The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 11, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Senator John F Cordeal ol Mc
Cook was at the state house on
Tuesday long enough to deny
tkt h intends to run for attorn
ey general II re id he would be
a candidate for re election to the
t senate He desires to -try
once more to get Ills primary bill
thrcagh tli2 legislature Lincoln
The mart spectacular fire of
the winter was partial destnr
tjn cf th grit insur
ing luilcng in New York city
Tu dv enaiing a 1ctg of sev
iv1 miLon elcIais and six lives
The vaults of the building con
tan valuables thit is money
jewels etc to the esti
mated value of two billion dol
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
remain uncalled for at the pu
December 28 191 L
Brown Mr Albert S
Godenberger Miss Rostsie
Gordon Mr Harry
nail Mrs A W
Shippee Mr Leonard
Davis Mrs A J
Everts on Mr Frank
Ouger Mr John
TJlil William R
January 4 1912
Bane Mr John
Baker Mrs Esther R
Galois Charles F
Haley Mrs
Lawson Mr h
Moore Mr A S
Nord Mr Gust
Robertson Mr Karl C 2
Sehacht Mrs Caroline
Shoemaker Mr Carl
Fitzgerald Mr J
Ilaley Sarah
McQukton Mr Glenn
Williams Mr Walter
Wilson Mr Frank
January 11 1912
Ford Miss Anna E
Johnson Mr A J
Kroutwiek Miss L
Kennedy R
LaSell Mrs J E
McCullock M iss J 2
Perry Mrs W J
Jtoss Mass Ella
Sehaclrt Mrs Caroline
DeJouge E
Jones Mr and Mrs Tom
Rodecker Mr H L
Taylor Mass Alta
Worsig Mrs Nellie
LON CONE Postmaster
Read The Tribune for the news
Test Seed Corn
Every farmer among our read
ers shofuld test his seed- corn1 and
now is the time to do it If you
waat -until spring other duties will
ojeupy your time The Novem
ber freeze killed the germinating
jpower of a great percentage of
eprn and you should know wihait
If wish information
yon are planting you
formation as to hxm -to test the
seed corn write W R Mellor
fWiwtarv of Agriculture
- V 11 J3 I
- t timjn
Tfte 3Vt0o THfetitie
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class mat
ter Published Tuesdays and Thursdays
t Farm Products 3 10000000
According to reports of the la- admittedly below tJio actual
bor bureau in Nebraska and the
l 5lt rear Nebraska produced
e i iwiif 1
reports ct a s inilir Jenartnient -
l 133000000 busnels oi corn and
m Kansas Nebraska beat Kansas j Kansas had 103000000
las t year 2S000000 bushels in fca raised 46000000 bushels of
production cf corn and Kansas j wheat and Kansas raised 50000-
bcat Nebraska 4000000 on wheat 000 busliels
This showing in the face of the The Irish poitalo crop in
iaet that Kansas has 800000 more bra ska last year was worth a lit-
pc pulallon than Nebraska is con- tie less tlian 60000000 and the
sielered a remarkable one for crop in Kansas was wortli less
braska The reports of both stat- than 2000000
es are considered as reliable as it All kinds of farm products in
is possible to make under the con Kansas were valued at less than
ditiens Labor Commissioner Guyc 300000000 and Nebraska they
says Nebraska has the bst s were valued at 340000000
1 m cf reports of any state in the Nebraskas alfalfa crop last
union the reports being gather- year alone is valued at 33 1 3 per
ed by assessors under oath In cent more than all of the alfalfa
tin- of Hvi siok and jf and tame grass of Kansas The
much other property Mr Guav Nebraska alfalfa crop was
takts the assessed value which is 000 -tons
Council Session
city council was in reg
ular session Monday night with
-the folloAving present Mayor
MeAdams Councilmen Brown
Siiansberiy and Middlaton Citv
Clerk Sioll and Citv Attorney
Minutes of previous meeting
were read and approved
Following bills Avere appiwed
by th e finance committee and on
motion wer ordered paid by the
A B Cuirii Co
Charier Dewey
L Tkorgrmson
McCcok Hardware Co
F L Wolff
Frank Cain
Eseher Doing
Barnett Lumber Co
P J Morrissy
Nebraska Telephone Co
John Eckstedt
Red Willow Co Gazette
R McDonald
J R Stansberry
Eel Fitzgerald
J C Nicholson
Fred Sehlagel
I A Underbill
E C Unelerliall
Daviel Diamond
Nick Snvdcr
1 00
37 50
9 70
62 50
Welsbaeh Street L Co 154 00
Jr hu W Bovd 3S 45
Charles Cress 20 25
Jennings Hughes Co 109 70
M R Osborn 2 00
2 75
43 50
5 00
9 80
66 50
1 40
34 10
12 50
W A Middleton 12 50
M A Pate 3 55
McCock Electric Co 88 50
Henry Bcstrom 2 00
White Line Transfer Co S8 40
L C Stoll 52 40
D F Ilostetter 1 00
A MeMillen 1 55
55 00
65 00
50 00
55 00
83 33
20 60
V Gunderman 20 60
jA M Wilson 8 00
i Russ Mateliell 2 30
James McAdams 18 75
A Rowland 18 80
Herman Brown 12 50
William Wood 12 50
Treasurers report was read
and placed on file with the city
City Clerk was instructed to
get engineers stimate on fuel oil
engine suitable for use ait the
water plant
Councilman Stansberry intro
duced a resolution to transfer
250 from the general fund to
the fire fund which carried
After which the council ad
A special meeting of tlLe city
council was held Tuesday to con
sider the refusal of the city treas
urer to comply with ordinances
212 and 213 The view of the
council was that it Avas not un
til ithose ordinances Avere enact
ed thait the city Avas enabled to
secure any interest on its funds
and thait if the ordinances could
be defied in other respelcits ithey
could aJso be defied Avitih respect
to interest and ordered the city
attorney to commence proceed
ings to enforce the ordinances
As Ave closer the forms informa
tion comes that the city treas
urer has signified his intention
to folloiw directions and instruc
tions of ordinances above refer
red to and the incident is closed
for the present
I Imposing Shaft on the Old Homestead
Which Marks the Sturdy j
Heros Grave j
Albany N Y Renewed efforts are
now under way lor the preserving or
the General Herkimer homestead in
the picturesque Mohawk valley of the
state The brick house is still in very
jgood condition although it remains
practically the same as when occupied
as a home by the sturdy old hero or
the battle of Orlskany
Only a few rods from the house is
the burial place cf the general and
tthis is marked by an imposing shatt
erected by the state of New York
iThe present movement to purchase
S 0- 1 v
7 WO
Shaft to Herkimer
the old homestearf and preserve it as
rne of the historical spots ol the
country has Le u Mtrted by prominent
members ol the national and state
committees on hitcinca spots Ke
cently a large pilsrimnge was made to
the place and inter swig patriotic er
ercihes were csndueicd by the Uaugn
tes of the American Revolution
tomas h carter is dhad
Fcr rer Montcra Senator Prominent
in frtorai Pr iticr Passed
Avy in rshington
S Former United
States SenKr tis Henry Carter
ct Mantana or irrny 3 ears a notauie
and picturesijui iure in national
poliurs once nrr5 ol the Republican
nationaJ c ommittet1 and since last
Alarch chnirnin t 1 rse American sec
tion ol tlit intiTriU joint com
mifsion died at home in Wash
ington recent Ly a the age of fltty
seven years
Mr Carter represented Montana in
the senate for 12 tears He first sat
in the senate in IX5 and stayed there
until iail Ue came back in 1105
He first entire into national politics
in 1J592 when be was made chairman
of President Harrisons Republican
national committee and at that time
it was written- ol him he is a some-
The Late Thomas H Carter
what undersized Montana man who
looks like Uncle Sam just out of a
ready made clothing store
The late senralor had Irish parents
whose birthplaces were within a lew
mies of each other m the old country
but they did not meet until they had
migrated to Virginia He is survived
by his widow Mrs ISHen Galen Car
ter and two sons
He Undergoes Operation to Win a
Bride Who Disliked Style of His
Auricular Appendages
Reno Nev Protruding ears with
square corners are not considered
necessary perquisites to the beauty of
the Shoshone Indians in this state as
was proved when a full blooded buck
of that tribe hiToked the use or surg
ery in order that his looks might be
Johnny Joyce a Shoshone Indian
visited the office of a local physician
and asked that his square and pro
truding ea7s be reduced In size In
explanation he stated that the Indian
maiden of his choice refused to marry
him on account ol the manner In
which his organs of hearing had
The operation was performed suc
cessfully and Joyce with his hearing
appendages trimmed on the bias com
pensated the physician for the labor
nrenared to ratnrh t his hntno
w t - r jrTzzjrr i
zznaExtti Kv mjizjbt i i ijjfaTJy irje
Preliminary debates to eleeide
avIio are to lie on the debating
team Avill be held in the II S
auditorium on the evenings of
January iSih anel 19th i
Night school last Aveeik Avas
taught by Supt DaAis during the
absence of Mrs Douglass Miss
Lcla French is filling the position
this Avcek
During the zero Aveather the
attendance has lieon surprisingly
good There have been feAV ab
sences anel Icav eases of sickness
reported as a result cf the cold
Supt Baivcs AViLll be in Lincrln
January 15 16 and 17 Aiin the
junior normal principals Avill con
fer Avith the state superintendent
on plans for the junior normals
of the coming summer
The radiator in the ventila
tion shaft cf thi high school
room burst Sunday night result
ing in a ratiher uncomfortably
Ioav temperature during the mora
ing while repairs Averr md On-
ly one grammar grade av2i eli
misseel on account cf it
Met With Couccil
Guy II Pratt gvnernl superin
tendent Omaha anel Dietrccit
Manager Wylie of Hastings Ne
braska Telephone Co aviv in
the city yesterday anel helel somie
consultation Avith the mayor and
city council over the proposed
anel desireel reductcon in tele
phone rates These gentlemen
left for the east last evening cpj
10 but no definite action has as
vet been announced
Marriage Licenses
Roy C Green 20 cf McCook
Nebraska annd II at tie B Buh
18 of Cambridge Nebraska
Married by County Judge F M
Golfer January 6th 1912
William W Lewis 33 and
Charlotte Nichols 22 belli of
MeCcijk Nebraska
j Mrs W B Whittiaker rce ivrd
Avca d this Aveek of the elcz th of
a brother in Oregon Mr Evert1
The h r Avas cuttiing iiiibor
rd v found daael in the
M s Whittakcrs friene i
ri enderly smp athiye aaci1i
her and with the laughter at
tending school in our cty
J F Cordeal spent pirt of the
Aveek in Lincoln delivering a pa
per before the state historical
society among other activities-
You can buy heavy fleeced
underwear for 75c at Hubers
Reduced from 100
The delegate from Franklin to
She coming Head Camp cf the
M W A at -Chicago in other
words the eelitor of the Sentinel
nd the Avriter of these lines
vill vote against the proposed
aise in rates Avhich the camp
s called to consider first last
md all the time While it has
nlways been our private judg
nent that a small reserve fund
iould be a good thing and might
some daA rroAe the salvation of
ur noble order should a plague
h some other catastrophe sweep
iihe land yet if the members
themselves elo not Avant it Ave
aay amen let the people rule
As far as Ae can discover it is
the unanimous and
opinion of our membership
that the rates should neb be
and Ave shall never A ote
against the expressed AViisihcs of
our constituents in so Aital a
question- and slap the face of
those Aho sent us to represent
them in anything mucih lea3 -in
a great fraternal order We Avill
never Aiolate the faith at those
aatIlo sent us to this jjreiait Ileiad
Assembly those Aviho entrusted us
with their credentials to go as a
delegate by directly opposing
their Avell knoiwn Avrishes and Ave
do not believe any other dele
gate has a rig lit to do so If
this- lueation of raising the rat
es liad been an issue and had
been fought out by the boys at
home Avhen Ave Avere chosen that
is if in the local camps and in
county camps and finally at the
state camps it had been looming
up in the oversliadoiAving man
ner it uoav is and Ave liad favor
ed an increase in rates and liad
Avon out then Ave Avould liave
been justified in standing by
our guns and A oting for the side
that Avhipped and put us across
as a deleirate But the Question
- gj -
kvas not an issue and came up
before the iboys m the ranks m
no manner -whatsoever There
fore Av e aro opposed to the pro
gram and Avail vote NO wnenetv
cr it comes up it ne Avay to re-
JtniLMllTSOt3iJxyimMMjjtPumtJimijmmmriwKrT7ri9riLFfimfii3ittfM 9
do it themselves The members
of the Woodmen lodge joined the
order voluntarily on the basis cf
the rates as they are iioav By
joining each member of his oaah
accord accepted the rates in
fore and in this sense aelopted
them They are his idea of Av hat
the rates ought to be eilse of
course he Avoulel not haAe joined
The rates are thus curs and not
the head officers They belnog
to you to me and to the other
felloAV The Avay to change them
Is by the consent of the members
And if the head officers can mot
com ince the members that the
rates ought to be changed then
it is none of their business and
they ought to go Avay back anel
sit doAn The head officers are
our servants nothing else Tliis
logic is incontrovertible and can
not be refuted On it Ave stand
Let the members themselves vote
on a change If they do mot
Avant it that is their privilege
This question has not been left
to the rank and file to- h Aoted
on Therefore Ae register our
Aote against the head officers
program Franklim Neb
tun el
Adventist Services at 11 a m
and 8 p m Saturday and at 8
p m unaay
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m H M Mitchell mil
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 0 R Eichert
Congregational Subjects for
next Sunday are Morning
ChrisHanlty as Christ Tauglit
It Evening The Print of the
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
even in ga NeAV Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p mK Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty welcbme to all who Avish
to worship wdth us D Jj Mc-
of Winter Goods
On every purchase of 500 or
over we will give
25 per cent Off
Fur Coats
Duck Coats
Flannel Shirts
All Shoes
Except Ralston
This means a 25 Mart
ner Marx Suit or Overcoat for
i a r j i
A kxal
rti T r i
us ha of Don
Home of Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes
f i - - hjuj -
Catholic St Patricks Church
S 30 a m Ioav mass and sermon
1030 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday school
800 evening services ReA Wm
Patton 0 M I pastor
I Episcopal Sunday sehcol at
j 10 Morning prayer and sermon
at 11 Special missionary ad-
dress to parents chilelrera and
mends at -A Offering for Do
mestic anel Foroign Missionary
society All are Avelcome
In the County Court of Red
WilloAV county Nebraska In the
matter of the Estate of Stepdien
Belles eleceaseel State of Ne
braska Red WilloAV County
To all persons interesteel in the
estate of Stephen Bolles deceas
Yon are hereby notified tluat
Marilla Bolles executrix of tlie
last AA ill and testament of Steph
en Bolles eleceaseel has filed hoi
final account in said matter and
a petition for final settlement
and discharge anel that the resi
due of said estate be assigned in
accordance AAith the terms of
said AAill Said final account and
petition Avill be heard in the coun
ty court room in the city of Mc
Cook in said county on the 29th
day of January 1912 at one
oclock p m and you are here
by cited to appear and sIioav
cause if any such exists at the
time and place above designated
AAihy said account should not be
aMoiAved anel said petition grant
Witness my hand and the seal
of said court this 5th day of Jan
uary 1912
Seal County Judge
First publication Jan 8 6ts
To- the creditors of the estate
of Carrie M FarnsAvorth deceas
You are hereby notified that
the time for filing claims against
said estate expires June 29 1912
and -that the county judge of Red
WiUoiAv county Nebraska Avill sit
on the first day of July 1912 at
the hour of nine oclock a m
to examine all claims against said
estate Avith a view to their ad
justment and allo Avanee
Dated December 23rd 1911
4 County Judge
C E EL DRED Attorney
r j w i