The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 18, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 8

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The Yankee Doodle Boy
The theatrical taste of the the
tre going puhlie is constantly
changing and lucky indeed is the
author wJro can evolve some play
delicacy which wall succeed in
tickling the amusement palate
of the great majority Sucli how
ever- has been done with the
Yankee Doodle Boy the music
play wliach B B Bruce will pres
ent here at the Temple theatre on
Christmas- night
The play depicts the many hu
morous adventures of Bud
Hacks one of those slangy
flashily dressed decidedly in
dependent young fellows who are
typical products of our great cit
ies Bud hails from Chicago and
in the first act is dazzling the
natives of the small suburban
town of Downers Grove Illinois
wdth his glad rags1 as he terms
his clothes The pretty country
girls look good to Bud and he
makes a deep impression by tell
ing of his great wealth and his
man- remarkable achievements
which exist only in his fertile im
agination However he establish
es liimself as a great favorite and
is having a most enjoyable time
when his butting in propensi
ties get the best of him and he
mixes in a family quarrel
simply cant stand by idly and
see a woman get the worst of it
so he interferes and thereby
i i t I
uiMiire uli uumti - v jmi uuu j
One Half Off on Stilts
Evi r suit in our stock goes into this five day sale Noth
i rVe nothing held back and nothing marked
up Muv for this unusual cut
Fur Scarfs Fur Muffs and Childrens
Fur Sets
You will find at reduced prices during this sale
12500 Hudson Bay Seal Coat
We offer during this week
7500 Near Seal Coat
We offer during this sale
Domestic Science Notes
At the meeting for organiza
tion Friday 49 members of the
litrli rrtlirrtl rtVi I I r t iti 11 r
Jliiill OUIlLUlUl CUIUHCU IXl lillC
i ond and third acts all the chain- ssienee department
f r -1 I
aeters have smaooea to- About twenty ladies of the city
cago ana arc m a glorious afc hte ldh school buiMdng
Mnaldy it all straightens out and
ends happily through the strenu
ous ef fonts of The Yankee Doo
dle Boy
During action of the three acts
ten new original song hiits are
introduced as well as several
pretty dancing numbers
Seat sale opens Thursday morn
Get your coal this week We
the undersigned positively refuse
to handle coal on Christmas day
Bullard Lumber Go
Barnett Lumber Co
Real Easterday
Updike Grain Co
Osborn Burton
Escher Doing
White Line Transfer Co
Mrs Ilannan
Everything in drugs
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Bud CURES sc
i k
- rjoa
last Thursday afternoon to hear
the Crete plan of domestic sci
ence discussed Supt Davds pre-
sented the trood points of the
plan and of the good the course
had accomplished in that little
city Mrs Fahnestock expladned
the course of study and the part
the ladies would have who were
willing to teach classes in tlic do
mestic science department The
ladies present seemed to be very
enthusiastic over the work and
since the meeting 43 ladies have
signified their willingness to be
come members of the faculty The
following named ladies will take
a elass of ten girls into their
homes once during a semester
demonstrate to them how to pre
pare cook and serve some article
of food
Domestic Science Faculty
Mesdames J G Schobel J R
McOarl Vina Wood II E Cul
bertson TV E McDivitt M S
Jennings Ellison Marie Bronson
F M Kimmell W B Mills C E
Kicked C W KeJley Leroy Kiev
J R Stansberry C E Cone II
N Rosebush E P Hhiber A C
WdieQie A N Lineburg H P Sut
ton Amanda Berry AV T Davis
L S Vierssn Emersion Hanson
S E Gallen C M Kent TV D
Burnett TV IE Brown J F Jern
berg II A Beale Albert MeMil
len Barney Hofer TValter Stok
es II D Stewart F A Munden
Barney Lewes Henry Smith and
Misses Addie Doan Maude MoMi
len and Lona Phelps
And on Friday afternoon the
meeting was addressed by Supt
Davds as to the general good to
be accomplished II E Culbert
son spoke from the view point of
a member of the board of educa
tion Mrs Fahnestock presented
the Crete plan
Supt Davds and Mrs Fahne
stock of the department are both
pleased with the reception the
ladies of McCook have given the
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
aave been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
Conrad Ecldiart et ux to G
A Kauffman wd 1 in 9 7th
McOook 1425 OC
en II G Phelps C D Ritchie Try Tribune want ads
-5 7 fct
Special Reduction Prices During the Remaining
Five Shopping Days Before Christmas
This is an unusual and happy surprise coming just at this time when
pect it the least and will appreciate it the most It will enable you
2j a Christmas gift what you may have planned on waiting till after
I Look Read Think
Consider Then
One Fifth Off on Coats
And even a greater reduction on some garments
Childrens Black Caracul Coats
Those 500 beauties
and all other childrens coats are reduced from 20 to 30
per cent as an inducement for you to buy the girlie a coat
for Christmas
2500 plush coats
2500 broadcloth coats
and equal reductions on all ladies and misses coats in
our stock during these last five days
One Big Lot of Ladies Coats Your Choice for 5
In this lot we offer coats which sold regularly for 1000 1200 and 1500 each Full Satin Lined Coats and Braided
Coats Mostly Blacks and Browns
100 Chamoisette Gloves
So desirable for Christmas
During this sale
75c Silk Scarfs
All colors So suitable as
Xmas Gifts Our sale price
Special Values
In Handkerchiefs Fancy Aprons and
Other Fancy Articles
Why These Reductions Do You Ask
It s not because we are overstocked lt is not because we are scared neither are we hard up
or looking for hard times But we want to make a record we want to beat last year in sales
and these reductions will doit Come and get your share This is an opportunity not often -given
you at this time Take advantage of it
dry Goods Millinery Ladies furnishings
See Our
Display of
R T Riley is on the sick list
P J Converse and Geo A
Converse brothers of I E Con- j
verse are here from Mitchell vis j
iting him
Mrs Matt Lawritson return-
ed Saturday evening on No 10
from a visit with Mr Lawritson s
brothers family at Trenton
Engineer II Goldansky who
will now run out of MeCook
went up to Denver yesterday anc
will bring his family back with
0 G Rees of Haigler is vis
iting relatives in the city today
Mrs E M Easterday was call
ed to Lincoln last Thursday night
to see Mrs IT M Einnirv who
is very ill in that city
Miss Ilairraett Sehoonover visit
ed at the D P Clouse home be
tween trains Friday an her way
home to spend the Christmas va
If They Reside in Flats They Should
Practice When Everyone
Else Is Out
Persons learning music and living
In flat buildings should be induced to
practice playing and singing on sched
A time at which nobody but the
cook is around is suggested as a gcod
This would be considered a hardship
by the grown person who works down
town and seeks the solace of music as
interpreted by himself but somebody
in every community must make a sac
rifice now and then
Eight oclock Sunday morning is not
the time for a man with faulty fingers
and an erroneous ear to play on the
violin Has Anybody Here Seen Kel
ly The answer of no is apparent
but ihc question is persisted in and
the late once-a-week sleep which is
a luxury to many is made Impossible
In fair weather the budding cor
netist or violinist likes to sit by a win
dow opening upon the light shaft This
spreads his villiany all the easier
nmong the neighboring apartments
If it isnt a violin or a cornet it is
a piano or the underdeveloped singer
that is an infliction The Mikado
scale of justice is not available but
is pleasant to contemplate
Crook With a Conscience
A man walked into police head
quarters the other night and handed
Lieut Gabj a pocketbook in which
was 2CG
My name is Charles Schlick and
there is some money I picked from a
mans pocket in the subway this even
ing ho said Im no common crook
but Ive been here three months and
cant find a job For two days Ive
been hungry Tonight I sneaked by
the ticket chopper in the Brooklyn
bridge subway station and standing
next to this fellow I saw my chance
I got away with it got off the train
as Fouteenth street got a good meal
he straightened up and theres the
He said his conscience had so trou
bled him that he wanted to give him
self up New York Sun
Affection by Proxy
I find that my husband has been
having the office boy call me up every
day and murmur terms of en
dearment Thats a nice way to
fool his wife Hes been going to the
ball game
How is it that you didnt catch
on to the voice
Well Im busy at bridge every day
and Ive been having the cook answer
the telephone
A Test of Tact
James Bryce the British Ambassa
dor at Washington is the most tactful
of men and at a luncheon at the Coun
try club he once defined tact in these
Tact is the ability to remove the
sting from a dangerous stinger with
out getting stung
Land Water
The Original
Tarsic Model
History designed in 1894 one
of the pioneers in this class of shoe
building became popular at once
Every year since its creation The
Ncttlcton Tarsic Model has outdis
tanced many imitations and gained
thousands of wearers
The broad toe broad
sole and broad low heel
together with Nettleton
Shoemaking and Nettle
ton leather values make
The Shoe That Makes a
Friend of every man who
ears a pair
We have ceveral styles in
feront leathers made
ever this model Come in
mid try on the right size
r z rant the best
- xca shog
Baptist Church Socials
Last Thursday afternoon the
ladies of Circle No 1 met -with
Mis Boyd on East 4th street
Preparations ware made for
Christmas and a good social af
ternoon enjoyed Light refresh
ments Avere served by Mrs Boyd
and Mrs Picblum
Friday evening a large com
pany of Baptist people met ivith
Mrs W M Itozell and Mrs H
T Groves on north Main- avenue
There was an unusually fine pro
gram of music Light refresh
ments were served It was vot
ed a very enjoyable evening by
all About 100 were present
Charlie Yingling of Norcatur
Kansas lias bought the livery
Will Ilalsey shipped 3 cars of
cattle and 1 of hogs Tuesday
Mrs Ilenry Austin entertained
a few of lier friends Tuesday
The dance given in the Hupp
building in honor of Miss Becca
Daffers birthday was well at
tended and a good time reported
Bath churches are preparing
Christmas programs
Ira Gumming is home on a visil
Advertise in The Tribune and
get results
Pure Gold flour
wheat at Magners
from winter
Observe the date after your
name on The Tribune Notch it
iier el C
w v Vi sv i j wKSKSrf jv
Good Crops
The Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley Have an Abundance of
Water for Irrigation Purposes
The Government has made ample provision to supply each and every
farmer under its canals with sufficient water during the crop growing
Dcason to cover every acre of his farm two feet deep This is
equal to twelve heavy rains of two inches eaoh Just- think what
it would have meant to your community during the crop growing sea
son of 1911 if your farmers could Jiave tunned on twelve two inch rains
at wall You can do ithis next year and every year thereafter as long
as you are farming if you will go with me to Powell Wyoming and
file on one of the government irrigated homesteads now ready for
Homeseekers Tickets on first and third Tuesdays each month -
Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam Street OMAHA NEB