The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 18, 1911, Monday Evening Edition, Image 4

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Hrt TVESritiU
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Largest Circulation in Rea WiilowCo
Entered at postoffice McCook Ne
braska as second class matter Pub
lished semi weekly
The Holdrege Citizen thinks tin
Nebraska supreme court gave the
semi weekly newspapers a jolt
last week when it decided that
semi weekly newspapers must
print legal notices in both issues
to hake the notice legal It
seems to The Tribune that they
gave them something that sounds
like injustice
The Sherwood pension bill
winch has passed the house of
representatives provides the fol
lowing basis for payment of pen
sions For service from ninety
days to six months -15 from
six to nine months 20 per mont
frcm nine months to one year
25 per month more than one
year 30 per month The meas
ure lias net yet been passed up
on by the senate
There are many needs in every
widi awake community like Mc
Cook but perhaps there is no
one more real and rational than
the evident need of a hospital As
a railroad community alone there
is suifii i ni argument but when
you consider McCook s relation
to the entire southwestern part o
the stale of Nebraska the neces
sity becomes more actual At
present there isnt a hospital in
the Republican valley of any di
mensiens In fact there isnt
more than one cf any large con
sequence in the entire southern
part of the state between the
wis line of -the slate and Lin
Ther e is now on foot in this
city backed by the women of the
city as well as by the physicians
clrgy and others a movement
looking to the final securing of
an adequate and suitable and
thoroughly modem hospital here
Tlu Tribune will be pleased to
adel its efforts to those above en
umerated in the endeavor to
bring about this project The hu
manitarian appeal of the hospit
al is strong and compelling Mc
Cook should put her best efforts
lorth to secure one
Some people seem to enjoy the
emotion of being newspaper pub
lishers and reportersfoir the very
joy of the opportunity of project
ing their proboscides in the busi
ness and affairs of others
Ihcrcs a
heart in
v i i
Gaudies atnd nuts for holidays
at Magners Special low prices
on quantities and for churches
and Sunday schools Get our fig
T oil 1 tTTrir Te Wrf
but an In-
W8 H
pay daily dividends of
satisfaction gather
value with the passing
Select a locket that
you can treasure for a
lifetime Look for the
little W H Co
every locket tMMwM
Look for
On inside
heart trade mark It
guarantees reliability and
correct design
An endless variety of styles
and shapes for both men and
women Ask to see the locket
shown above No 9465
of household goods on the street
Saturday at 2 p m
YOU can have a Merry Christmas hy making oth
ers happy In selecting your gifts from our large
holiday stock you will get High Quality and Honest
Bali r 1 2 Bibles popular copyright and gift
UCfvdo taahooks boys girls1 and juvenile
Toilet and Fancy Goods
Toilet manicure shaving and Traveling sets mil
itary brushes collar and cuff boxes glove and
handkerchief boxes childrens work boxes smokers
sets brass goods and novelties
C Imported and American hand
u 1S6 sv
s fls TIL Cto painted dishes also childrens sets
POY falimO Risers Flower Drops fifty
ts p 8 B o times stronger than other per
fumes Palmers Hudnuts Wrights and Colgates
as well as the best imported perfumes
Toys and Games-
We have a good assortment of toys for the little
folks and games for young as well as older children
TT J Our assortment of dressed dolls is
JLOlo o large lad body dolls all sizes joint
ed dolls from 5c to 50c and an assortedjot of char
acter dolls doll sundries and a large assortment of
doll go carts
MIRRORS Triple and all sized hand mirrors
CAND Y We have fancy Christmas bon bons and
the best box chocolates which will please
FOUNTAIN PENS We carry the best Mor
ris and Watermans pens and others cheaper
RAZORS and STROPS Gillets Gem Junior
Ideal and othersalso a full line of straps
Simple Wash Made From Saturated
Solution of Boraclc Acid Is
Very Soothfng
When one is forced to work under
a light that is placed too high for
eye comfort and cannot be readily ad
justed it is far better to use an opaque
green shade over the eyes than to al
low the sight to become permanently
A good quality of these can be pur
chased at your stationers for the
modest sum of a quarter and the re
lief you will find in them will be
more than worth the small expense
Should the eyes become irritated
Tiear the eyelash use a wash of luke
warm sterilized water having diluted
therein as much boraic acid as the
water will take up
One can prepare a pint bottle of
this and have it ready for use at any
time The only thing necessary would
be to place the bottle in a cup of
warm water so as to make it luke
warm before using
Should a white sediment form at
the bottom is by no means spoiled
as this is only a very small extra
quantity of the boracic asid which
has been absorbed by the water andi
is in no way harmful
More than a certain quantity say ai
heaped teaspoonful to a pint of
ter will not be absorbed so there isj
no fear of making the water too softJ
as only a certain degree can bej
achieved in this direction
Use of this when the lids become
irritated applying with a well cleaned
eyecup will save you from many aj
painful and patience trying stye an
abscess of the eyelid that is most
discomforting and which make theirl
appearance at the most inopportune
times i
Cleveland Mans Attempt Rather
Strenuous Affair But it
An east end man with a bad case
of hay fever heard that a sojourn in
a beer cellar or a packing house re j
frigeratcr would relieve the distress j
ins malady He had no entree to beerj
cellars and all the packing houses
were too far away
So he went into the pantry and
after removing the eatables from thej
upper portion of the icebox put his
head into close conjunction with a 50
pound lump of ice In this manner
he hoped to freeze out the annoying
It was a skv process and not alto i
gether comfortable but everything
including the germs appeared to be
going all right when the convalescent
happened to pu3h the box too clone
to the wall and the 40 pound cover
suddenly dropped on his defenseless
head like a vicious piledriver
For a moment the dazzled victim be
lieved that his throat was cut and his1
skull smashed by the same blow But
he managed presently to extricate -himself
and bellow for help
Two days later the only reminder
of his cruel experience was a lump
on tho back of his head as big as a
green tomato
And every vestige of hay fever had
left him Cleveland Plain Dealer
In a Japanese Temple
Asakuse Temple is dedicated to
the goddess Kwannon a tiny image
of gold about two and a half inches
bigh writes a traveler in Japan At
the entrance to the temple grounds on
either side of the immense gate stand
two large and fearful looking figures
guarding the sacred precincts Hang
ing outside the wire grating are a
number of sandals for their use If
they wish to take a walk and rice is
sprinkled about Each worshiper be
fore entering the temple calls at a
small building and after contributing
a small amount washes his hands and
rinses his mouth
In front of the main shrine is a
large aperture in the floor covered
with lattice work into which the wor
shiper casts his gift After clapping
his hands to awaken or attract the
attention of the god he kneels but his
prayer is only brief While there is
one chief shrine there are many oth
ers under the same roof
One shrine especially attracted my
attention it was made of wood and
quite disfigured and worn through
the constant rubbing of hands on the
spot corresponding to the afflicted por
tions of the sufferers bodies
Best He Could Do
When Ralph Delmore who was as j
sisting in staging The Confession j
was giving instructions one day to
the actors as to what they should 1
wear during the snow storm in thoi
Grst act he said I want every one
to wear their heaviest overcoats dur J
ing this scene as it is supposed to be
the coldest night in twenty years Now
dont forget this Mr Delmore re-
peated this order several times to im j
press it on the minds of the actors
when one of them undoubtedly new to
tho stage and who had no lines at alljj
to speak approached him I have no
overcoat Mr Delmore but suppose Ij
wear my heavy flannel underwear j
Kansas City Star
Royal Linguist
A princess of Hawaii has just re j
turned to this country from France
where she studied for six years Her
mother who was but two steps re-
moved from the Hawaiian throne mar-
ried a wealthy Chinaman Their
daughter is a great beauty and speaks
eight languages She will enter a con
vent in Honolulu
325 for Sterling
silver cold meat forks gravy
ladles and berry spoons worth
up to 500
175 250 325
for Rodgers and other standard
makes of best silver plated tea
dinner and table spoons each
worth 1 more
75 and up for
triccles with or without rub
ber tires and in sizes to fit all
ages of children
Fancy Job of Trucking That Takes
the Minds of Financiers
Off Money
Finance 13 what engages it mostly
but Wall street can spare a moment
for other things that are interesting
as it is doing occasionally just now to
look on at some exhibitions of fancy
The structural steel for the new
building going up on Wall and Nassau
streets is landed from lighters at a
South street wharf at the foot of Wall
street so it is only a short haul from
the wharf to the new building though
its a lively one
Some of the supporting columns on
pillars going into this building weigh
from 25 tons to 30 tons each but
they are handled easily They back
one of those long and ponderous
trucks with low broad rimmed heavy
solid iron wheels down on the wharf
alongside the lighter and then the
lighters steam derrick lifts off its
deck one of these 30 ton pillars and
lays it gently on the truck doing this
quickly and easily
To haul this load they have hooked
to the team seven pairs of big horses
a team of 14 horses all used to the
business and all pulling ably
All ready the driver mounts to a
seat on the forward end of the big
pillar on the truck which puts him
high in the air and gathers up his
lines There are three other men scat
tered along tho team as leaders and
guides for the horses and then with
out flummery or ceremony they get
away starting the great load easily
Theres a broad easy sweep from
the wharf into the broad lower end of
Wall street and the outfit makes this
describing a great arc and then it
straightens out for the run up Wall
street Its an up grade all the way
from South street to Broadway but
the team takes it -easily on a steady
Its as good if not better than a
circus and primarily interested
though it is to finance Wall street
finds time to look when one of these
great outfits sweeps by New York
A Modern Bookshop Nov
At Chiswick is a little old fashioned
bookshop which has lately changed
proprietorship and is being modern
ized one half now given up to sta i
tionery and the old hooks being
cleared no reasonable offer refused
The writer thought It a likely place
to pick up a good edition of Pepys
Diary and asked the dapper little pro-
prietor if he had one No sir but
we have Letts Oh I can assure you
they are vastly superior to the old
fashioned sort And as the writer
fled he heard shouts of Insurance
Coupon and Wages table hurled
after him London Chronicle
St or
me To
Hdw Gos
e All This Week For Gifts
The time is short and much to be done
and for your convenience we quote
450 for Fine
Steel carving sets with stag
ivory and silver handles worth
from 600 to 800
450 and 550 for
Auto Wagons Irish Mails and
Pump carts so popular with
the children
35 cents for 50c
jack knives and others propor
tionately low
395 for Gifts
of fine cut glass bowls and cel
ery dishes worth from 600
to 1000
Beautiful Hand
painted and decorated Japa
nese and Italian china in many
odd pieces at special low prices
175 for Cut Glass
olive and pickle dishes worth
from 300 to 500
300 for Baking 275 for Cut Glass 408 for Chafing
dishes worth 400
We wish to announce the arri
val of a full line of pure
of which will make a splendid
water sets worth 4 50
dishes worth from 550 to 7
RUgby BiCydeS with Toy Department is larg
everything to please the
num cooking utensils any piece I fr boys and girls at 2500 young and low prices are pre
all equipped with coaster brakes Viilin
ana guaranteed equipment Clothes Hampers S22C Sc en
An Oregon Womans Conscience
Confessing that she had told a train
ticket agent her child was under five
years of age when in fact she was
over six years old and under such pre
tence succeeded in securing free trans
portation for her a woman appeared
I at a local Southern Pacific ticket of
fice this morning and tendered the
agent 3 She said the incident oc
curred about three years ago and that
she had since been troubled by her
I do not think I could right myself
with God until I had paid the debt
declared the woman as she hastened
from the ticket office
The woman refused to give her
name Southern Pacific officials here
declare that todays donation is the
first conscience money ever received
at this office Roseburg correspond
ence Portland Oregonian
Two Are Dead
Benkehnan Dec 16 Four
tramps were overcome by gaso
line fumes in Burlington pump
house here this morning and two
were dead when found at seven
oclock The other two aire ser
iously ill and may not recover
The dead are Francos P Am
orts aged twenty nine aind Oseai
Selnmidt aged thinty two Those
who are ill are Edward LTogan
aged twenty three and Charles
i T - I
iny other gift values for you selection Come as early
the day as you can so we can give you attention
before our store is crowded
Wright aged twenty hrtee
The four men were put off of
a westbound passenger train at
2 oclock ifcliis morning and went
into the pump house for wairmth
Amores and Sclunidt entered last
and closing the door laid down
near the engine exhause pipe He
gan and Wright who were not ly
ing so close 0 tithe exhause pipe
were unconbf ious w hen found
this morning
Papers found on the person of
Amores show that le went by the
name of Pinto Pete and that he
had been working for a wild wesl
show He rad left Omaha on De
cember 13 He has relatives in
New York city ScQimidt is a vet
eran of the Spanish Americani
Avar having served three years as
a musician He was given an
honorable discharge at Moro cas
tle Santiago July 5 1902 The
papers found on his person gave
his home as New York city He
was born in Hamburg Germany
Relatives of the two dead men
have been notified
Wright says he is a signalman
and claims Council Bluffs as his
home Nothing is knowna bout
Hogan Both men have an even
chance for recovery
I Didnt know you could get a Victor Victrola for so little
i money Well you can Ana tney possess the same clear H
sweet velvety tone quality as the higher priced models
You can get one of these new Victor Victrolas right
away for well arrange terms to suit You can enjoy it
while youre paying for it
Other styles of the Victor Victrola 150 200 250 Victors 10
to 100
HJP Sutton Co Jewelers
ntrvruaw v
TTir MrHlbiffl
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