r V l w 0 y BURLINGTON TIME TABLE East Depart Central Time No 6 1130 P M 16 500 A M 2 550 A M 12 635 A M 14 920 P M 10 530 P M West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1220 P M o XX Xr 1M 5 arrive S35 p m 13 930 A M 15 1230 A M n G25 A M Imperial Line Mountain Time No 176 arrives 330 P M No 175 departs 645 A M Sleening dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked tv any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and Tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILEOAD NEWS NOTES Fireman John Patterson is on the siek list S 1 DeAvitt Avas a Deraer passenger Thursday night Bert Clark returned Friday from iris Red Cloud vdsit -Fireman Lem Peterson is lay ing off with a burnt neck Fireman E J Cattingham is on the injured list hard fall The Burlington has tempor ivraly dispensed Avith the agents helper at Cambridge Brakeman J F Booth has been transferred to the St Fran cis branch Engineer C D Purinton Jeft for Des Moines Iowa Sat urday evening on 10 for a short stay Switchman E W Meyers laid off last of the week being- re lieved by Brakeman O K De Long Mrs J W Hasty and dril dran went to Arapahoe this morning on a brief visit to the home folks The company has cut expen ses at Red Cloud station by elim inating one operator and the me3 senger boy Brakemen O J Secitt and John Arnell went up to Denver Thursday night on Xo j to take in the stock show Conductor C M Kent went down to Hastings on 10 Saturday and was in charge of the pay car from Hastings to Wiray Mr and Mrsr II- T -Kerns were BeArerly passengers Satur day morning From there they will drive over to Trenton for a short visit L Lawritson has resumed his position as agent at Trenton Act ing Agent D P Gray going to Minden to temporarily relieve the agent there Ray Gardner came in from Douglas Nebraska last night and is filling the position of night caller in the engine de partment Two pairs of wheels on the diner Olymphian on the Mil waukee road January 12 broke 500 steel rails batween Twin Brooks and Aberdeen Road Foreman Will Dungan was at headquarters end of the week His hospital experience was considerably longer than he expected but he is- on the job again in good shape coal in their possession and thotw aaJio could mot get away have had to make good Avitli casJi In hand lr and Mrs E M Stimmell and Mr and Mrs Will Stimmell JAvill depart Wednesday for Mad dson Georgia about 65 oniles southeast of Atlanta AAhere tJiey Avill be employed on a big farm Tho boys shipped their goods on Saturday The Tribune wishes them contentment and suecss in the south land FELL FIFTY FEET BUT Was Not Severely Injured An Unusual Experience Chris ILiase one of Fred Jern b ergs men iliad an unusual exper ience at McDonald Kansas Fri day morning -whole working on the Burlingtons well at the wat er tank at that place In some manner he fell into the well go ing through four platforms in his descent and finally coming to a period near the bottom on the fifth platform apparently not much the worse for his fall Re pairs were being made and plat forms had been constructed at different stages in the well which was being cemented on the sides No bones were broken and altho having fallen nearly fifty feet nothing worse than bruises and severe jarring up re sulted But it was an -experience few would care to duplicate Broke Three Ribs William Johnson foreman of the gang filling the big ice house at thds place was severely injur ed Thursday morning when the ice rake on which he Avas riding dumped and dropped him to a scaffold brloAV about fifteen iu t He alighted on a timber and sus tained a fracture of three ribs besides being badly bruised and shaken up in the fall His in juries Avere extremely painful at first but his condition is iioav more comfortable Four engineers have been set back Engineer II A Frey tack th pay car Avcst Brakeman T E MeCarl is on the ick list Go Martin is juibstfiimling for him L J Leonard returned yes terday from a visit Avith his par ents in Aurella Iowa Engineer A P Waiteis brought the pay car in yesterday Conductor W Fiske is off dutv on account of the serious illness of his mother at Wray SAvitchman T E Lunborry returned Sundav from his vizrt in Denver and is airain at Avork S II MeCarl C X Xeiilrui er and G E Carmcney Avere Den ver passengers on 3 Sund n to see the Ftoek show Trainmaster Johnson this evening on No 10 for Lin coln to be present at the mar riajje of his sister there tomorroAv Aspeciaii u iu i aiipplios The Tribune Shop Papers of a weights sizes and qualities Ribboi or every machine carbon papei nanuscript covers etc All kept 1 RED WILLOW IlciAV is your thermometterris the call over the phone these days 21 30 and 32 degrees be Ioav zero at different places PutttK up ice is the ordta of the day Vkes 22 inches square and 18 to 20 inches thick The Arctic display in the slcy on Friday January 5 is some thing not often seen but long to le remembered At the Hatcher family Christ mas tree the festivities came near ending in a tragedy Avhen Paul who imnersonated Santa Burlington spotters at oiailSf got too close to a Light rem have caught several people 1IK hs whiskers cauirht fire in- of that community AA ith company nietintr naanful burns on face tind neck before the cotton could be taken off Mr and Mrs Gary Dole and baby Aiisiited at the Hatcher home Christmas The winter of 1910 1911 was the mildest of 1911 1912 the coldest that the oldest inhabi tant ever knew The extreme cold AveaitJier and deep snoAV AAith immense dris prevent the children at a distance from attending school If You Winter in Cal L W WAKELEY General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska giWJil Wffl MJh iluLLlmm You can go there over a ery attractive route one of sunshine low nltitticlp and mild climate You can go Burlington Santa Fe via Denver to Pasadena am Los Angeles in personally conducted tourist sleepers leaving Omaha every Tuc day night train No 9 and Denver every Wednesday evening Experienced cor ductors are jn charge of these excursions you will enjoy your ride to Califo over these two first class railroads If not convenient to connect with No enroute through Nebraska use any of the Burlington trains into Denver and li me secure a birth for you to be taken at Dener Then there is the scenic Avay to California via Denver Colorado and Sal Lake with standard and tourist sleepers to Denver and from Denver to the coati NATIONAL WESTERN STOCK SHOW This is held at Denver January 15th to 20th Everyone going will receive a big welcome in Denver the city of sunshine and hospitality Homeseekers Excursion Tickets to the Big Horn Basin also to the west sout and southwest Winter tourist rates to southern and California resorts cities etc D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska Colorado Citizens Would Provide Mansion for President Drawings Have Been finished for a Veritable Palace of Picturesque Design for Occupancy by the Chief Executive Denver Colo The citizens ot Colo rado have started a campaign to pro vide for the president ot the United States a summer home in this state The plans Avhich have already been completed call for a Aeritable palace of most original and picturesque de sign the like of which does not exist in this country It -will take rank with any of the existing palaces or European monarchs The idea orig inated with John Brisben Walker and a committee ot prominent Colorado men is noAV in charge of the move ment The proposed home is on the Mount Falcon 15 miles from Denver in tho front range of the Rockies It is planned to make the gift a token Irons the people of Colorado and contribu tions are now coming in from all over the state The lund was started by subscriptions from leading bankers and business men in Denver Ground has already been broken and it is be lieved that the building will be con structed in time for the next summer season During his recent visit to Denver President Taft was apprised ot tho summer home plan and expressed the opinion that no locality could otter finer natural attractions for cuch a structure The proposed house will be unique in many ways and exceedingly at tractive The plrns cI for a noble and massive structure of gray gran ite contrasting with the natural set ting for the blilding The house will provide amre room for the presi dents atteJasts and acsi tants Au tomobiles would bring the summer home Avith frrty minutes cZ Denver The view thrt tho site of the build ing commands is its strongest feature and it is this that was strongly urged in makirjj a choice of sites Among i 3lMk - 5ei The Proposed House all tho wonderful and beautiful scenic spots within a short distance of Den ver Mount Falcon perhaps stands pre eminent From the north terrace cf the rccuntain upon which the drawing room and library avIH open the steep mountain side Avooded with pines drops down 2000 feet into the rushing waters of Bear creek to the south 73 miles away is Pikes peak Denver lies 14 miles away to the northeast When a passing cloud covers the city Avith its shadow the plains seem barren of houses Then suddenly the sunlight pierces through and a great city stands revealed PLACES MONEY IN SHOE BOX Woman Mistakes Receptacle in a New York Hotel for Safety De posit Vault New York Mistaking a small wood en box built Into the wall of her room jt the Waldorf Astoria for a safe-deposit box a Avoman of Georgetown S C who arrived in New York deposited J900 in cash and jewelry valued at fC000 in the box that night and re tired with the satisfaction that her val uables would be secure When she awoke next morning the gems andi money were missing Soon afterward William Peterson at hotel valet turned up with the 900 and the missing jewelry While making my rounds for the Bhoes at 2 a m said he I found this money and jewelry in the box where the shoes are placed Smoker Stricken Blind Venice 111 Martin Conway an ex- cavating contractor inspecting work on the river levee here stopped sud denly and raised his hands to his eyes He tried for a moment to rub away the thick mist that had suddenly fall en over his vision A moment before he had been looking over the long dike without a thought of any impair ment of his sight Now he is totally blind His friends believe Conways con- Btant smoking affected the optic nerve causing the sudden breakdown OLLOWINC the battleship pa rade into San Francisco bar bor at tho opening of the Pan ama Fatific International ex position there will be a program of events of Avorld interest and inipor tancc in a succession of tAvo mouths i apart interspersed with leaser events yacht races and motorboat races of an international character for great tro phies and cash prizes aviation meets with the famous bird men of the world Olympic games in Avhich the athletes of the Avorld will take part in tercollegiate contests automobile races in which the holders of the worlds records Avill participate in the automo biles of every nation military maneu vers iu which the crack infantry and cavalry of this and other nations will participate upon an extended bcale Thi k ilon of the expedition give- wide it scope for the gie test interna tional sports program in history The auto races will pis into Goluci Gut- park before the cociet coliseum whit li wiil hae a eating capacity of ijuuu i copie i ie iiiitar and Olynip iivu - Mill Ul Ij i he sr slr i i i - s Hi of i t - m r i i is ii it in n io - Aien 1 a c i lul iL ii i s set for tiij a- Men of the cuuitr i tin prelimimiry v Jv the Ure Xo one w - C feiiuek built over einLe s II ill Pi W W GDFflTFxl niwUMn null hi 10 t i p j jj lull lo 1 miff j I ftr l a m mn be xM t I III J w i43l tin- H 1V i V iv i rrrrrsssrr7y i A - SMI7 i v s 1 IT n c is MrioriAL towe Itf In j ool a Te of huisi and Ii pan tovanl the eoiozi in m nitl ii xrii vniety will surpass an ir e ii out--de of the oiiont mil in in tiie fin cist itse A cmi Ur nLL LA UOJIiUIlo Yellowstone National park Great Silt lake Puget sound the inland trip to Alaska the governments huge reefer mation projects in sixteen westers states the Columbia river region iia redwood forests of California the fcs of Oregon the big trees on the ap proach to the Yosemite Arizona aodL New Mexico youngest of the states Ne ada and some of the greatest mfa ing camps In the Aorld Perhaps mc interesting of all will be the opportu nity for a trip through the Panana canal either coming or going The reconstruction of San Francisos is one of the greatest miracles Avithls the history of American niunicipalitJ Five hundred and eight city blocks embracing the principal business as residential portions of the city were wiped from the earth in 190tJ T screets were covered in some places with debris forty feet deep yet todir n stranger to tiie avouUI never know from its appearance that a fiis had occurred The ioas through the fire is estimate by insurance underwriters at 4000CSk 000 To reconstruct San Francisco alct for greater weth than was jBtnjci b tin fire and far exceeded I the of 1 1ldintr the Panama canal Biiic t e lire S24LHM i has beeu ei peuilid upon neAV lmitinj alone i ictiy oi t is mv newc3 cit l tis world Its 1 uidiucs rep- reseni the Uiai type i v djrti re enfiTitl Ilrrrtf strut firs It tiai tri 1 - rvrti 3E itcfc to uit all arsons i i I 5 1JZ i I- Te n I their ir P ifc i T nP i - rr -- t tin r - ii It - 4 J jjfc t th I 511 Ci sf I tlE rWd ti i t ii vV at R ttd Aviit iinllurs nf tli states if z zt - - s 1 SN sT A x J If -X i f ir - vn3 i S sttnwfZ ffik3 e fait -A-- fmWKiA 1 csTfeTail - fss - i - z rr s wwcu t y JW tws Ajr a binviu i a omvin - k - Jrfitvjri v nvwzrfriKttZ rwVft3K3 ri5i J wmwjmd HHHaHHffisaassaaK jdrsmsEm r itwj u tt twii MiTi vii ti i iitttrii fr23fcvlCfAwo r j rrrrtvsSAts iui v i fii ivrsmKnvKAML vmfKvrmtiC jjs j rwjt y Jta5aeiJyaeto jx inila j - so sm v wvvjwk x v aj - jtwvrry i r mxBBmmxmBEM w8sm r -- - 33ssaRgz t 6SSwlllKraBiKRHESHiHBv2v -- lift iftsga h 7 v V2ji 2 S PACIFIC OCEAN BEACH FE0NTI2TG THE EXPOSITION SITE IN GOLDEN GATE PAEK dry goods merchant placed a great sign Panama Pacific International Kxposhioii Si Francisco 1913 and this became tho battlecry in the fight lo huild a new city Of more than 20000000 noAV appro prialed by California S7000000 lias been raised by popular subscriptions 4000000 is assured through a special act of the legislature permitting the counties to tax themselves for exposi tion purposes 3000000 was appropri ated by the state of California and San Francisco has voted a bond issue of 3000000 This is the largest sum that has ever beer raised for a worlds exposition at an initial stage But it Is only a starter HAVE COURSE IN MATRIMONY High School Girls Taught Courtship Mothercraft and Domestic Sci ence in Los Angeles Cal Los Angeles Cal A course of matrimony has been included in the curriculum of the Gardens Agricultural High school here Five classes of girls are daily taking advantage of In struction in courtship matrimony the care of babies mothercraft and do mestic science It is planned that boys in Los An geles shall be permitted to take the course next year but some doubt is ex pressed about the need of this It is argued that the female of the spe cies will be so adept in the matter of courtship and marriage by the end of the year that she will have little difficulty in imparting her knowledge to the less deadly male The girls are taught how to deport themselves during courtship and In structed In household management home dietetics housekeeping ac- counts dressmaking millinery and even In such practical matters as how 1 plumbers are supposed to do their work and how much they should bej paid servative estimate of their combined expenditure tOAard the exposition i 10000000 Hawaii and the Philip pines Avill contribute more than 1000 000 each The Pacific coast of the United States and the whole west will bt featured up more extensively than they have been within their history Side excursions from the main line or stop overs upon any of the eight transcon tinental systems terminating upon the Pacific coast will afford the visitor an opportunity to see those attractions of America that appeal to him To most people the names of these places will carry a picture the Yosemite the Grand Canyon of the Colorado the One of the directors of the exposition is now in Japan It is said that his majesty the Emperor Mutsuhito wili donate the use of the imperial art col lection to the exposition The board at lady managers of which Mrs Phoebe Hearst is honorary president is in dependently taking up those phases oC the exposition that belong particularh to womans domain The setting is being prepared With impressie exposition structures rising from San Francisco bay AAith city ami wooded slopes as a background and in the foreground a A ast fleet of battle ships of the world the sight will be one of the magnificent spectacles of his tory Go There First For Groceries The Main Store on The Main Street No Need of Going Elsewhere