The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 29, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3

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East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 P M
16 500 A M
2 550 A M
12 G35 A M
14 920 P M
10 530 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arrive S35 p m
13 930 A M
15 1230 A M
9 625 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 17G arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleening dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked tc
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tiCKels call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Conductor and Irs AY Fieke
spent Sunday in Wray
Xo 77 ranim two seotiions
lotli Sctuiday and Sunday
Conductor C E Crcaieh Avas
a Denver pangr Friday
Charles Pfrhnmer visited his
brother at Funk fiist of last
Lloyd Jennings went doivn
t Lincoln Saturday night on Xo
10 to a siit over Sunday
Tht board Avas cut laat FiC
day and tux fireman Avere lrri
off on aceoamt of slack business
Twenty years ago yesterday
the Burlington Avas completed in
to Waimota and the fact A as ap
propriately Celebrated by that
General Foremaai J E Mur
phy Aas in IlaA eloclc last of
Aveek inspecting the llavelock
Engineer Charles Starr Avill
have on 9 tcniorroAV morning
on a tnip Avcst soutli and cast to
to be gone about a month lie Aril
go to Colorado Texas loAva and
ether points Avlidle aAvay
Bruce Berry has been ap
pointed passenger director for
Burlingtton at Denver TJils is
bciih a promotion in rank aoid an
increase dn pay upon Avihieli
Bruce is being Avarmly felidiitiaited
by the boys at headquarters- and
is a recognition of merit
An agreenient has been reach
ed Avhercby the union depct at
Denver Avill be used by Union Pa
cific Denver Rio Grand Colo
rado Southern Burlington Rock
Island and Santa Fe lines It as
again rumored that the Union Pa
cific Avail use jointly the Burling
ton depot in Lincoln
EdAA ard F Highland a
official on the Burlington in
the early days died in Mercy
Ilospita Dernier recently lie
Avail be remembered by old men
on this system He has been a
resident of DenAer for a goad
many years since leaATing the Bur
lington employ
Vice President Byran will
leave Denver Thursday morjiing
Febraiary 1st to make a daylight
run OArer the Burlington system
from Denver to Kamsas City Su
perintendent E Flynn of cur citj
and General Superintcadet Allen
of Alliance Avill aeeiompaiiy hnm
private ears 83 and 78 being at
tached to the train of the xiae
Among the Burlington men
from DenAer Friday at the or
ganization of the Burlingtons
neAV department of safety Avas
James McAlpine aaJio for several
years AAas employed in the de
pot and freight house at McCook
Seventeen years ago he moved
to Denver Avhere he has ever re
mained in the Burlington service
being at the present time Avare
house foreman there He is a
member of the McOcck division
safety committee
ii mm im iilwW www
A Statement of Facts Backed by
a Strong1 Guarantee
We guarantee complete relief
to all suffers from constipation
or in every case Avhere Ave fail
atc Avill supply the medicine free
Rexall Orderlies and a gentle
effective dependable and safe
boAvel regulator strengthener
and tonic They aim to reestab
lish natures functions in a quiet
easy Avay They do net cause in
convenience griping or nausea
They are so pleasant to take and
work so easily that they may
be taken by any one at any time
They thoroughly tone up the
Avhole system to healthy actiTity
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpass
able and ddeal for the use of chil
dren old folks and delicate per
sons Yfe cannot too highly rec
ommend them to all suffers from
any form of constipation and its
attendant evils Three sizes 10c
25c and 50c Remember you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in
this communitv at our store
The Rexall Store L AY Mc
McCoys Fremier Run
The railroid boys are having
seme amusement at the expend
of Engine McCoy He recnitlA
left a small toAvn on the Kc pub
liean Ctv Obeilin line Avith a pa
sengir train at the siiw tune v
Rock IsVmd fivigh drag left
the sniL place and as th traekc
run side 1A eaeili quite until they
reioh Xorton McCoy threAv doAvn
iUhe gauntlet for a race to Xorton
About the same time the Rock Is
land nginor gav the usual tAvo
short av luetics meaning 1p give
McCoy a farewell amd hit the
rdl at a gait Avlwch soon placed
McCoy in the rear Later Iti is
reported that McCoy arrived at
Xorton some time later
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Conductor W T AYileotifc is
off duty for a feAv days
Conductor M B ITarbaugh i
off duty and relieved by Conduc
tor F F Xembauer
SAYctclrmiji J S Aarvole is
on dutAr again after bring off for
about a Aveek with a n injured
Conductor P F McKenna iv
fumed hisi nin on Xo 1 Sunday
after a feAv days difficulty Avotli
Conductor Xeal Beeler Aas
called to Beaver Oity end of the
Aveiek to be Avith Mrs Beeler at
the funeral of a relative
AY R A Howard Avhose fu
name is to the plaintiff ur
known avuII take notice that o1
the first day of January 1912 A
B AYhittaker -justice of the peac
of AViilloAv GroAe precinct Re
AYilloAV county Nebraska issue
an order of attachment in tih
sum of 1 140 in an action Ahei
in E B Odell is plaintiff an
said AY R A IIoAvard is defend
ant and property of the defenc1
ant consisting of 35 collars
pieces of underAvear 5 shirts
10 neckties 1 hat 1 cap 2 suit
cloithes 1 coat 2 pair shoes
suit casehas been attach ea und
said order Said cause has been
continued for hearing on the lot
day of February 1912 at the
hour of 2 oclock p m
E B ODELL Plaintiff
First publication Jan 25 6ts
Here is a remedy that will cur
your cold Why Avaste time and mon
ey experimenting -when you can get
preparation that has Avon worM wid
reputation by its cures of this dis
eases and can always be depended u
on It is known erery where a
Chamberlains Cough Remedy and v
a medicine of real merit For sale b
all dealers
When you want a reliable mediein
for a cough or cold take Chambe
Iains Cough Remedy It can alva
be depended upon and is pleasant ai
safe to take For sale by all dealer
If You Winter in California
You can go there over a very attractive route one of sunshine low altitude
and mild climate You can go Burlington Santa Fe via Denver to Pasadena ant
Lo3 Angeles in personally conducted tourist sleepers leaving Omaha every Tues
day night train No 9 and Denver every Wednesday evening Experienced con
ductors are jn charge of these excursions you will enjoy your ride to Californir
over these two first class railroads If not convenient to connect with No i
enroute through Nebraska use any of the Burlington trains into Denver and le
me secure a birth for you to be taken at Denver
Then there is the scenic way to California via Denver Colorado and Salt
Lake with standard and tourist sleepers to Denver and from Denver to the coast
This is held at Denver January lath to 20th Everyone going will receive a
big welcome in Denver the city of sunshine and hospitality
Homeseekers Excursion Tickets to the Big Horn Basin also to the west south
and southwest Winter tourist rates to southern and
California resorts cities etc
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
Carolina Woman Inmate of Home
for 67 Years
Lynn Anderson Has Been in the Poor
House of Union County N C
Ever Since It Was Built in
the Year 1845
Raleigh N C There is to the
comity home of Union county this
state a woman Avho has been its in
mate since the home Avas established
some 67 years ago Lynn Anderson
is her name and slie is now over sev
enty years old Lynns mother was
the wife of Jack Anderson who had
been in the daj s of his youth a sailor
and was known in the northern part of
Union county Avhere he lived as
Sailor Jack Andersen After the
death of Sailor Jack his Avife being
penniless and unable to make a living
for herself and two daughters Mar
garet and Lynn took them to the
county home Avhich had just been
built on a farm three miles southeast
of Monroe the county seat and they
Avere the first inmates of the county
poor house as it was then called
When Lynn Jintcred the county
home she v as four jcura old Her
mother and her sister died many years
ago She knows no other home than
the one provided by tho county and
has not in all the long years since she
entered it spent a night from under
its roof and she has never in all thece
j cars been more than half a mile from
its walls except when she made the
trip more than 50 years ago from the
old site in the county to Monroe when
the county home Aas moAed to that
Lynn is a remarkably strong woman
and has done an immense amount cf
hard work She has drawn and car
ried enough water from the well cut
ii the yard at the county home before
Lynn Anderson
waterworks were put in to float a gun
boat and if all the Avood she has car
ried in her arms from woodpile to
house could be put in one stack it
would be higher than the Union coun
ts court house Lynn has had but ono
attack of illness and that Avas a slight
one She is still able to work and is
a willing worker The new county
home of Union two miles west of
Monroe will be completed in a short
time and Lynn will go to it making
the second journey she has made since
as a little four-year-old girl she
trudged by her mothers side over the
long road from the humble cabin home
on Grassy creek to the poor house
Skulls Found in Kansas Are De
clared to Be Unlike Those
cf Indians
Junction City Kan TVhile tearing
down an old mound that lay in his
wheat field John Noland who lives
several miles northwest of town found
several skeletons in a fair state o
The mound apparently was of nat
ural origin and the oldest settlers re
membered it They say that It look
ed like the work of nature and many
supposed that it was a grave pile cov
ered with sod No attention was eer
paid to the mound until several
months ago when Mr Noland decided
to level it and utilize the land for
wheat instead of plowing around it
as farmers have done for the past 50
3 ears
The mound was about SO feet in
diameter and about five feet high It
was covered with sod with an occa
sional rock protruding When Mr No
land started to level it he found that
about eight inches underneath the sod
was a rock wall Ho kept digging the
dirt away following tho rocks until
he had unearthed about half of the
wall Then he started at the top
which was slightly concave and gave
evidences of once having- been arched
over Digging down in the center ho
came upon many well preserved skulls
and bones in piles at different places
within the artificial cave
People who have examined the skulls
say that they do not resemble Indian
skulls and the absence of Indian
-weapons and utensils would seem to
indicate that bones were not those of
Texas Rabbits Have Horns
Cureo Texas Several giant jack
rabbits that have evidently been
crossed with white tail deer have been
killed in tHis section and brought here
during the last few weeks The rab
bits have well defined antlers several
inches long Many jackrabbits with
horns have also been killed recentlv
Advertised List
The folloAving letters and cards
remain uncalled for at the post
Belmont Mr E C
Mrs Laura
iDolph Mr Albert
OTtfeld Mr L M
Ilanlin Mr Ohas
Johnson Miss Ellen
Cosito Mr Theodore foreign
Austin Mrs W II
Baker Mr Bert
Baker Mass Edith
BroAvn Mr and Mrs Albert
BroAvn Mass BessaV
BroAvn Mass Beatrice
Brown Miss Beulah
BroAvn Mr Lester
BroAvn Miss Iva
Brieken Mr Eliek
Cole Mr Isaac
Clark George
DePcTd Mr J
DoLong Edna
Dishman Mis Hoy
Ellis Miss Gladys
Greer Mrs A J
Johnson Mrs A W
Jones Mr W II 2
Kirclire Mrs William
Kmcheloe Miss Mary
Kerch Mr Sherman
LaAvrenco Mis Charlie
Long Mrs Pearl
Lynch Mr William
Mass on Mr Fred
Morley Mrs S R
Nelson Mrs Emeline
Nelson Mr and Mrs Jacob
Quier Mr Alvah
Richards Mr Louis
Schnieder Mrs Minnie
Sharp Mrs Laura
LON CONE Postmaster
E W Sovorn Avhose lull name
is to pla intilts unknoAvn -will
take notice that on the Gtli day
of January 1912 W B
er a justice of the peace of Wil
Ioav Grove Precinct Red WilloAV
eounty Nebraska issued an or
der of attachment in the sum of
750 in an action pending be
fore him Avherein E D Perkins
Company are plaintiffs and
said E AY Sovern is defendant
and property of the defendant
consisting of money due from
Chicago Burlington Quincy
Railroad Company garnishee hae
been attached under said order
Said cause has been continued
for hearing on the 23rd day of
February 1912 at the hour of
2 oclock p m
First publication Jan 25 8ts
E AY Sovurn avJiosc full name
is to plaiintif f unknoAvn Avill take
notice that on the ISth day of
January 1912 AAr B AYhittaker
a justice of the peace of AVilloiAV
Grove precinct Red AYilloAV coun
ty Nebraska issued an order of
attachment in the sum of isC0
in an action pending before hwn
wherein Ed Iluber is plaintiff
and said E AY Sovern is deifend
ent consisting of money duelfiron
ifche Gliicngo Burlington and Quin
ey Railroad company has been
attached under said order Said
cause has been continued for
hearing on the 2nd day of Mairch
1912 at the hour of 2 oclock pm
ED IIUBER Plaintiff
Fiist publication Jan 25 6ts
A Little Sound Advice Will Help
Many a Sufferer in McCook
No Avoman can be healthy and wett
f the kidneys are sick Poisons that
lass off in the secretions when the
cidneys are well are retained in the
iody when the kidneys are sick Kid
leys and bladder become inflamec
md swollen and worse trouble
luickly follow This is often the true
tause of bearing down pains lame
leess backaches etc Uric poisonin
dso causes headaches dizzy spells
anguor nervousness and rheumatic
When suffering so try Doans Kid
ley Pius a remedy that has cured
housnds of such cases You Avail
jet better as the kidneys get better
and health Avail return when the kid
leys are well Let a McCook woman
tell you about Doans Kidney Pills
Mrs H A Rough 212 E Fifth St
McCook Nebs says I have seen
what Doans Kidney Pills will do in
ases of kidney complaint and there
fore feel justified in recommending
them A member of my family took
this remedy when suffering from bac1
ache and soon received entire relief
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole ageents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
If your children are subject to at
tacks of croup watch for the first
symptom hoarseness Give Cham
berlains Cough Remedy as soon as
the child becomes hoarse and the at
tack may toe warded off For sale by
all dealers
Mrs A R Tabor of Crider Mo
had been troublde with sick head
ache for about five years when she
began taking Chamberlains Tablets
She has taken two bottles of them
and they have cured her Sick head
ache is caused by a disordered stom
ach for which these tablets are es
pecially intended Try them get well
and stay weLL sow ty an druggists
I B5i t
J - 7
I Tke Cook IPI
I always feels 5r
1 confident or p il
I pure aia wJaolesoifie 1
f o o d when usitid 1
vS G ft y si 51 cXai v ti K Sv vS
I T 1
fa O H j j - MKwek i - v - v sf trr 1 y - Ti J
ss A v n d ire K iYritiir ntiuAvj u a lo
wmimmzm m
In the County Court of Red
AVilloAV countyNebraska In the
matter of the Estate of Stephen
Bolles deceased State of Ne
braska Red AArilloAV County
To all persons interested in the
estate of Stephen Bolles deceas
You are hereby notified that
Marilla Bolles executrix of the
last Avail and testament of Steph
en Bolles deceased has filed hei
final account in said matter and
a petition for final settlement
and discharge and that the resi
due of sadd estate be assigned in
accordance A ith the terms of
said will Said final account and
petition Avill be heard in the coun
ty court room in the city of Mc
Cook in said county on the 29th
day of January 1912 at one
oclock p m and you are here
by cited to appear and sIioav
cause if any such exists at the
time and place abore designated
Avhy said account should not be
alloAved and said petition grant
AVatness my hand and the seal
of sadd court this 5th day of Jan
uary 1912
Seal County Judge
First publication Jan 8 6ts
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
Cures inn Every Case
Mr Jas McCaffery Mgr of the
Schlitz Hotel Omaha Neb recom
mends Foleys Honey and Tar Com
pound because it cures in every case
I have used it myself and I have
recommended it to many others Avho
have since tald me of its great cura
tive power in diseases of the throat
and lungs For all coughs and colds
it is speedily effective A MeMillen
TSiMP Baking rowder
Made troiri Grapes h
I t vi
Order of Hearing
To all persons interested in the
estate of James R Jackson de
ceased You Avill take notice of
the following
In the county court of Red
AYilloAV County Nebraska In
the matter of the estate of James
R Jackson deceased
Noav oq this 13 th day of Jan
uary 1912 Ruth E Jackson hav
ing filed heir Aenified petition in
this court praying that the ad
ministration of the estate of
James R Jackson deceased be
dispensed Avith and that his heirs
be determined
It is ordered that a hearing on
said petition be had at the coun
ty court room in said county on
the 5th day of February 1912
ait 10 oclock a m and that no
tice hereof be giAen to all pei
sons interested in said estate by
publishing this order for three
successive Aveeks in The McCook
Tribune a legal neAvspaper pub
lished in said county
Seal County Judge
C II BCYLE Attorney
First publication Jan 15 6ts
Charles Durham of Lovington Ill
has succeeded in finding a positive
cure for bed wetting ily little boy
Avet the bed eA ery night clear thro
on the floor I tried several kinds of
kidney medicine and Avas in the drug
store looking for something differ
ent to help him when I heard of Fol
eys Kidney Pills After he had tak
en them two days we could see a
change and when he had taken two
thirds of a bottle he was cured That
is about six weeks ago and he has
mot wet in bed since A McMillen
Tribune advertisers get results
V F inklin Pres G H Watkiss Vice Pres j
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
Go There First For Groceries
The Main Store
The Main Street
No Need of Going Elsewhere