The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 4

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    I I
iff HA
r irj f i
J -A
General Hospital
Located in the Heckman House one block west
of the Court House
Will be open to receive patients after Janu
ary iS 19 1 2 A Hospital devoted to McCook
and southwest Nebraska Skilled attendants
in cnarge
D J REID Surgeon Proprietor
Billesbach Tull
Harvey L Billesbaeh of Paries
performing the ceremony in
Methodist parsonage Thev
Dundy county was married to parted on No 15 that night for
utfiss Margaret Tnll of Arapahoe Parks where they will make their
mi Tims city Tiiursctay evening iuture hcune lie being employed
January IS 1912 Rev L E by the Burlington company at
is pastor of the Methodist church that place
Everybody Rel
The Bell Digtog5BX
ii i MfgFWrpa
Every Bell Telephone Director is used constantly as a
business and social guide because it contains the names of
people who can be reached at once for either a business prop
osition or a social invitation
Your name in the directory gives you a certain social
and business prestige It is an advertisement to your stand
ing in the community where you live It shows that you
are progressive and up-to-date
Nebraska Telephone Co
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
- 11 1 1 1
remain uuuautiu iul ui inc pusi
Antony M
Par5ons Mrs Emma C
WocA Mr W A
Blake Miss Jennie
GauLt Yis Clara
Creech Mr Nathan A
Ellis Miss Gady
Raehter Mr d
LOX COXi Postmaster
Eeal Estate Filings
Minnie G Laithrop et cons
to Ella Lee wd let 9 blk
241st McCc ok 1811
William A Reynolds to J L
Sargent wd w hf sw qr
9-4-28 1230 0C
J L Sargent to William
A Reynolds wd w hf
nw qr 9-4-28 1250 00
1 Lincoln Land Co to EM M
Harmon wd lot 4 block
3 6th McCook 230 00
7 rnrr
BeLaval Cream Separator
There is no good reason to defer the purchase of a DeLaval Cream
Separator until spring On the contrary you may buy now and save half
its cost meanwhile Moreover if you cant conveniently pay cash you can
buy a DeLaval on such liberal terms that it will actually pay for itself
HcCook Nebr
Hardware Co
Phone 31
Miss Myrtle Boyer and Loyal
T Parker were married ait Mc
Gock on Wednesday by County
-Judge Coif er
A skating rink has opened up
in tlie Clouse building the first
skartnng was Saturday night
Agent Harris and family left
Tuesday evening for Steele City
Neb for a visit with relatives
Extra Agent Jessup is taking his
place for week
Oscar Thomas returned Satur
day from Kansas City where he
took two cars of hags
Yates Ganfcin ar ehavang their
ice house filled with ice from Or
x B Morgan shipped a car of
liogs to Kansas Citjr on Monday
Mr and Mrs Albert Dolph are
the proud parents of a baiby girl
born January 11 1912
McOlain tlie oil man from Mc
Cook was over Wednesday
was over Wednesday
Martin Nilssonof Maa don was
a business visitor Monday
Mr and Mrs Trvin Smiley are
tlie devoted parents of a baby
girl born January 13 1912
H H Rennecker came up Sat
urday from Beaver City to take
up his school duties Monday
Gilbert Beccame home- Thurs
day from Missouri where he lias
been working for thie pasjt few
D C Boyer is able to carry
the mail route after a sack spell
H W Naen had an aack of
paralysis on the sfflde of his face
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska January 9
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to the
requirements of the law Present
Edward Sughroue W N Rogers
and J W Randal county eoan
miissioners Glias D Ritchie
county attorney and Chas K
Dntcher county clerk
It was regularly moved by Rog
ers and seconded by Randal that
whereas The National Fidelity
Casualty Co Omaha Nebraska
in compliance wJth a motion duly
passed lor the re insurance of the
bond of Arthur B Wood county
treasurer having furnished the
said re insurance in tlie Fidelity
Deposit Co of Maryland in the
sum of 30000 that we now ap
prove said bond and order the
same placed on file and hereby
order and instruct the county
clerk to draw and deliver ait
once9 a warrant to S Cordeal
agent for saiid company for the
sum of 27000 as payment in full
for the premium on said bond for
the term of two years
It oil 1 called bugnroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes Motion
declared carried
The resignation of J W Ran
dal assessor for Gerver precinct
for the year of 1912 was present
ed and on motion accepted
The appointment of E J Lud
wiig for assessor for Gerver pre
cinct for the year 1912 was pre
sented and on motion approved
The appointment of James Car
miehael for assessor for Indfan
cla precinct for the year 1912
wais presented and on moitiioiii ap
Tlie county having advert iced
for sealed bids for the county
printing ior the year 1912 and
the time elapsed for same to be
The seven bids that were found
on file were duly opened by the
eh airman of the board at about
400 oclock p m and after some
consideration were left over un
til the next day
Motion to have recess until 9
oclock Wednesday a m Janu
ary 10th 1912 passed
McCook Nebraska January 10
1912 The board cf county
met pursuant to recess
Present Edward Sughroue W N
Rogers and J W Randal county
commissioners Chas D Rite hie
county attorney and Chas K
Dutcher county clerk
It was regularly movcid by Reg
er seconded by Randal tint IV
estimate for necessary expenses
for the year 1912 be fixed ac fol
County genernl fund 30000
Count v bridge fund 15000
County road fund 10000
County Soldiers Relief fund
McCook City Bond 1500
McCook City Water Bond 10
Countv Soh col District Bonds
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
Supplies Class 1
It was regularly moved by Ran
dal and seconded by Rogers itihat
the bid of the Times Independent
of Loup City Neb under class
one for complete election supplier
for the primary and general elec
tion for 1912 for thelump sum of
100o0 be accepted
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes Tit wag
declared carried
Class 2
It was regularly moved by
Rcigers and seconded by Randal
that the bid of F M Kim m ell un
der class two be accepted
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
Class 3
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that the bid cf F MKimmell un
der class three be accepted ex
cept election supplies
RoIT called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
Class 4
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that the bidof FM Kimmell un
der class four be accepted
Roll called isugnrosue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
Class 5
It was regularly rawed by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that the bid of James Pontius un
der class five for printing Com
mission eis Proceedings be ac
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that the hid of F M Kimmeill un
cter classi live tor printing legal
nojtfoes and delinquent tax Ifist
be accepted
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
j fjrirj ujitjflj lajgwfl
declared carried
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that the following named banks
be declared depositories of the
county funds provided they fur
nish to the county a good secur
ity bond in the same amount as
last year
First National Bank McCook
Neb The McCook National Bank
of McCook Neb The State Bank
Indianola Indianola Neb The
Farmers and Merchants Bank of
Indianola Neb The State Bank
of Bantlev Bartlev Neb The
State Bank cf Lebanon Lebanon
Neb The State Bank cf Dan
bury Danbury Neb The State
Bank of Marion Marion Neb
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that Ave instruct the county elrk
toi advertise- for sealed bids on
steel bridges as per plans on file
in the office of county clerk
Bids to be received up until
March 5th 1912 at 12 0 clack 111
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that R II Thomas be appointed
justice of the peace for Red Wil
low precinct for the year 1912
and that his bond be approved
and his bond placed on file
Roil called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
It was regularly moved by Ran
clal iand seconded by Rogers that
the petition on file of Alex Ellis
for assessor of Gerver preeinet
for the year 1912 be rejected
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
The checking of tthe accounts
of Chas Skalla ex county clerk
were commenced and continued
same throughout the day
It was regularly moved by Rog
ers and seconded by Randal that
the following claims be allowed
and warrants drawn for their
payment on general fund
Red Wallow Count v Gazette
blanks 1 50
Nebraska Telephone Co
phone service 19 25
McCook Electric Co light
and supplies 20 28
Klqpp Bartlett Co as
sessors records iv 00
Kkipp Bartlett Co
iMtg record cover 15 50
Chas SkailIa stamps 1 00
Jas Pontius adv bridge
lumber 10
Bullard Lumber Co coal
61890 lb at 675 209 20
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that the following bonds for coun
ty printing be fixed as follows
Jas Pontius 100 and F M Kim
moll 500 which sihal be filed
before any printing is done Anc
the bond of Times Indpeendent
cif Loup City Neb for 500 be
approved and placed on file
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yesi It was
declared carried
Motion to recess to 9 oclock
Thursday Jan 17 1912 passed
McCook Nebraska January 11
1912 The board cf countv com
missioners met pursuant to re
cess Present Edward Sughroue
AY N Rogers and J W Randal
county commissioners Chas D
Date hie county attorney and
Chas K Dutcher county clerk
They continued checking ac
counts of Chas Skalla ex county
clerk throughout the day
On motion the board recessed
to meet at 8 oclock a m Jan
uary 12 1912
McCook Nebraska January 12
1912 The board of county com
missioners met pursuant to re
cess and continued the cheeking
of accounts of Chas Skalla ex
county clerk and continued the
same until about three oclock p
m when the further considera
tion of said report was postponed
until Tuesday January 16 1912
The report of Miss Elizabeth
Bettcher ex county superintend
ent was taken up and examined
cheeked against her fee and reg
ister book and was found to be
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
itfliat the report of ex ieounty su
perintendent Miss Bettcher be
approved and pplaced on file
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that tlie bond of Deputy Sheriff
L M Biggins he approved and
placed on file
Roll called Sughroue yes
Rogers yes Randal yes It was
declared carried
It was regularly moved by
Rogers and seconded by Randal
that Hie hoard Kf commissioners
adjourn until 11 oclock a m
January 16 1912
Motion carried
Chas K Dutcher County Clerk
This Offer Should Be a Warning to
Every Man and Woman
The newspapers and medical jour
nals recently have had much to say
relative to a famous millionares
offer of a million dollars for a new
This great multi millionare was too
busy to worry about the condition cf
his stomach He allowed his dys
pepsia to run from bad to worse un
til in the end it became incurable
His misfortune serves as a warn
ing to others
Every oae who suffers with dys
pepsia for a few years- will give any
thing he owns for a new stomach
Dyspepsia is commonly caused by
juices or by a lack of tone in the
walls of the stomach The result is
that the stomach loses its power to
digest food
We are now abe to supply certain
missing elements to help to re
store to the gastric juices their di
gestive power and to aid in mak
ing the stomach strong and well
We know that Rexall DyspepsiLa
Tablets are a most dependable rem
edy for disordered stomachs indig
estion andi dyspepsia
We want you to try them and will
return your mont3y if you are not
more than satisfied with che result
Three sizes 25 cents f0 cents
and 100 Remember you can ob
tain Rexall Remedies in this commun
ity only at our store The Rexall
Store L W McConnell
E AY Sovern whose full name
is to plaintiffs unknown will
take notice that on the Gtli day
of January 1912 W B
er a justice of the peace of Wil
low Grove Precinct Red Wallow
county Nebraska issued an or
der of attachment in the sum of
750 in an action pending be
fore him wherein E D Perkins
Company are plaintiffs and
saiid E W Sovern is defendant
and property of the defendant
consisting of money dne from
Chicago Burlington Quincy
Railroad Company garnisliee lias
been attached under said order
Said cause has been continued
for hearing on the 13fh -day of
February 1912 at the hour of
2 oclock p m
First publication Jan 18 Sts
In the County Court of Red
Willow countyNebraska In the
matter cf the Estate of Stephen
Bolles deceased State of Ne
braska Red Willow County
To all persons interested in the
estate of Stephen Bolles
You are hereby notified that
Marilla Bolles executrix of the
last will and testament of Steph
en Bolles deceased has filed hei
final account in sand matter asd
a petition for final settlement
and discharge and that the resi
due of said estate be assigned in
accordance with tlie terms of
said will Said final account and
petition will be heard in the coun
ty court room in the city of Mc
Cook in said county oh the 29th
day of Jxinuary 1912 at one
oclock p m and you are here
by cited to appear and show
cause if any such exists at tlie
time and place above designated
why said account should not be
allowed and said petition grant
Witness my hand and the seal
of said court this 5th day of Jan
uary 1912
Seal County Judge
First publication Jan 8 6ts
Order of Hearing-
To all persons interested in tlie
estate of James R Jackson de
ceased You will take notice of
the following
In the county court of Red
Willow County Nebraska In
the matter of the estate of James
R Jackson deceased
Now on tlnis 13th day of Jan
uary 1912 Ruth E Jackson hav
ing filed her verified peitirtiion in
this court praying that tlie ad
ministration of tlie estate -of
James R Jackson deceased be
dispensed with and that his heirs
be determined
It is ordered that a hearing on
sadd petition be had at the coun
ty count noom in said county on
the day of February 1912
ait 10 oclock a m and that no
itiee hereof be given to all per
sons interested in said estate by
publishing this order for three
successive weeks in The McCook
Tribune a legal newspaper- pub
lished in said county
Seal County Judge
G H BOiYLE Aittorney
First publication Jan 15V6ts
Your combings
made into switches and puffs
Phone Ash 2354
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
210 1st st W -- Phone red 45D
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished fxeeBasement
Postoffice building
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 residence
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Mc
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms
building McCook
3 and 5 Wairf
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic temple
McCook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in office
McCook Nebraska
Phone 84
Office Commercial barn McCook
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted
pairing aicCook Neb
and Opticians
Fine re-
Watch Repairing Goods of quality
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co Of
fice in Postoffice building Mc
Cook Nebraska
Real Estate
and Insurance
Office 305 2nd st East Phone
black 252
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
Developed and printed
Prices Reasonable
F H TRIMBLE 503 East 3d Sfii
Phone black 90
Heating Plumbing
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr