The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 01, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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iU tP V5T Syr C
as at t ne bcu cm ci
Good Roads States
12 ki at
ince Oklaj
henna has been recently created
and plieed upon a bu nv rt hi iV
u State Iliglnvay Department Ne
braska 13 a ta1 cnder in g cl
Farm products of Nebraska av
erage over 30888527 each year
The Secretary of Agriculture es
timates that the average cost of
Jiaail per ton per miie over unim
proved dirt roads which at the
best are frequently positively bad
not think Jina weir naaneras
Congressmen Norris Kinkaiiti
and Sloan on the Republican side
voted for the measure making a
35 per cent -reduction in the steel
nwjiiW i wnw tnwny
Saturday February 3rd
The Great Laughing Success
T HE -
By James Forbes Author of The Chorus Lady
The 31ost Discussed
Comedy of the Century
rThe Record
The Play With
One Thousand Laughs
9 Months N Y T Months Chicago 5 Months Boston
Original scenic and electrical equipment and a company of unus
ual excellence including Don MacMillan and Dorothy Gkisy
fSc andi Box and a few orchestra
seats at 150
Curtain at 9 Oclock
missioner of highways
A Boost For Good Roads
Tbe Nebraska LegMaffave
League wall hold its annual re
The appended boost Jias been
issued from the Omalia Denver
Good Roads association secre
tarys office ami lias the right
Counties which are neglecting
the improvement of their high
ways need not be surprised wlu n
the last census figures tell tlum
that tliey are lcsmg population
while more prcgre20ive counfcLs
are gaining Gocd Roads attract
population while bud reads drive
The Omaha World Herald is re
ported as dccluig somcifcime dur
iug May 1911 thit CC Ik ex
ception of Okl alicana Nebraska
1 ment
First Educaitonal The bring
ing of the people in our state to
realize the enormous tax of bad
roads on the city people as well
as the country people Residents
of our cities as well as of the
country ought to be inspired to
willingly pay the price cf Good
Roads Our sister state Colorado
Avill vote on a 10000000 issue
of Stato Read Bonds in 1912
They are all boosting for this
The slogan of the state is Froir
now on every befever in Good
Roadis should think and talk
Good Roads improvement until
alter the election a vaar from
this fall
Second Legislative The se
curing of the legiisLatLw machin
ery he pledging if ncieds be of
our legislators to insure the peo
ple or a sys turn 1 tic and econom
ic mratihod of rotd construction
and maintenance throughout the
state In other words the pledg
ing of our legislators to provide
a bill or an act cstabMsliing a
State Highways Department and
the appointing of a State Com
and sometimes jmpassible to be Third Maintenance The act
23 cents a ton per mile If these ual work of location and con-
roads were improved he estimates
the cost would be reduced to less
than 12 cents per ton per mile
This would mean a saving to Ne
braska approximately 150000 J
000 per year Admit that it is
not practicable to save the- total
amount as estimated One thing
is positively sure and that is a
great saving can be made thru
improved roads
Ninety per oent of all the in
ternal commerce of our nation
which exceeds the foreign com
merce of the wocld must be haul
ed over our public roads and the
cost of hauling is 23 cents per
ton per mile as compareel with
ton cents per ton per mile in
France Germany Belgium Eng
land With improved roads it is
possibl eto liaul larger loads anel
to shorten the time required of
haul to the market
To obtain Good Roads in Ne
braska we must like other pro
gressive movements approach by
degrees It may be briefly stated
there are three steps of develop-
struetion as well as maintenance
can be elone onlv through some
Jorm of state aiel or supervision
Eternl vdgiilnaace is the price for
keeping roads to their highest ef
ficiency Colorado has a State
Highway Commission This Com
mission has succeeded in making
the roads of Colorado second to
none in America Each year the
state legislature of Colorado ap
propriates funds for roael
When you stop anel consid
er that the farmers of Nebraska
produce- more butter per year to
say nothing of other products
than tine gold and silver mines of
Colorado produce ore sometihing
must be wrong
Last year Alabama Arkansas
Delaware Florida Georgia Ken
tucky Louisiana Maryland Mis
sissippi North Carolina Oklaho
ma South Carolina Ifennessee
Texas Virginia West Virginia
and Colorado spent 44000000
on Good Roads
What will Nebraska do in
McCook General Hospital
Located in the HeckmaM House one block west
of the Court House
Will be open to receive patients after Janu
ary 18 1912 A Hospital devoted to McCook
and southwest Nebraska Skilled attendants
fn charge
D J REID Surgeon Proprietor
Huxley puts itAnuusement is
the happiness o ithose who can
Great Awakening
To my own satisfaction I had solv
ed the tip prohlem said the man
When we took refuge in a hotel dur
ing the renovation of our hown house
I said Hundreds for legitimate ex
penses but not one cent for graft
From the moment we struck the hotel
sidewalk I adhered valiantly to that
policy In vain did waiters cabmen
and porters extend an itching palm
and importune with hungry glances
I resolutely kept my hand out of my
pocket with results astonishing even
to myself Instead of the neglect that
had been prophesied as inevitable
servants embarrassed us with lavish
attentions I grew vainglorious See
I crowed That is the way to man
age these fellows Just make them
understand that you dont intend to
tip and they will give you decent
service without it If everybody
would pursue that policy the tip evil
would soon be abolished
Yesterday we moved back to our
own house amid the salaams of the
hotel crew To the last I stuck to
TnltililVA XTrriro7rT T r coi tUldlJOia
uuD l ti emu
far to make success Ill illustrate
thai A little boy hes a
Ilonairc today entered the office
a great Insurance company asked to
see the president was urhered in and
said Mr President my fathers life
is insured in your company Hes
very sick and we cant afford a doc
tor Dont you think it would pay you
to get a doctor for him
The president smiled How much
is he insured for my child
2500 sir
And what is his name
John E Brown sir
The president whispered to his
stenographer and then patting the
youngster on the head he said Run
on home Youll find the doctor there
on your arrival
And the upshot was concluded
Dr Marden that John E Brown re
covered and the company escaped a
probable loss of 2500 The boy I
need hardly add had acted entirely on
his pwn initiative Is it any wonder
he is now a millionaire
The Limit on Toughness
They were seeking to impress the
If you really wish to get an idea
of the toughness of New York toughs
announced one you should by all
means attend the annual ball given
by the Gorilla club It is absolutely
the toughest stunt that is pulled any
where If you dont get action there
for your money you wont get it any
Do you mean that lights are com
mon at that hall Inquired the
Am I to understand
that shootings
He got no further One of the oth
ers leaned forward solemnly took
hold of his sleeve and remarked
Fights Shootings Why every
single person that starts to go into the
Gorilla club hall Is stopped outside
and searched for concealed weapons
and if he hasnt any they give him
some New York Times
Just in Time
There Is no doubt that the tying of
a piece of string around the finger is
a really good aid to a poor memory
but there is a well authenticated case
cf a man who tied a piece df cotton
around his finger In the morning to
remind him to get his hair cut
On the way home to dinner that
evening he noticed the piece of cot
Oh yes I remember he said
And smiling proudly he entered the
accustomed shop and sat down be
fore the tonsorial operator
Er yes sir said the artist puz
zled Inquiry in his tones
Eh Oh yes cut my hair please
union and baneniet in Lincoln commanded the absent minded one
Jbbruary 15th Besides the
aous business of the gathering
there will be an- interior demon
stration in gastronomies post
prandials reminiscences aaid
other thrills and throbs too
Why certainly sir If you wish it
said the artist But you wont mind
my mentioning the factfhat I cut it
this morning sir yrlll youJ
CFueffc shirts the new ones at
Te Mcoolt THfefiue
F M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher
the nomination for state
jji i i 1 1 i
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffiee McCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
SOLVING THE TIP PROBLEM I announce my candidacy for
At Least One Man Thought He Had sentativo on the Republican tick
But in Time There Came a
et subject to the pnimaracs to
be held April 19 1912
The American Peace Society
will have a meeting in the First
Christian church Lincoln Febru
ary 5th Prof George E How
ard will open and address the
The next annuail meeting of
The Omaha Denver Good Rands
association will be held in Hast
ings February 6th The McOook
Commercial club with character
tic entei prise will send two del
egates to the meeting
Judge Perry Holds His First Ses
sion Here
B Perry opened his
first session as judge of the 14th
my guns but I fancied that I noticed judicial district in
suspicious movement of my wifes -
morning The docket was
hand toward her purse
Did you tip said I indignantly j rather small but the business of
Certainly she said serenely -the court was taken up and dis
How do you suppose we could have posed of in a prompt and Inis
endured living there these two weeks J ness ilike manneer -which vtwnn i
if I hadnt been tipping all the time j weill for the Wnl hnr nr tl
- - v i ll
distract and which will no doubt
Originality Displayed in Early Youth
Marked Him as One Declined for
High Position
prove satisfactory to the law
yers practicing before him as
well as to litigants
riie out-of-city lawyers present
wer II iM Kidder of Seiubner
C A Iqflv nf TTsn no fon n
Ci R Jrnrlnn vrne tnli intr nf n rlin nr - v lL l v
T - r vv keeker of mnaniaL S
A 7
ner in New York about his specialty
cfi i n
Smith m
and 11 AV heves
of In-
wing cass were disposed
of in mnner indicated-
TIu J trite of Nebraska vs Oia
T Kelley Continued Bond filed
The State of Nebraska Citv
of McCook vs Laura Hughes
Defendant dismissed her appeal
and paid fine of 7500 and costs
The State cf Nebraska Citv
of McCook vs Mat eh ell U Olvde
Defendant pleaded guilty and
was fined 80 and 1420 costs
The State of Nebraska vs Mit
chell IT Clyde Nolled Defend
ant paid cssffcs
The State of Nebraska vs Tii
liam Little Motion cf defend
ant to quash sustained
John Morris vs McCook Waiter
Works Co Injunction Contin
ued for the term
Laura E Starr vs Frank Cain
Appeal Defendant dismissed her
Catherine McAninch vs Anna
E McMurrin c it al Injunction
Continued by agreement for the
Gertrude M Smith vs Walter
C Smith Divorce Continued for
Livonia Drew vs Beniamin J
Lakin Damage Continued by
agreement for tenn
Hans I Peterson vs County
of Red Willow Appeal Con
tinued hy agreement for the term
Mamie M White vs William
11 Wliflte Divorce Plain tiff
dismissed ait plaintiffs cost
Fairbanks Morse Company
vs C R Livingston Appeal Trial
hy jury Verdict for defendant
Josiah Sullivan vs Mary J Sul
livan Divorce Continued
Oscar Grosmorc vs Maitella Gor
don et al Foreclosure of Mech
anics Lien Not at issue
Lillian M Pitney vs Sidney
Dodge Revivor of Judgment
Not at issue
Jennie A Miller and Wesley V
Miller vs Alice Sellers et al Eq
uity Title quieted in plaintiff
to south half northwest quarter
ana norm Halt souwiwiest quarter
29-1-28 Plaintiff to pay court
Thos C Baker vs Betsy A
J lings et al Foreclosure De-
zarulfe of all defendants Due on
note mortgage and taxes paid
145831 with interest at 7 per
cent Deiereeaf foreclosure Re
quest for stay
Temperance MeOaUum vs Mar
garet McClung et al Foreclosure
Default of all defendants De
cree of foreclosure of mortgage
Due on note from Margaret Mc
Clung to plaintiff 57138 with
interest at 10 per cent from this
J Abbott Thompson vs Ira Me
c tnu HlnnitiV Jrrfi orv
liniu 111 I J L 1 JIJIJLLJlimjIiMujJWBl
i if m
You Can S
On a 2500 Suit
C J Yearsley et al vs A C
Ingram Suit on note Default
of defendants except Defendant
Shafer Due from defendants to
plaintiff 125017 Judgment for
125017 with interest at 7 per
cent from this date
State of Nebraska vs J Alf
Dick Criminal Appeal Defend
ant dismissed appeal at defend
ants costs Permission to with
draw transcript granted upon a
copy thereof being supplied
Two- dances are booked for the
Armory mid February on the
16th and the 19th
The Research club will read se
lections from IJawtJiorne at Mrs
Barney Holers next Monday af
Dr and Mrs R R Reed en
tertained a company of friends
last evening at a dinner of en
joyable details
The Shakespeare club will meet
with Mis Viola Kenyon on next
Tuesday afternoon to study
Brownings In a Balcony
The Kappa Kappa Gammas en
joyed the hospitality of Mrs-
Harvey Miller Tuesday evening
A seven oclock dinner was serv
ed Mrs F A Pennell assisted
Mrs M S Jennings entertain
ed the Wednesday Embroidery
club this week Light refresh
ments added to the pleasure of
the afternoon
Mr and Mrs Chas D Ritchie
entertained a small company of
friends Monday evening at a
seven oclock dinner Card play-
ing completed a pleasureable ever
Mrs Viola Kenyon was host
ess ito the Prascilla club Wednes
day afternoon A tJiree course
dinner was the gastronomic par
ticular Mrs Marie Bronson was
a guest There was splendid inu
sSe tEroni a pianola Mrs O M
Ktsmme assisted
mmJWmwmtmmmAimjjimmmMm im
on can save 625
- jH HTTjrM
Some Clothes
Money Now
On a 2250 Suit
You can save 563
On a 2000 Suit
You can save 500
On a 1800 Suit
You can save 450
Same Discount on Overcoats
All shoes except Ralston at
25 Per Cent
Galnsha Son
Home of Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes
sriv IagTwtrTT v n vr
ft fc TLiiftvimpuiiALwm wrm
reeling journal entry on confirm
ation to read North half of
northwest quarter in lieu of the
West half of northwset quar
Amends Bill
Congressman Norris Tuesday ir
trodueed an amended bill for tak
ing the postoffiee department otit
of politics The measure contains
two important changes First it
provides that the postmaster gen
eral rather than the president
shall appoint presidential post
masters to be chosen from the
cavil service list subject to all
civil service regulations second
that the postmaster general shall
be appointed for a term of ten
years and be not subject to re
nioval eeept for cause Mr Nor
ris issued a statement that he
fears his former bill might be
unconstitutional in taking- the
appointing power from the pres
ident without placing it in the
hands of someone eiso He furth
er said
I think it is a vast improve
ment as in the first bill I made
no attempt to change the partisar
aspect of the office of postmaster
general I am satisfied that this
change will add materially to the
efficiency of the law Lincoln
Dress Maker and
Ladies Tailor
Phone black 30 503 E 3rd
Supply Your
Kitchen Needs Now
You cant afford to risk health
1 By oslng old
slls worn Vl
1 out enamel
whfch chlos oft
and causes stom
ach diseases or
rusty leakv tin wam
whlch sdoIIs flavors andwt
food Replace tho old ware with
1892 Pure Spun
Aluminum ftfJSfr
SV 0n8 of the many
fL niA 14nm nn
l Auma wo bmiyj
pvenavo just re
r ceivea a new
lot Come In
and see these
snpario croodsand
Set a soavenir free
You can depend
on anything
you buy here
McCook Hardware Co