The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 01, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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f 7tjf
9 vyb t
3jf -- 1 BUV S A V 1 Will I IWIHII MH L - I lT II Ml Wf
iBSBaiaaiwwBRaRrtJty ifw
Christian Science The morn
mg subject for next Sunday is
Christian Sunday school at
30 a m - preaching at 11 a m
aiid 8 p m H M Mitchell mil
German Evan Lutheran East
Sth St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock
Divine Science Unity health
Reynier Gloves
Bacley Corsets
Mitchell Church Linens
and Dress Goods
Mrs J L Trammell
sasrafffegvwreaippflKiiEix HtmvwiaafViififoTc
- C 31
it i
Mil Uiftnl nil Tfir ynr mvn nno
11 ill
Every Country on Earth to Be
Represented at the Great
est Worlds Fair In History
Eighty Million Dollars to Be
Expended on National Cele
1THIX a few weeks time
thousands of men and teams
will be engaged in leveling
off the grounds of the
International exposition site
in San Francisco and it is estimated
that -within six months 10000 men will
he employed in the construction of the
material part of the great exposition at
vrliich the United States of America
Trill celebrate the opening of the Pana
ma canal Uesponses to invitations to
Sarticipate and offers of co operation
Irom every part of the world are flood
ag the exposition management and
President C C Moore and his thirty
dSrector who represent every impor
tant interest on the coast and 1000
300C00 in invested capital are working
night and day to keep up with tfc
avalanche of duties that pour in upon
Bcponsis foreign countries sur
pass ail Iutki urious of the exposition
management Every civilized nation
ae earth every lind within the swep
of botli shoes of tie Pacific ocean
and every Plate in the Union will be
zepresentcd by the fnest assemblage
af displays the world V- ever seen
San FrarcKco says President
3Ioore as hostess for the nation will
entertain the world in 1911 with the
7iost comprehensive exposition in his
tory a jubilee of nations a splendid
Composite Fleet of Navies of
the World to Pass Through
Panama Canal and Enter
San Francisco Harbor
What the Great Fair Will
Be Like
land upon the earth San Franci o
is preparing to meet the statukirds of
a great national celebration Every
land under the stars and stripes will
be represented and the nations of
the world am intensely interested in
the Panama canal Americas gift to
civilization and in the exposition at
which America will formally celebrate
the opening of the canal This uni
versal interest has assured the most
remarkable worldV exposition in point
of size diversity and speciO interest
eer held
Francisco following tiie contours of
the shore from the lnrbor out to and
bevpnd the Golden Gate The struc
tures will be the larett anil costliest
ever eret ted fur n worlds exposition
I The two principal locations of the ex
position will be at Harbor View anil
in Golden Gate park Harbor View
lies as a rescent on rfau Francisco
bay midway between the ferry build
ing the principal entrance to San
Francisco and the Golden Gate Gold
en Gate prk fronts the Pacific ocean
one mile below the famous Cliff ITonse
These two main sites and intermediate
locations will be connected by a ma
rine boulevard that will skirt the
chores of Pan Fraiuisco bay and also
In aa intermural raiirod A trackless
section of Pan Franc isco
trolley will rim over the boulevard
The opening of the Panama canal thousand acres Golden Sate park for-
will not only be thy most imporfaint ested and crealod of sawl tfunes tweu y
commercial event in the history of the
world but it will mark a supreme
epoch in th lives of the nations bor
dering upon the Pacific and appropri
ately the visitor will see in the e
position the greatest displays of
strange tribes and peoples of the Pa-
title ocean countries ever assembled
Down the streets of Pan Francisco
in exposition days will pass such ori
ental pageants as the world has never
seen China Japan the Philippines
India and other oriental lands will
join in parades that will rival the In
dian durbar in magnificence and sur
pass the durbar in variety by reason
of the many nations represented
The exposition will formally open
with the entrance into Sai Francisco
Real Estate Filings
Marie E Brcnson to Jean-
nette McDmtt wd lcit 5 II Weyeneth near
qr 35-1-26
Moretta Simmons est coii9 to
Florence A Ilartman wd
lot 8 block 3 1st Ad to
So McCook 500 00
The F S Sovem -barn at Wiil
sonville was destroyed by fire
Monday afternoon of laet week
Loss 1000 insurance 500 Mr
and Mrs So vera iweie hore ait
tending the funeral of the late
F M Pennington at tlhe time
It ds not known that any one had
been in the barn for two or three
Born To Mr and Mrs W E
Witt a girl last week Willie
weara a smile on bis face steen
feet long
Mrs Jacob Wesch and son
Chas and Miss Dora Greenway
were visitors at the home of II
Wesoh Sunday
Wesch -Brothers hauled out a
load iof corn from Traer Ivan
Jacob Wesch and son Oh as
were at McCook on matters of
business Friday
Two more scholars enrolled at
Dist 51 this week School at
tendance has been poor so far
this winter
J E Adams rc hauling toy
Harbor View is within twenty i frcmi Alfred Ashtcns this wek
utes walk of the Fairmont noiei anu
the most extensive apartment house
At Ilarbor View will be located a
yacht harbor the Midway and night
life of the exposition and many con
cessions that lend themselves to night
illuminations as well as great build
ings to houu such heavy exhibits as
ihay be readily unloaded from ocqan
roin2 vessels such as the structures
to contain the manuiactures anu
Julius KatJika is hauling same
of his implements over in Kansas
on his farm where he expects
locate afte r March 1st
Dr and Mrs Worth are enter
taining lids father and mother of
Whitney Neb
Mrs E A visited Mrs
inervexlSs Tthe PahueVubora T M Campbell Thursday of tet
Arts and oilier industrial features weeic
Golden Gate park will be the seat of Chas and Olll Wilson visited
the permanent features of the j theeir uncle T M Campbell Sun-
n lit i i -
tion itn an area n mm claV
presents one of tne most miuhw
achievements in landscape gardening
in the world The west end of Golden
Gate park comprising 140 acres will
be utilized for exposition purposes
Around a great stadium already built
will be erected a huge concrete coli
seum the largest structure of its kind
in Ameiica capable of seating 71000
people and in architecture like that at
Rome A chain of lakesTst different
levels will be connected bjf a working
model of the Panama canal
Lincoln park where the Golden Gate
rounds out into the Pacific ocean com
raands a panorama of the Pacific
ocean of San Francisco harbor and of
Uhu bins of the city Its area is loO
acres and its contours rise more than
commemorative celebration which iirior of a composite fleet of bhe bat- 300 ieet above sea level At Lincoln
shall include ct only the finest fea
teres of all former worlds expositions
in recording the progress of the world
iut -yet in magnificence in diversity
In its distinctive color of the weM of
the orient and of all the countries bor
dering upon the Pacific ocean will
stand alone The nations of the world
tleships of the world
Upon park will be erected a great commem
tion of the United States nearly 100
warships of foreign nations will first
assemble at Hampton Itoads and will
be joined by detachments of the Amer
ican navy and the composite fleet will
then be reviewed by the president and
bv foreign dignitaries This fleet the
seexthe fiueit American displays largest ever assembled will proceed
ever showi
n at the Panama Pacific In- through the Panama canal
Sernational exposition
The plans of the people of the west
ior the Panama Pacific International
exposition are being undertaken upon
a scale of world education anu inter
2St and the exposition is the subject
nf enthusiastic co operation In every
in San Francisco harbor about two
weeks after the exposition opens
The exposition will be held upon the
shores of San Francisco bay and of the
Pacific ocean and will occupy an area
of more than 1G00 acres The grounds
will describe a semicircle about San
Episcopal Sunday school at
10 a m Morning prayer- and
sermon at 4 Special choir re
hearsal on Wednesday in the
church at 7 30 p m
IMethodist Regular services as
follows Preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m League- at
7 p m Sundaschool ait 10 a
m Prayer meeting on Wednes
day evenings
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p m Bible school ait 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 pm A
hearty welcome to all who wash
to worship with us D L Mc
Bride minister
Catholic St Patricks Church
8 30a m low mass and sermon
orative statue welcoming snips to tue
Golden Gate Tentative plans for St
Francis memorial tower callfor a
structure 30 feet in height with a
base 200 feet square The top of the
tower will bealmost 1300 feet above
the waters of theGolden Gate
From Lincoln ark the boulevard
turning south toward Golden Gate
park will pass through an area of 200
acres that have been secured by the
directors for exposition purposes Here
will be located the foreign buildings
live stock exhibits mining horticul
ture and agriculture and other dis
plays requiring extensive space
meeting on Tuesday and Friday 8 00 evening services Eev Wm
evenings Jew Thought bun day
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Patton U jl 1 pastor
Episcopal Saptuagesima Sun
day Sunday school at 10 Iloly
Communion anid sermon at 11
Service for men at 3 Service
confirmation and sermon at 8
Biahop Beecher will officiate at
above services All seaits free
Offerings taken up for missioiir
ary work in the districit
Read The Tribune for the news
Osborn Burton
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of DeGroIPs
Mr and Mrs A T Wilson and
eon Chas and Mr and Mrs T
M Campbell called on W Y
Jiohnnon last Friday before he
vfeiited at Win Doyles Sunday
Dr C M Worth wife and son
jft for the hospital at Omalha
A party was given at the heme
of Mr and Mrs F G Lytic last
Friday in honor of the fifteenth
birthday of their daughter Edith
The evening was spent in play
ing games A lunch was served
during the evening An espec
ially good time is rcipcirted by
those present
W B Sexson received a latter
from Mr and Mis J W Lcgan
of Lewistown Mo written Jan
19 1912 stating that it had been
very cold there it had been 26
degrees belov zero and tihey had
zero weaither for some weeks El
mer was married He married a
lady by the name of Bozarth
They are living twenty five miles
from Lewestown on Miss Bo
zarths fairm All of Elmers ac
quaintances join in congratu
lations Mr Logan stated that
at was very dry there last year
but lie reaised a fair crop of com
All were well Bertha and her
seven miles from
E T Woods of Danbury was a
business visiter in town between
trains one day last week
Miss Herma Roop of north of
Danbury was a iisatof in our
burg recently
Mr and Mrs Win NoithnageJ
from near McCook were visitors
ait tihe Jacob Wishon home a few
days last week
Chas ness and Arthur Allen oi
Danbury were business visitors
one day last week
Mrs Dodge visited her parents
Mr and Mrs N J Joihnson at
McCook a few days last week
Alfred Ashton from west of
Cedar Bluffs was in toiwn on- last
Thursday after a load of corn
Two B- M carpenters put in
a netw floor in the living
ments of ifche depot last week
J E Dodge sold his coiw to F
M Yieaiter northwest of town last
Fiord Lafferty left last week
for Grand Island in search of a
AY H Bif ert purchased a f erw dispensed witli and that his hears
head oi cattle to hutched from J he determined
Cedar Bluffs It is ordered that a hearing on
block 3 McCook 1000 00 last week said petition he had at the
Elliott Lowe et ux to Frank I Dr Bartholomew was called toty count room in said county on
J Polly wd nw or 1-2- Cedar Bluffs on prof eEsional busii the 5th day of February 1912
29 -1000 00 n ess Saturday evening at 10 oclock a m and that no-
umted States to Morgan II
Stewart pat nw qr 25-2-27
It G Evans et ux to Okas
II Miner et ux wdne
Cheser Srockeytt and Preston
Ex Gov Shallenberger spoke to
the teachers of this section and
the citizens of Indianola Satur
Estimate of Expenses
At the regular meeting of the
county board of Red Willow
county Nebraska held on the
9th day of January 1912 Jlie
Hiaititer of the estimate of the
husband had moved to another cessary expenses for the year 1912
was considered and the estimate
made as follows
County general fund 30000 00
County bridge fund 15000 00
County road fund 10000 00
County Soldiers Relief
fund 1000 00
McCook City bond 1500 00
McCook City water
bond 10000 00
School distract bonds 12000 00
dOated ait McCook tlios Sth day
of January 1912
County Clerk
First publication Feb 1 5ts
Order ef Hearing
To all persons interested in the
estate of James R Jackson de
ceased You will take notice of
the folloiwing
In the county court of Red
Willow County Nebraska In
the matter of the estate of James
R Jackson deceased
Now on thos 13th day of Jan
uary 1912 Ruth E Jackson hav
ing filed ber verified pertaitdou in
thus count praying that the aa
mmastriataon of tihe egtaite of
Henry Miller who has been tioe hereof be given to all per-
vorking in the eastern part of sons interested in said estate by
the sttaitte for seme rime an rived publishing tins order for three
here ealoa of last week for short successive weeks in The McCook
4000 00 visit with relatives and friends Tribune a legal newspaper pub-
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
will quote jou prices Satisfaction
J Ernest Wewencth and bride lished in said county
are now occupying the W II Mc
Kinney farm Avest of town
Mrs C W Reed suffered from
x severe case of the quinzy last
E Gailusha plastered a house
for A II lied fern west of town
iast week
Cecil Howard stopped off to
visit the Long family on his way
from Blythville Arkansas to
his home at Carpenter Wyoming
Tire Sun Bonnet club met at
the home of Clara AVilson Tues
day afternoon The afternoon
j i 1 i
ras sn iu w wu i mmnw of tll fiftfnlant
Reto xments were served con-
of m0 due from
siting c sandwiches piekes Chi Burlington Quincy
cake and eceoa Adjourned about Railrcad Company garnishee has
five oclock all declaring Wwy 1een attaeiled under d order
had had a jolly good time tSil h been continued
some time are moving to Cam
bridge The fifth and the sixth
grades gave their children a sur
prise party Monday evening
Mr and Mrs Earl Allen enter
tained at a card party Moneday
evening in honor of her siistei
Seal County Judge
C n BCYLE Attorney
First publication Jan 15 Gts
E W Sovem whose full name
is to plaintiffs unknown -will
take notice that on the Gth day
of January 1912 W B Whittak
er a justice of the peace f Wil
low Grove Precinct Red Willow
county Nebraska issued an or
der of attachment in the sum of
750 in an action pending be
fore him wherein E D Perkins
Company are plaintiffs and
said E W Severn is defendant
2 oclock p m
Mr ana M rs Rolls who havefor hearjn on tie 23rd day of
ade lndaanola their home s tor FjbniarVj 1912 at the hour of
First publication Jan 25 8ts
W R A Howard whose full
name is to the plaintiff un-
Miss Hines Those present were known will take notice that on
Mr and Mrs Loenstien Mr and tile f jrst cav 0f Januarv 1912 W
Mrs BcIdman Blanche Craibtree g Wlrittaker justice of the peace
of Willow Grove precinct Red
Willow county Nebraska issued
an order of attachment in ttihe
sum of 1440 in an action where
m hi U Udell is plamtiit and
day afternoon in the opera house sa w R A Howard is defend
on a non nartisan educational sub ant and nronentv of the defend
jcot Although the day was bad ant consisting 0f 35 collars 5
and stormy quite a crowd was pieces of underwear 5 shirts
cut to hear him 10 neckties 1 hat 1 cap 2 suits
i Roy Jones returned home on clothes 1 coat 2 pair shoes 1
Thursday evening from Waits- suit easehas been attaehor under
burg Washington where he was said order Said cause has been
cailled by the illness of bils faith- continued for hearing on the loth
er but left him much improved day of February 1912 at the
The Indiranola division of the hour of 2 oclock p m
Teachers Association held thoir E B ODELL Plaintiff
meeting at the school house Sat- First publication Jan 25 6ts
urday morning The meeting wasj -
called to order by the president NOTICi
and sublets were iven to eaeh I E W Sovern whose full name
to plaroitiff unknown will take
one present on which they were
toce that the lbth ot
given fifteen minutes to prepare on day
tliemselves fcr a short diseusscn January 1912 W B WJnttakex
ltl l e lU
the subject Pfi
upon Frank Defter is on the siek list j pve precinct Red Wallow conn
Nebraska issued an order ott
W E McClung and wife areJ
Wrf ir fnliM nndiauaanment m tne sum oi jpiou
JLLi CI UAJI l J j vw
Indianola friends
James Mallcek shipped a car
load of hogs Tuesday
On Tuesday evening of last
week Miss Lena Hill inviiiteel in
a few friends to remind her faith
er that he had passed another
milestone of his life Mr Hill
is a pioneer of the Indianola set
Mr and Mrs Fred Minniek en
tertiaiined Mr and Mrs Loenstien
Lucy Miller and Miss Maude
Walker Sunday evening
The D of II took possession
of the Henderson home Tuesday
i vening as a surprise to -Mrs
Henderson The evening Avas
spent in games and refreslunents
were served
Mr and Mrs C S Quick Jr
wcire the guests of Mr and Mrs
D F Noiswanger of Cambridge
Saturday Sunday
in an action pending before him
wherein Ed Iluber is plaintiff
and said E W Sovem is depend
ent consisting of money due tfron
jthe Gliicago Burlington and Quin
ey Railroad company has been
attached under said order Said
cause has been continued for
hearing on the 2nd day of March
1912 at the hour of 2 oclock pm
ED HUBER Plaintiff
First publication Jan 2o 6ts
Advertisement for Bids
Notice is hereby given that
sealed proposals walll be received
at the office of the County Clerk
of Red Willow county Nebraska
at McCookNebraskafor the con
stellation and erection of the super-structure
the sub structure
and approaches and for the fur
nisliing of materiais in connection
wh the same for ail steel anel
wooden bridges to be built in
saiid Red Willow county Neb
raska witliin one year from the
5th day of March 1912 A D said
bids to be for the super structure
-of all said bridges per lineal foqt
for the super structure of all ap
proaches per lineal fcjot for all
pilings used in the
of all such bridges and ap
proaches anel for all caps srway
braoes and other wood material
used in the sub structure of such
bridges and approaches per foot
board measure according to
the plans and specificaitions in
the County Clerks office of said
Each bid must be accotmpanied
by 50000 in cash or certified
cheek for said amount payable
to Oias K Dutcher county
clerk to be forfeited to the
county in case bidder refuses to
enter into contract Tvdth ithe
county -with proper bond if
same is awarded to him must
be filed on or before noon cent
ral time on the 5th day of
March 1912 Said bids will be
opened at 2 oclock p m cent
ral standard time March Sth
The Board of County Commis
sioners reserve the rigbt to re
ject any or all bids
County Clerk