The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 15, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Nuptials Union cf Prominqn c
Consummated Wednesday
Miss Verniee daughter of Mr
and Mrs V Franklin of our city
and Mr G N Pringle of Parks
Neb were united in marriage
Wednesday evening at 7 oclock
Rev D L MeBride of tilie Bap
tist church performing the cere
mony in the presence of members
of the immediate families of the
liigh contracting parties
The bride Avas becomingly and
handscmelv ncwned in -white sat
in en trrn trimmed wiith peani j hencs
passementerie and fringe and car
ried beautiful bouquet cf brides
roses and maiden hair fern The
groom appeared in conventional
The ceremony was performed ur
der a nuptial bower of white and
green white satin ribbons and
smilax and banked with petted
plants forming the bower in ap
propriate beauty The parlor col
or scheme was in white and
A wedding dinner followed the
ceremonial and congiatulataons I
thousand dollars in steaks
checks silver ware cut glass tte
Mr and3Irs Pringle Isavetlu s
evening for the cast to be absent
a month or longer visiting in
Ohio Pennsylvania and New
York They will be at heme on
the ranch near Parke after June
A ncrtv home is now building
on the ranch together with oth
er suitable buildings which will
1 Zi li Ilnnl r o
We Aie Pleased
tliat so many people took the ad
vantage cf our special muslin of
fer of last week and even pleas
ed that some continued to come
after the time had expired
tho they could not then obtain
the muslin at the special offer
It prompts us to say that we as
pire to be taken at our word and
as meaning what wesayiu our ad
vertising and especially as mean
ing it alike to all We trust you
wiill keep on the qui vive for
our announcements and we will
save you many a dollar The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
ue for cash onlv
The Avail paper season is here
and we are here with the new
and latest designs of wall decor
ations You will get many new
ideas by looking over our sample
-books whether you are- ready to
paper or not See our papers
and be convinced
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Call at D Magners store and
get a can of Armours Prepared
Classified Advertisements
216 West B st Splendid board
elegant rooms only 20 month
Close in doors east of Palmer
hotel Itf
FOR SALE Set work harness
set double buggy harness set sin
gle buggy harness 3 seetion har
row walking plow wagon Frank
Coleman- East McCook
FOR SALE Steel range
nearly new Wall sell reasonable
if taken soon 0 Gnisniore phone
reid 139 15 lw
Houses for rent by T E Eel
ley phone 6 i room brick bunga
low modern good location 3
room furnished cottage closer in
lawn and shade1 12 sw
The Priiscilla club held an en
joyable session with Mrs Chas
Enowles Wednesday afternoon
Mrs O M Knipple assisted
The Shakespeare club will
meet with Mis W S Morlan on
study of Mrs Brownings Pro
metheus Bound
Mrs J M Trammell will en
tertain the Research club next
Mondav afternoon at tihe -home
of Mrs Edwin Wiaite
wtill studv Plutareihs
The club
Tuesday evening A unique feat
ure of the occasion was the chaf
ing dish lunch presided over by
Mrs Elmer Kav
Mr and Mis Albert McMtillen
ententiained a small company of
friends Mondav evening at a
seven oclock dinner
piiee cf log cabin
phaelized tihe natal day of the im
mortal Lincoln whale the genei
Thursday Evening Edition
In Animal Session Tbjfce -New
Members of Board Elected
The stock holders of the Mc
Cook Cooperative Building and
Savings association met in an
nual session Monday evening
tional Bank offiice with a legal
representation of capital stock
almost 1600 shares being repre
sented in the gathering
The report of the examining
committee was read and placed
on file
The committee reporting a le
gal representation of stock pres
ent in person and by proxy the
Mrs Z L Kay entertained tin- stock holders proceeded to elect
1901 club verv en icy ably on by ballot three members of the
board of directors wliich result
ed in the election of II P Waite
W B Mills and J A Wilcox all
of them ibeing old members of the
Secretary Pennell read a com
parative statement of the asso
ciations af fails which was re-
A center- craved with applause showing
form the association to be a prosperous
one and in splendid condition
White and pink constituted the al decorative effect was patniolfc After the adjournment of the
deeorative idea in the dining Whilst was the social diversion of stock h olden meeting the board
room I the evening Miss Skjelver Avas of directors went into session
Mrs W B Mills played tlia an out of town jruc st choosing the old officers for the
wedding march and during the
serving of the wed ding dinner
The brideTias grown to young
ensuing year
as follows J E
Last evening the neighbors and Kelley president J A Wilcox
intimate friends of Mrs B L Aice president F A Pennell see-
womanhood in cur city from a Schwab surprised her in a man- retary Louis Thorgrimson
little child and her circle ot ner -as complete as delightful The urer The president reappointed
friends is warm and wide All affair wais in the garb cf an in W B Mills J A Waleox and C
wish her much jay in her new formal valentine party Some F Leihn on the examining corn
estate The giccim is a prosper- iljlitecn ladies assembled at the mttee for the next year
ous andwcll esteemed ranchman home of Mrs James McAdams Complete- beard is as follows
of Dundy county owning and op with an efficient commcaxonary J E Kelley T B Campbell F
crating a splendid ranch property and swecped down upon Mrs M KAmmell Emerson Hanson C
cf about 50G0 acres near Parks Sdhwab in due time A marve J OBrien C F Lehn II P
The gifts to the briida j lcois bouquet from the surprising Waite J A Wilcox W B Mills
ed to a handsome sum several column was an incident of note I The McCook Building
jtion stands at top among such
I ra4 il4 4- l4j 1
v 1 n - - -4-1 vif a -- s - O
The Congregational Dorcas so- raUMUir 1U wuw UV i1
cietv kensingtonat the houfe of
Mrs E II Doan this afternoon
attracted the usual large attend
ance and was uncommonly enjoy
ed The program included the
most laughable comedy Hie
Last Afternoon at School which
afforeled the guests no end of
amusement Besides there was a
vceal solo by Iiss Marjorie
T- T V iVc 1 light refreshments and a gen
ed alfalfa anjl orchard ranches of amal
souwiAvesrern - emaiKa
The Tribune adds its best wish
es and concratulations
source of prude and profit
Imany of our readers See
i reports anel statements to
Ifounel elsewhere in this issue
1 The Tribune
Sugar Beets Growing
George Cappel of Perry pre
cinct exhibited a firm and ap
parently vigorous sugar beet
about four inches long at The
Tribune office this Aveek whCcli
he liad just taken from a field on
hits farm About ten acres cf
Mis Viola Kenvon Mrs S P daiat spring s planting failed to
Hart and Mrs WS Morlan Averecome up and these ten acres
host esses at a dinner party of en new seem to be green and grow
joyable particulars on Saturday ting luiving been covered for
after noon at the home of the many Aveeks of the Aventer by
former The dinner AAas seiwed i heavy snow fall So far they
daintily in tAAo courses- the table
being generously decorated Aith
hearts and eupids Artificial
Liight gave the darkened dining
room an attractive effect The
gueats Avere Mrs F S Wil
cox Mrs ii r feuMcn irs u
are apparently uninjured by
freezing or frost
A Cutting Affair
A serious cutting affair occur
red on Main street early thfe
morning Armed Avith a deadly
M Kniipple Mrs W G Dutton i Aveapon and using main strength
and Miss Margaret Evans enough to completely sever in the
Miss Juliet Galusha entertain
ed fifty young people AAiitdi a
dancing party in Monte Cristo
lull Tuesday evening The event
A as in honor of Miss Zeilla Tay
lor of Rod Cloud aaiIio is Aiisiiting
her Decorations AVere large bou
ejuets cf red and AvMte carna
tions Pattde Galusha and Mar
jorie Sehobel served sherbet
AAafers and mints at a corner ta
ble Heart shaped programs and
-a favor dance for Aviliicih tihe
middle a fearful slash aatcs made
in the price of all Ladies and
Miiteses Coats and Jacket Suits
and all furs by The Thompson D
G Go This gives you a splendid
silk lined suit for 500
or a fine caracul coat for JJilOo
Gome early
Marriage Licenses
George N Pringle 42 Parks
Nebraska anel Vernice Franklin
Indianola Married by county
judig Februaiy 13th
fir ri IV TniTlrrln 0 nf Tililllrc
matched cuprid fcvor cjvrj0und Veu nice Frankling
lieart tavors s mrlLarJyi m Mrrnnr
marked carried cut the
scheme of the affair j Ta ei n t nn
Mr and Mrs Frank Real en
tertained Aviith charm and clever
ncsa Tuesday evening at a sev
en oclock dinner a score oi
more fniends The dinner was
served in five courses Aiith deli
cate fern- leaf tiable I eeo rations
and Aalentine heartrshaped place
cards Cut floAvers and potted
blooming plants were the hsome
decorations cf taste and beauty
The autoprJano afforded appreciat
ed musical numbers Wliist play
ing concluded the evening Miss
es Mollie Marcella arid Pauline
Ryan agisted Albert McMiillen
Avon the honors Dr C L Fahns
stiock the consolation
We have just received a new
supply of the latest popular
copyright books
J A McMTLLBN Druggist
on the dollar to eci3i them out
That gaK you a splendid black
c raoiil ccsaB for 495 and ciLcth
ecaitfs as Ioav as- 325 Dont dc
laiy a minute Gome and get first
choice The Thompson D G Co
Bound to clear
Our large selling keeps elrugs
moAiing Tliey are alAvays fresh
because they have no chance- to
get old You AAant frciah drugs
Buy of
McCONNELL Druggist
Protect your hands and face
from roughness or chaps by us
ing McMillens Cream Lotion
By using McMillens Laxatrive
Cold Tablets you may prevent a
spell if sickness
We have the Wedding Break
fast syrup D Magner phone 14
next Tuesday afternoon for the February 12th in the First
Non Resident Tuition
a special meetinjr of the
board of education held on Wed
nesday afternoon the following
resolution was presented by Law
ritson seconded by Moore
-Whereas There are a number
of pupils attending the McCook
public seliools who should ac
cording to the school law pay tu
ition but have not therefore be
Resolved That the require
raente of the law regarding the
actual legal residence of the pu
pils and thelir parents or legal
guardians be strictly enforced in
in regard to tuition
To be a legal guardian one
must have been so recognized by
a court ot proper jurisdiction
with such guardianship made a
matter of record by the court
Sec 3 678 C S 1905
The resolution was carried un
Commercial Club
There Avas a regular session of
the McGcok Commercial club on
Tuesday eAening at AAihieh the
routine business of the club Avas
transacted bills alloAved commuu
leatirons read etc
Mr A Barnett reported the
Hastings meeting cf the Omaha
Denver Trans Continental Route
Mr W B Mills and Mr P
Walsh reported the Lincoln Gooel
Roads meeting
An inA ifation A as formally ex
tended the South Platte League
of Municipalities to hold a elist
rict meeting in McCook some
time next month and response is
expected soon favorably
Opening- Corest
The opening contest in the higl
school series of eleelamatory con
tests AA as held in the auditorium
last evening being but fairly at
tendee anel for the most part by
Tonight the remainder of the
class of tAventy aaL1 declaim aftei
Avhieh the successful contestants
Avill be announced
There Aas a brief musical pro
gram of merit
Revival Meetings
A series of eAamgeliietic meet
ings ato1 he- bold in the Baptist
church beginning next Sunday
the 18th to continue indefinite
ly We Avel have the airraistanee
beginning AVliith Mondav night of
the Rev II R Baker of Uol
brook The Rev Baker is an ex
peiieneed cAangelist We Aill be
glad of the cooperation cf all in
these meetings
D L McBnide Minister
Baseball Fans Attejition
Do not miiss the funniest base
ball yarn of the season It Avill
appe ar in the Saturdav Evening
Post dated February 21th 1912
For sale by Monte S Walker on
Thursday February 22
If Yon Have
houses to rent list them Avith
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file noAv
for houses Phone black 2S3 Of
fice in Temple block
McConnell for drugs
A MeMill en Druggist
McCounell fills prescriptions
Riwui 1 lu Tribune for the neAvs
i i g in i im -
Wind i
for AA inel
i eapeaaliy Ailutablc
mJJs air prcDJure mid
For making fancy oake
SAvans DoAvn Cake
Magner phone 14
Tliis Aveek Sam Diamond mov
ed from his old stand on West B
into the Nelms building on Bast
B street
IIartman3 Avill iiiMfi wo miilk
deliveriiee a elay eluring the AAarm
Aveather instead of one as last
7 f
Better realize that there is no
longer any need of headaehe Mc
Connell s Headache Capsules
cure every time Gcst too little
to be Avithout them TAventy dos
es for tAArenty fave cents
W C Allison Meets With Pain
ful and Serious Accident
Monday night W C Alison
niglit hostler met AAiith an acci
dent in AArHch he lost the sight
of liis rigliit eye It seems that
in stooping down to look into the
fire box of the engine liis eye
came in contact Avith the fire
door latch AArhich very hot
Mr Allison AAras taken to Den
ver on No 3 the same niglit but
AA ord from there states that the
sight of the eye is lost forever
His fellow Avorkmen and friends
deeply sympathize AAiitih lidm in
thus misfortune
A feAV AAeeks since Mr Allison
suffered severely AAith ptomaine
ne is still in the hospital in
Washington Dinner and Suppejr
To be seiwed in the basement of
the M E church Feb 22 1912
Roast Turkey Avith Dressing
Roast Beef Brown GraAy
Cranberry Sauce Jelly
Masheri Potatoos
Escalloped Corn
Cabbage Salael Pickles
Whijte Bread BroAAii Bread
Celery Cheese
Mince Pic Pumpkin Pie
Apple Pie
Coffee Tea
Gold Slieeel Meat
Hot Croepiettcs
Eseallopeel Potatoes
Baked Beans
Gold SlaAv Piekles
Fruit Salad Assorted Oake
Tea Coffee
Real Estate Filings
The folloAving real estate filings
f rt V f 1 rt s l V v- J 1 V - 1 fc m
eiity are urged to be present
New Percales anji Ginghams
anel embroideries arriving at The
Thompson D G Cos Your in
spection inAfited
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing
A McMillen prescription drug
The Morris store room is be
ing prepareei for a tenant in the
near future
Ilartmans aatII make two milk
deliA erics a elay eluring the AA arm
Avesilihcr intad cf one as last
Remember the Gooperaivie Ilosr
piitail moeitivng in the commercial
elab rccuns 330 oclask llc cday
Mr TraA is of Imperial has pur
ohaseel an interest in tlie White
Swan barber shop Avitih F E
Herman Pade has been eanHineel
to tlie house for a feAV days AAith
an attack of gnip but is out at
business noAv
A special meeting of the mem
bers of the Christian church is
called to be held in the church
tomorroAv Friday evening at
8 oclock
We hear it stated that West
B street is likely to have a sa
loon in the spring Avhen the
neAV applications for liquor li
censes are to be filed
Have you ever considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now Avhen you are earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saed
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier to save your money
and deposit itAvith
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
J W Murphy of the Bank of
AA as a eity A isitor on
Mr and Mrs H C
a hed home on No 1
Clapp ar
this noon
from their trip east
Mr and Mrs A P Ely Avere
Sunday guests of her mother
Mrs Smith in Red Gloud
S P Hart is enjoying a Aiisiit
from his brother from Auburn
Illinois Avho arrived here early
in the Aveek
Miss Zella Taylor of Red Cloud
H5 a onpt or AIt5 i taliTCihn
I I v 1 1 -1 I n iiim ill - iiiiimi r -
J tcr a Aveek or so coming up on
i i i
clerks office since our last- re 13
Tueklay morning
Julius Haun to Henry Hoff
man m r lot 10 bloelv
7 WdlloiAv GroAe Add to
MoGcck 1000 0
Saml E SAvanson to Luther
E SAvanson AAtl sav qr
24-1-26 1500 00
Jchr II Rice and Avife to
Margaret E Benjamin Avel
lot 1 bloek 51 2nd Add
McGcok 100 00
Henry Wiekman to Jacob
Wiickman Avel lot 2 blk
5 Willow Grove Add to
McCook 800 00
Cooperative Hospital
There Avill be a Cooperative
Hospital meeting in commercial
club rooms Monday afternoon
next at 330 oclock All persons
interested in this project for our
Aiitlh daughter Mrs Seth
jAer for several Aveelis departed
for home Monday night
W B Mills AA ent dciAA n to Lin
coln Tuesday night on- G He
Aviill attenel tlie retail eleaiers con
vention anel the manufacturers
esilialrit 13th to 17th
II P Waite Avent in to Lincoln
Tuesday morning to attend the
sessions of the retail hardAAare
mens association and to see the
AAiholesailers exhibit at the same
Mrs W B Mills and Mrs E
0 Vahue played for a dance in
Benkelman on Monday evening
Mrs Vahue joining the family at
that station that night on their
AAay to the coast
Mrs J P Xies anel Miss OHAe
Mars retiuraeel yesterday from
Chicago AAihere they Imve been
making purchases of spring anel
summer millinery for tlie C L
DeGroff Oo store Miss Mars
Atfill be in charge of that depart
ment during the coming season
expecting to make announcement
of the fact scon
Dr and Mrs J D Hare anel
son Max and Dr anel Mrs E
O Vahue departed Monday night
on No 3 for their future home
in California Aft present the
postoffiee aeldress AAill be Dinu
ba Their departure from Mc
Cook is a distinct professional
business social anel artistic loss
The Tribune expresses1 the AA ish
of many friends that they may
finel success anel contented pros
perity in the Pacific coast coun
try AAihereAer they may decide to
permanently locate
Advertised List
The folloAving letters aad cards
remain uncalled for at the post
Baker Mrs R S -
Dairing Mr H C
Whitley Mrs Lizzie
CraAAford Amanda
Leigh Robt
LON GONE Postmaster
Peter Carty Dead
A telegram from San Francis
co announces the death last night
of Peter Oarty formerly and for
years yardmaster at McCook
J M Huet of South McCook
one of the oldest and earliest of
our settlers is very ill at Ms
home in that part of totwn