The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 08, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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Ff 3fTff tfffT1
To Be Sold
Plain White Dishes as Follows
Plales 6 for - 45c
Cups and Saucers 6 for - 45c
Berry Dishes from 10c to 40c
and everything else in queensware at a price that you will
have to bav them
Mrs J M Trammell
Main Avenue
Under Commercial Hotel
have been doing praetical work
in the forest by culling several
of the cottonwood trees along the
rend west of town
Leroy Van Pelt was initiated
into the mysteries of Woodcraft
last Thursday niglnt
Rev Jackson discontinued his
meetings here last Thursday and
left the next day for Upland Ne
braska to held a series of meet
Rev J AY Morris of noldrege
anrived here Friday and held tlie
quarterly conference meelting at
the Nilsson home that afternoon
and lie will conduct the meeting
for another week
Floyd Lafferty arrived from
Grand Island last Friday where
he went in search of work
W V Miller and wife wut
busineiss visitors before the dist
rict court at McCook one day
last week
Mrs Nettie Ilegewocd of Grerv
er preeinetyisjted relatives here
larat week and attended the reviv
al meetings
Mrs Sally Smith was on the
sJsk list closing days of lae week
Miss Bessie Toogood ententflBn
ed tliie C E society Friday eve
ning Tlie house was decorated in
H ubers
on Thursday Februa
Groceries ana Gen
cf a shiOik however mucih av
1are expecting it
net avciII
James Relph was ait Jaiacib
AH calicos at per yard
AH mens gauntlet gloves at per dozen
Leather gauntlet gloves at 50c 75c and
Dress gloves at 50c 75c 100 and
Mens heavy fleeced underwear at per suit
Lamps Nos 1 and 2 from 25c to
irv 8th
Episcopal Sunday school at
10 a m Morning prajcr and
sermon at 4 Special choir re
hearsal on Wednesday in the
church at 7 30 p m
Methodist Regular services as
follows Preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m Epworth League at
7 p m Sunday school at 10 a
m Prayer meeting on TYednes
day evenings
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p m Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty welcome to all who Avish
to worship with us D L Mc-
Bride minister
Catholic St Patricks Church
She liad been siiek three years or 83 a- low mass and sermon
- - 10QO o m lli tiioco nnrl
-- - s1 o uu
mcire fcucii nevrs vs somajning
mon 230 p m Sunday school
Mr 1111 was S00 evening services Rev TYra
attend tflie1Pat3n - x
German Evan Lutheran East
6th street Morning service at
1030 evening service at 730
All German speaking pecjple are
TYesehs Monday on matters of ortliaiiy invited to Umch BftV
ounes iG TYoskenfuss Rev O Richert
TYord from II 11 Blunck ofj i
he started for Nebraska last
Tuesday afiter absence of two
years He will make lias homie
with his father P H Blunck whe
Estimate of Expenses -At
the regular meeting of the
county board of Red TYiliow
country Nebraska held on the
is section foreman at Mascot tlds 9Qi day of January 1912 the
state Imaltiter of tlie estimate of tlie
Frank and Clvde Ellioife from cessary expenses for the year 1912
i pink and white hearts and Trenton Mo have taken charge was considered and the estimate
at 9 oclock
wi k37 IN 1 tr fl 3 6Zo
Ff 1 J
at Once for the Account of Huber
Duck Coats Blanket Lined
Your choice at from 75c to 150
Cotton Blankets from 69c to 150
We can suit you in any of these as long as they last
We have a stock of Enamel ine Ware that we can sell you at your own price
Mens Work Shirts at 40c as Song- as they last flurry up
Ladies Hose 25c quality now 2 for 25c
Now this is one of the largest sales that has ever been held in McCook and it has to go regardless of
prices or quality as Huber must have the money Now you will have to hurry hurry as the stock wont
last long and this sale wont last for ever
The largest line of groceries in McCook at prices
never heard of before
9 i i Ud tVvi
It is j great relict now Mint
the weather has moderated not
to have to bring in suc h wocd
piles at night
The ground hog eculd see Kn
filuuk v for a while on the 2nd
Louis Longnecker and wife
Epent Tuesday at Charley Allens
Wciluni randel arm is rap
idly Imp i ring
Mr aid iirs Grant Clark vis
ited at Horace Taylors Sunday
Seth WSKld il h staying at
coe and rttends school in I
Indian t
A piciuri per1 r is around
trudging through the slop and
slush on foot
Mr and Mrs Maley are visiting
her mother Mrs E A Sexson
Mrs Rcscoe Ivorns and child
ren spent several days wotk Mrs
Louis Longnecker while RcsCOe
was helping Louis
tor awiiiie
John Longnecker and wife were
married on Friday February 2
1872 and it is a matter of inter
est to them to find thait their
40th anniversary is the last of
tlie only three times in 200 years
that February 2 falls on Fridiay
The sudden change of weather
with a fierce north wind is hard
er to endure than the continuous
dry but colder of the past week
ra ry
Suits by special order t same
price charged itid made
Clothes shrunk and sponged by
latest most scientific method
Call and see samples before
giving your order for spring suit
Alva Andrus is now located at
Pasadena California
utior air Cedar
trains one day last week
The reads ars in a very
jhape being icaigh and icy
Miss Effie Powell k visiting her
silster in Lincoln for a short tiune
J E Dcdge was a businebs vis
itor at McCcck first of last week
Mrs Dodge returned home with
George Miller and family of
Danbuiy visited the parental Mil
ler heme over Sunday
J TV Havens returned to his
parents heme after a stay oif
two weeks with his wife and son
at the Darnell home
C TV Dodge and family of TVA
yonville visited at the parental
Dcdge home first of the weeJc
Word was received from J II
iTVreks tihat thev are now
Ileitet Critohfield is at heme ed ivt 2U East 20th street Uni
versity Place Nebraska Anoth
er such move in this direction
wdLl find them at Marion
tines were at each plate For
amusements valentines had been
cuir in pieces and had tu be pjit
j ii ir t ii
C TV Reed was a business i iiei y jiiumit ni
Tint Timvu
K nffc ij wim I
1 - -
Ik r
j n Acei was rue guest or mg-
Cask relatives first of the week
J J f Mirunk had buaineiis ui
McCook Tuesday
John IlariLEicn was up to Cul
berson Saturday
Mr and Mrs Janu Boldman
entertained the Whist club en
Thursday evening
Mr and Mrs Neal Quick were
guests of hsir parents in MeCciok
yesterday going home on No 14
A bun eh of the I O O F bcyis
cif McCook were- down Tuesday
iniglit helping the local Odd Fel
lows put on the first degree work
There was a banquet afterwards
II W Keyes is in McCciak to
day transacting legal businefcfcj
Miss Nina Jones Velma MeiWii
liiams Clark Jones and Harry
Wiilbur spent Wednesday in Mc
Dr Minnick won the auto in
tiho Daily News conitst
As the around ho is not sun-
C TY Reed and J TV Pepper posel to get lip before 10 oclock
lie did not see has shadow here
but think he will resolve to lay
aibed the extra six weeks raither
than run the risk of getting out
in sueh weather as the last few
days has been
The Sunbcnnet elaib meit at the
ihome of Pearl Allen Tuesday af
Miss Ilcipe Shoemaker has been
very sick wiitih infilanvmaitary
rheumatism the past ten days
Mil Hill received word Janu
ary 1st of tire deaith of his only
sister who lived at Taibcir Iowa
of their fathers home here
A C Harris has gone to Mis
souri to take charge of his father
in law s place
Christian Science The morn
ing subject for next Sundav is
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m II M Mitchell mil
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesdaj and Friday
evenings New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Cengregaitiional Subjects or
Sunday February 11th Morn
ing Gcids Hand in American
Ilistoiy Evening Tlie Ari2
tcmiiCius1 Life
made as follows j January 1912 AY B Whittaker
Coumty general fund 30000 OOa justice of the peace of Willow
County bridge fund loOOO 00 Grove precinct Red Wallow coun
County read fund 10000 00 ty Nebraska issued an order of
County Soldiers Relief attachment in the sum of 4860
fund 1000 00 j m an a etc on pending before liim
McCook Citr bond 150000
McCook Oitrv water
bond T 10000 00
School distract bonds 12000 00
Dated at McCook this 9th day
of Januarv 1912
County Cleak
First publication Feb 1 Sts
E TY Soveiu whose full name
is to plaintiffs unknown will
take notice that on the 6tli day
of January 1912 TY B Whittak
er a justice of the peace ef AYil
Railroad Company garnishee lu
been attached under said order
Said cause has been continued
for hearing on the 23rd day of
February 1912 at the hour of
2 oclock p m
First publication Jan 25 Sts
TY R A Howard whose full
name is to the plaintiff un
known will take notice that on
the fieri day of January 1912 TV
B Wliittaker justice of tlie peace
of TVollow Grove precinct Red
Willow county Nebraska issued
an order of attachment in the
sum of 1440 in an action where
in E B Odell is plaintiff and
said TV R A Howard is defend
ant and property of the defend
ant consisting of 35 collars 5
pieces of underwear 5 shirts
10 neckties 1 hat 1 cap 2 suits
clothes 1 coat 2 pair shoes 1
suit easehas been attacher under
said order Said cause has been
continued for hearing on the 15th
day of February 1912 at the
hour of 2 oclock p m
E B ODELL Plaintiff
First publication Jan 25 6ts
F TY iSfWPrn full
is to plaintiff unknown will take l
wherein Ed Huber is plaintiff
and said E TY Sovern is def end
en t consisting of money duetfircn
the Chicago Burlington and Quin
ey Railroad company has been
attached under said order Said
cause has been continued for
hearing on the 2nd day of Mareh
1912 at the hour of 2 oclock pm
ED HUBER Plaintiff
First publication Jan 2o 6ts
Advertisement for Bids
Notiee is hereby given that
sealed proposals will be received
w d T3Tf ti wiinnat tilG office of tlie County Clerk
county Nebraska issued an or- redn Wf ll eount Nebraska
iv nf nfliimnt i en nf at McLookNebraskafor the con-
750 in an action pending be- stln and erection of the sup
fore him wherein E D Perkins er structure the sub structure
fr rcm nnr nr rlninf ffe n nrl and approaches and for tile ftU
said E TY Sovern is defendant nj11un oi mateiwJs in connection
and property of the defendant ith tilie same for all steel and
consisting of money due from en- bridges to be built in
Chicago Burlington Quincyj Ke4 Willow county Neb-
xmsiKci wiiuuin one year irom tne
5th day of March 1912 A D said
bids to be for tlie super strueture
of all said bridges per lineal foot
for tlie super strueture of all ap
proaches per lineal foot for all
pilings used dn the sub isitruet
ure of all such bridges and ap
proaches and for all caps sway
braces and other wood material
used in the sub structure of such
bridges and approaches per foot
board measure according to
tlie plans and specifiieaitions in
the County Clerks office of said
Eaeh bid must be accompanied
by 50000 in- cash or certified
cheek for said amount payable
to Olias K Duteher eounty
elerk to be forfeited to the
county in case bidder refuses to
enter -into contract with the
county with proper bond if
same is awarded to him must
be filed on or before noon cent
ral time on the 5th day of
March 1912 Said bids will be
opened at 2 oclock p m cent
ral standard tune March 5th
The Boajrd of County
saoners reserve the right to re
ject any or all bids
County CUerk
notice that on the 18th day of First publication Feb l 8ts