The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 25, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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tT K u - y
Delivered free any place in McCooK
Corn chop per 100 8133
Bran per 100 130
Shorts per 100 110
Wheat per bushel 100
Corn per bushel 70
Oats per bushel 60
Ground alfalfa meal for ch
en and cow feed per 100 103
AlcCook Alilling Company
Phone 29
Some Staple Prices
Mens Stetson hats 369 Best
-table oil cloth 15c Best prints
5c Peerless Carpet warp 25c
Am A 2 bu seamless bags 22c
Leatherwear 36 in black silk
S9c Good apron ginghams 4c
Boys cotton sweaters 23c Men s
blue denim overalls 44cboys 44c
Boys leather mittens 9c pair
Feather pillows 65c each 30 in
by 60 in Smyrna rugs 125
Mens sheep lined coats 239
Long duck ulsters 219 Wide
sheetings 23c Yard wide muslin
5c Mens overcoats 399 Boys
overcoats 119 Yes these are
spot cash prices We cany no
accounts Money talks The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
ue for cash only
Personal taxes of 1911 became
delinquent December 1st Should
be paid before February 1st to
avQid collection by distress war
15 3t County Treasurer
For Trade
Three-year-old heifer gentle
and good milker come fresh in
May dry -now for well broke
mare with foal drive single
Address C W Kneeland McCool
Neb Ranch 1 mile south Perry
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
Ladies Caracul Coats 589
in The Thompson D G Cos
Clearing Sale
They are union made and there
are none equal the Carhart over
alls jackets and gloves At the
main store on the main street
Phone 97
Two desirable steam heated anc
electric lighted rooms for rent
Why pay more Standard cali
coes at 5 cents yard at Hubers
Rubber gloves 75e per pair at
Classified Advertisements
WANTED Good driving team
buggy and harness in exchange
for 20 acres of land in Texas
clear Outfit must be first-class-
Inquire at Tribune office
LOST Pair black fur gauntlet
gloves Tuesday a m Reward
Phone black 444
FOR RENT 2 modern furnish
ed rooms light and water 511
E 1st 25 3ts
FOR RENT Furnished room
modern house Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
furnace bath 403 1st street
east Phone red 260 18ts
For Sale Few very choice
R I Red cockerels Cali at 808
W 3rd
Lost A small coin purse con
taining a sum of money Finder
wall be rewarded by returning
same to this office
Thoroughbred Shorthorn bull
for service
We have some fresh new Pop
Corn that
ill All Pop
All kinds of
Phone 25
January Term
Judge E B Perry will open
his first term of district court in
MeCook for Red Wallow county
on next Monday morning Janu
ary 29th It will be a jury term
following being the jurymen
Earl Newkirk Otto Puelz John
F Miller Bert Helm W M Lew
is R B Simmons Walter Plourd
L A Bible W A Mapes D F
Schwab George S Meyers Wal
ter McTaggart Mike Esch T A
Olapp Charles King Elmer
Thompson John A Clouse Paid
Anton C E Reddick C W Dew
ey J B Cummings W J Stil
gebouer Ben Iloagland Sam
500000 Endowment
Fourteen hundred Methodists
including 418 of 441 active min
isters of the church in Nebraska
attended a banquet at the city
auditorium Tuesday evening and
dedicated their best effort to
raising 400000 to complete the
500000 endowment of Nebras
ka Wesleyan university
The campaign is to continue nn
til April 23 all subscriptions to
be made during the final eight
day rally April 15 to 23 It was
intiianated last evening that 100
000 may be secured from outside
the state Lincoln News
McConnells No 13 Liniment
does all that any liniment can
and does it quicker than most
preparaiionts Penetrates thor
oughly relieves pain and sore
ness and equalizes the circulation
For spiains bruises muscular
pains swellings inflammations
and all purposes where a reliable
liniment or irritant is required
Price 25 cents
McCONNELL Druggist
Police Methods Exposed
The Third Degree Charles
Kleins play to be presented here
soon remains the triumphant pub
lie benefactor that it vrns recog
nized to ibe on its premier abcuf
a year ago The interested at
titude of the majority of the aud
ience toward the third degree
scene tend to indicate how few
really are familiar with the meth
ods of police inquiry laid bare by
the author
Apron Ginghams 4c
We offer several hundred yards
of good apron ginghams in dif
ferent sized checks at 4e yd Not
over 15 yards to a customer and
none sold to merchants This of
fer not good after February 3rd
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Annual Meeting
The annual stockholders meet
ing of the MeCook Cooperative
Building and Savings associatnon
will be held in the office of The
First National Bank Monday e
vening February 12th 1912 at
730 o clock central tame
Married at Benkelman
Henry Calkins and Effie Hop
per were married at Benkelman
January 20 1912 The groom is
the son of John Calkins of Ger
ver precinct and the bride an a
dopted child in the family
Mens Cashmere Sox 23c
the regular 35c grade in The
Thompson D G Cos Clearing
Feat tired out swollen and ten
der Sprinkle Nyals Eas Em in
to the shoes first thing in the
morning it means foot comfort
throughout the day For sale by
WOODWORTn Druggist
McMillen druggist carried a
large line of hot water bottles
combination fountain syringes
and all rubber goods in that line
Pancake flour the Advo Aunt
Jemima and Ralston brands best
the market offers nubers
Phone 97
Get a good thermometer and
keep in touch with the weather
A McMTLLEN Druggist
Symphony Lawn Stationery
60 eents
McCONNELL Druggist
Seal shipt oysters are sanitary
and best 30 cents pint for fresh
ones at Magners Phone 14
Everything in drugs McCon
Thursday Evening Edition
Greatest Exhibition of Games Ev
er Seen in S W Neb
Tuesday afternoon and night
checker and chess players iof this
section of Nebraska were treat
ed tio the gireatest exhibition in
that line ever witnessed in this
pant of Nebraska
The special occasion was the
visit -of Mr Newell W Banks
the American checker cliampion
whose work here challenged the
admiration of all
Tuesday afternoon in the com
mercial elub rooms he carried on
a half dozen games at the same
time failing dn but two games
of the many series played E R
Osborn and F S Wilcox are the
only ones winning from him idur
ing the entire tournament
In the evening the proceed
ings were varied somewhat Four
or five games checkers and two
of chess were carried on at the
saime time Mr Banks being pitt
ed aganjnst them all He unifdnm
ly won Mr Banks concluding
stunt of the evening was that of
winning four games of checkers
playing -the quartette at the
same time while blindfolded and
winning a game of chess while di
r acting the four checker games
These games attracted large atten
tion and Mr Banks work was
greatly admired
Mr Banks departed for Den
ver on Wednesday morning He
A Play with An Influence
When Harriet Beech er St owe
wrote Uncle Toms Cabin she
little thought of the Wide in
fluence it would have in shap
ing conditions in the United
States The same may be sacd of
Charles Kleins great American
play The Third Degree wMcl
will be presented in our city soon
It deals witji New York society
and police methods and has
createdliprofonntr sensation
Bishop Beecher
will officiate in the Episcopal
church on Sunday February 4th
Holy communion and sermon at
11 Special service for MEN at
3 p m Confirmation and ser
mon at 8 p 111
Ladies Silk Lined Suits 789
These are our regular 1000 all
wool suits and are an extra value
at 10 Now 789 in our Clear-
ing Sale The Thompson D G
Co utmost value
Childs Bear Skin Coats 149 1
in The Thompson D G Cos
Clearing Sale
was pleased with his reception
liere and promised to stop over
on his return from the Pacific
coast in a few montlis
Members of the S W Nebras
ka Checker Players association
were present during rtihe games
Tuesday and Wednesday and nu
merous games were played be
tween members from other towns
and of this city Altho the at
tendance was not as large as de
sired or hoped for the meeting
was a conspicuous success and
keenly appreciated
Among the checker players
present were Waiter Devoe and
Wise Wiggins of Lebanon II W
Overstake of Orleans Tom Reed
of Holbrook J E Ford of Bart
ley J F Payton of Trenton
Mr Banks only lost three games
in Nebraska and MeCook won
two of tihem
How about MeCook for the
state checker players meet
Marriage Licenses
Archibald Oassell 25 and
Grace Brooks 18 both of Me
J Ernest Weyeneth 27 of
Marion Nebraska and Grace A
Relpili of Cedar Bluffs Kansas
Married by County Judge F M
Colfer January 24th 1912
ftbur Land Needs Manure
to put phosphorus in it which
onjy annual products can supppiy
Let us have your order now for
a Great Western or Success
Spreader one that is made of the
beit material and will last
Next Saturday
The demonstration which was
announced for last Saturday at
the store of J A Wilcox San
has necessarily been postponed
until next Saturday January 27
Childrens Fur Sets 119
in The Thompson D G Cos
Clearing Salle
Anything in queensware at re
duced prices at Hubers
jEntre Nous club ladies and their
husbands at the home of the lat-
f here was a Leap Year dance ter last evening Whist and sev
in Monte Cnicto hall Saurdaiv eve oral readings constituted the so-
Iccial enjoyment of the evening
wihiich was initiated with a sven
The Research elub will meet010 dinner-
with Mrs J G Stokes on next
Monday afternoon 230 oclock
Topic Selections from Poe
The regular business session of
the 0 E S auxiliary was held
with Mrs B J Lane Wednes
day afternoon when the usual
work was accomplished
The Ladies Guild of St Pat
ricks church iheld a card party
at the home of Mrs George El
bert with enjoyable particulars
aind refreshments ait the conclu
The members of the Young
Married PeoplesWhist club were
entertained by Mr and Mrs Fred
L Wolff Tuesday evening The
guests Avere Dr and Mrs J A
Gunn Misis Martha Abel Miss
Edna Waite and Mr D N Cobb
Mrs Ainsworth Monks and Miss
Lota Monies assisted After the
card playing a dainty two course
luncheon was served
The P E 0 meeting Monday
evening was distinctively and en
joyaihly literary being held at
the home of Mrs Fred L Schwab
After the regular session of Mca paper by Mrs Herman Pade
Cook lodge 42 K of P last eve- on pioneer Days in Nebraska
ning the Pythian Sisters were in- Aras especially clever Mrs G L
vited to participate with the Burney read a paper on Wo
Knights in a light banquet which mans Influence in Politics
was seasoned iwith a few toasts
The Shakespeare club met with
Mrs Sylvester Cordeal Tuesday
afternoon Next Tuesday the
club will meet with Mrs F M
KimmeLL and Afloat by Guy
de Mauppassant wall be studied
Mrs Leroy Kleven entertain
ed the Kaffa Klatch elub Wed
nesday afternoon Mrs Arthur
Wlood and Mrs Walter Stokes
assisted Mrs W E McDivitt
and Mrs Walter Stakes were
guests A two course lunch was
Mrs W W ufrcMdllen and Mrs
Albert McMillen entertained the
quite to the point And the
Round Table talk was along Civ
ic Improvement lines a wide
field for the feminine thought
and action
Mrs J G Stokes and Mrs F
W Bosworth entertained mem
bers of the Stuffed Club Satur
day evening at the Stokes resi
dence on north Main avenue
Mrs Yina Wood won the honors
and Mrs R J Gunn the consola
tion in the game of Five Hund
red played A three eourse luncl
was served which bore out the
triaditions and name of the club
Mrs Simpson Finnell of Ham
burg Iowa was an
rttTft htttt
0y -- l Jr W
A Local Event
The great big theatrical event
of the season here will take place
when The Third Degree will
the presented in this city Its
presentation will enlist company
of players of reputation and of
undoubted talent and staged with
the same great care that is given
to the exclusive city production
The company plays here Friday
Feb 9
McConnell fills prescriptions
The Co Operative Hospital
MeCook needs a public hospital
This is an evident fact to every
one interested in the progress
and upbuilding of our cit3r
About two years ago several of
the influential and energetic peo
ple of the city began to devise
plans by wliicli they might inter
est the public in the establishing
and equipping of a modern hos
pital Continued hard times and
so many other public improve
ments requiring donations and
subscriptions in order to insure
their completion being urged up
on the people they concluded it
would be a hardsliip to the citi
zens of McOook to ask them to
contribute funds for the purpose
of building and equipping a hos
pital at that time and the mat
ter was allowed to rest
After the terrible wreck at In-
dianola many of tlliese same peo
ple keenly felt the remorse we
could not avoid on account of
not having a place to care for a
single one of the injured persons
When the wreck occurred notice
was immediately wired to head
quarters a relief train wiitih doc
tors and nurses was hurried f roin
MeCook and after they had fin
ished their work they were com
pelled to send even our own cit
izens who were injured to Cam
bridge nolbrook and noldrege
because MeCook the division
headquarters and largest city in
southwest Nebraska had no place
to care for a single one of them
Tliis would have beeh the case if
the wreck had occurred within
the MeCook yards
Smarting under the remorse of
our inability to do anything for
the relief of the injured and
feeling a desire to do something
to prevent another occurrence of
tliat kind a number of our enter
prising ladies iliave determined to
maske an attempt to start a nuc
leus around which they hope m
time to build a modem hospital
which will be a credit to
Wiitih this end in view they are
asking the good people of Me
Cook to assist them in their no
ble work
The amount they ask is not
much five hundred dollars sub
scribed wall enable them to se
cure and equip a small building
which will be sufficient to start
Avith while many of the individ
ual citizens fraternal societies
and churches of our city have ex
pressed a willingness to furnish
free all the rooms that will be re
quired for at least a year
In order to secure a mainten
ance fund they have arranged
for and prepared a membership
card which they offer for one
dollar per month for twelve
months or ten dollars if paid
m advance This will entitle you
and your wife if married or
yourself if not married to twelve
weeks privileges in the hospital
in case of accident or sickness
without further hospital charges
This is simply insurance against
the high cost of being properly
cared for in case of misfortune
Also by taking advantage of this
in your own behalf you are help
ing some one else who perhaps
is not so fortunate as yourself
The soliciting committee liave
made a partial canvas and have
received generous encouragement
finding a large majority of the
of the business men of the city
interested in the work
The secretary is unable to pub
lish a full list of the subscribers
on account of all of them not hav
ing been turned- in but hopes to
be able to do so next week
Publicity Committee
700 Wool Blankets Now
in The Thompson D G
Cleaning Sale They are
and fine
McConnell for drugs
A McMillen prescription drug
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magners
Frank Smith has purchased
some land adjoining C R
ingstonis residence on North
Main and expects to have a bun
galow built there soon
Miss RenaDean of Cambridge
was operated upon for appendi
citis at the MeCook General Hos
pital Tuesday and is Teponfced
to be progressing favorably
Have you ever considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now when you are earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saved
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier to save your money
and deposit itwith
P Walsh President
C F Lehjj V Pres
C J Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Mrs E E Stayner of Lincoln
was a city visitor Wednesday
Mrs S D Turner of Orleans
is a guest of her parents Mr and
Mrs Sam Spencer
James McCallum and John
Strunk -were Indianola visitors
in our city Tuesday
Miss Florence Jacobs went up
to Culbertson on No 13 this
morning to visit her sister
Mr and Mrs Hall of Trenton
were visitors of their daughter
Mrs Darve Burnett ruesday
F L Wolff left on No 6 Tues
day night for Council Bluffs and
Springfield on legal business
Mrs C L Fahnestock was a
Lincoln visitor Monday and Tues
day returning home Tuesday
Mr and Mrs J E Dodge of
Marion have been guests of her
parents Mr and Mrs Nels John
son part of the week
Mr and Mrs John Duteher of
Indianola have been guests of
County Clerk and Mrs C K
Duteher part of the week
Mrs W A Mitchell who iias
been in Lincoln and other east
Nebraska points for several
weeks returned home on Mon
Mrs J G Schobel departed
Sunday on No- 10 for Chicago
to pursue her study and work in
painting for a season under in
struction in that western art cen
Miss Ollie Chandler left on No
10 Wednesday night for her
home near Chicago after a visit
or considerable length here with
her relatives the S D McClain
J P Grouse expects soon to
make liis headquarters at Sew
ard Nebraska his old home hav
ing been transferred to the east
ern Nebraska field in the same
line of work
G B nardin of Beaver Oity
was in town yesterday figuring
with the county commissioners on
typewriters contemplated to be
purchased by the ccanmoasiioners
for the county offices
Mrs Augusta Anton went dciwu
to Edison on 14 last night She
Avail be in Oxford today to in
stall officers of the Degree of
Honor and at Edison tomorrow
night at a banquetnto be home
again Saturday
Thomas Auld the wealthy Lin
coln banker came up to MeCook
Tuesday night to spend a few
days here and at Marion where
he lias extensive real estate
and stock inertests in con
nection with the great Powell
Nilsson ranch etc
Walter Sehenck returned Tues
day morning from recuperating
from his long and serious at
tack of typhoid fever at has
home in West Liberty Iowa
Tho looking well he is stul lack
ing in strength but expects to
resume work in The First Nation
al Bant shojitly He is rooming
at the H N Rosebush residence
opes to match Five and itert
McCONNELL Druggist
t i