The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 15, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Delivered free any place in McCook
Corn chon per 100 81
Bran per 100
A Shorts ner 100
Wheat per bushel
Corn jier bushel
Oats per bushel
A Haifa ner bale
Ground alfalfa meal for chick-
X en and cow feed per 100 105
McCook Milling Company
Phono 29
The Senators Paper
State Senator John Cordeal of
McCook read a paper giving the
results of his investigations into
the early history of southwest
ern Nebraska Much of the work
in preparing this paper Avas done
by Senator Cordeal last winter
while in the city in attendance
on the legislature The paper
dealt with early Indian politics
the division of the state between
the Sioux and the other tribes
the battle with the Indians
which was fought by the whites
under General Oarr in 1S69 to
clear the Republican valley of
them and the efforts to pi ape
the Indians on reservations Lin
coin Star
The Third Degree
In an article yesterday head
ed Business Men in Theatricals
we noticed the United Play ccim
pany of Chicago lias taken over
the western territory has several
New York and London dramatic
successes Among the plays to
be presented is The Thvd De
cree Wliv cant we hove this
splendid play in our city
Coldest of Winlezt
The temperature Friday morn
ing last was the lowest of the
season reports ranging from 24
to 36 degrees below zero Frozen
supply and waste pipes Avere re
ported from ail over the city
with consequent increase of plum
ber activity
Personal taxes of 1911 became
delinquent December 1st Should
be paid before February 1st to
avoid collection by distress war
15 3t County Treasurer
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Car
hart Huber is the exclusive agent
Also jackets and caps The phone
is 97
It is the proved quality of Mag
ners groceries tJat accounts for
their increasing popularity with
the buying public Every patron
is a satisfied patron
This coM winter weather is
hard on the hands Protect
them by applying V Jonnells
Fragrant Lotion Pmc 2o cents
The dance held in the Eaglets
halL Friday night was well par
ticipated in and much enjoyed by
all engaged
For a cough or cold a bottle is
Avorth more than all gold Mc
Connells Balsam 25 cents
Huber handles the Carhart
gloves and caps also and a full
line of other makes
Charlie Byfiield expects to re
sume his route soon
McConnell fills prescriptions
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Tavo furnished
rooms for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phone
black 271 4 tf
WANTED Punils on the pianc
and organ Beginners preferred-
Terms 50c per lesson busie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
FOR RENT Cottage of sev
en rooms and bath room at 810
W Isi street Inquire of Mrs H
M Tyler Orleans Neb 25 2w
FOR RENT 7 xaom modem
house Phone 193
FOR RENT 5 room cottage 3
iblaeks eas Bee Hew build
ing Phone red 366 15 faf
oatt 5 rlnzfVn
Between six and seven oclofek
Saturday morning the Fred Bil
lings house in Southeast McGock
occupied by L A Carson and
family was entirely destroyed by
Mrs Carson is in Alma where
their son is very ill and Mr Car
son was at the National hotel duT
ing Friday night on account of
havinjr done some interior paint
ing at the house Friday lie left
the house about seven o clock on
Friday night leaving things in
usual condition and Ins tirst
knowledge of the disaster Avas a
telephone from South McCook
early Saturday morning announc
ing the fire Avhiich destroyed both
house and contents nothing be
ing saved as tho roof had
fallen in by the time the fire be
came knoAn by the residents of
that part of the city
Mr Carson places his loss on
household goods etc at 600 up
on AYihieh lie carried insurance to
he amount of 350 The loss on
the house is given at about 1200
The insurance on the house had
expired about a month since so
no insurance AAas carried on the
house at the time and Mr Bill
ings loss is therefore complete
Theres a neAv and better way
of smoking meat You accomp
lish in but a trifle of time all
that you can by the tedious old
iwjliroixcd process
Your meat Avill be hard and
firm it avxII be protected from
all genus and insects and it AAill
have a more delicate flavor than
if smoked in the old Aay Use
It contains all the preservative
elements of smoke Avithoint the
rank disagreeable elements You
simply apply it Aviith a brush giv
ing the meat one or tAAo coats
and the smoking is done Price
25 cents
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Check the City Books
The mayor and council have ar
ranged AA ith diaries Ska 11 a ex
county clerk for him to make a
check and report of the books of
-the city treasurer covering the
past dozen years or so For sev
eral years no report or cheek of
the books has been made and Mr
Skalla has undertaken- to do the
Avork entering upon the labor to
day The Tribune expects as
thorough AAork as the condition
of the books Avill warrant Tine
business transactions cf the city
of McCook have assumed such
proportions that it is most
mhlfv nnl TiPttPSsyrv llhat a
nite and accurate starting pcrat
be now establish ed if such has
not been dene before
Rare Coasting
The children large and small
lave been enjoying that rare
sport coasting on the J grade
ait Still street east tor some clays
and nights and scores ot both
sexes have- keenly partoctipaited
Several minor accidents have
reuslted but happily nothing se
vers Mass Ganl Funk AAas ren
dered unconscious Friday night
in a collision wnth an obstacle
but fortunately escaped serious
- May Visit Here
Managers McConnell Pennell
inform us that they are negotiat
ing Av nth the United Play Com
pany for The Third Degress
for one night The company con
fines itself mostly to the cities
and there is little change of it
having a date open However
the play may be here during the
current season
Freshest fruits at Magners
A McMill enj Druggist
For special on dill sour and
sAveet pickles see Magner
Gloves in cotton and in leath
er you will find a good assort
ment at the right prices at Hu
The Third Degree advance
agent was inrhe eify Fraday
- iiif 111 n aTiviiifvrn tr nvraxwfairt for tlmti nrodnc
CJXXCKens uouaeuuwu xmi v - D q r rr
ottjher arkcles 405 W 3rd 0 tam to -presented m tine Ttt
L Jackson black 323 lf February 3rd
Active Work Is Now Being Push
ed in the Matter
The meeting of the McCook
Commercial club Friday evening
brought to the fx ont the fact
that the project has aroused en
couraging sentiment all over the
city as the merits of the case be
come known axid aie appreciated
There AAas a large attendance -of
men and Avomen of the city- at
the session and proposed plan
AAias read and discussed fully
It aa2 decided to hold over
the matter of formally organizing
and adopting by laws etc until
a later date after the city lias
been canvassed for the sale of
stock and of hospital annual tick
Expressions Avere decidedly en
couraging and those pushing the
project are feeling much eneour
aged as to the successful outcome
of the effort noAV being made to
place this entex prise on its feat
Rev Win Patiton Dr C L
Falinestock and -T F Cordeal
Avere warned as a committee to
prepare copy for the proposed
hospital ticket to liae the saane
printed and the ladies and other
AAiill ait once make a canvass of
the city for their sale
Another meeting of those in
terested has been called for this
eAening in the commercial club
rooms at Aihieh it is hop eel there
may be a full attendance of ev
eryone interested gentlemen and
ladies of the city
Is the Hero
Larry DonoA an the delicious
young Irishman in The Hciixse
of A Thousand Candles is- the
hero in Rosalind at Red gate
the latest story by Meredith
Nicholson to find its Avay to the
stage Donovan is the type of
Irishman as he really is not the
sort of ibuffoon usually seen on
the sitage but a AAhole souled
full blooded good natured chap
Aviith a Avell developed bump of
hxxmoir In The House of a
Thousand Candles shoAved his
ability to keep everyone in gciod
humor during the critical mo
ments and in Rosalind at Red
gate Mr Nicholson lets him
step into the limelight Avhich is
really his due reward for posses
sing the most charming charact
er the stage has knoAvn in years
lie bobs in and out of thciacttfon
of the play at the most unexpect
ed moments and even his anost
serious speeches enel Avith a touch
of that delightful humor Avhich
seems a sort of seconel nature to
the Irishman
Rosalind at Redgate Avail lie
the offering at the Temple the
atne on Monday January 22nd
AAill unquestionably prove one
of the meat interesting events of
-the present season in the dramat
ic line
George J Knceland son of
C W Kneeland of Driftwood pre
cinet recently moved from Chica
go to New York city Avliere lie
is making a special study of Ayhy
juveniles get into court and jail
He recently married a German
lady lie has become aix expert
in investigations along juvenile
delinquencies and the AAihite slave
trade in cities
The tickets for Roselind at
Red Gate AAiill be on sale on
Thursday morning Jan 18th at
nine oclock In the future all
seat sales Avill be four days in
advance of the show not includ
ing Sunday at nine oclock a m
instead of seven oclock as here
Edwards Bros have opened a
butcher shop in the old Coleman
hardAArare store building on West
B street
Magner sells better groceries
than the just as good kind Try
him for an order
The M JB Ladies Aid will
meet Thursday Avith Mrs S A
Magners groceries meet fully
the pure food law requirements
Everything in driigs McCon
McOonnell fillg prescriptions
Monday Evening Edition
High School Auditorium Jan 18
and 19 1912
First Night
Opening selection II S Orches
Violin solo Mr MeGillin
Debate Question Resolved
That Labor Unions Are on the
Whole Beneficial
Affirmative Carroll Eldred
Maxxrice Benjamin Miss Gladys
Picklum Cairl Schmidt
Negative Stephen Miller Glen
Oallen Miss Ida Gordon
Vocal solo Miss Minnie Viei
Decision of the judges
Closing selection II S Orches
Second Night
Opening selection IT S Orches
Instrumental duet Miss Mary
Russell Miss Marjorie Schobel
Debate Question Resolved
That Disputes Between Labor and
Capital in the Railroad Business
Should Be Settled by Boards of
Arbitration ILrving PoAv er to En
force Their Decisions
Affirmative Miss Susie Mc
Bride Cecil McMillen Edwin
Someivrille Harold Schwab
Negallive Miss Marvel Browne
Albert Barnes Miss Agnels Claik
Miss Julia Barnes
Vocal solo Louis Ludwick
Clarinet solo Ray Jordan
Vocal soilo Carroll Eldred
Decision of judges and selec
tion of team anel alternate
Closing selection II S
Judges Senator Cordeal -Mr
Rice Mr Culbertson
Admission 10 cents
To be reailly smart this season
childrens dresses -must be very
simple But that does not mean
that they are unattractive The
neat and pretty little frocks
shown her illustrate particularly
Avell the general trenel of the
neAv stylo and certainly thy
could not lie called commonplace
or unattractive
One -of tihem is a dainy litttle
French dreiss that is one of
those lonjr waited frocks that
mjl ml
Mffwk f 1
7W h
y k a
n rAm A
-51 11 - fCTr
are so becoming to Kttlr giils anel
so veiy pretty to make in fche
soft lingerie fabrics or silk and
AA ool mixtures In floucen g t
makes a very practical drr
easuf to launder and yci stylish
and suiitaible for dressy wear
since flouncings are much in- evi
dence and there are lovely ones
to be had too
The other dress may be fash
ioned for either elnessy Aroar or
playtime It is in the peasant
style that seems to be at its
best in childish little frocks and
the skirt altho it is generously
pleated to give plenty of freedom
is correctly narrow and straight
in appearance It AAould be dif
ficult to find tAVO prettier frocks
for little girls to wear
Want ads 5 cents per line
The W C T U H1 meet with
Mrs J C Moore Friday the
lftth Subject Mercy and Help
Mrs Rayl Lyon who has been
visiting her parents Mr and Mrs
iGeo Elbert left on No 13 Mom
daly morning for her home in
Pueblo Colorado
Billings House and Carson House
hold Goods Destroyed
Meeting of Council Held Last
Saturday Evening
The city council AA as in spec
ial sessioni Saturday evening in
the AAater commissioners office
pursuant to resolution and call is
sued The mayor four council
men city clerk and city attorney
Avere present
Councilman Stansberry dntro
dueed a resolution declaring the
intention of the mayor anel coun
cil to refund 50000 of the out
standing AAater bonds bearing
date of June 15 1908 On- mo
itjiion said resohxtion AAas adopt
ed and Avasi thereupon approved
by the mayor
The city clerk was axxthonized
to print notice for bkls for the
purchase of said refunding AAat
er bonds
On motion an adjournment
AA as token to January 29th 1912
at eight oclock AAhen another
special session AAill be held
Dont Plant Seed Corn That
Wont Grow
Men from the state experiment
station who have examineel sam
ples of the best seed corn exhib
ited at the local corn sIxoavs
short courses and farmers insti
tutes all over the state say that
only from 10 per cent to 40 per
cent otf the samples submitted
AAiill grow
Corn for seed purposes is in a
AAorse condition than has eAer
been known
A grave situation exists
If Ave are to hare a corn crop
next year eAery ear of corn
shoxdd be tested to see aai ether it
AAiill grow before it is planted
Suppose one dead ear is plant
ed The planter fails to get one
thousand stalks of corn almost
tAvelve bushels of corn lost
Leading corn authorities say
that no man- can tell whether
corn AAiill grOAv or not withoxit
making a germination test
Particularly this yeair corn
that looks gocd on the ciuteide
is dead in the germ anel positive
ly AAiill net grew
For 1912 Fourteenth Judicial
District of Nebraska
Judge E B Perry has desig
nated the following elates for
coui t in this district for the en
suing year
Chase April 29 jury Nov 25
Dundy March 18 jury May
23 equity Oct 28 jury
Frontiex April 1 jury June
3 equity Oct 14 jury
Furnas Feb 19 jury May 13
equity Nov 11 jury
Gosper Feb 13 jxxry May 27
equity Dec 9 jury
Hayes April 15 jury Oct 71
Hitchcock March 4 jury May
20 equity Sept 23 jury
Perkins April 22 jury Dec 2
Red WilloAV Jan 29 jury Maj
6eqxiity Sept 9 jury
Card of Thanks
We AAiish to thank our many
friends for their kindly
and sympathy during the
recent bereavement of our hus
band and father Signed -Mrs
J R Jackson Mrs J W
Shirley Mrs A L Loshbaiixgh
J II Jackson L W Jackscn
L V Jackson A D Jackson
anel O L Jackson
A Great Playwright
something to- say some virtue to
uphold or some evil to protest
against in his plays as in The
Lion and the Mouse and The
Gamblers The Third De
gree protests against the police
The continueel cold Aveather is
responsible for the bursting of a
AAiater main in West McCook
Hiree lengths of ucav pipe Avere
put in and the job completed yes
terday afternoon
The annual meeting of itlie Mc
Cook Irrigation and Water Pow
er Co WoM be held dn itlie postt
olfficef building February 7th alt
itwo oclock Seven directors will
be elected and Other
F S Valine Avas in toAAn Satur
day on business
Lew Waitson of Sanbox n AA as a
city Aiisitor Saturday
Walter Lathrap came elown
from Dem ex close of Aveek on
Postmaster Meeker of Imperial
was among the city visitors Sat
urday afternoon
I M Smith made a flying bus
iness trip to Trenton Friday he
itAveen trains 13 and 14
Miss Vivian Jones has been vis
iting her uncle L T Branseem
and family ini Cambridge
Mrs A L KnoAA land is ex
pected home from Vincennes In
eliana in the near future
I M Smith returned Thurs
day evening on No 1 from Ox
ford Avhere he had been visiting
liis daughter Mrs B F Coffey
Mrs Will Dungan was dawn
from Denver close of Aveek at
tending the 0 E S session Fri
day night and Tsiting friends in
the city
Miss Anna McDonnell county
superintendent left Sunday night
for Lincoln to spend several days
in the states capital city attend
ing the meeting of county supei
R B Sheridan is having his
cozy and orderly residence thox
ougldy rearranged as tot its in
terior When completed the ef
fect will be more modern anel con
venient placing it among the
most attractive residence prop
erties in the city
Mr and Mrs II C Clapp de
parted Saturday evening on 10
for the east to be gone saveral
AA eeks They Avill spend the time
at the old home in Mcelxigan in
NeAv York city Chicago and other
points combining business vi tli
some pleasure and recreation
Mrs W F Jones received the
sad news Frcclay that her father
William L McNiishi had passed
aAAay at Hill City iScaxtlh Dako
ta He had been ailing for snie
mon His suffering the last stages
of chronic Bright s disease At
the tiinp Mrs Jones the doctor
anel Francis Avere there last sum
mer he Avas very poorly
Drand MrsJEarl O Valine AAill
leave in a few days for Californ
ia Avhere they expect to locate
anel reside in future The doctor
has disposed of life dental -business
here to Dr Palm enter of
Ilasrngs aa Iio has arrived in
the city and taken charge of the
office Dr anel Mrs Valine havet
for several years been residents
in- McCook and a AAide circle of
friends AAiill AAiish them Avell in
their neAv home They go direc
tly to Lcs Angeles thence to
Fresno He AAill possibly be an
agriculturist for the present to
locate in his profession later on
Di and Mrs J D Hare AAiill
leave for GVifornia AAiithir a
Aveek to make their heme in- that
state They Avail go to Fresno
AAhere the doctor has a brother
in the medical profession and
may possibly decide to make that
cilty their future heme anel busi
ness location The eloctor anel
famil moved to MeOcoik ahoixt
ten- years since anel have been
prominent in professional anel so
cial circles of the city ever since
the doctor enjoying a large prac
tice in medicine anil with the
family forming a large acquaint
ance and friendslxip in- the city
Avhich Avill doubtless be explicat
ed in their new home on the Pa
cific coast country The Trib
une aelels its best AvrVheG
iThe O E S had an initiation
Charles Klein is a playAArrght Friday night AAith the usual light
Aviith a name He usually has
refreshments anel toasts folloAving
Mts C M Matsom became a mem
ber Mts J E Lovell of Bed
ford Iowa chapter avus a Aisitor
on- this occasion
Friday afternoon the ladies of
the B Y embroidery clixb
the clever and genial hospital
ity of Mrs R D Rogers A dain
ty two course luncheon Avas sexw
ed during the afternoon and the
guests Avere entertained most
jpleasurably by several piano num
Dens- by Miss Martha daughter
of the hostess Mrs Carroll of
ibklaihonia City a sister of Mrs J
A Ecikman was a guest from out
side vfche city
ae12k grade have commenced
business rehearsing their class play The
suaptam oi Jtuyononita