Jf Fjra OneFifth We wish to call you attention to the fact that most Infectious diseas es such as whooping cough diphth eria and scarlet fever are contract ed when the child has a cold Cham berlains Cough Remedy wall quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases This remedy ds ifamous for its cures of colds It contains sno opium or other narcotic and may be given to a child with implicit confidence Soli by all druggists With the Coming of Middle Age there is a letting down in the phy sical forces often shown in annoying and painful kidney and bladder ail ments and nrinaay irregularities Foley Kidney Bills are a splendid regulating and strengthening med acine at such a time Try them A McMUlen Magners groceries meet fully the pure food law requirements tJH6ftaaaSBBJgg3gS8SR3 ssisspawi During December During the month of December everything in our store will be sold at a discount of 20 per cent Including our large and Superb Stock of HOLIDAY CHINA and remember we have everything in both Domestic md Imported D corated and Hand Painted Chinaware embracing American and English Dinner Sets SALAD BOWLS CUPS and SAUCERS BERRY SETS FANCY PLATES Hand Painted Japanese Ware 9x12 Smith Axminster Rugs best grade reduced from 2500 to 2000 27x34 reduced to 2f2D 36x72 reduced to Pt UU All otSier sizes reduced proportionately Prices Good Only to January 1st REW FURNITURE and CARPET CO The Leaders in Low Prices l In the New Home You want the best when starting in the new home Above all you want that home to be snug and warm and comfortable You are sure of warmth and comfort with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater made It is a sort of portable fireplace It is ready night and day Just strike a match and light the wick The Perfection is all aglow in a minute The Perfection Oil Heater does not smell nor smoke a patent automatic device prevents that It can be carried easily from room to room and is equally suitable for any room in the house Handsomely finished with nickel trimmings drums of either turquoise blue enamel or plain steel JflFJECTIO 9NUHtLtS9 n At your dealer to show you a Perfection SmokelessOil Heater or write for descriptive circular direct to any agency of Standard Oil Company uncorporatea Best On Earth This ds the verdict of R J Howell of Tracy O who boughtFoleys Hon ey and Tar Compound for his wife Her case was the worst I have ever seen and looked like a sure case of consumption Her lungs were sore and she coughed almcst incessantly and her voice was hoarse and weak Foleys Honey and Tar Compound brought relief at once and less than three bottles effected a complete cure A MoMilln A Des Moines man had on attack of muscular rheumatism in his shoul der A friend advised Mm to go to Hot Springs That meant an expense of 15000 or more He sought for a quicker and cheaper way to cure it and found it in Chamberlains Iini ment Three days after the first ap plication of this liniment ihe was well For sale by all druggists Tribune advertisers get results 8 Vhr 9MWMaMWfaMiMaM aparra istraas Mifb By 0ienrv cr Q iu original cause of the trouble was about twenty years in growing At the end of that time it was worth it Had you lived anywhere within 50 miles of Sun down ranch you would have heard of it It possess ed a quantity of jet black hair a pair of extremely frank deep brown eyes and a laugh that rippled across the prairie like1 the sound of a hidden brook The name of it was Rosita McMullen and she was the daughter of old man McMul j en of the Sundown sheep ranch There came riding on red roan steeds or to be more explicit on ai paint and a flea bitten sorrel two wooers One was Madison Lane and the other was the Frio Kid But at that time they did not call him the Frio Kid for he had not earned the honors of special nomenclature His name was simply Johnny McRoy It must not be supposed that these two were the sum of the agreeable Rositas admirers The bronchos of a dozen others champed their bits at the long hitching rack of the Sun down ranch Many were the sheeps eyes that were cast in those savannas that did not belong to the flocks of Dan McMullen Eut of all the cava liers Madison Lane and Johnny Mc Roy galloped far ahead wherefore they are to be chronicled Madison Lane a young cattleman from the Nueces country won the race He and Rosita were married one Christmas day Armed hilarious vo ciferous magnan ous the cowmen and the sheepmen laying aside their hereditary hatred joined forces to ceebrate the occasion But while the wedding feast was at its liveliest there descended upon it Johnny McRoy bitten by jealousy like one possessed Ill give you a Christmas present he yelled shrill at the door with his 45 in his hand Even then he had some reputation as an offhand shot His first bullet cut a neat underbit in Madison Lanes right ear The bar- I rel of his gun moved an inch The I rext shot would have been the brides i had not Carson a sheepman pos sessed a mind with triggers some what well oiled and in repair The guns of the wedding party had been hung in their belts upon nails in the wall when they sat at table as a con cession to good taste But Carson with great promptness hurled his plate of roast venison and frijoles at McRoy spoiling his aim The second bullet then only shattered the white pttals of a Spanish dagger flower sus pended two feet above Rositas head The guests spurned their chairs and jumped for their weapons It was considered an improper act to shoot the bride and groom at a wed ding In about six seconds there were twenty or so bullets due to be whiz zing in the direction of Mr McRoy Ill shoot better next time yelled Johnny and therell be a next time He backed rapidly out the door The cattlemen swept out upon him calling for vengeance But the sortie failed in Its ven geance McRoy was on his horse and away shouting back curses and threats as he galloped into the con cealing chaparral That night was the birthnlght of the Frio Kid He became the bad man of that portion of the state The rejection of his suit by Miss McMul len turned him to a dangerous man When officers went after him for the shooting of Carson he killed two of them and entered upon the life of an outlaw When he was at last shot and killed by a little one armed Mex ican who was nearly dead himself from fright the Frio Kid had the deaths of IS men on his head Many tales are told along the bor der of his impudet courage and daring But he was not one of the breed of desperadoes who have sea sons of generosity and even of soft ness They say he never had mercy on the object of his anger Yet at this and every Christmastide it is well to give each one credit if it carii be done for whatever speck of good he may have possessed If the Frio Kid ever did a kindly act or felt a throb of generosity in his heart it was once at such a time and season and this is the way it happened One December in the Frio country rode the Frio Kid and his Satellite and co murderer Mexican Frank The Kid reined in his mustang and sat In his saddle thoughtful and grim with dangerously narrowing eyes I dont know what I been thinking about Mex he remarked in his usual mild drawl to have forgot all about a inilWiMBWM Christmas present I got to give Im going to ride over tomorrow night and shoot Madison Lane in his own house He got my girl Rosita would have1 had me if he hadnt cut into the game I wonder why I happened to overlook it up to now Ah shucks Kid said Mexican dont talk foolishness You know you cant get within a mile of Mad Lane house tomorrow night I see old man Allen day before yesterday and he says Mad is going to have Christmas doings at his house You remember how you shot up the festivities when Mad was married and about the threats you made Dont you sup pose Mad Lanell kind of keep his eje open for a certain Mr Kid You plumb make me tired Kid with such remarks Im going repeated the Frio Kid without heat to go to Madison Lanes Christmas doings and kill him I ought to have done it a long time ago Theres other ways of committing suicide advised Mexican Why dont you go and surrender to the sheriff Ill get him said the Kid Christmas eve fell as balmy as April Perhaps there was a hint of far away frostiness in the air but it tingled like seltzer perfumed faintly with late prairie blossoms and the mesquite grass When night came the five or six rooms of the ranch house were bright ly lit In one room was a Christmas tree for the Lanes had a boy of three and a dozen or moie guests were ex pected from the nearer ranches The guests had arrived in buck- boards and on horseback and were making themselves comfortable inside The evening went along pleasantly The guests enjoyed and praised Rosi tas excellent supper and afterward the men scattered in groups about the rooms or on the broad gallery smoking and chatting The Christmas tree of course de lighted the youngsters and above all were they pleased when Santa Claus himself in magnificent white beard and furs appeared and began to distribute the toys Its my papa announced Billy Sampson aged six Berkly a sheepman an old friend of Lane stopped Rosita as she was pass ing by him on the gallery Well Mrs Lane said he I sup pose by this Christmas youve gotten over being afraid of that fellow Mc- 1 r - E3 a ebb xgr Oh Thank You Itoy havent you Madison and I have talked about it you know Very nearly said Rosita smiling but I am still nervous sometimes I shall never forget that awful time when he came so near killing us Hes the most cold hearted villain in the world said Berxly The citi rens all along the border ought to turn out and hunt him down like a wolf He has committed awful crimes said Rosita but I dont know I think there is a spot of good some where in everybody He was not al ways bad that I know Rosita turned into the hallway be tween the rooms Santa Claus in muf fling whiskers and furs was just com ing through I heard what you said through the window Mrs Lane he said I was just going down in my pocket for a Christmas present for your husband But Ive left one for you Instead Its in the room to your right Oh thank you kind Santa Claus said Rosita brightly Rosita went into the room while Canta Claus stepped into the cooler air of the yard She found no one in the room but Madison Where is my present that Santa said he left for me in here she asked Havent seen anything in the way of a present said her husband laugh- ing unless he could have meant me The next day Gabriel Radd the foreman of the X O ranch dropped Into the post office at Loma Alta Well the Frio Kids got his dose of lead at last he remarked to the postmaster That so Howd it happen One of old Sanchezs Mexican sheep herders did it think o it the Frio Kid killed by a sheep herder The Greaser saw him riding along past his camp about twelve oclock last night and was so skeered that he up with a Winchester and let him have it Funniest part of it was that the Kid was dressed all up with white Angora skin whiskers and a regular Santy Claus rig out from head to foot Think of the Frio Kid playing Santy Copyright 1910 by F L Nelson in Regard TlOSt tide Why photographs of our friends make the desirable gifts especially so at Yule- vvnen the innerent spirit of ail is to member and preciates a beautiful other gift to Xmas Presents re- be remembered First -Everyone ap good photograph above all things Second -They last longer than any increasing in value as the years roll by Third They are the most economic one dozen supplying twelve friends without par tiality to anyone SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To obtain the greater use of our photographs as holiday gifts and their quicker admission to the homes of McCook we will give at once and during the whole of the seoson A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 20 PER CENT In addition to this liberal discount we will give with every dozen purchase one of our beautiful Art Calendars No more desirable gift could be obtained for your own possession or for that of your best friend We guarantee the results or money refunded Better decide in the Photographs favor to day Make an appointment for our studio tomor row and leave the rest to our care and tion Phone Black 428 Y B TS Hi f s 1 e Rome Dee 13 As a result of a decree of the pope issued in -July in reference to holy days St Patricks day was struck off the list of obligatory holy days on which Caitholics are called on o hear masts and abstain from un necessary Avork On the request the Irish Catholic hierarchy how ever the holy see has just issued another decree which is most im portant for Irih people through- 1 out the world According to this thet feast cf St Patrick will con tinue tc 1m a holy day without however brng subject to the law of fastntr and abstinence ward for any not be curec by Halls Catarrh Cure F J Cheney L Co Toledo O We b J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation said me ciiinffson studio co 307 Main Aven ie Commercial Hotel Bldg OFFICIAL STATUS OF ST PATRICKS DAY CHANGED THE PROPER COURSE Information of Priceless Value to Every McCook Citizen IIow to act in an emergency is knowledge of inestimable worth and this is particularly true of the diseases and ills of the hu man body If you suffer with backache urinary disorders or any form of kidney trouble the advice contained in the following statement will add a valuable as set to your store of knowledge What could be more convincing proof of the efficiency of Doans Kidney Pills than the statements of nearby residents who have been permanently cured Lewis W LaBove Main Street Hows This Oberlin Kan says For many We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- years I was employed on the rail- case r cattaili that can road and this work finally told 01 my kidneys causing a severe at tack of kidney complaint When the undersigned have known Leans Kidney Pills were brought to my attention I began their use The contents of six boxes correct ed my trouble I am pleased to endorse this remedy in return for all that it has done for me Statement givren April S 19071 The Cure Lasted On May 31 1910 Mr LaB J Lave had no trouble from my kidneys since I used Doans Kidney Pills three years ago You may continue to pub lish all I previously said in praise For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co When you have a bilious attack Buffalo New York sole agents give Chamberlains Tablets a trial for the United States They are excellent For sale by all Remember the name Doans druggists and take no other i 9S JU0JCC1 1 Flaky Biscuits DelidbusCake jl Healthful d made wiik 1 ilttAM mt i m i SSSN EtSSL -- HW o sA P if 3MIQ jrowaer KSSS SS gSiSSgggSggSSiSggSS Tke product of IBMfflBl Grapes JBJHJll sss KKC3S3K3KCiCe2Kfi3KQaa I i I l