest goods
short weights and should be a
subject of just as severe legisla
Dundy County Men Arrestsd
mn r iTznn Willi Put-
Jnlui 0 Yeiser is out with a V nll
U 1 Ulll l UJ
l 14- MMwUn
xm t MiiuUU uu Dundv county have been arrast
m the interest of harmony lut ntJstntcs
e ofWs in
j nas iiKU Mie pleasure ui
ing in the limelighf somewhat
President Taft Ii hh ended the
suspense and relieve the situa
tion bv appointing Million Pit
ney chancellor of th state of
New Jersey and former member
of congress to the supreme court
lll Um imsi reports Iliefe e re
ports are due on March 1 am
Ir Hammond has the power tc
start suit for a 10000 -penalty
from -any concern that is delin
quent The government collect
ed over 18000 in compromis
fines for failure to make premp
returns for 1910 and there an
about twenty firms who Aviil hi
forced to pay 10000 for refu nl
to comply with the government
lading The returns for 1911 art
coming in fast but Mr Hammond
estimates that there will be about
1G30 delinquents by March 1
comietion with land fraud casfi
Bond was fixed at 1000 in
each casj and promptly furni h
ed and the men are now it lib
ertv pending their trial whir
will be held in the McCcok
mon of the federal court
The men are charged with per
jury in connection with a land
contest Judsre Munger is to go
to McCook within few weeks
Whatever the occult or other in 1 but there is to be nc iurv calhd
fluences at work the LoFollettc
boom for the presidential nomi
nation is being distinctly over
shadowed by the colonels and
T R is only in the 1 lands of
Ms friends
The Lincoln Daily Star is con
siderably perturbed over an alleg
ed ministerial demand that pro
fessors in the state university in
future be employed more with
respect to their orthodoxy in
matters religious than lias been
the practice in the past Whether
the rumor be true or cMmerieal
the fact remains that many Ne
braskans will not object to the
The Nebraska City Press de
clares that Taft can not win An
other newspaper declares that it
would be suieide to nominate Da
Follette Another is just as sure
that third term would defeat
Roosevelt if nominated Now on
wihat meat doth these prophets
feed tliat they know so much
Either one CAN be elected
Either probably would be elected
But it will be difficult enough to
elect anybody if rule or ruin
and predictions of disaster if ev
erybodys favorite is not nomi
nated and it is poor sense and
poor republicanism We ought
to be able to elect any republi
can who at this tame stands a
show of being nominated but it
will first of all be necessary to
accept majority rule within the
party just as we must bow to the
mandate of the majority at the
general election Kearney Hub
for that inn pl o the mm will not
be tried until ome time after
the opening of the May term of
eiuil Lincoln News
In tspnational TournamcvQt
New York Feb 20 The an
niurf internaitnonal checker tourna
mn Eit opened here today at Lyric
hall in the presence of a large
gallery of spectators The gam
es were notyas formerly played oi
the regulation boards but upon a
giaat checker board 2 1 feet
square laid out on the floor of
the hall and clearly visible to the
s pectators in every part of ithe
hall The checkers were of paper-ma
che weighed one pound
each and were moved by players
by means of long poles
A Big- Deal Closed
The Heinlein 400 northwest of
McCook recently purchased by
Smith Bros iof Wauneta from Mr
Strawder has been purchased by
a Lincoln gentleman for 13200
cir 33 per acre Dorwart Bar-
ger made the deal
For Judge Dungan
Judge Perry and Reporter
Schober on Monday went to
Bloomington to hold eourt for
Judge Dungan who is doing a
similar service for Judge Perry
in Beaver City this week
The state superintendent is re
ceiving circulars sent out by
county superintendents calling
attention to the testing of seed
corn and also necessity of fire
drills in the schools and taking
of measure to prevent fire In
both of these lines the county su
perintendents aire talcing a decid
ed interest Lincoln News
McCook General Hospital
Located in the Heckmat House one block west
of the Court House
Will be open to receive patients after Janu
ary 18 1912 A Hospital devoted to McCook
and southwest Nebraska Skilled attendants
in charge
D J REID Surgeon Proprietor
iUXi p ft
tiifi TnraTEflraiT
m incHimciii
Gows More Likely to Give Trouble
Than Young Heifers
Only the best cows get milk fever
They get it because they are adapted
by nature for heavy milk production
Just before calving time there is a
large surplus of food material on the
body of a good cow that has been
well fed and this with easy and rapid
calving arc the chief causes of the
trouble Mature cows are more like
ly to give trouble than are young
There is no need for fear of this
trouble since the air treatment has
lioen discovered Most dairymen are
familiar with this treatment
The whole process of the air treat
ment is to pump air first sterilized in-
f S V A I r I
f w w
v x
mi II i
to the quarters untii they are tight
and distended This should be dong
as soon as the cow shows certain
symptoms of the trouble which are
weakness fever and general paralysis
It is not wise to wait till the cow is
paralyzed and down on the ground al
though even as late as that the air
treatment will usually be effective
Sterilizing the air is the most im
portant thing to be careful about The
use of cotton saturated with carbolic
acid takes out all the dust and germs
which might otherwise cause inflam
mation of the udder A rubber bulb
bicycle pump or any small device for
forcing air may be usdd Care should
tube The apparatus can be made
from any wide mouthed bottle a two-
Amount of Milk is More Import
ant Than High Test
While the Bahcock test of milk to
determine the per cent of butterfat
is a help in improving a dairy herd
and picking out the most profitable
cows it is not so important an indi
cation as the amount of milk given
Some cows have a very high test
and yet they may give so small
an amount of milk that there will not
be an actually profitable amount of fat
It should not be expected that the
high testing cows give so large an
amount of milk as those with a lower
testing milk But because a cow has
a high butterfat test she is not neces
sarily a profitable producer The im
portant thing is to first find out how
tuany pounds of milk she gives in a
year and knowing this it is compara
tively easy to learn the other
The color of milk has nothing to do
with its richness The skim milk from
a Guernsey cow is more colored than
the whole milk of a Holstein or Ayr
shire The color is caused by a differ
ent substance and the fat is some
times in some cows practically white
Dairymen who desire to improve
their herds must learn that the ap
pearances of these things are not a
true index to the actual conditions
The records made with scales and
Babcock tester are the only reliable
data to judge from
Poultry requires exercise all the
time to keep in the best of health
This may be given to them by always
feeding in a litter of straw or leaves
in which they can scratch Some
men make a practice of hanging up a
cabbage so they will have to reach for
it This supplies them green stufr
Tfhich is essential for laying hens and
gives them exercise Almost any
roots suGh as beets turnips and ruta
bagas will be good to keep them
healthy Turnips are sometimes be-
J lieved to flavor the eeeB
D Clem Deavci emigration ex
pert of the Burlington route has
addressed a strong appeal to the
fairmers of the country to build
silos and by ending waste add
substantially to the profiit from
their corn eircp Mr Leaver is
recognized as one of the great
est agricultural authorities in the
country and his counsel is invar
iably based on experience and ob i
sarvatiion covering wide latitude
Here is his counsel to the farm
By D Clem Deavcr
Think of it Sana sensible
men by the hundreds and byj
the thousands are working hairdj
almost the year round raising
and carinir for a lrighlv valuable
crop and then deliberately wast 1
ing from 30 to 40 p r cent of the
gros results cf their labor
Its the corn crop
a iiiait rney re malting a
good solid bunch of profits
Its haird to believe but fits
There is no other bushier on
face of the earth tliat will give
a profit after wafting 30 to 40
per ciiit of the possible inccaii
but corn ruicrng will
j j ne Wiiioie trouDie is tnait a
large percentage of fanners eithei
wont or dont build sLIos They
arent cutting the corn after itio
season and storing it away as a
rich fedder to increase th air in
comes rthe year round
Profit From On Acre
Just for instance One acre
of good Illinois or Iowa corn land
will produce 12 tons cf
This1 same 12 tons of rich
feed with hay will feed 2 milk
i cows tor V montlis It propcriv
cared for otherwise thse nnvr
Avill bring thir owner any whore
i fran to 190 from the nil-
of cream alone during the 10
montlis to say nothing of the-
two calvts that emi b1 raked g
nor considering the value cf he 0
sknmmcd milk for pig and jj
en feed And lit might b Fnirl fi
rjfpht here that no other hiniius
will return cuch quick snd hand-
r A f 1 1 1
uiu some nroris as lewiing sramm a h
milk to pigs and chickens
Tlias same 12 tons of rich corn
S1 h
value 170
hay will put 2400
on 50 lambs in 12 r
po nds weight
dnyp which at 7 cents per
pound would be worth 18
Feeding it to 4 steers loo
day fitting them to top the mar
ket would easiily increase tihir
Todays1 daiilies report a very
ibeavy snow at points east St
Louis and that sectuon being in
volved in tbe heaviest snowfall ol
the season
Some snow Monday night with
a harmonious dropping of temper
ature and oMlly eastern breeze
1 Beatrice Creamery Co 1
has opened a cream station
at 212 W ist street and
will pay the HIGHEST
day in the week
LaMivmuaLTijamviiiumv ii tmjjta ju jaarjj j jiniviSLstiriLjpxsjxx rtvsrt
FACTS to know and t
t use m
Another fact to be taken in- imv tvn noiimit tlm i
to consideration by cattle feed- lorlate husband carried in that
is that it is not at aill
ers company in the smn of 2500
sary to run hogs Avitli cattle to imci hloli has beenn pending in
insure a safe margin of profit tl0 district court of tiliis county
when feeding corn silage- In for Kmnr 4imp Avms shtiPi for a
be taken to clean the ends of the this way all danger of less from consideration of 500 last
teats before inserting the milking nog cholera OS elxmmaiteU dav and rasn fliCTmpd
How to Sfop Waste
All waste from the feed
hole stopper and two glass tubes sjlould carefully returned to
They should be scrupulously clean
acre fliat the cQrn
thus preventing loss of soil
j These are some of the things
I that can be done to stop one of
i the biggest wastes on the farm
When you stop to consider that
the entire 12 tons of corn silage
can be put in the silo at a cost
of only 25 you get an idea of
what a tremendous saving it
means Ten acres of corn 9ilage
would accomplish just 10 times
as much
There are innumerable other
ways and methods of getting
more money out of a farm but
considering the huge saving ac
complished by a silo a splendid
slogan for the farmers of today
would be
Farmers Build Silos Dont
Wiaiit Do It Now
Imperial Republican
For making fancy cake
Swans Down Cake flour
IMagner phone 14
Notice is hereby given that the
City of McCook Red Willow
county Nebraska wall receive
sealed bid for the construction
and completion of a tool house
and repair shop on the rear of
the city lots abutting the alley
south of Carnegie Library
Building to be built according
to specifications which may be
seen at the office of city clerk
and all bids to be accompanied
by a certified check of 10C00
Ml bids to be filed with the
clerk of said city on or before
the twenty sixth day of Febru
ary 1912 ait six oclock p m
Council reserves the right to ac
cept or reject any and all bids
Witness our hands at McCook
Nebraska this 12th day of Feb
ruary 1912
L G Stoll City Clerk
City Seal
Published iFeb 19 1912
Estimate of Expenses
At the regular meeting of tlie
county board of Red Willow
county Nebraska held on the
9th day of January 1912 the
majfcter of the estimate of the ne
cessary expenses for the year 1912
was considered and the estimate
made as follows
Conmty general fund 30000 00
County bridge fund 15000 00
County road fund 10000 00
County Soldiers Relief
fund 1000 00
McCook City bond 1500 00
McCook City water
bond 10000 00
School district bonds 12000 00
iDated wt MeiCook this 9th day
of January 1912
County 61eak
First publication Feb 1 8fs
your fabric in a
B eV
All wool in every thread
All silk in every seam
Absolute guarantee with every suit
All these with your style your fit
iter I
spring suit is here where everything
else is of the same quality
t t
This store is the home of
I Hart Schaffner Marx clothes
Took One Fifth
The case of Minnie Steinmann
vs The Travelers Insurance Coin-
MM1UiaIHllHJJHUIJljlii 1 -
Suits by special order at same
price charged for mades
Clothes shrunk and sponged by la
test and most scientific method
Call and see samples before giving
your order for spring suit
Mrs J M Trammell
Main Ave Under Commercial Hotel
If you want THE NEWS read
The Tribune
Advertisement for Bids
Notice is hereby given that
sealed proposals will be received
at the office of the County Clerk
of Red Wallow county Nebraska
at McCookNebraskafor the con
struction and erection of the super-structure
the sub structure
and approaches and for the fur
nishing of materials in connection
wth the same for all steel and
wooden bridges to be built in
said Red Willow county Neb
raska within one year from the
5th day of March 1912 A D said
bids to be for the super structure
of all said bridges per lineal foot
for the super structure of all ap
proaches per lineal foot for all
pilings used in the subHstruct
ure of all such bridges and ap
proaches and for all caps sway
braces and other wood material
used in the sub structure of such
bridges and approaches per foot
board measure according to
the plans and specifications in
the County Clerks qffiee of said
Each bid must be accompanied
by 50000 in cash or certified
cheek for said amount payable
to dias K Duteher county
clerk to be forfeited to the
county in case bidder refuses to
enter into contract with rthe
county with proper bond if
same is awarded to him must
be filed on or before noon- cent
ral time on the 5th day o
March 1912 Said bids wall be
opened ait 2 oclock p m cent-
Jral standard time March 5th
The Board of County Commis
sioners reserve the right to re
ject any or all bids
County Clerk
Forsfc publication Feb l 8te