The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 04, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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Supt E Flynn was in Lin
coin Tuesday on company busi
The 1932 annual passes for
employees entitled to them have
Mr and Mrs C B Sentance
and his mother spent New Year
in Oxford
Driving brass cylinders and
valves are receiving attention on
engine 1742
Some of those celebrating the
New Year with a lay off and
rest are Engineer L P Neilson
Engineer J C Marshall Fireman
R E Love and Fireman J F
If You Winter in California
You can o there over a very attractive route one of sunshine low altitudes
and mild climate You can go Burlington Santa Fe ia Denver to Pasadena and
Los Angeles in personally conducted tourist sleepers leaving Omaha every Tues
day night train No 9 and Denver every Wednesday evening Experienced con
ductors are jn charge of these excursions you will enjoy your ride to California
over these two first class railroads If not convenient to connect with No 9
enroute through Nebraska use any of the Burlington trains into Denver and let
me secure a birth for you to be taken at Denver
Then there is the scenic way to California via Denver Colorado and Salt
Lake with standard and tourist sleepers to Denver and from Denver to the coast
This is held at Denver January 15th to 20th Everyone going will receive a
big welcome in Denver the city of sunshine and hospitality
Homeseekers Excursion Tickets to the Big Horn IJasin also to the west south
anil southwest Winter tourist rates to southern and
California resorts cities etc
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Th m of C W Bronson
lodge No 487 Brotherhood of
RadLnciad Trainmen made one of
their record runs New Year
night tn their animal ball in
Armory hall
They had a large and brilliant
attendance- from city and points
along the division and none were
disappointed of a fine time and
much enjoyment
The music of the- K of P or
chestra was an irreqitibl1 fact
or in fthe ball as usual An aug
mented bunch of the citys 1ksiL
wdth a repertoire thats fetching
East Depart Central Time
No G 1130 P M
1C 500 A M
2t o 3 -A JM
12 G35 A M
M 920 P M
10 530 P Jf
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
o J1 i JT il
5 arrive 835 p m
13 930 A SI
15 1230 A M
9 C25 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked tc
any point in the United States or
For Information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Full set of new flues on the
Conductor J W Ridenour
took Wednesday off
Engine 1066 is in the ma
eliine shop for a No 5 repair
Manacrer C W Ileber of the
telegraph office is on the sick list
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
B of R T Dance 3
And thf decorations There
was color and Avarmth in tlum
Order designs and colors green
and red everywhere Strings of
vari coloied lanterns as stream
ers of light and several el
al effects In all one of the fin
est decorative stunts yet attmupt
td by the boys of Bronson lodge
From the grand march to good
night waltz the scene was cue of
ever changing gayety and ternc h
orean tremors
The committee in charge and
the order in toto are o be con
gratulated upon the succees in
social and terms of their dance
Conductor A II Bagley is on
the sick list
Machinist Jakie S oh It at hus
been laid off the force
Front and work is going on
the 2S5S and 2704 this week
Mrs C TV Lutes and daiighte
spent New Year at Riverton
Machinist Stape has beau
transfrer ed from Dnever to Mc
Brakeman G C Ghilders was
a Denver passenger Wednesday
on No 13
Conductor II TV Tackier of
Denver has been transferred to
The carpenters are building
a house to enclose the flue clean
ing machinery
Mrs Harold Morris is tempo
arily acting as stenographer in
the master mechanics office
Machinist Steve Bolles is
working days now and Machinist
M L Search is on the night
Conductor Herman Ilegenber
ger goes on duty again tomorrow
at Republican after spending the
holidays here with his family
New tires have been placed
on the drivers of engine 2211
besides she- has
on cylinders
Brakman II
received repairs
driving brasses
E Ilanshaiw left
New Year eve instead of earlier
as was reported in these columns
for Eaton Indiana to visit his
parents there
John Hunt was the guest of
his son Frank at Stratton Sat
urday morning to Sunday night
during the extra vacation given
the air men with the rest of the
The rod press has been over
hauled this week A new air
pump lias been attached and the
entire machine has been lowered
several inches to enable the
workmen to more easily place the
heavy rods under the machine
The Ware That Wess
Guaranteed IS Years
It doesnt jay to buy cheap ware that soon peels cracks
leaks tarnishes rusts or wears out Even ata lower
cost such ware is the most expensive because it is dan
gerous to health and unreliable in service doesnt last
1892 Pure Spim AliiminiimWare
is guaranteed for 15 years There is practically no wear
out to it and scientific investigation proves it the most
sanitary cooking ware made Particles cant chip
off and cause chronic troubles nor spoil the food
Germs do not breed on its smooth surface and odors can not be
absorbed by it
Youll have better food and save trouble time and fuel by using
only 1892 Pure Spun Aluminum Ware Look for trade
mark on every piece
McCook Hardware Co
The Burlington has ordered
25 new locomotives
Conductor W A CassetlL laid
off for The NewlyAveds
Brakeman F M Disbrow
spent New Year in Arapahoe
Win Overleese has reported
for duty after a lay off of thirty
Brakcmen T II Allen and E
O Sullivan spent New Year in
Red Cloud
Trainmaster E Johnson
took Nefw Year dinner with Clar
ence Stokes
Piston Aralve work and other
minor repairs were given engine
2S41 this week
Engine 1762 is over the new
drop for repairs having a driv
er dropped etc
Sid Wheeler Jr is now deling
the coal inspector act with neat
ness and dispatch
Mis L E Ilanford who has
been quite ill aft her heme in thio
ciiiy is somewhat improved
Fireman A A Grigsby went
dawn Sunday evening on No 10
tj take in the Lincoln attractions
Thermometer en north side
of general foremans office re
corded 10 degrees below zero at
8 oVcck Wednesday mcrning
Jim Pcwell formc rly statical
foreman in the McCook yard wai
down from Max yesterday en
some Dufnu ra matters ii the city
Engineer and Mrs Martin
Scictt have a sweet Christmas
Wfnk lift in the form of a ViAl
daruglrLr bcrn en Xw Year eve
Engine 143 lis bejn equipped
with a fl anger Engines 2S0 and
318 have had their pilots coivcirel
with tin All for snow removal
Seme 1912 Pullman pan--3 i
ued to railway men ai3 made
gocid for berth only and may
ncit be used for seat privileges b 1
tween local points
J L Hughes cf Lincoln is a
new member of Agent Hcstet
ters force night ticket agent
He is located in Johnsons room
ing house on Main street at pres
Some of the machinery of the
new flue plant has been installed
thus Avsek The plant will be con
siderably improved over die on--1
in service here before thrt rem ov
al to Havclock
Tli3 iee force ha- grown to
day to ninety members Fifty
ears will be stored here daily un
til the ice he uses are fuJl One
hundred tens were stored this
morning in an hc ur
Conductor Frank Quigley
whom we reported some time
since as afflicted with locomotor
ataxia is at the present wriiiing
much improved and is able to be
out of bed tho not at work
Miss Ruby Fitzgerald fell on
the side walk on main street last
Thursday sustaining a fractured
wrist which will dciter her from
entering upon the p oration of
stenographer in the master
ehanics office for some time
Mrs Frank W Rank and
children departed Tuesday night
for their new home in Miles City
Montana where Mr Rank is em
ployed in the railroad service
again and enjoying his work
Many McCook friends will wish
them well
Frank Love wall depart this
evening for Riverside California
after having spent this much of
the holiday season with Mrs
Love who is here from her du
ties a a musical instructor ait
Ghiliieothe Mo and with other
Iloldrege relatives Frank is en
joying good health in California
and likes his position with one of
the big railroads1 there very much
lie found it quite discomfiting
to jump from the balmy climate
of California to the zero weather
we have been experiencing her
Iloldrege Gitizen
The first train load of ice ar
rived from the Curtis lake Wed
nesday noon and a force of thir
ty or forty men was at once set
to work unloading the ice and
commencing the job of filling the
big 5000 ton ice house recently
completed by the company at tliie
place The pile driver engine is
being utilized in pulling the ice
into the house Fourteen big
cakes of ice are placed on a sled
amd the engine drives a rope
which elevates the ice into the
-house This will greatly facilitate
the filling of the big ice house
Do not allow your kidney arid blad
der trouble tn dveJon hevm th
reach of medicine Take Foley Kid
ney Hums They give quick results
and ctop irregularities with surpris
ing promptness A McMillen
Perspn3 troubled with partial par
alysis are often very much benefit
ted by massaging the affected parts
thoroughly when applying Chamber
lains Liniment This liniment also
re6vQ rheumatic pains For sale
by all aVuiggiSts
Remember The Tribunes phone
io j r u muu appreciate an atem
any time
Vast Quantities Are Spoiled by
Improper Treatment
By J H Frandson Professor of Dairy
Sanitary milk is milk from healthy
cows produced and handled under
conditions in which contamination
from filth bad odors and bacteria is
reduced to a minimum The produc
tion of clean and healthful milk is
the most important subject with which
the dairymnn has to deal Even from
rn economic standpoint the dairyman
etinnut afford o ignore the importance
of producing a pure and healthful ar
ticle for we find that milk produced
imln lrrtl - rrif 1 nn1 Hnnc
selling for pnctically double the ordi
nary price Needless to say for the
production of santary milk the dairy-
ran must have healthy cows sanitary
bains clean bedding and dust free air J
clean barn- arrf clean cows clean ard
healthy milkers clean milk vesscs
and purewtPr lie must feed clean
wholesome feeds must have a sanitary
mik room and abundant facilities for
the coolina milk and cream
But no matter in v god the cordl
tion ot the rniMc when delivered if it
s caieicssly handled in the honictx
milk or creim may quickly be omi un
fit for food The fact that visi qin
tities of cond mil1 have been spr d
in the home ny improper teatTrzit
prompts the writer to emphasize some
of the point regarding care of milk
and cream in the home
Few consumers have a good knowl
edge of milK and consequently do not
know how to properly care for it
Milk and cream readily absorbs odors
and collects bacteria and other impur
ities whenever they are exposed to
the air or placed in utensils that are
rot scrupulously clean If this fact is
generally understood it can easily be
seen why it is so objectional to store
milk uncovered in refrigerators or cel
lars where it comes in contact with
vegetable or other food products pos
sessing strong odors As milk is a
perfect fcod tor human beings so it is
alro a periect medium for the devel
opment of certain bacteria which may
pain access to it from the dust laden
air flies and unclean utensils Soms
of these bacteria may be the germs o
contagious disorders others msy
cause digestive disorders especially In
infants and young children whose dtet
is largely milk
Experiments have shown that many
ijcrms which may gain access to the
milk develop eery lapidly while the
milk remains warm By this we men
a temperature above 50 deg F Far
instance milk kept at 45 deg F mav
be kept perfectly sweet for twenty
four hours while if kept at a temper
ature of 70 deg F it may sour in lesi
than six hours This should empla
size the importance of low tempera
tures in the preservation of milk and
The following brief rules should en
able the consumer to properly care for
the milk so as to have an article at ail
times swset and wholesome
1 If possible insist on getting the
milk in a bottle or other originally
sealed package Milk dipped out of a
can in the street likely means that
large numbers of bacteria from the
air may have fallen into it
2 Money or tickets should not be
placed in the milk receptacles as the
germs clinging to these might thu
gain access to the milk
3 allow the milk to stand in
a warm place for any length of time
but place as soon as possible in re
frigerator ice box or other cool clean
4 Keep the milk or cream in the
original package until needed for use
5 Carefully wipe the mouth of the
bottle before pouring milk or cream
from it
C Do not pour back into the bottle
any milk which has been exposed to
the air
7 Keep the bottle covered with
paper cap or inverted tumbler as long
as any milk remains in it
8 Do not expose uncovered milk in
lefrigerator containing strong smell
ing foods
9 Wash milk bottles as soon as
empty and do not use milk utensils
for any other purpose
10 Wash milk bottles in pure water
and do not wipe with dish towel It is
better to scald them in clean water
and set away unwiped to dry
11 Special precautions should be
taken with the babys milk bottles
They should be rinsed in lukewarm
water washed in hot water contain
ing a little soda and then scalded In
selecting a feeding bottle choose one
with wide mouth and no corners
Never use rubber tube between bottle
end nipple
jJEMFgWfiMiaKj ftfofo
Jtrji zsziis3mXsr3trxi uizrzwz
January I we began our clearance sale of
winter goods We must make room for spring
stock and we have made prices that will quickly
move our winter wear
All Suits and Overcoats at 20 to
25 per cent Discount
Blue Serge Suits Excepted
Womens and Childrens Coats and Suits at
20 to 50 per cent discount Ladies Furs at
25 per cent discount Underwear at 10 per
cent discount
Greatly reduced prices on all winter goods
ren arrived home Friday after
spending Christmas with relativ
es at Lebanon
1 B
ncrai Hospita
Located in the Heckman House one block west
of the Court House
Will be open to receive patients after Janu
ary 18 1912 A Hospital devoted to McCook
and southwest Nebraska Skilled attendants
in charge
D J RED Surgeon Proprietor
Real Estate Filings
John Longneeker et ux to
Louis C Longneeker wd
a M
1 oo
Jlarcnce A Adams et ux
to George 11 Yingling wd
5 6 in 10 Lebanon 1500 00
Charles Herman to William
W Vcitaiw qcd sw qr
8-1-30 1425 00
Charles Herman to AYilliam
V Votmv qca sw qr
Joshua Palmer et ux to Clias
Herman qcd sw qr 4-1-30
Inez Palmer to Charles Her
man qcd sw qr 8-1-30
Trv Tribune want ads
1 00
1 00
Lots of snow which ought to
make sleighing pretty good
Mrs Bartholomew and child
j Edith Lvtie haw returned from
spending the holidays at Alma
and Iva has taken up her sehooJ
duties up in Frontier county
MiiGK Ruth Fcuteh returned to
dicol in
ter spending the holiday witi
the heme folks
Miss Green of Dan bury is the
new tcacihu in district 57
Rex Fciitch wife and idaugJiter
ate oysters with T M Campbell
and family New Year evening
Subject for Epworth LeagiMr
next Sunday evening is The
Wilderness Shepherd Solitude
and Spiritual Vision Morning
Wateh Amos 11 2 714 GaL
13517 Leah Doyle leader
The D of H benefit dance giv
en on last Thursday evening fwas
well attended all voting it the
best dance ever held in Indian
ola The lodge took in some
thirty odd dollars
Don St t wart came up from
Earl Pepper of Ghiliieothe Mo Spring Ranch Thursday niaht tor
arrived Saturday for a short a visit wit h f
at with his brother J W Pepper j Mr and Mrs Harry Wing en-
and family and many acquaint- tertained at dinner on New Year
ances day Mrs Jones and family Mr
Pearl Brady of White Xeb and Mrs Baton and family Miss
is here visiting friends j Velma MeWilldams Mr and Mrs
0 E Furnian of Norcatur R n Thomas and the Wither
Kan was in town Monday and hoys All left wishing Mr and
was initiated into the M B A Mrs Wing a happy New Year
lodge at their meeting Monday I P Elmer began taking iee
night After the initiatory work from his pond this week
the officers were installed and art A number 5f Phyllis Sargents
the close of the meeting a lunch friends and school mates gather
was served ed at her homo Thursday evening
Road Overseer Harbor asaa ftd and spent the time in playing
by Messrs Newberry C Rcxl games and other amusements Al
and Galusha put a new cover on ter light refreshments all left for
the bridge across the creek ad- home All joined in saying it
joining town on the north was one of the most enjoyahk
L 3 Newberry received word ovenings they ever spent
last week that liis brother-in-law Joe Suiter left Tuesday morn
Wdill Zimmerman died at his cing for Crete to resume Iiiec
home at Chickasha Okla om De- school duites
eember 26 of dropsy i Asa Wolfe left on Tuesday for
B F Darnell and family re- York to resume liis studies
turned the first of the week from Friday evening a number o
their holiday vacation at Min
Alva Andrews sold his one fiftih
interest in his lamd north of
town to R S Sanders and left
for Superior for a short vrr
lira CTPtr and rrcm t
i -
12 In case of contagions aiseases eontemplaites g0ling to RoV
in the house such as typhoid scarlet Tti
nr flinhtheda return no milk VivL ia
bottles to the milkman without the
permission of tho health officer
Gln Mrdr U has return
Implements should all he in the illCmc frcm Land Colo
sheds Any piece of farm machinery w R SexQn ftnd SQn R
that is standing out m the weather
f TTrrr5i iE -
Jr uii lie OTco ic t
worth much less next sea-
will he
now wm
rannov to snond the holidays at bns
young people assembled at Clark
Hedges where bod sleds were in
reladineES to convey them to Mr
Herbert Hedges who entertaineS
them in honor of their sister
Mfm F rn Tlcidsrrs The evening
i rnr ---- prrT6i Ae
-- -
pirlor games
V t - - -meats were al---
a crcwd returned
rn vti
1 1
uoual jclttty cf a
Mr ITenc ytTn is ptittrng up ic
Ivr thi W2ck
Mm Ella Wolf entertained
pml ce vouug folks in honor
wrench and a hammer and a paint Glen Fcaxtch Mt middle of laot of lu brother who was at home
brush the farmer with foresight can week to enter the school for tb from tora srficol duites at Orate
be preparing his machinery for the blind at Nebraska City evening wis spent in games
work of the next season The Misses Iva Johnson and Light refreshments were serVed