The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 04, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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1 A
Delivered free any place In McCook
Corn chop per 100 8130
Bran per 100 1 20
Shorts per 100 135
Wheat per bu3hel 93
Phone 29
X Corn per bushel TO
Oats per bushel 00
Alfalfa per bale 50
Ground alfalfa meal for chick
en and cow feed per 100 105
McCook Milling Company
f T T4 7
had better be looked after Pro
per attention by a dentist is ne
cessary but there is often an in
terval when sometliing nvust be
used to relieve the pain or ache
Toothache has a trick of startling
in the evening frequently and
there should be a remedy at
hanel -which -will relieve
Rexall Toothache Stopper
lis an effective remedy We know
of nothing better and its cost is
too small for any one to be de
prived of it when needed Price
10 cents
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Water tax for fourth quarter
of 1911 is now due and payable
under the public library from 8
to 12 a m and 1 to G p m each
day until January 20th1912 in
elusive Agents and tenants give
this your attention
Water Commissioner
Domestic Science Faculty
The members of the Dcmcoti 3
Science faculty of the high schc
atfd all interested ladies cf 1
city are invited to attend a
meeting in the high school build
ing next Saturday afternoon at
three oclock
Don t forget that Barney Hof
er will save you money on sub
scriptions new or renewal for
any paper or magazine publish
ed Get his new club catalogue
If You Have
houses to rent list them with
Whittaker Gray They have
several applications on file now
for houses Phone black 283 Of
fice in Temple block
Mens Overcoats 399
Heavy warm overcoats with
convertible collars for 399 in
The Thompson D G Cos Clear
ing Sale
Marriage Licenses
Walter B Modrell 25 of Mc
Cook and Tressie Doyle 17 of
Box Elder
1500 Plush Coats Now 899
in The Thompson D G Cos
Clearing Sale
Attention is directed to the ad
vertisememt of the hospital which
Dr D J Reid of Cambridge will
open in our city January 18th
The hospital will be located for
the present in the Heckman
dwelling house on 1st street west
opposite the Christian church Ad
ditional details will appear in fu
ture issues of The Tribune
Watch for them
South McCook claims the rec
ord Three baby boys were born
an that section of the city close
of last week To Mr and Mrs
Ant Dinnell Mr and Mrs Frank
Douglass and Mr and Mrs
The kidlets have been enjoying
a rare season of coasting and the
older growns an unusual amount
of fine sleighing
You will find them fresh and
clean at Magners grocery
Pure Gold flour from winter
wheat at Magners
Ten days of zero- and below
zero weather
Classified Advertisements
Widow woman yvanfo work of
any kind at once Phone reid 414
FOR RENT Furnished room
modern houses Inquire 319 1st
W Phone red 281 W21tf
WANTED A girl from 8 -a
m to 5 p m Phone red 214 4
An Immense Crowd at the Tem
ple and Pleased Many
The Temple theatre was filled
to quite its capacity last eveai
ing on the return appearance of
the Newly Weds and Their Baby
The company as to cast was
practically entirely new save
Adolph the waiter whose efforts
in German comedy make up a
large share of the amusement of
the play
The story of last year 11103- be
dittoed for last evenings per
formance in general The vocal
efforts chorus and solo were
fair The costumes hand
some and the seeneiy effective
while there was comedy galore
from the to the finish
The broilers pouters etc were
of prett3r much the conventional
sort long and thin and serawn
short and fat and overdress
ed and uirdredressed as usual but
with all the goods in the shop
with them and in the main satis
And they entertained and
amused one of the greatest aud
iences cf the season
Musical comedies are proven
drawers and last nights- ef
forts of the Xewlywcds wat in
the success class
Furs 40 Off
All the odd pieces muffs cra
vats scarfs 4-in-hands 40 off
The Thompson D G Cos Clear
ing Sale
Mr and Mrs U X Rosebush
entertained a few neighbor fam
ilies at dinner Tuesday evening
wcth happ3r social and neighbor
ly results
Mr and Mrs C II McBride en
tertaaneel at a New Year dinner
in honor of Mr and Mis T C
Gould formerly of Denver Mr
and Mrs J S Miller of Mc
Cook and Mr J L Rogers of
Hereford Texas
The J O C card club was de
LigihtfuLly en t era in edit at the J G
lighitfully entertained at the J G
At seven oclock a tast3 two
course dinner was served after
wlaiiah playing began Later in
the eveninir cards were discon
tinued floors were cleared and
the compan3r had a verv enjoy
able dance with music b Mr
Schobel at the piano Out of
club guests were Mr and Mrs
A McMillen Mr and Mrs Wal
ter Stokes Miss Claire Thursl3
and Mr Fred Archer
The Niltio Silas held at the P
F McKennna heme another of
their meetings Tuesda3r ev
ning Twent3 3oung people were
present with four out of town
guests Miss Lulu Moore cf
tonia B C Miss Cas iie Harrison
and Mrs C E Minniek of In
dianola and J Tierne3r of Brok
en Bow The scheme of the
daint3r luneh served in the din
ing roiom was chocolate in flaivor
and color and there were choco
late favors The prizes were won
by Harold Sutton and Mrs C E
School Entertainment
The pupils of the West school
will give a in the Central
building next Monday evening
School children will pay ten
eents for admission and adults
fifteen cents The proceeds wlU
be devoted to school purpose-
The public is invited
All Wool Underwear 89c
Mens all wool shirts and draw
ers in scarlet tan and grey uoav
89e each in The Thompson D G
Cos Clearing Sale Its 3 our
Ladies Jacket Suits 789
All wool and silk lined The
Thompson D G Cos Clearing
Get our rates on farm loans
A McMillen Druggist
Try a Tribune want ad and
watch results
Misses Ida and Pearl Buggies
J of Indianola come up on No 13
j Tuesday and were guests briefly
of the H G Phelps famity
Thursday Evening Edition
Temple Stockholders Meet
The annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Masonic Tem
ple Craft association was held un
the MeCook Commercial club
rooms Monday afternoon at 230
The committee on proxies re
ported a majority representation
of the stock of the association
The stockholders then proceeded
to selection of three members
of the board of directors The
three retiring members of the
board Messrs C L Fahweistock
C B Gray and Lon Cone were
reelected without opposition
It was moved and sustained
that the president of the board
of directors appoint a committee
to audit the books of the associa
tion for the 3 ear 1911
The annual reports of the sec
retary and treasurer were read
and filed
The stockholders returned the
members of the board of direct
ors and the managers iof the the
atre Ma srs F A Pennell and
L W MeCcainell Ihnks for their
conduct of the business of the as
so2iiton and of the theatre dur
ing Mlu jiast 3 eai
It will no doubt be
news to taxpa3rers in the cita
to learn that the mayor and
are well on in the effort
to lvfund or exchange the 50
000 of McCook cit- water bonds
bearing 6 per cent interest into
hondo of lower denomination and
interest The present bonds are
in 5C00 denomination and call
for 6 per cent interest The new
plan makes the denomination
500 and the rate of interest 5
per cent or lower and a small
premium is hoped for
In order 1o avoid the expen
sive sinking fund proposition the
new bonds will have no optional
period and owing to this and
their small denomination the
city hopes to dispose of them
readily on rood terms Five of
The meeting of the
era Ihaving been completed an ad
journment Avas moved and car
The board of directors immeel
iatel3 went into session and re
organized The old officers Dr
C L Fahnestock president M
O MeClure vice president Lon
Cone secretary C B Grav treaa
urer were unanimously reelected
The members of the board of
directors are C L Fallineratock
M O MeClure Lon Cone C B
Gray F M Kimmell II P Sut
ton P Walsh A Barnett L W
Despite the reduced business in
the theatre department the as
sociation showed a fair businses
condition for the 3ear closed
December 20th 1911
Coughing- Unnecessary
when 3ou use McMillen s Couj
Invoicing is the business pro
gram of the merchants now
You are writing it 1912
1912 City Taxes To Be Lower
- -4
welcome 1 each 3ear and it is expected to
pay all or a large part ot these
bonds from the annual profits of
the municipal water plant
It is hoped that these differ
ent measures of this administra
tion will result in material re
ductions in the taxes paid in 1912
Boys Overcoats 119
Actual overcoats for actual
003s Clearing Sale price The
Thompson D G Co
Chases Plush Robes 119
Plush lap robes are
Clearing Sale price onlv 119
The Thompson D G Co
A McMillen prescription drug
All the fresh fruits of the se
the 500 bonds will be retired sou at Manners
New Band Uniforms are Here
The new uniforms ordered
some time since for the McCook
band have arrived and the bo3 s
are well pleased with their new
togs Black broadcloth is the
material with a narrow gjlk
white stiiipe all around on the
edges which gives a unique and
striking effect to the simplicity
John Stevens was up from
Hastings having bus
iness in the district court
Kev Wm Patten O M L
went down to Plattsmouth on
Tuesday night on matters of the
Frank Stillman came up from
Westphalia Kansas Wednesda3
morning to be in our city sever
al da3TS
Miiss Martha Abel returned on
Tuesda3 morning from her va
cation in Red Cloud to resume
her sshool work
Miss Claire MeKenna depanhe d
last evening for Lincoln to tales
up her school duties after the
holiday vacation
Mies Theoda Fox returned to
Lincoln Monda3r on No 10 from
spending the holidays here with
Miss Battle Galusha
W C Bullard was out from
Omaha earl3r das of wecklcok
ing after his interests in McCook
and thisi section of state
Mrs W B Mills and Mrs E
0 Valuus went down to Arapahoe
Monday on No 10 to furnish
music for a New Year dance
C W Meeker the Imperial
postmaster and politician and
laiwyer was in the city yesterday
on business of his man3r activi
Miss Celestine Kendlen return
ed to her home in Denver Tues
day morning on 13y after a sever
al days visit with the Barbazeftte
of the plain black
The band has been reorganize
and engaged in practice and re
hearsal work for some time and
the people of McCook will be
more than anxious to hear this
popular musical organization and
to see thair new glad clothes up
on their first public appearance
Mii23 Millicent Slalry is teach
ing fur a few da3rs in the South
sahcicl for Mrs May Douglas
who is expected to return honu
close of week
Miss GJads Nciiswangcr and
Miss Ada Butler of Cambridge
came up on No 18 Wed ncratl sty
morning for the evenings thciaii
riaal attraction
Miss Kaitiherine Brad- left to
day for Denver to resume her
studies in the Lorctto school of
that city She has been ait hiome
over the holidays
Mrs A Barnett and Frank re
turned Monday- on No 10 from
Denver where the3r went for
treaiiiment cf Franks eyas Mr
Barnett joined them at Font
W B Tanner of Denver hrr
been in the city part of the week
looking after the interests of The
Farmers Life Insurance Co of
Denver He is engaged in sail
ing capital stock in this insurance
Miss Kate West came in from
Kearne3r the latter part of last
week to spend the holiday vaca
tion with her parenst Mr and
Mrs A L West She is attend
ing the state normal at Kearney
Hayes Center Times Republican
Father McGann arrived from
Lowell jtfass 3esteJrdy sto take
the place of Father Hagigerty
who returned to Buffalq New
York on account of liis ill health
Father Haggerty made a wide eir
de of friends here who will
wash for his complete return to
r health
County Officials Assume Their
Offices This Morning-
Red Willow count3s new of
ficers assumed their respective of
fices this morning marking the
first radical change in party
alignment in several 3 ears
nnA cp
j jii new uiLiuueirs cuhj
Charles K Dutcher county
clerk He has nameel Eugene S
Dutcher as liis deput3 Seth S
Silver is ait present assisting as
mortgage and deed recording
Miss Anna McDonnell is the
new superintendent
L A Fateh succeeds L M
IEggins as sheriff Mr Higgins
will serve as deputy under Mr
Frank M Golfer becomes coun
ty judge in pace of J C Moore
John Raudel is the new county-
commissioner vice F S Lof
The above off ieres are each aaic
all Democrats
The new treasurer is Arthur B
Wood whose deputy is P H Kil
zer of Lebanon a 3oung farmer
of high staudrng auel good abil
Elmer E Ka3 is the now clerk
of the district court He will
not have amy for the pres
These two gentlemen are the
Republicans who were saved as
b3 fire
The new officials entered up
on their labors this morning and
The Tribune believes the3 will be
able to give a good account of
their stewardship and to that
end will extend every eourtesj
and assisaneet
The county commissioners are
in session and will commence an
nual settlements etc to be busy
tor the next week or so
Ail Wool Blankets 369
Large and- heav3 too The reg
ular 500 blankets Clearing Sale
price 369 The Thompson D G
Sheep Lined Coats 239
Thats the gcodbe price n
The Thompson D G Cos Clear
ing Sale-
Dont Limp
around with corns when 3ou can
be cured with McMillen s Corn
Sweaters from 23c to 269
in The Thompson D G Co
Clearing Sale
Money to
See Hozell
Lean on Farms
Sons at clothing
When 3 011 have a cough there
10 not time to
want a
experiment 3
that is certain
iki all that any 3imad3 can it
cures thoumiiels of coughs each
seaeion If it fails to cure ym
get your money bade Price 25
McConnell for drugs
resli fruits at Magners
Resolve but whats the use
McConnell fills prescriptions
Everything in drugs McCon
Wants for rent for sale etc
5c a line in The Tribune
The best brands of canned
fruits and vegetables at Magners
Kodaks and kodak supplies
McCONNELL Druggist
Drink Wedding Breakfast
ooffet anel be happy At Hub
ers only
McConnell s Fragrant Lotion
keeps the chaps awa3 Price 25
v v
dianola Tuesday evening -and
were the guests of Miss Alice Me
Kenna at a session of th Niifrn
Sita club at her home
Miss Carrie Ashmore formerly
of Indianola came down from
her Palisade visit last evening
amd was the guest of Mrs J W
Line leaving on No 13 Wednes
day morning for California
W I Brundage of
the Friend Sentinel now in thp
service of the Lincoln Newspaper
Union was in the catv ry a few
juris vv iu nozeii ana waiays
returned Tuesday evening from l0urs luasdayan Iras way
Trenton on business of lias
wray uoioraao wnere wiey vis
ited JMrs Rozells daughter Mrs
J G Cork
his indicator business
At the end of 1911 are
you better off financially
than a year ago If you are
not are you going to be
better off at the end of 1912
Have you ever stopped to
consider how foolish it is to
work hard year after year
and then just come out
Let your New Year reso
lution be to cut out some of
the useless expenditures and
to save a stipulated sum
each month And then de
posit it with this good bank
for safe keeping
Mccook national
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cash
M Loughran P F MeKenna
James Gaiusha has been- a Lin
coln visitor part of the week
Clarence Rozell went up to
Palisade on Tueselav on a short
Miss Hazel Hatcher of Indian
ola was a Tuesday evening arriv
al on No 5
Miss Sarah Ryan returned on
belated 0 Wednesday morning
to her school work
Max Hare returned to Lin
coln and hi university work on
No 10 Monday night
Miss Gertrude Suess eleparted
on No 16 morning foi
Mexico Missouri to continue her
Miss Mabel Winters returned or
No 5 Tuesday night from her
holiday visit with her parents in
Ed ORourke concluded his
holiday vacation and returned to
his studies at the state
Monday night
Mrs Ncal Quick came up from
Lndranola on No 13 yesterelav
tor a brief vbit with her parents
Mr and Mrs A C Wiehe
Mrs Ray Lyon of Pueblo Oclo
rado who has been a guest of her
parcnts for a short while de
parted on IS Tuesdavfor the
Miss Ella Caffrey returned on
Tuesday morning to resume her
school work here after spending
the holidays with relatives an
Miia Anna McDonnell of Indian
ola came up on Xo Vi Wednes
day morning to assume her new
duti s on Thursday as countv
E E High and Harry Korb
two cf our farmers of the stay
ing sort from the Danburv neigh
borhood had business in the
county capital Tuasea3
Wm Hierskorn came over
from Lebanon this morning to
make his annual settlement with
the county commissioners as road
overseer in Beaver precinct
Charlie Meeker who is attend
ing the high school in Wayne
tliis state is spending the holi
da3s with his parents and friends
iu Imperial Imprial Repub
Mrs C E Minniek and Miss
Cassie Harrison came un from Tn
Mrs Clara M Randel came
down the hraneh Thipusrlmr
uiarence itozeii spent tine iirst ing going on east on No 10
of the week in Trenton same evening to resume teaching
man and Culbertson and left on in Adams Wednesday
Wednesday to visit towns east morning She was the guest of
along th line in the interests of Palisade relatives during her