The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 25, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Tfte McS ooft TtHfeutie
F M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher
Largest iCirculated Newspaper publishfd in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
President Farrell of the steel beam
trust testifies that the trust made
no special effort to get business
Perhaps not at Avasn t necessary
They got it without effort Its
Perhaps no more effective way
of reaching the steel trust than
through tariff legislation They
might feel an adequate tariff reduction
-when dismemberment
duction legal
ment would miss them entirely
President Taft Avas endorsed
for renomination by the Republi
cans of the Fourth Oklahoma
congressional district in their
convention Tuesdav bv a vote
of 72i2 for Taft and 63V for
The total of the Adams Express
Co business at McCook in 1911
was 17519 -In the whole state
their total business was 1651205
Their expenses for the vear Avere
24SS13 The company confess
es to having 31206 tangible pro
perty while the Nebraska phy
sical valuation department assess
es the company with 62737
worth of property
Secretary Corrick of Lincoln
lias issued a call for a meeting of
LaFallette men so meet in Hast
ings Sautrday January 27th at
two oclock to select LiFollette
delegates to repnsnt the Fifth
congressional district of Nebras
ka James Manahan of St Paul
Minn will be present and addres
the conv nton All LnFollett
adherents and ndmirers are ur
ed to attend this mass convention
By private means a number of
new books in fiction have been
secured and are now ready for
circulation as folloAvs
Each book in his special order
will be loaned seven days at a
rental of 10c a week When the
rentals from theie backs coyer
the cost of the same the books
will be placed on the library
shelves and become the regular
property of the library and be
subject to its rules and regula
tions to be loaned free as other
library books are
Below we give a list of these
Maggie Pepper by Charles
Joyce of the Jasmines by
Ralph Tlenry Barbour
RoutJedge Rides Alone by Will
L Comfort
Miss Gibbie G ault bv Kate L
Havoc by E Phillips
Lady by Eleanor II
Dr David by Marjorie Benton
My Lady of Doubt by Randall
The Harvester by Gene
A niunber of donations have
been made to the Library recent
ly viz
Rev Goldsmith Lineage of the
American Catholic Church by Rt
Rev C C Grafton
W C T U Two books by
Richard Metcalf
L W McConnell Eight volum
A n Taffinder One volume
Slason Thompson Railway Li
brary 1910
Mrs Minnie Snyder One vol
ume fiction
Library Assn Lincoln One
years subscription to Wiscon
sin Library Bulletin
Mrs J M TrammeLl A num
ber cf back numbers of Harpers
Bazar and odd magazines
Lvle Fisher One volume Juve
One years subscription to In
dependent Farmer
One years subscription to
Poultry Topics
C W Barnes The Republican
These donations are appreciat
ed and the books Avill be found
on - shelves
Omaha Neb Jan 22 That
Nebraska corporations have- been
taught an expensive and not t
be forgotten lesson by being se
verely penalized for failure to
make a report on business- trans
actions for 1910 Avilhrai the time
prescribed by internal revenue
vgulations is videnccd by the
fact that Ross Hammond collect
or of internal revenues for the
Nebraska district as deluged with
returns made by corporations for
1911 The law allows them until
Mia roll 1 but many have- been so
badly frightened by the
sale filing of suits for negligence
by the United States attorney
that they are getting their re
ports in a month early Mr
Hammond believes that if -the
present rate of returned reports
is kept up until March 1 there
Avill be no necessity to demand
the penalty proAnded for from de
linquent corporations for the
reason thait -all of the 38S9 cor
porations in the state AAiill have
i gotten under the Avire Avithin the
prescribed time limit
You are cordially invited to attend the demonstration to
be given at our store by the National Biscuit Co on
Saturday January 27 1912
and other package goods can be sampled and bought at this
time We carry a full line of the best Everybody Come
J A Wilcox Son
Wilber Plourd Laura Aelisah
Roy Dutcher and Esther Phillips
attended the taffy pull over at
the Rozell home last Friday eve
The Sunbonnet club onet Avith
Miss Ella Wolfe Tuesday after
noon A Arery pleasant afternoon
was spent
Joseph Rayer has been on the
sick list the past few Aveeks
All of the high school girls
are Avearing long sleeved aprons
and the boys are Avearing oact
alls Wonder does tiiat represent
hard times or good times good
times I guess
C E Hotze sold a car load of
nogs to CL S Quick Wednesday
F W Deffer was called to
JTairbury last Sunday by the ill
ness of his father
JViday evening tiio D H with
toeir supper in hand stepped in
on Mr and Mrs John Dutcher
to their great surprise and had
a royal good time Checkers be
ing the game of the evening
Mrs Mary Collings proving her
self superior to any single com
batant and after a combination ol
all easily held her honors
J V Harrison returned Mon
day evening Avith the Harrison
Harrison cattle from the Denver
mid wrinter stock show AvelL pleas
ed aatMi the sIioav and the awards
placed on his herd 15 in all Two
grand champions three firsts 6
seconds and three thirds 1st on
two year old bull 2nd on 1 year
oldr bull 2nd on junior bull calf
3d on junior bull calf 1st on coav
3 years old 1st on senioryearling
heifer and champion 3rd on jun
ior yearling heifer and reserved
chaimpnon 2nd on heifer calf 4th
on heifer calf 2nd on aged herd
2nd oh young herd 3rd on calf
herd 2nd on get of sire
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska January 16
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present EdAvard
Sughroue W N Rogers
and J W Randal county com
missioners Glias D Ritchie
eouny attitorney and Chas K
Dutcher county clerk
The report of Chas Skalla ex
founty clerk AAas taken up and
he appearing before the board
agreed to file an amendment to
his report shoAvrng the fees turn
ed over to the county treasurer
to be 82500 instead of 62037
as his report on file sIioavs in
full settlement for all fees and
short charges for the term com
mencing January 6th 1910 and
ending January 3rd 1912
And he further agree to turn
over to the county treasurer the
sum of S2500 on or before Jan
uary lfftih 1912
Judge Frank Colfer appearing
before the board of commission
ers Avith Amy AVilliams a feeble
minded child daughter of Mrs
Jennie Madron Whereupon the
board agreed to pay the expens
es of keeping said Amy Williams
at the home for the feeble mind
ed at Beatrice Nebraska
After listening to the griev
anefs of several of the tax piv
ers the board commenced the
cheeking of the accounts of C A
Rudgers ex clerk of the district
court and continued the same
throughout the day
Motion to recess until 9 oclock
a m Wednesday January 17th
1912 Motion carried
McCook Nebraska January 17
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to recess
Prseent EdAvard SuglvoueW N
Rogers and J W Raidal county
county attorney and Chas K
commissi oners Chas D Ritchie
Dutcher county clerk
The board continued the cbeck
ng of the accounts of C A Kodg
vs ex clerk of the district eouit
iud found them to check out
virh his reports Avhieh avciv ap
proved and ordered placed on
It Avas regularly moAcd by Rog
ers and seconded by Randal Hhst
the folloAving claims be allowed
and Avarranfc ordi rd dr aAvn for
their payment from g neral fun
Miss Anna McDonnell office
expenses 10 C
Fred Sorg one months
house rent for Irs Van
dervcort S 00
M W Plourd Son black
smithing 50
Miss Grace Whit comb tax
refund 21
The claim of Miss Grace Whit-
jcomb Avas for notes and money
erroneously assessed against her
in the city of McCook
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It Aas
declared carried
W R Starr appearing before
the board of commissioners in
the interest of ex Deputy Sheriff
E Benjamins claim for jailer
After due consideration aefon
on sand claom Aas mdeiiunntoy
Motion to recess until 9 oclock
a m January 18 1912 Carried
McCook Nebraska January 18
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to re
cess Present EdAA ard Sughroue
W N Rogers and J W Randal
county commissioners Clias D
Ritchie county attorney land
Chas K Dutcher county clerk
It AAas regularly moved by Ran
dal and seconded by Rogers that
James E Ryan be appointed jus
tice of the peace Indianola pre
cinct for the year 1912 and that
ihis bond be approved and plac
ed on file
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It AAas
declared carried
It Avas regularly moved by Ran
dal and seconded by Rogers itihat
Mart Morris be appointed justice
of the peace Fritscli precinct
for 1912 and that his bond be ap
proved and placed on file
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It AAras
declared earned
It wsa regularly moved by Ran
dal and seconded by Rogers that
the bond of S R Smith for jus
tice of the peace Red WUIoav pre
cinet Avliich AA as filed January 4
1912 be approved and ordered
placed on file
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It AAras
declared carried
It Avas regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that R M Osborn be appointed
constable in and for WdUow
Grove precinct and his bond be
approved and placed on file
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes Motion
declared carried
It was regularly moved by Ran
Ida and seconded by Rogers that
enwiv AWL9vrsmmw
Chas Weintz be appointed road
ovei seer of district No 13 Bond
yille precinct for the year 1912
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It atcis
declared carried
It AA as regularly moA ed by
Randal and seconded by Rogers
that the bonds of F M Ivimmell
and Jas Pontius for county print
ing and supplies be approved and
ordered placed on file
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It Avas
declared carried
It Avas regularly moAed by Ran
dal and seconded by Rogers that
the claims of E Benjamin for
jailer fees be disalohved
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It Avas
declared carried
Said claims Avere as follows
For forty six days keeping
McCook City prisoners 69 00
For tAventy one days keep
ing county and McCook
city prisoners 31 50
For eighty one days keep
ing county prisoners 121 50
It AA as regularly moAed by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
the folloAving cliims be alloAved
and Avarrants ordered issued for
their payment on general fund
leA yof 1911
J W Randal commissi oner
serice and mileage 51 30
EdAAard Sughrcue commis
sioner sen ice and mile
age 59 10
Jas MeAdauis mdse
Mrs Weintz 20 33
Jas McAdams mdse
R L Taylor 5 00
Jas McAdams mdse
May Caldwell 4 10
Jas McAdams mdse
Mina Beard 6 21
Ella Lee house rent
Mrs Weintz 10 00
Leon Regers dragging
roiids 9
C G Coglizer hauling sand 1
Wilcox Son mdse Jas
Scott 6
Wilcox Son mdse Wm
Vaughn 7
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yc s Tt Avas
declared carried
Motion to recess until 9 oclock
a m January 19 1912 Car
t Vst
Chn F Dutcher Countv Clerk
McCook Nebraska January 19
1912 The beard of county com
missioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present EdAvard
Sughroue W N Rogers and J
W Randal commissioners Oh as
D Ritchie county attorney and
Ohas K Dutcher county clerk
Minutes of th meetings1 held
January 16th 17th and 18th
Avere read and on motion approA
The following named deposi
tory bonds Avere presented con
sidered and on motion approved
and ordered placed on file
Bank of Danbury Danbury Ne
braska in the sum of 8000
Marion State Bank Marion Ne
Nebraska in the sum of 5000
State Bank of Bartley Bartley
Nebraska in the sum of 500
The following named claims
Avere presented and after care
ful consideration Avere alloAved
and the county clerk AAas instruct
ed to draw Avarrants on the coun
ty general fund levy of 1911
for their payment
W N Rogers commissioner
sei Aiice and mileage 45 00
Ed nuber mdse for pauper
Mrs nenry Weintz 23 95
Ed Huber mdse for pauper
Mrs Ed Jeffries 18 69
Ed Huber mdse for pauper
Mrs Shalley 6 42
Ed nuber mdse for pauper
Mrs Sheely 7 15
Ed nuber mdse for pauper
Mrs R L Taylor 3 55
Ed Huber mdse for pauper
Mrs Mina Beard 2 U0
Ed nuber mdse for pauper
Mrs Anderson 3 32
Ed nuber mdse for pauper
Mrs MeBrums m quaran
tine 7 05
Ed nuber mdse for pauper
Mr John Pfief 12 90
Ed nuber mdse for pauper
Peter Bailus 10 00
Ed nuber mdse for paxiper
Thos Mundy 2 77
Moved by Randal seconded by
Rogers that the final settlements
of the accounts of ex County
Oerk Mr Olias Skalla and the
approval of his annual report be
postponed until Tuesday Janu
ary 23 1912 Motion carried
Tlie county commissioners com
menced checking the accounts of
C Naden ex county treasurer at
tAvo oclock p m and continued
same until evening
Mioved by Rogers seconded by
Randal that the board recess un
til 9 otcloek Saturday the 20fch
1912 Motion carried
i ijiriiiwiajiTTS
ii Jfcfaalfa
You Can Save
Some Clothes
Money Now
On a 2500 Suit
You can save 625
On a 2250 Suit
You can save 563
On a 2000 Suit
You can save 500
On a 1800 Suit
You can save 450
Same Discount on Overcoats
All shoes except Ralston at
25 Per Cent
Galusha S
AAas continued throughout the
Moved by Randal seconded by
Rogers that the board adjourn
to meet TuesdaA January 23 rd
Chas K Dutcher County Clerk
This is the time to itake a
step in the right direction
to thoroughly cleanse the
system of impurities accumu
lated during the Avinter
Start the summer Avith a
new energy and Aitality
strengthen up your blood sup
ply cleanse it and increase
its nourishing poAver stimu
late the liver kidneys and
bladder aid them in throAA
ing off the AA aste maiteriaL
AAas devised for this very
purpose it cleanses and en
riches the blood increases
the circulation and furnish
es a new foundation it Avili
make you feel more like your
self you Avill be up and do
One Hundred Full Doses
for One Dollar
Trial size for 50 cents
C R Woodworth
The wrestling match Satur
day evening didnt wrestle and
the lively prelims didnt live oi
HiwUAjn X n pf
McCook Nebraska January 20 sometiiing to thrift effect
Home of HarU Schaffner Marx Clothes
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present EdAard
Sughroue W N Rogers and J
W Randal county commissioners
Chas D Ritchie county aterney
and Eugene S Dutcher deputy
county clerk
The checking of the accounts
of ex County Treasurer C Naden
IJ1 -WM IJilllil
Dress Maker and
Ladies Tailor
Phone black 90 503 E 3rd
J L Sims and J L NeAAinan
of Avere business visit
ors in town one day last Aveek
Rev J E Jackson assisted by
Rev Anderson- began a series of
meetings here Friday evening
Chas Emerson of McCook Avas
a Aisitor at the Smith home north
of town between trains one day
last Aveek
A Mr Cook of Wilsom ille Avas
an over Sunday Aisitor at Ir
ving Smiley s
Earl Pepper left for his home
in Missouri one day last Aveek af
ter a few Aveeks visit AAitli his
brother and family
Mr and Mrs Wm Storm of
Dubois Neb and Miss Jesse
Miner of Cedar Bluffs Avere Arisi
tors ait the Frank Fields home
recently Mr Storm is a cousin
of Mrs Fields
Mrs J W HaA ens and son of
Fairview are Aisiting at the Dar
nell home
W F Miller and family from
north of Danbury were guests at
the Eif ert home Saturday
W H Eifert deliAered three
quarters of beef at Cedar Bluffs
last Thursday
John H Wescli leased the Joihn
Weseli ranch to Lorenz Leather
for next season last Saturday
J H Weseh bought a lot of
alfalfa hay from T J Relph last
Mrs Jacob Weseli and Miss
Dora GreenAvay spent Saturday
afternoon with Mrs C L Har
A number of relatives from Me
Cook spent Sunday Avith C L
Harris and family
Geo Schreiber Avill move onto
his fathers place over in Kansas
Simon Sehreiber av1w has been
here for some time on maftterS of
business returned to lids holme at
Rulo Neb Saturday
Weseli brothers hauled a load
of corn from Traer Kansas on
Don L Thompson has moved
onto the Anderson place
Tribune advertisers get results
1 J