l y GET THE HABIT Young man it will pay you to get the habit We mean the saving habit The banking habit will help you If you are starting out in life with only your two hands to help you the dollar on deposit will be the best friend you will have on the side Start an account at the bank Dont check unless the need is urgent A id to it rather than draw it out You will acquire a standing among the men who do things You will in time have a fund to do something with yourself Get the habit Start now The opening of a bank account may be the turning point in your career Come and start with us no matter how small Ask the successful man if this advice is good lie knows See if he deesnt tell you the same thing THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Te MeCoofe THiiM ESTABLISHED 1882 F M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher Largest Circulated Newspaper Fublishfid in Red Willow County SUBSCRIPTION 150 A YEAR Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published Sciiii Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays I hereby announce my Many of our vast corporate daey for County Attorney sub- and mdivadual fortunes are re ject to decision of Republican pri suit of almost unbeliieveable pub mary lie gifts in landfe Since S631 the GIIAS D RITCHIE government has given away 55- I OJUXOO acres more land to beg business than has been acqxtired The Nebraska Direct Legislation by homesteaders The Northern League iviLl hold a session in Lin i Pacifie received land worth 9S0 coin February loth wlueui is- the 000000 from the federal govern date of the Legislatfve Rinmicu ment And look Avhat could at which ti uu they hepe to evciv have been done with that Land plans to insure endorsement of had we tihe pccple who owned it the Direct Legislation Amend- cared io keep it snvs Mr ment by the different parties at th April primaries - v v W A Reynolds ea shier of the Farmers and Merc thin Is- Bank cf Indianola hao iMed as a reipubE can candidate for state reprs entaitive for Rid Wiliow eoomty Mr Reynolds is a young mm i sterling rdiiciated a the i anama canal and still have ey We coailci Have built tliat railroad ourselves for 75000000 We Avuuld have had 1011000000 left We could have irlt the Up ton nd Cmtnl Pacifies for - nWOGOO the Southe n Pacific fur sl0O00OOCO the Atlantic Pacific tor 100000G0 We conk tluii have spent 400000000 for thorough business man and some ft would made an id pal candidate and if elected would make an The Rothschilds says Presi able representative The dent David Strr JorcVn of Stan ion believes the republicans- cf ford uniiverily hive been the Red WiVcw cciinty wii1 do- well actual rulers of Europe since the in honoring Mr Reynolds with battle of Waterloo And Amer the neminaton IF many frinads ica has- some knowledge of the si here -certainly wish him success lent but absolute activities cf Cambridge Clarion the unseen emipire of finance V Franklin Pres G H Watkiss Vice Pres R A Green Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS V Franklin A McMillen R Grp n G II Watkiws Vernice Franklin i wj j r imiiw SED WILLOW Jacob Randel lias had a tussle viitli the gnippe Wdlliaan ileyiers lost lias beat cow and as she left no trace he thinks she was droTied in the river as another showed she had been in the waiter Miss Silvernail has been very ill but is now somewhat better Mrs diarley Allen spent two days with Mrs Louis Longnecker wliiie 01iarli was helping Louis as was also Rcseoe Korns TJie yjoung folks find it pleasant ai well as profitable to exchange work There was no school the latiter part of the week owing to the illness of the teacher There was a surprise party at Louis Lrongneckers on Friday evening largely attended and greatly enjoyed Roscoe Korns and family went from the party and spent the remaiinder of the night ait LTorace Taylors The SoUnd Sleep of Good Health Is not for those suffering from- kid ney ailments and irregularities The prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills will dispel backache and rheumatism heal and strengthen sore and ailing kid neys restore normal action and with it health and strength Mrs M F Spalshury Sterling 111 says I suffered great pains jin my back and kidneys could not sleep at night and could not raise my hands ovier my head But two bottle9 of Foley is as pleasant to use as cold wait er It comes in two sizes prices 50 cents and 100 Remember you can obtain at only at bur store The Rexall Store L W Kidney Pills cured me A McMillen McConnell HAIR HEALTH If You Have Scaljg or Hair Trou bleAccept This Offer When we promise your money back for the mere asking of Rex all 93 Hair Tonic does not do as we claim it will you certainly liave no reason for even hesctotaoi to tiy it We do not ask you to Obligaitie yourself in any way We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexali 93 Ilair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do if it dad nojt do all we claim Should our entluisti asm carry us away and Eexall 93 Hair Tonic not give entire satdsf action to the users they would lose falith in us and our statements and in consequence oiiir business prestige would suf fer Therefore when we assure you that RexaE 93 Mr Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff stimulate hair growth and pre vent premature baldness you marj rest assured we know what we are talking about We honestly believe that Rex all 93 Hair Tonic wiiill do mora titan any other liuman agen cy toward restoring hacr growth and hair health It is not greasy and wnE not gum the scalp or badr or cause permanent stain I uawnauwu I 1111 g Unique Story oits Hiscovery W THE CHAMPION CAR Joist a countryman thats all is the way the grower of this remarkable ear of eoin Mr Fred C Paliin styles himself Al though he is admitted to be one Iloosar farmer and while he openly prof esses a reaosnable pride in the achievement of grow ing the famous ear of corn which was adjudged the moat perfect ever grown it is without a shad ow of ostentation THEVVUKEUOCG TROPHY It looks to me like i good ear lie saiu What do you think of it I picked it up and looked it over Well I snid finally I of the leading corn experts in think it is the most perfect ear the country one whese semieea of corn I ever saw Its good are greatly in demand as a judge i enough to win the W K Kellogg of corn exhibits Mr Palm asks 1000 trophy this year at Oma for no greater honor or diBfcine iha toon than to be known as a ipkiin I And 1 was confident the mo- ment I saw it and looked it over that 1 held the trophy winner in my hand So much so that when I left for Omaha to exhiibiit the ear I took it out of mv grip and showed it to the station agent wiith the wordp Thats the ear HE WORLDS GREATEST EAR OF CORK Variety Palms Corn Flake Yellow Names after the AY K Kellogg 1000 Trophy A Hybrid The seventh year production Parent Plants Male Reads Yellow Dent Female Alex anders Geld Standard Dimensions Length 10 1 S inches Circumference 7 3 4 inches Number of rows 20 Length cf kernels 3 1 of an inoh Width of kernels about 3 8 of am inch Thickness of kernels- 1 G of an inch Arrangement very uniform kernels running in straight rows the entire length of the ear without a misplaced grain holding their length well to the ends of the ear tip beting well covered with dented grains Weiglit 20 ounces Estimated proportions corn 92 per cent ecib S per cent ill mWMi r l ihtWnrlr zyc l 3 The champion ear cf corn was f m going J JV Hil not an aeeixunt I -re can he iropny Whin no greater leEOn in the value c - - res the yliory of tlie careful study and painsiaking sv ear as favin lolu it him leetion of seed and breeding - nit on strength ot it th3 experience of this same Paliin wiio wjA say that hrtit U laiin Tihe farmer avIio thinks he stands dcesn t juaily merit the title a clioHee tb go into lws corn field The 31an Wilio Knowa Corn and bv a piicee of ludc piclv out But thoics not all of Jaliins RRHRSfnomcn rewaoraw the trophy and which has become known as the best ear of corn ever grown IP 100000 PAnOHALGOKN TROPHY JvIADE SjT tifeany lwiceNvarded To be Com peted for aain at the next jlCorn 5hovatC0LUMBIASC J The next award of this trophy will be made at the next Nation al Corn Exposition which will be held in February 1913 at Co lumbia S C It is planned to make this exposition much broad er in scope than any held in the past and consequently a longer time will be required for prepar ation Special buildings are be ing erected for the exposition the main building to be 400 by 1G7 feet ground measurements The show will last ten days The state of South Carolina lias ap propriated 40000 for the expens es of the exposition and the pros pect is that Dixie wall do her- self proud in an effort to make this exposition th greatest of its kind ever held Foley Kidrey Pills will cure any caso of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine No to vn Hie 1000 medIcine can d0 more A McMilten There is more Catarrh in this sec tion cf the coisntry than all other dis eases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease 11 i 1 r i IT l it x -- an ear ytivhi nature lias story lie tells it willingly clio by constantly failing to cure with wiled ever more perfectly and mocteatly for he knows that his local treatment pronounced it wcVili it wrcet the honors- fnem story whenever told is a source curable Scisi ee has proved catarrh tilife Indiana man cannot do bet- of great- encouiageanent of the to h n rnntjitioni fra nmi ter to dLtiabuse his mind of thus thousands of farmers who never therefore requires constitutional treat fallacious notion than to read the had a batter chance than he had ment Halls Catarrh Cure manu story of Palin and life champion brought up on a farm near Now- factured by F J Cheney Co ear town Ind He has never owned Toledo Ohio is the only VI foot of farm land in his life ional cure on the market It is a Ml In the first place Palin kndws corn If there was no more proof of this fact than the bare story of the development and discovery of the eihampiion ear it would lie enough And in proof of this fact here is the story as he told it himself It was in November 1910 and we were just harvesting oiur crop The weather had been goad Jbut we were a little late vvtii the harvest The men were going through the fields with the wag on in the usual way gathering corn and the harvest was a prom asing one sufficiently true to type to per mit of their being exluiibibeid Tli ere is a small box on every corn wagon in which the most perfect ears are thrown These when properly selected constit tute the seed com and among these more perfect ears we occas ionally find an ear that we are wiMing to exhibit in a contest On the day the champion ear Kvas foiund I was at the homse ana ait emmer mme one or tne men brought it in and laid it wiith a number of other ears up on the window sill in the well roiom for me to take and put away in the seed house Well I said do yoai think youve got a good ear there when he took a notion that he wjculd rather be an agricultural ist so lie took few short courses at Purdue University and rented a portion of the farm he now oc cupies Nine years ago he began carefully breeding this new jriety of corn For two years he planted two rows of Reads Yel low Dent then two of Alexand ers Gold Standard dctiasseliing the Gold Standard From Um de itaaseiled rows he picked for seed only the ears carrying the char acteristics he wanted to repro duce planting these in breeding plots and maintaining careful se lection so that in nine years tinie he had developed a well-set- j tied type j The Palin champion ear wasj the first winner of the W K Kel logg National Corn Trophy aj handsome silver and enamel cup made by Tiffany of New York at a cost of 1000 Mr Kellogg as the originator and manufactur We have a sort of corn show or of Toasted Corn Flakes natur al my farm all the tune and there ally has a deep interest in the de lis always an award for exception velopnient of the liigher grades aiily good ears oi eorn ejars of corn for company of whtolt he is president the Kellogg Toast ed Corn Flake Co requires ten thousand bushels of corn a day for the making of its product The Kellogg trophy was offered to be awarded in annual compe tiition for the best single ear of corn until won twice by the same producer The fact that the Kel logg product is made only from selected white corn while the winning ear was of a pronounced yellow type was a peeuliar feat ure The Kellogg trophy was won in 1910 at Columbus Oluio by R A James of Charleston 111 with a magnificent ear of Reads Yel low Dent but not so perfect an ear as that which originally won nd nrcsrilied Inr al rpmpflies jinil nul JI rt - i l T uwii wit- oou ucre iarm on wamen taken ineernaUy in doses from 10 the champion ear of corn which j drops to a teaspoonful It acts won the llellorsr ironhv grown is a rented farm 1 Mr Palms real experience as a farmer began about sixteen years ago He had been on the road as a grocery sneeialtv salesman was rectlv on the blocd and mucous sur faces of the system They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure Send for circulars and test imonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by Druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation Heating Plumbing MiddlctonRnby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice Thev keep a complete line of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE jjmrra SjSEM Trade fmW Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyono sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether on Invention Is probably patentable Communica tions strietlyconUdentlal HANDBOOK on Patents scntfrco Oldest openey for securing patents Patents taken throuch JIunn Co receive special notice without choree 2a the mm jfitieriean A handsomely Illustrated weekly J nrcest cir culation of nny sciontiHo Journal Torms 13 a year 10urmu1uu3tL ooiuuyaii nowsaeaiers Cfl3BlBroadwayfNeWYnr Branca Office 625 F SU Washincton D C How Colds Affects the Kidneys Avoid taking cold if your kidneys are sensitive Cold congests the kidneys throws too much work upon them and weakens their action Serious kidney trouble and even dis ease may result Strengthen your kidneys get rid of the pain and soreness by the timely use of Foley Kidney Pills Tonic in action quick in results Drew Furniture and Carpet Co Furniture and Carpets China and Glassware West B St Phone black 271 Most for your money MISS McCULLOCH Trained Nurse Phone red 479 804 East Second Street H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods of quality Main avenue McCook Nebrv Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our largo and complete stocks in all grades Baraett Lumber Co Phone 5 SEESI ij7rswyi JiAiww COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain business Give us a trial order Phone 2G2 Real Easterday I Fire and Wind f 1 Insurance 1 Written in First Class Companies C J RYAN x 2 js i x 5 r t - - White Line Transfer Company Elmer Hawkins Prop Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 6S residence red 456 Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location nn acres rnCrrlr street in P Waleb building l IWW UUK BULLARD LUMBER Co Ll SELLS THE BEST ier ami Coa PHONE NO 1 - i