The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 21, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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aparf rfissRrrsaaaKi A
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A k5Z S6a4U feffli
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i I i i M m 1 1 I i -
The long winter even
ings give a woman a splen
did chance for sewing or
embroidery but her eyes
suffer from the strain unless
she has a good light
The Rayo is the best
lamp made
It gives a strong diffused light that is remarkably easy to the eyes
There is no glare to it no flicker It lights up a whole room
The Rayo is an economical lamp too
You get the most possible light value for the oil burned and the Rayo itself is a
low priced lamp Yet it is a handsome lamp an ornament to any room in the house
The Rayo Lamp is easily lighted without removing shade or chimney easy to
clean and rewick Made of solid brass nickel plated also in numerous other style
and finishes
Alt your dealer to show vou his line of Rayo lamps or vnte tcr descriptive circular
to any agency of the
Standard Oil Company
East Depart Central Time
No 6 1130 P M
16 500 A M
Z O OU A ilia
12 G35 A M
1 1 920 P M
XV O -
West Depart fountain Time
No 1 1220 p M
3 1142 P M
5 arrive 835 p m
Jo - SiOv At JM
-Lo 1Z lj A II
J U O 3l 1
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleening djning and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked tc
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Brakeman Win Schmeer has
left tli company service
Xeal Beeler and wife visited
in Lincoln first of the -week
W F Pate is expected back
soom to spend Chrisiimas with the
old folks
Some of the boys are already
beginning to figure on their
wheat profits
E L Reed and wife left
this morning for St Joseph to he
gone over Christmas
Harry Yates left Wednesday
night for Kansas City to visit
relatives over Christmas
J J Laughlin and wife -will
leave for Grand Island tomor
row morning to visit over the
C H Krieeger is the new
day caller in the engine depart
ment and Don Tipton is on ait
Conductor Frank Quigleys
condition was improved suffici
ently to make possible a trip witl
Mm to Hot Springs for treatment
W S Perry of Lincoln eluef
of buildings and bridges west of
the river was in the city yester
day between trains 1 and 10 on
some matters of personal business
Mrs C Bunstock is visiiting
with her folks in Oxford
Mrs J W Line visit 3d in
Denver early in the week
Mrs B O Dickey is visiting
with her pmvnts in OberMn
Engine 1930 lias been given
an extension front this week
W D Darnell visited with
his folks in Minden Tuesday
Fireman W A Staples is on
the relief with a bum nose
Mrs J M Blanchard visit
ed in Denver first of the week
New flues and work on driv
ing brasses on the 1819 this week
Engine 143 is in for an elec
tric headlight and some minor re
Engine 2810 is in for light re
pairs to her fire box some stay
bolts etc
Engine 1765 is receiving
some work on her cylinders valv
es and brasses
Machinery repairs have been
placed -on the 2848 this week
And some work on her pilot
Engineer M II Griggs and
wife have gone down to Sulphui
Springs Arkansas on a visit to
the Odell boys
One of the old drop pits has
been filled in for use as an
nary stall hereafter and equipped
accordingly i
Engines 1124 103311S2 318 1
and 326 have been equipped witl j j
electric IieadLigiits tor use on the
Kansas branches
Skimmer plows and Priest
flangers are being eonsidere
now in view of the
storm and eventualities
New flues an electric head
light stay bolt steam pipe and
driving brass work are bing
placed on the 1033
Miss Florence Shaver of the
master mechanics force will
leave about Christmas time for
Sterling where she continues in
the company service in the same
Two engines were sent down
the Orleans St Francis branch
Wednesday afternoon the 1124
and the 1074 one of them being
equipped with a snow plow That
branch is the first to give trouble
on account of the snow storm
Selecting the
big snow
is a ven simple
matter at our store
Our stock is complete from the little
one dollar Brownie to the most expen
sive special Kodak and we can ex
plain clearly and simply their various
points of excellence Let us assist you
in selecting the camera best suited to
the person for whom you are buying
Should you want to talk it over with the family we will
gladly give you free booklets which will help you in deciding
L W McConnell
- A -
William Cropp Is Dead
A personal letter from Mrs
Cropp in Lincoln announces the
death in that city December 20th
of her husband formerly Conduc
tor William Cropp of this divis
ion and city Mr Cropp has not
been in the railroad service for
some time After leaving the
Burlington employ he went into
the furniture business over on tin
Bepublican City Oberlin branch
Shortly before his death he re
turned to Lincoln from Franoit
as Texas The funeral will take
place in Red CloudF riday II
carried 1000 insurance in the
B of R T His first wife died
some time since but he marric
again and is survived by his sec
ond wife one son and one daugh
fe - 1
The burial will be held under
auspices of the Masons of which
order he was a member
Mr Cropp was sixty
age Acute pneumonia
years of
is given
asi immediate caaise of death
Mr and Mrs Clarence Stok
es are visiting in Albion Neb
Clarence Stokes of the train
master s office was in Lincoln
Engineer Fred Bosworth is
in Denver arranging for the re
moval of the family to McCook
Eng ncer J E Snmbcivn vis
ited on the farm at Sanborn on
Tuesday between traces 13 and
-A nine pound son born
to Mr and Mrs B F Coffey of
Oxford Monday A lusty Christ
mas gift
Engineer and Mrs Clyde
Scictt left this morning for Burr
Oak Kansas to spend the holi
days there
Clifford WooLlard got away
Monday night for Mexico Gity
where he goes into the railroad
service again
Fireman and Mrs Hugh Kel
ly have gone to Harlan Iowa on
a visit over Christmas with his
niciuhcr Mrs George Paup
Fireman R T Riley went up
the Impenial trail on Wednesday
morning on a hunt for the fes
tive and kittenish cotton tail
Train Xo 2 due here at
3 JQ this morning has not jret ar
rived as The Tribune goes to
press Delay was caused by a
iimaH wreck west
The Burlington opened its
j ieiw outgoing freight depot in
Omaiha Wednesday afternoon the
Omaha Commercial club and the
Omaha shipping public being spec
ial guests of General Manager
iloldrc ige and General Freight
Agent Spens
Frank Rolfe chief carpenter
ias just completed and applied
for a patent on a device for
catching train order hoops As
it present practiced there is some
ianger attached to the act of ifcak
ng orders from station men at
points where fast trains do not
dtop This clever little device of
Mr Rolfe looks as though it
woidd solve the problem With
it the fireman need not hang out
from lias engine so fai nor does
the station man or operator need
afcand so close to the track as he
does at present The device will
be tested out Those who have
seen itlie device among the rail
road men appear to be satisfied
of its successful operation
Mr and Mrs Chris Jensen
gave a party Wednesday evening
of last week in honor of their
niece and nephew from Frontier
county Music and games made
the evening pass away quickly
Mrs A C Teal commenced
tliis week the erection of a ce
ment building to be used as a
millinery shop with an office to
be used by Mr Teal
C S Quick will soon build a
building for a feed store
Joseph and Sam Rayer re
ceived a telegram announcing the
death of their mother at Friend
Neb on the 19th
Mr Tenas an old and respect
ed citizen of this place died on
Saturday morning Mr Tenas
lias not been well for more than
two years He leaves an aged
wife and several children
Miss Lucy Miller as ait honre
from Lincoln on a visit to her
mother and other relatives in and
around Indian ola
Mr and Mrs J C Shoemaker
entertained at 5 oclock dinner
Sunday -Mrs Carrie Thompson
Mrs Harry LeBarron and Mr
and Mrs Thomas
Miss Lena Hill is in from Den
ver to spend Hie holidays with
her father and mother
Miss Nina Jones and Harry
Wilber lunched with Miss Lucy
Thomas Sunday
If you want THE NEWS read
The Tribune
- i Wt4Wfti thu
- T
For the benefit of all who
wish to take advantage of
the rate we will again re-
peat the announcement that
aiiv time before January 1
1Jj2 you can renew your
subscription or become a
new subscriber to the Mc-
Cook Semi Weekly Tribune
at the rate of One 100
Dollar per year
- j j
Wants Agricultural School
The school board of Iloldrege
has taken the lead in the inspec
tion of agricultural high schools
in other states with a view of es
tablishing such a school at Ilold
rege If this movement is suc
cessful other agricultural ldgh
sahools may be established in the
public schools of the state
Some fear that such a move
ment would interfere with the
itate seihccil of agriculture to be
catahtished at Curtis hut others
say there will be no conflict be
tween the proposed public high
jjihool of agriculture and the
state institution
The school beard of Iloldrege
has appointed A W Danielson
and Superintendent C W Me
Michael to inspect the agricultur
al school at Albert Lea Minn
and to report
The town of Holdrege was a
cconpeitiitor of Curtis for the state
school of agriculture but was not
successful in getting the board
of public lands and buildings to
give Iloldrege the institution
Now the school board of Hold
rege proposes to establish school
of its own Lincoln Journal
Tarsic Model
History designed in 1894 one
of the pioneers in this class of shoe
building became popular at once
Every year since its creation The
Nettleton Tarsic Model has outdis
tanced many imitations and gained
thousands or wearers
The broad toe broad
sole and broad low heel
together with Nettleton
Shoemaking and Nettle
ton leather values make
The Shoe That Makes a
Friend of every man who
wears a pair
We have several styles in
different leathers made
over this model Come in
and try on the right size
if you really want the best
of all in wide toe shoe
Adventist Services at 11 a m
and 8 p m Saturday and at 8
p inSunday
Christianr Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
TNJKa 7-
Wishing You
and S p m H M Mitchell mil
German Evan Lutheran East
6th St Services every Sunday
morning at 1030 oclock and
evening at 730 O R Richert
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
evenings New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p m Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty welcome to all who wish
to worship with us D L Mc
Bride minister
Catholic St Patricks Church
8 30 a m low mass and sermon
1030 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday school
800 evening services Rev Wm
Patton O M I pastor
Methodist Christmas serv
ices on Sunday morning with
special music The Sunday school
will render a program on Sunday
night An offering will be taken
wliich will be used for charity
Congregational On Sunday
morning the pastor will preach a
Christmas sermon In the even
ing a special musical program
and The Ctoristimas Story in Art
illustrated by sterooptacon pic
Episcopal Friday 3 30 p m
special meeting of Altar Guild at
rectory Sunday Sunday school
at 10 usual services at 11 a m
and 4 p m Christmas day Holy
Communion at 8 a m Holy Com
munion and sermon at 11 a m
offerings for aged clergy fund
Miss Mamie Miesen is home for
the holidays
Mrs May Douglass and daugh
ter go into Omaha tonight for
the holidays
Father Kelley of Cambridge was
up to hear Father dearys lec
ture Tuesday evening
Mr and Mrs Hawthorne leave
for Omaha tonight They will
spend part of the holiday vaca
tion farther east
C L DeGroff Co
George Elbert returned end
of week from his Oklahoma visit
Mrs C E Minnick drove her
husbands car up from Indianola
Tuesday morning for repairs
U G Ethorton deputy oil in
spector was in the city Tuesday
on business of his official posi
Ralph Beale of Wymore is a
guest of his uncle and aunt Mr
and Mrs M S Jimeirson this
Mother Cone arrived on Xo 1
Tuesday from Oxford and will
spend the winter here with hcr
souz Lou and Charles
Mrs Neal Quick came up from
Indianola Tuesday morning on
13 for a short visit with the
parents Mr and Mrs A C Wie
Mr and Mrs Roy Coleman
Avhoare now residents of Oregon
arrived heire on a visit to his
brother Frank of East McCook
Monday evening
J B Wilson who has been in
charge of the fruit department of
the MorJan ranch- past season
has gone to Houston Texas
wheire he has a fruit farm
Miss Gertrude Suess arrived
home yesterday on 13 from Mex
ico Missouri where slie is at
tending school to spend Glirist
mas holidavs with the family
Mrs J R Burke of J diet Illi
nois was the guest of Mr and
Mrs Frank Real early days of
this week Mrs Burke was re
turning home from a visit in Los
Mr and Mrs C II Meeker
departed yesterday for Pasa
dena California to be absent
two or three montlis visiting her
father and sister Dr and Miss
Smith and seeing the sights of
California meanwhile
Dr D J JReid of Cambridge
was in the city Monday looking
into the situation for a hospital
at this place The doctor has
sold liis hospital and practice at
Cambridge to Dr MeCabe of Ar
apahoe and Dr Kee of Cam
E C Goehring Hastings Ne
braska renews Ids subscription
this week with the postscript
that he enjoys hearing from old
home Red Willow county so he
cant do without The Tribune
He reports a fair crop yield in
Ms section of Adams county
i Nuts
7 fT J will find here the largest and best stock
tin tne city ana ax a very reasunuoie
price We carry a complete line of
candies nuts fruits and of everything
good to eat for the holiday trade Come I
nere prsz it wm save you zne zrouoia
and time of going elsewhere Its the
Main Store on Main Street
wn i ii- -1